Essay 2

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'Some types of employment are more suitable for men and other types of employmen

t are more appropriate for women,'To what extent do you agree with this statemen
t? Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience
physical ability
intellectual ability
In this 21st century, women have broken the age old myth - Women are preferred t
o be indoors and not competent with men. We can see women playing predominant ro
les in various sectors and performing at par with men workforce. However, few be
lieve that some types of employment are more suitable for men and other types of
employment are inclined for women. In my view, I agree to this statement at con
siderable level.
No job or career demarcates on gender basis. Women are equal competitors with me
n and are found to work in fields such as sports, aviation, IT firms, hospitalit
y management, etc. They have intellectual abilities almost in par with their cou
nterparts. But biologically, women are molded with high levels of emotions and r
educed in physical strength, in comparison with men. This feature makes them, no
t-so-suitable for work involving exclusive physical activity such as, mining, ar
my, police/cops. Since they are born with high quotient of emotions and caring,
they outperform in jobs such as teachers, nurses and doctors. Employments such a
s leadership, management, hospitality shows that women outperform men.
Hence in conclusion, it is advisable not to devise an employment that narrows do
wn on gender discrimination. Physical and intellectual capabilities, who can con
sistently deliver the required performance should always be kept in mind before
zeroing on the best fit candidate.

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