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Week #1, Day #1: The Status Quo at Home & School


D. Students will understand that they are

part of a team in the classroom and that
their actions and words have an impact on
those around them.

1. Students will understand where the
status quo comes from and how our
societal norms are impacted by it.
a. Students will know what we mean by
the term status quo.
b. Students will know that the status
quo is influenced by:
i. Rules at school and at home.

3. Students will understand that other
peoples values have validity through
their experiences in a community of
diverse learners.
a. Students will share reflective
learning blogs with a peer and
thoughtfully respond to each others
b. Students will share personal
examples of rules at home and
school in a graffiti discussion.

7. Students will be able to explore and
develop their own belief systems.
b. Students will consider their own
feelings toward the status quo at
home and at school.



Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Students will review Home Court with a
Home Court Refresher w/ Partner (5 min)
partner and as a whole class. This will
Whole Class Review Home Court (5 min)
help the teacher ensure that students
Show clip from High School Musical;
are familiar with classroom norms
Status Quo song (5 min)
before beginning content instruction.
*Students watch, listen, and read
(Intro Week Obj. D)
lyrics sheet
Students will brainstorm individual and
What does status quo mean? (2 min,
whole class ideas about the status quo
individual brainstorm)
prior to defining (1a, 1bi, 3b, 7b)
What does status quo mean? (5 min,
Reflective learning blogs will be set up
during the Introductory week. (3a)
whole class share out & define)

*Definition: the way things are
Graffiti Discussion of SQ at Home &
Students will participate in a Graffiti
School Rules
discussion activity brainstorming the
*Topics: Dress code, curfew, &
status quo regarding common rules at
tasks/chores (at home & school ea.)
home & at school. The teacher can
o Graffiti (15 min)
review these posters during the gallery
o Hanging (1-2 min)
walk to ensure that students are
o Gallery Walk (5 min)
beginning to apply the concept of the
o Class Debrief (10 min)
status quo to their ideas (1a, 1bi, 3b,
SQ at Home & School Blog Post (10 min
Students will write their own blog posts
for writing)
discussing how they individually feel
*Students will discuss how the feel
about the way things are (our
about the way things are at
definition of status quo) at home &
home & school
school. The teacher will read blog posts
Blog Commenting Practice & Procedures
and can provide feedback periodically
(10 min)
and as needed. (1a, 1bi, 3a, 7b)
Wrap-Up/Closure (5 min)
Students will complete their first several
sets of blog comments for a grade in
class to ensure that they can follow the
procedures and expectations. The
teacher will provide the class with
general feedback next class. (3a)

Unit Week #1, Day #2: The Status Quo and Our Nations Laws & Policies


1. Students will understand where the
status quo comes from and how our
societal norms are impacted by it.
b. Students will know that the
status quo is influenced by:
ii. Laws and cultural traditions

2. Students will understand that asking
questions can help us explore who
we are.
b. Students will understand that
questioning laws and existing
traditions can lead to real change.

5. Students will be able to question the
status quo.
b. Students will be able to consider
current laws, political policies,
and opinions about the status
quo in America.

8. Students will be able to express the
significance of diverse perspectives in
various communities.
d. Students will be able to reflect on
one opinion Americas political
status quo while considering their
own reactions to the post overall.


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Provide whole class feedback on blog comments
& answer questions (5-7 min)
Human Pendulum w/ Class Discussion Warm-Up
(15 min)
*The teacher will give a hot button issue
and students will go to the Agree side of
the room if they agree with the status quo,
they will go to the Disagree side of the
room if they disagree with the status quo
on this issue.
Modified Concept Attainment Activity (25 min, 5
min to explain & answer questions)
*Instead of examples and non-examples,
students will distinguish between current
laws and suggested policies of current
presidential candidates
*They will need to identify attributes of our
current laws, and the attributes of
platform policies. The teacher will choose
laws related to the platform policies.
Blog Response to Political Surprise Facebook
Post (15 min)
*The teacher will project the post and
students will respond to this question: Do
you agree with this persons ideas about
the status quo in America? Why or why
not? How do you feel about the post?
Blog comments (10 min)
Small group discussions 8 min)
*Students will discuss their blog responses
with each other.
Exit Ticket (2 min)
*Students will tell the teacher what their
group talked about and how they feel the
class is doing with Home Court.



The teacher will review blog comments from

the previous class and provide whole class
feedback to ensure progress toward the
objectives (8)

Students will participate in a human

pendulum activity where they will be asked
to agree or disagree with the status quo
in America on hot button issues, (ex.
homosexuality, race, gender, etc.) (1bii)

Students will participate in a modified

concept attainment activity requiring
students to consider the difference between
current laws and current political platform
policies. This will allow the teacher to assess
what students already know or dont know
about law and policies generally. The teacher
will choose examples that are thematically
related. (1bii, 2b, 5b)


Students will complete blog posts

responding to the Political Surprise
Facebook Post. They will need to state
whether they agree or disagree, why or why
not, and also their general reactions to the
post. (1bii, 5b, 8c)
Students will complete blog comments,
participate in a small group discussion, and
complete an Exit Ticket. The teacher will
briefly review blog comments again, but will
provide more support during small group
discussions. The teacher will review Exit
Tickets to assess the different perspectives
of students when completing group work.
The Exit Ticket will also allow the teacher to
check in with each student about how class
norms are going. (1bii, 2b, 5b, 8c)

Unit Week #1, Day #3: The Status Quo and Our Own Beliefs







Students will understand where the status

quo comes from and how our societal norms
are impacted by it.
b. Students will know that the status quo is
influenced by:
iii. Personal beliefs
Students will understand that asking
questions can help us explore who we are.
a. Students will understand that the
tensions between our beliefs and
interests can lead to questions that
impact our values and decisions.


Students will feel optimistic by the

possibilities of questioning the status quo.

a. Students will feel that grappling with the

tension between their personal beliefs
and interests could lead to real,
authentic change.
Students will be able to question the status
a. Students will consider how their
interests can impact their beliefs.

Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Entrance Ticket (10 min)
*Students will answer the question: What is
a belief?
Class Define Belief (5-7 min)
*Definition: A feeling that something is good,
right, or valuable
Brainstorm Lists (Beliefs & Interests) (7 min)
Pre-Reading Vocabulary (10 min)
*The teacher will go over the words: hijab,
amateur boxing, and fencing.
Read & Discuss the Article Together (20 min)
*The teacher will read and annotate the
article with students. The teacher will stop at
various points during the reading to ask
questions for comprehension, clarification,
and discussion.
Extended Blog Response (20 min)
*Students will choose 1 belief and 1 interest
from their lists the write about how they are
connected. They will also reflect on the
relationship between our beliefs and
interests. Finally, they will consider how they
could challenge their beliefs to spark change
at home, school, community, etc.
Blog Comments (10 min)
Wrap Up (5 min)

Students will be able to express the

significance of diverse perspectives in
various communities.
a. Students will be able to identify the
values of other people in a nonfiction



Students will demonstrate their initial ability

to critically consider values by completing an
Entrance Ticket and participating in a class
discussion. (1biii, 2a, 8a)

Students will demonstrate their prior

experience with beliefs and interests by
completing a brainstorm. (2a, 4a, 8a)

Students will reveal their understanding of
the tension between belief and interest in
reflective group discussion during the whole
class reading. (1biii, 2a, 4a)
Students will reveal their ability to analyze
the values of other people in reflective group
discussion during whole class reading and in
short, written responses during reading. (2a,
5a, 8a)
Students will demonstrate exploration of
their own beliefs and interests and how they
can ask questions by using their brainstorm
lists of beliefs and interests to begin drafting
a potential piece for their final writing
assignment. (1biii, 2a, 4a, 5a)

In a future lesson, students will demonstrate
mastery of the concept questioning the
status quo by reviewing small writing pieces
they have created throughout the unit. They
will select ideas from these pieces to further
develop into a personal essay. Todays piece
on beliefs and interests could serve this
purpose. (1biii, 2a, 5a, 8a)

Unit Week #2, Day #4: When should we question the SQ at school or home?


2. Students will understand that asking
questions can help us explore who
we are.
c. Students will understand that
questioning the rules (at home,
school, etc.) helps us determine
when rules are helpful or harmful.

5. Students will be able to question the
status quo.
c. Students will use a childrens
story to consider how they would
handle school rules.

7. Students will be able to explore and
develop their own belief systems.
a. Students will begin drafting their
own This I Believe statements.


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Do-Now Reading/Listening Activity & Blog
Response (20 min)
*Students will choose to read, listen, or read
and listen to the podcast version of a
childrens story. They will also complete a
blog prompt of their choice at the end of the
Class Discussion of Story (7-10 min)
Introduce This I Believe Assignment (10 min)
*The teacher will distribute and go over the
assignment with students, guiding their
attention away from the digital component
for now.
Read & Discuss TIB Example (20 min)
Topic Blast Ideas (15 min)
*This will be two-fold. Students will first read
through their blog posts to brainstorm ideas.
Then they will have time to topic blast ONE -
TWO ideas they would want to write about.
Free Writing (15 min)
Wrap Up (1-2 min)
*For this short closing to class, the teacher
will have 1-2 students share what they are
thinking about writing for their TIB



Students will demonstrate their initial ability

to ask questions and explore their own belief
systems through their blog posts completed
each class for given topics and by
participating in a class discussion (2c, 5c)

Students will demonstrate their initial

understanding of a This I believe
statement by participating in a class reading
of an exemplar This I Believe statement
and identifying its qualities. (7a)

Students will reveal their understanding that
questioning rules helps us determine when
rules are helpful or harmful by responding to
a self-selected blog prompt after reading a
childrens story. (2c, 5c)
Students will reveal a degree of exploration
in their own belief systems by creating a list
of topics to use in a This I Believe
statement gleaned from their own blog
posts, generating a topic blast for 1-2
potential topics, and writing a short, free-
write blog post. (7a)

Throughout the remainder of this week,
students will have time in class to continue
discussing ways to question the status quo as
well as developing their own beliefs in a
persona, This I Believe statement.
Students will continue working on their
written This I Believe statements in each
class period this week. (2, 5, 7a)

Unit Week #2, Day #5: How does questioning the status quo lead to real change?


2. Students will understand that asking
questions can help us explore who
we are.
b. Students will understand that
questioning laws and existing
traditions can lead to real change.

4. Students will feel optimistic by the
possibilities of questioning the status
b. Students will consider a local high
school students call for change in
cultural/historical tradition in our

6. Students will be able to reflect on the
purpose of questioning the status
a. Students will use their reflective
learning blogs to share their own
opinions of a local article and its

7. Students will be able to explore and
develop their own belief systems.
a. Students will begin drafting their
own This I Believe statements.


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Read Lee Park Article (5 min)
Blog Response to Lee Park Story (15 min)
*Students will come into class and pick up a
copy of the Lee park article. Students will
answer two blog prompt questions: How
do you think Zyahna feels about her role in
the Lee park debate? Think of an issue you
see in the status quo of our school. What
could you do to help make a change?
Blog comments (10 min)
Watch News Broadcasting of Lee Park (5 min)
Small group discussions (8 min)
*Students will discuss their blog responses
with each other.
Exit Ticket (2 min)
*Students will tell the teacher what their
group talked about and how they feel the
class is doing with Home Court.
Writing Workshop (25 min)
*During this time, students will continue
working on the drafts they started in the
previous class. The teacher will conference
with students to note their topics and how
they are individually feeling about the
project. The teacher can also answer any
questions in conferences or to the entire class
as they come up.
Wrap Up // Q & A (10 min)
*This is to provide the students with time to
ask any burning questions they still have
about the project overall.



Last class, students began brainstorming and

drafting their initial ideas for their TIB
statements. The teacher will have had time
to read over these in preparation for
conferences today. (7a)

At the very start of class, the teacher will ask

students what they know about the Lee
Park Story. This will help the teacher know
how much the students already know and/or
if they have formed opinions prior to class.
(2b, 4b)

Students will complete blog posts and blog
comments to reflect on their opinions of this
local current event. They will have the
opportunity to further explore ways that
their own questioning could lead to real
change. (2b, 4b, 6a)
The teacher will hold writing conferences
with each student to note topics and
questions for the TIB project. (7a)
The teacher will end class so that students
can share what they have been working on
with each other and to ask any burning
questions they have about the project. (7a)

Throughout the remainder of this week,
students will have time in class to continue
discussing ways to question the status quo as
well as developing their own beliefs in a
persona, This I Believe statement.
Students will continue working on their
written This I Believe statements in each
class period this week. (2, 5, 7a)

Unit Week #2, Day #6: Writing and Revision Day


7. Students will be able to explore and
develop their own belief systems.
c. Students will revise drafts of their
own This I Believe statements.


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Writing Workshop Mini-Lesson: Ratiocination on
Sentence Starters (35 min)
*The teacher will lead the class through a
color-coding activity to direct students
attention to the way they are starting their
sentences. The teacher will focus on
transitions and general word choice.

*They will first practice with a model text (an
excerpt of the teachers own work) looking
for the same elements.

Writing Workshop (35 min)
*During this time, students will continue
working on the drafts they started in the
previous class. The teacher will conference
with students to note their topics and how
they are individually feeling about the
project. The teacher can also answer any
questions in conferences or to the entire class
as they come up.
Wrap Up // Super Sentences // Exit Card (5-10)
*Before the end of class, students need to
show the teacher at least THREE bolded,
revised sentences in their drafts.
*On the Exit Card, students will write what
kind of multimedia project they are interested
in doing.



At this point, the teacher will have seen 1-2

drafts that are in progress for each student.
The teacher also will have had conferences
with some (if not all) students during the
previous class. (7c)

Completing the ratiocination practice on a

model text will help the teacher see how well
the students can handle this exercise with
their own work. (7c)

Students will complete the ratiocination
exercise on their own work, guided by the
teacher. Students will save a separate file
with the color-coding so that the teacher can
check progress and completion. (7c)
Students will show the teacher at least
THREE bolded, revised sentences in their
drafts according to the sentence starter
focus. (7c)

Throughout the remainder of this week,
students will have time in class to continue
discussing ways to question the status quo as
well as developing their own beliefs in a
persona, This I Believe statement.
Students will continue working on their
written This I Believe statements in each
class period this week. Students will turn in a
draft of their This I Believe statements for
teacher feedback. (2, 5, 7a)

Unit Week #3, Day #7: Introductory Digital Workshop


4. Students will feel optimistic by the
possibilities of questioning the status
c. Students will be able to identify
multimedia resources to enhance
their written This I Believe

7. Students will be able to explore and
develop their own belief systems.
f. Students will know steps, tips,
and programs to use for their
multimedia projects based on
their written This I Believe


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
Do-Now Preparing Materials
*While students are preparing their
materials, I will pass back TIB drafts with
Review TIB Assignment and Introduce Multimedia
Assignment (10 min)
* I will briefly mention any common themes I
noticed in the drafts. I will remind students
they will need to turn in one more, final draft
on Friday with their completed multimedia
Share Examples of Suggested Multimedia Projects
(15 min)
*Each example should be no longer than 2
minutes. Most TIBs on NPR are less than 2
minutes long.
Preparing for Workshop Time (10 min)
Creating Folders (7 min)
Gathering Images (25 min)
Wrap Up // Exit Card (10-15 min)



Students will demonstrate their initial ideas

about the multimedia project by completing
an Exit Ticket in a previous class and
reviewing the project assignment handout
and asking questions. (7f)
Students will demonstrate their progress in
collecting multimedia resources by sharing a
GoogleDoc listing links for resources and
completing an Exit Card stating what they
accomplished in class today and what their
next steps will be in the following class. (4c,
Students will demonstrate their optimism by
choosing their own multimedia platform to
use in conjunction with their This I Believe
statements and by taking ownership of their
projects by thinking through their current
progress and next steps. (4)

Unit Week #3, Day #8: Digital Workshop #2


3. Students will understand that other
peoples values have validity through
their experiences in a community of
diverse learners.
d. Students will understand the
importance of sharing ideas and
working together to complete

4. Students will feel optimistic by the
possibilities of questioning the status
d. Students will be able to create a
multimedia version of their
written This I Believe


Welcome/Introduction (5 min)
*Desks will be arranged in pairs, students will come
in and sit with blog partners.
* Remind students that final drafts of TIB
statement and final multimedia projects are due at
the start of class for presentations.
Introduce blog partner share (5 min)
*Students will exchange TIB statements and read
them. One at a time, they will share THREE things: 1.
Multimedia project & ideas 2. Resources collected
so far 3. What they will work on in class today.
*Tell them that they can help each other think of
next steps, resources, or ideas for what they can do
*Explain that the purpose of this is to warm-up
their brains and give them a chance to talk it out
with their partners before getting to work.
Blog Partner Share (20 min)
*Roughly 5 min to exchange TIBs
*5 min each to share 3 things
*5 min to exchange ideas/tips
Workshop Time (45 min)
*Throughout this time, I will hold small group
conferences to address any media issues/concerns. I
will predetermine groups that I think will need help
with their next steps based on their Exit Cards
the day before. I will also circulate around the class
to assist wherever needed.
*I will tell students to feel free to ask their blog
partners questions and to work together in figuring
out any technical difficulties.
*I will refer students back to their packets.
Wrap Up // Closure (15 min)
*Students will fill out a half-page Exit Card with
their blog partners stating what they each
accomplished during class.
*I will let students know that I will be available
before/after school if students need or want to
come in to finish projects before Friday
*I will go over the general format for presentations.
Answer any lingering questions.


In the previous class, students
completed an Exit Card listing
their next steps. They also shared
a GoogleDoc of found resources
with me, so I can see how much
progress they made. (4d)
Students will share ideas and next
steps with their blog partners.
Students will have most of class
to work on their multimedia
components of the TIB project.
Students will complete an Exit
Card with their blog partners
noting what they BOTH have
accomplished in class today. (3d)
I will conference with and assist
students as needed. (3d, 4d)
Students will have an opportunity
to ask any lingering questions
before the presentations next
class. (4d)

Unit Week #3, Day #9: Celebration & Presentations!






Students will understand that other peoples

values have validity through their
experiences in a community of diverse
c. Students will understand that sharing a
finished work with others allows for the
contribution and expansion of new
ideas. (CITE LAUREN!!)


Students will be able to explore and develop

their own belief systems.
d. Students will be able to publish and
reflect on their multimedia, This I
Believe projects.
Students will be able to explore and develop
their own belief systems.
e. Students will value the importance of
articulating what they believe through
writing and sharing with others.
Students will be able to express the
significance of diverse perspectives in
various communities.
c. Students will be able to thoughtfully
reflect on ideas taken from their
partners blog posts and presentation.


Welcome/Introduction (10 min)

*As students come in, the Do-Now will be
projected on the board. I will provide snacks.
Students will be instructed to grab a snack
and get out anything they need to prepare for
*Once students begin to settle, the teacher
will welcome students and congratulate them
on finishing their projects.
Presentations! (75 min)
*Each student will have approximately 4-5
minutes to present. Their actual multimedia
projects should be no longer than 2 minutes.
This time slot gives them some time to open
their files.
*After each presentation, the presenters blog
partner will briefly share ONE thing they
learned/didnt know about their blog partner
before this project.
Wrap Up/Closure (5 min)
*I will congratulate and affirm students once
again for their hard work. I will distribute the
unit reflection questions and instruct them to
answer these in one final blog post, due NEXT
CLASS. I will remind them that the reflection
is included on the rubric for the project
*The questions include: What new ideas have
you taken away from your partners blog
posts? Identify and explain at least TWO
ideas. What new idea(s) have you taken away
from your partners This I Believe project?
Identify and explain at least ONE idea. What
is the most important thing you have learned
about YOURSELF through your own This I
Believe project?

Throughout the unit, students have
completed blog posts and blog
comments with their blog partners.
Completion of these activities allows me
to see how they have interacted with
each other throughout the unit, leading
up to presentations and reflection. (3c,
8b, 8c)
Students have reflected and explored on
their own ideas through blog posts and
drafts of their This I Believe statements,
letting me know how they have
progressed throughout the unit. (3c, 7d,
After each presentation, the presenters
blog partner will briefly share one thing
they learned or didnt know about their
blog partner before this project. This will
scaffold students prior to writing their
reflections. (3c, 7e, 8b)
Students will turn in the final drafts of
their TIB statements. (7d, 7e)
Students will present their multimedia
This I Believe statements with the
class. (3c, 7d, 7e)
Students will complete a unit reflection
to turn in at the beginning of next class.
(3c, 7d, 7e, 8b)

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