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JERRY walks out into the kitchen in his underwear and turns the lights on
Where is everybody?
Cut to MORTY and RICK in garage
No, no! You don't understand, Rick! I killed them ALL, they can't
come back to this universe anymore. I stole your time machine and
used it when you were at Carls Jr

Morty, *burp*, don't worry about it. Everythings cool, dawg.

No! I really fucked up this time. They're not coming back. They're gone
RICK takes big gulp from his flask
You're a *hiccup**burp* good kid, Mor*hiccup*ty *
Rick no, you have to stop drinking, this is really important this time. Its
RICKS phone rings and he answers it and turns away from MORTY. He mutters
something just under his breath then turns around and hangs up the phone
Well, the worlds over! WUB A LUBBA DUB DUBS!!


Oh, god. Oh god, Rick. I don't think I can live with myself. What do we do?
Morty, you think this makes me happy? You ruin everything you touch. You
destroy it to the point BEYOND where the best people have to come and fix it,
I dont know. What do you expect me to do now? Its over. This particular
dimension is going to be destroyed.
What did you do, Morty?
MORTY steps back as if threatened and puts his hands up, then puts them out in
front of him to shield him from an attack
I went back in time and moved a metal stone in the temple of Boran.
I think you mean the Temple of Goran. Jesus. Whats wrong with you, kid?
No, Rick I swear. Something from another dimension was remote controlling
RICK S phone rings again. He answers it
Hello? Oh hey, Scroney
the camera cuts to a blue alien in a general hat standing under a giant gold sign
that says Temple of Goron while lasers fly all over the place

This is intolerable! What has your little retarded grandson DONE?

[Jerry walks out into the kitchen in underwear]

Jerry: Honey?
[Jerry flips on light]
Jerry: Where is everyone?

{cut to morty and rick in garage]

Morty: No, no! You don't understand, Rick! I killed them ALL, they can't come back
to this universe anymore. I stole your time machine and used it when you were at 711 just get it away from me
Morty: [Rick takes a big swig of a flask]


[Rick walks down drive way - no car]

Rick: Hey, where is everybody?


Rick: You mean to tell me you used my portal gun, and went behind my back, when
I was out buying a slushee?
Morty: [Rick smacks Morty]
Rick: Snap out of it, Morty. What did you do and where did you go?
[Rick grabs Morty at the shoulders]
Rick: Tell me everything, Morty! Tell me!
Morty: We have to kill ourselves, Rick. Both of us.
Rick: Are you insane? This is your mess, Morty. And besides... I'm simply too afraid
to die.
Morty: Well, you better start getting ready real soon because I'm only 5 and I can
tell we're not gonna make it out this alive

[the house is surrounded by millions of little floating robots]

Rick: Morty, quick, you have to make a dash to over here

Morty: But, Rick. There's too many of them!
Rick: You can do it, Morty! I have trust in you.

Well, well, well. Who do we have here.

Rick: What have you done, Morty?

I think I singlehandedly fucked up the universe. Those entities from the other
dimensions will be weighing in very heavily on me

im not anymore because i found out rick and morty was based off a parody of back
to the future so technically

so its all of you that are stuck not me. i dont mind if you were using my plan as
ideas for your show

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