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Twist: a surprising change in a story or situation

Curriculum: subject that you study in college or high school

Excuse: explanation of why you did something wrong
Ridiculous: so silly that makes you laugh
Assembly: meeting of a big group for special reason
Giggle: silly laugh
Immature: Acting in a way that is not suitable for adults
Punish: to make someone suffer for what he/she did
Detention: a punishment of keeping students in school after everyone left
Misbehave: behave badly
Gradually: slowly
Improvement: a change that makes something better
Concentrate: to focus and give attention
Revised: to prepare
Disappointed: being sad because you didnt get what you wanted
Pupils: students
Skill: an ability to do something well
Essay: a short piece of writing about a particular subject
Pupils: students
Abolish: cancel
Anxious: worried and afraid

Relative clauses
[ Essential information]
Defining relative clauses: it gives definition to the sentence. And its necessary
1-for human this is the boy,[who/that left home]
2- for animals and objects

the clubs ,[which/that are popular starts at 7]

Note: if the part that being defined is object we can leave that/who/which
Example: Ankara is the city[that] we live in.
Non-defining relative clauses: it gives extra information and its not necessary.
Note: it comes between tow commas and you cant use *that* for it
[ extra information ]
Example: Ankara, [which is the capital of turkey, is a beautiful city]

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