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for SY 2016-2017
Candidacy Form

Personal Information

Complete Name
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Name):
Vasquez, Racquel Justine Abary
Year Level:

Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) :



Current involvement/s in VOX in the SY 2015-2016:

Please write Yes if Please include a brief description of your responsibilities

applicable, No if not

Choir Member


Production Member


Project Head


Executive Committee
Section Head


Attend choir practices, be present and help out

during sectionals, perform in events inside and
outside of school, represent the school during
Assist in making props and stage designs when
Co-headed the 2 Semester General Assembly
with Gio de la Cruz and Ashley Chua

Position in the Executive Committee 2015-2016 aspired for:

Externals Officer

VOX Elections 2016

Previous Leadership Experience (include at least one from college)
Role/Responsibility, Year

SPEED Choir Master,


HSS Mass Choir Head,


Name of
Ateneo SPEED
(Ateneo Special
Education Society)
Health Science
Society Mass Choir

Brief Description of Tasks Performed

Headed the SPEED choir for the Blue
Harmonies inter-org competition and for
the Christmas caroling (Spcaroling)
Chose the songs for the mass, organized
practices for those who were interested to
sing, led the group during liturgical
gatherings or events (e.g. the mass during
retreats and community masses)

Short Answers (complete the statements)

One thing I really love about VOX is because

One thing I really love about VOX is that everyone really loves music and performing
because, despite whatever we have going on in our lives, when we sing together, our
passion become so tangible that I feel the song resonating! It becomes really apparent that,
while we are all so different from each other and we may be singing different notes, timings,
pitches, and rhythms, we are doing so with one piece in mind, one goal. When we do that,
we make people listen. I really love that! J
I believe I am suitable for the position I am aspiring for because
I strongly believe that a choir should perform. The reason why we practice so hard despite
our packed and hectic schedules is because of the simple wish to let our voices be heard. I
understand that kind of motivation, so I am willing to tap familiar contacts and approach
new ones in order to make that happen.
If elected, one key aspect that I would focus on and improve is
Making everyone aware of our possible gigs and events, and in doing so, give those involved
ample time and information to prepare. I would do this by:
- Making a calendar or events, confirmed and unconfirmed, that would be available to
all members of VOX in order to keep events organized.
o These would include activities such as school events, outside gigs, interorganization functions, and workshops for
o Integrated with the VOX calendar, so that the events would also come out
along with the reminders for rehearsals and First Friday masses
- Improving on the existing information dissemination process, such as in cases of
sudden events.

VOX Elections 2016

o Announcements would be made by coursing the details through the SecGen,

who needs to be informed of org activities, and then allow them to notify the
o HR would then be able to know the number of those who would be able to
attend the event SecGen would then be able to be informed for the logistics
of the event.
If elected, I will ensure commitment among the members by
I would like would like to ensure commitment by assuring that each VOX member of every
year level, feel their importance to VOX and to each other. I would do my best to make all
the events as inclusive as possible, so that the members do not feel ostracized when there is
an event that only a specific number of people know the songs. For example, for an event
that would require the performance of Lipad ng Pangarap, I would call upon members who
are familiar with the song but would also extend the invitation to the other members if they
are willing to learn on the go. If there is an event that calls for singing the National Anthem,
for example, I would mainly invite the new and newly active members to perform while
extending the invitation to other available old and active members. That way, there would
be batch participation with the focus on the members, while taking care of the external
events. Workshops such as vocal workshops and team building may also be employed early
on in the year so that relationships and commitments will be developed in preparation for
the coming events in the year for performances and for production.
In 3 years, I see VOX as
I see VOX a very cohesive organization with a better interaction of members between
batches and even between generations. I envision VOX to be full of very motivated people
who are as passionate towards music as they are with medicine. I envision it to still proudly
hold the description of the premier choral group of ASMPH. I also see it as a choir that Sir
Chris would be proud of, that all the seats are filled when 5:30 strikes, and that everyone
knows their parts confidently. In 3 years, when I am an intern, I want to know that VOX is an
organization that is moved by the members, all because they are able to understand and
appreciate their importance to each other.

Please submit a completed soft copy with filename VOXElections2016_SURNAME to by Saturday, May 7, 2016, 11:59pm.
A reply will be sent to acknowledge receipt of this application.

VOX Elections 2016

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