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Is a teaching method where students of mixed levels of ability are arranged into
groups and rewarded according to the group's success, rather than the success of an
individual member.
Students work together in small groups on a structured activity. They are individually
accountable for their work, and the work of the group as a whole is also assessed.
Cooperative groups work face-to-face and learn to work as a team.
In small groups, students can share strengths and also develop their weaker skills.
They develop their interpersonal skills. They learn to deal with conflict. When
cooperative groups are guided by clear objectives, students engage in numerous
activities that improve their understanding of subjects explored.
In order to create an environment in which cooperative learning can take place, three
things are necessary. First, students need to feel safe, but also challenged. Second,
groups need to be small enough that everyone can contribute. Third, the task
students work together on must be clearly defined.



Hopping island
Grade: Kinder - Pre first
Age: 4 6

First teacher have to divide the class in groups of four. In each
group is going to be: one leader, one time keeper, one
encourager and one expositor.
In front of the board, a part of the classroom floor is going to be
decorated with blue paper and that is going to be the water.
Each group is going to have one part of the carpet (if the carpet
cant be separated in parts you can use paper or any other
material) pretending that part of the carpet is their boat.
The teacher is going to write one math problem in the board and
in groups kids have to solve that problem, when they already
solve the problem they can take the boat and hop to the board
and write the answer.
If one kid of the group is no helping to solve to problem, or
carrying the boat to the board the group has to start again.

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