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Professor Bruce
ENG 363

Dear Dr. Bruce,
This semester we have covered multiple areas and ways to help improve our writing
capabilities. I have been able to see new styles with different forms to write more clear, concise
and effectively. I have been able to apply these new teachings with staying inside the
boundaries of the SLOs. I have re-edited my Review Article to demonstrate that I have applied
my understanding of the SLO.
My Review Article covers mostly all of the SLOs. I have been able to use SLO 1 to find my
audience with the rhetorical triangle. I was able to demonstrate scientific research to describe
merits of how its impacting our lives in society. At first I was not citing appropriately which
resulted on receiving a 0 on the assignment. I have improved and went back to add quotations
and citations appropriately as evidence for my completion of SLO2. I have highlighted these
citation corrections in green. I was able to communicate the research findings and assumptions
to make a persuasive but informative argument to cover SLO3. Also, the review article exhbits
SLO 4 as I organize and gather my ideas by using statistics and findings in the research to
demonstrate appropriate thoughts to help persuade the article. To ensure I covered SLO 5 I
been able to have my writing flow with minimal spelling or punctuation errors. Lasty, for SLO 6
I have been able to improve my own writing to reading and fixing the feed that was given by
you to me.

I was able to see how I can improve for future articles and writings. Most of my
concerns was citing appropriately because I was unaware that I received a zero and want to
make sure this does not occur again. The thing that startled me the most is that turn-it in was
linking my paper to other random website and articles that were not even covered or used by
me with the article in which I used. Some of the articles I gathered did not have any of the
information that was listed but they often came back with other different links that were

Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:38 PM

Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:17 PM
Comment [1]: Awkward. Restate it
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:17 PM
Comment [2]: First time mentioning SLOs.
Write down the acronyms full name Student
Learning Outcomes
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:38 PM

... [1]

Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:17 PM

Deleted: helps
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:20 PM
Comment [3]: As I address it to (scientific
... [2]
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:21 PM
Comment [4]: Describe?
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:18 PM
Deleted: the
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:22 PM
Comment [5]: Vauge. Use specific example
... [3]
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:23 PM
Deleted: I
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:23 PM
Deleted: ived
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:24 PM
Deleted: ations
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:24 PM
Deleted: te
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:26 PM
Deleted: to cover
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:27 PM
Comment [6]: Need specific example.
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:28 PM
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:30 PM
Deleted: I
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:30 PM
Deleted: been able to

Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:33 PM

Comment [7]: SLO 4 shows organization.
... [4]

(Add closing because this is letter format)

Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:29 PM

Deleted: , this covers SLO4


Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:37 PM

Comment [8]: Need specific example

Alex Hipolito

Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:40 PM

Comment [9]: Not quite sure if this fits
... S
Kevin Reyes 5/12/16 4:47 PM
Deleted: Mostly I had to cite

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