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The Monk’s Story

~Gita Mehta

1. Why does the narrator choose to give up his luxurious life in society?
2. What is “ahimsa”? What is ironic about the way the narrator’s father practices
3. What epiphany does the narrator experience on pg. 23?
4. What does the narrator learn from the old monk?
5. Explain the conflicting views of the father and son on pg 31:
“He is trying to alleviate the suffering around him.”
“We do more good through our trusts every day than he will do
in a lifetime of being a monk. Without our work there would be no
alms to allow him to live on charity.”
Which of these arguments do you agree with? Why?
6. What is the meaning of the last sentence in the story?
7. What is your opinion of the narrator? Why?
8. We all have personal and social limitations. How do you interpret this
sentence? How does the monk break free of these?

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