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Joseph Ordaz
13 May 2016
"A Day in the Life of a Business Manager." Ivy Institute, 29 Apr. 2015. Web. 10 May 2016.
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"Best Business Jobs of 2016." Best Business Jobs. U.S. News & World Report, 20 Mar. 2016.
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"Five Great Reasons to Major in Business Management at Springfield College." Springfield
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Kitroeff, Natalie. "Best Business Schools 2014: Duke Tops Full-Time MBA List, Harvard Slips."
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Lipscombe-Southwell, Alice. "30 Most Innovative Business Leaders of 2013." Business
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Nielson, Carl. "Four Critical Business Skills Required To Lead The Business Of HRIS."
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Ruesink, Megan. "Top 10 Jobs for Business Management Degree Holders." Top 10 Jobs for
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Tilus, Grant. "Should You Major In Business? 5 Reasons to Say 'Yes'" Should You Major In
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"Top-Paid Business Majors at the Bachelors and Masters Levels." National Association of
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Wyld, David C. "Nature Plus Nurture: Do Teenage Activities Predict Entrepreneurial Success?."
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Wyld, David C. "Does More Money Buy More Happiness On The Job?." Academy Of
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"2015 Median Pay." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 17 Dec.
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Work Cited
Lipscombe-Southwell, Alice. "30 Most Innovative Business Leaders of 2013." Business
Management Degrees. N.p., 19 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 May 2016.

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