Immigration Brochure

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Tex-Mex: Daniel Hernandez, Chris Thompson, Maricruz


Our primary focus is based on the hardships of immigration, immigration is a very
sensitive topic in politics all across the nation. This group has conflicting individual
views towards the community problem. However, we came together and
acknowledged that something should be done. In this presentation, we will express
our points of views on the topics below and what we all agreed on in the end.
Overall Effects of legal and illegal immigration
Wait Times
Working Policies

Controversy: Everybody has a side

With Donald Trump stating his stance on illegal immigration, the subject has been a
main topic at hand over the past year. Given below are the main opinions of the
American people:
For everything Trump proposes
Disagree with overpriced wall but want harsher rules
Disagree with prejudice and want better regulation for immigration
No problem with illegal immigration

Rhetorical analysis
Strong subject matter, lives of people in play
Images portraying the international border between U.S. and Mexico
Red and silver use

Wage difference
Population increase by 37,472 from 2000 to 2010
Wait time


Problems with current legal immigration

Success in this country is nearly impossible without having a thorough
understanding of the English language, causing difficulty for immigrants to
have a future
Immigrants have a very strong work ethic but they tend to be discriminated
against or are given the more difficult jobs that pay least

Don't have a choice but to take those jobs due to fear of deportation if they speak up

Problems with current legal immigration cont.

Legal immigration takes too long to be processed

It is supposed to take 6 months but can sometimes take up to 2 years

Wage difference
Enormous wage gap between immigrant workers and non-immigrant workers.
o Border cities like El Paso, TX which house many immigrant workers have much
lower average income than the national average
El Paso annual earning average: $16,468
National annual earning average: $27,348

Problems with illegal immigration

Unpaid taxes
School education
Anchor babies
Overall city jobs and local economy.

How To Stop Illegal Immigration?

This group has different opinions towards immigration. Tex-Mex as a group decided
to come up with some solutions regarding how long it takes legal immigration:
Improve Visa Program (6 months)
Implement A Better Job Program
Legalize Them

Solution To Illegal Immigration

Theres no easy way to solve this long-standing issue, but there are ways to fix it.
Immigrants deserve the opportunity to have a better life and fulfill their dreams.

Our solution is to give them the opportunity to stay if they

have 1)No Criminal Records and 2)Job Proof.

Thank You

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