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Cindy Sinche
Professor Probst.
English 1102
22 April 2016
Harassment: Has gone too far
Cox, Cassie. "Protecting Victims of Cyberstalking, Cyber harassment, And Online
Impersonation through Prosecutions and Effective Laws." Jurimetrics: The Journal of
Law, Science & Technology 54.3 (2014): 277-302. Academic Search Complete. Web.
22 Apr. 2016.
It is not okay to manipulate people, and make them fear for their lives, which
is an argument the author promotes. Putting into effect some well needed laws for
those who violate the boundaries of other people. Especially those who participate
in the following activities; cyberstalking, cyber harassment, and online
impersonation. There are cases, one in particular about a women being tracked
through a device on her phone by an unknown man. The amount of individuals who
have been affected by unwanted harassment over the internet has sky rocketed,
thus putting into action more laws.

Eisenberg, Avlana K. "Criminal Infliction of Emotional Distress." Michigan Law

Review 113.5 (2015): 607-662. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Apr.
It is crucial to know youre rights and what you can do to protect them.
When harassment hurts an individual not only physically, but internally youve got
legal rights. Even though the law has taken nonphysical harm seriously, it does not
predict criminal liability on the existence of emotional harm. The article illustrates


problems that can arise when victim emotion plays an explicit role in criminal
culpability. It also reveals the comparative benefits of acknowledging the
significance of nonphysical harm.
Fairchild, Kimberly. "Context Effects On Womens Perceptions of Stranger
Harassment." Sexuality & Culture 14.3 (2010): 191-216. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
Harassment maybe a perception of what we believe harassment is.
Catcalling is a form of harassment, but for some people this action is
complimentary. For others the action of catcalling can be terrifying, and cause social
anxieties. The main points of the article is the gender of the person their age,
attractiveness, and the time of day. Whether or not the individual is alone or in a
group can contribute to the amount of catcalling one may get.
McCarty, Megan, Nicole Iannone, and Janice Kelly. "Stranger Danger: The Role of
Perpetrator and Context in Moderating Reactions to Sexual
Harassment." Sexuality & Culture 18.4 (2014): 739-758. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
Harassment from people who are familiar can have the same negative
reactions as that of a person who is a complete stranger. There is a focus on
Harassment at work from co-workers and sexual harassment perpetrated
by strangers in public places. The three main points include; the relationship
between the perpetrator and victim, the location, and the type of sexually harassing
behavior. Sexual harassment at work occurs often, but is not reported as often due
to fear, shame and losing ones job.
Nicol, Bran. Stalking. London: Reaktion, 2006. Print.


In reality stalking is a serious issue that could potentially become a
dangerous situation. This book is a breakdown of the certain types of stalkers, their
motives, and the conditions that the victims find themselves in. It is a more in depth
book about experiencing stalking whether by being the stalker yourself, the victim
or the bystander. It depicts the stages that grow progressively throughout the days,
weeks, years, and months, of these abnormal behaviors. The author explains the
meaning of stalking and how it is often confused as being harmless and not a big
Spitz, Mary-Ann Leitz. "Stalking: Terrorism At Our Doors---How Social Workers Can
Help Victims Fight Back." Social Work 48.4 (2003): 504-512. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
Stalking is a dangerous and frequently misunderstood and minimized. Victims
report that their lives are never the same after they have been stalked. This article
accredits social workers for helping victims recognize and understand the problems
they underwent with a stalker. This article explains common misconceptions about
stalking, contains a brief discussion of the types of stalking, and the elements
necessary to criminally charge someone with stalking.

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