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GSU Film Club

Website Project

Table of Contents

At the beginning of the semester for Spring 2016, Dr. Allen asked us to make a
website for the Georgia Southern University Film Club. The Film Club needed a way to
keep track of sites that they have shot film at, Blogs, Social Media, and to give them an
online presence. The website will also serve as a platform for non film club members to
view the films they have made, and have individual member profiles. This website will
help organize the film club so that they can focus on making films.

Team Members
Name: Stephen Daniel
Position: Project Lead
To ensure that each member of the team is doing his designated task given to
him. The project lead is responsible for seeking all information from the client to check
that his/her requirements for the system is being implemented correctly. Lastly, the
project lead is responsible for helping with coding the system.
Name: Corey Prater
Position: Programmer
To code the foundation for the system. The lead programmer is responsible for
the development of the database the system uses along with all other back-end coding
for the system.
Name: Jared Baker

Name: Matt Lammers

Position: System Tester

To assist the Software Quality Assurance Officer in testing the system for any
bugs or errors. The system tester is responsible for reporting any errors found to the
Software Quality Assurance Officer to be documented for future reference.
Name: Kevin Horne
Position: Blog Functionality
To ensure the blog section of the website is functional, and displays data
correctly. Also responsible for the client side control panel aspects of the blog section,
which includes adding, deleting, and editing blogs.
Name: Albert Tong
Position: Film and member role database implementation
Responsibility: To increase control panel functionality to add, edit, and delete films to
the database. Films must include the genre and member that is associated with the film.
Name: Gaby Bennett
Position: Documentation Lead
To assure the documentation is correct and up to date and free of misinformation.

Feasibility Report
The Client
Madison Reynolds, Film Club president, Phone: 706-832-4178

The Task to be Undertaken

The project is to develop an easy to use website for the film club that will give the club
an online presence. This website will be used for inventory of equipment, allow the club
to catalogue locations and keep a record of all the projects the club have done and who
has worked on those projects. This allows the club to showcase their work to a
worldwide audience effectively. Each member will have their own profile page to display
their work and accomplishment. Each film will also boast their own page detailing the
plot, cast and crew, locations, as well as any as any accolades received for the
particular film.
Currently the club does not have a website. They keep track of everything without
having a set place to store all of their information.
1. The proposed website would be easy enough to edit that the current members and
any future members will be able to catalogue all of their current projects and future
2. Allow for a worldwide audience to be exposed to their work in a meaningful and
visually appealing manner.
3. Giving all films a touch of added professionalism and authenticity key to expanding
their fanbase or potential future employers.
4. A central environment used to display and store all their works and future projects.
5. Exposure to each crew member and their social media pages.

A Preliminary Requirements Analysis:

The system needs to meet the following functional requirements:

Web Interface
Administrator Side
Allow admin to modify, delete, or add the information for a particular web


Public Side
Must show all current and future projects.
Must have a current events page.
Project description and accolades.
Cast and crew members credits.

Database to store Film Clubs information
Must allow adding and deleting of inventory
Must allow additional information to be added or removed for any changes in

Be easily extensible from both the administrators perspective and from future
developers perspectives
a) when the client and our group graduates a new person needs to be able to come in and
modify the website without it being too technical.
The system may have the following functional requirements:
MCAI branding and coloring standard
Database implementation to track scouted locations, equipment rentals, past and
current projects, and current team members including their names, titles, and a picture
Restricted access to members with assigned logins
Information updates linked to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Film pages linked to web-hosted video source (Vimeo, YouTube)
The system may have the following non-functional requirements:
Easily maintained, updated, or altered by film club staff

Technical Requirements Feasibility:

Domain The website is going to be running on a domain host to be chosen
later. The club has funding so they will be able to set aside annual funds to pay for this.
Database The Group will have access to this database, and permission to add
and edit data as needed for the projects, and inventory system.
Web The website will be accessed by outside sources so needs to be visually

Web Hosting:
The project must fit within certain requirements needed for choosing an effective
domain and web hosting server. The following conditions must be examined before
deciding on a web host:
1. Cost Will the web host be affordable based on a smaller budget of the film club.
2. Reliability Does the web host server have a history of reliable web servers.
3. Performance Does the web host server run at an acceptable level needed to be
satisfactory to the clients based on the budget.
4. Storage How much storage does the webserver provide to the client.

For the purposes of this project we are solely concerned with giving the film club an
online presence, an easily understandable and easy to use website, and a database
that can store projects, members, locations and any other information the club may
deem necessary. This will be set up so that it can be added to later if needed.

Suggested Deliverables:
Management Deliverables:
Requirements Documentation Documentation outlining both required hardware,
software, and design alongside the optional/alternative. The required and
optional/alternative will be documented with clarity and clear distinction between to two
groups allowing our group and the client to recognize and match the specifications and
desirement of the client as well as potential future developments.

Design Document Documentation overviewing the design and implementation
of the project. This document will allow for clear visual presentation to our client and
allow for feedback based on the presented design.

Source Code Documentation of the final source code and unit testing cases.

Technical Deliverables:
Database application used to add and remove users with certain privileges for
the website. Also potentially used to store the clients films unless better an alternative
provider ensures better efficiency.
2. Web-Hosting Web hosting server that will fill the client's needs and prove to be
reliable. The web hosting much be user friendly and allow non-technical users of the
website easy access for modifications of the website or allow third party support (such
as Wordpress).
3. Software Development Software All software required to build and support the
client's project.

Software Development Process:

The project will undertake the agile model since requirements will change the further
along the project develops.
Process visibility both the Client and the Group will get a better idea of what the
website can be used for with quick development.
Image quality the Group may show the client what the website will look like with
an agile method. Since aesthetic quality is of high importance for this project.
Quality control By defining and developing the background systems quickly our
group can target and eliminate any problems quickly that may arise using a database of
this scale on a website.
Outline Plan (Principal activities and Milestones)
Milestone 1 (February 26, 2016) Requirements Analysis (draft). A draft that
contains all the functionality for the website that includes a detailed description of each
aspect of the website. This is our first draft that will be presented to the client.
Milestone 2 (March 4, 2016) Requirements Analysis (final). Revision of the
draft to include any and all ideas that the client specifies to our group. This Milestone 2
will allow our group to start designing and building a skeleton for the clients website.

Milestone 3 (March 18, 2016) Software Architecture and Design (draft). An
initial draft of the software architecture that shows the skeleton and the earlyimplementation of the functionality for the website. Milestone 3 will be conducted with a
meeting with the client to provide a report of our progress so far.
Milestone 4 (March 25, 2016) Software Architecture and Design (final). A final
draft of the software architecture and should be done for Milestone 4. A meeting will be
scheduled to showcase basic website functionality and progress of the desired
Milestone 5 (April 1, 2016) Database. The database for the website should
be close to finished. This provides the member access, as well as their login for the
website. This Milestone 5 is crucial for the main projects progress.
Milestone 6 (April 8, 2006) Final version (draft). The websites functionality
should be nearly complete. A meeting will be conducted with the client to showcase
progress on the website, and any additional gripes or improvements towards the clients
vision of the final version. Milestone 6 must be completed at this time.
Milestone 7 (April 15, 2016) Final version (draft 2). Milestone 7 will include 80%
completion of the website and its functionality. Will be missing some graphical user
interface visuals and functionality. A meeting with the client will be scheduled.
VIII. Milestone 8 (April 22, 2016) Testing and Final Debugging. Milestone 8 is strictly
for last minute improvements to the source code and visuals for the website. All
functionality should be present as well as testing and debugging.
Milestone 9 (April 28, 2016) Final version (complete). Completion of the
clients website. Source code and GUI should be finished and given to the client. A
presentation will be scheduled to show off functionality and how to use the website.
Visibility Plan
External The Group will meet with client on a set schedule based on meeting goals on
the project, Roughly this will occur every other week after the initial outline of the
website. The group will remain in contact with the client via email. The client will remain
constantly updated and see the progress of the website to maintain that both the group
and the client are doing what they are supposed to and to minimize any errors or
miscommunications between them.

Internal The group intends to meet every Thursday or Friday evening for 2 hours
depending on the schedule of everyone which will be planned on Tuesday. Meetings will
be recorded via a note taker and hours will be kept track of and sent to all other
members. Because of the size of the group a majority of meetings and updates will be
done via email, google docs and other online communication that can help record what
is discussed, The source code will be stored via github for the project and all code will
be documented thoroughly. Progress milestones will be updated should changes
problems or major progression is made to change dates. A Gantt Chart will be made
after completion of the requirements study and when the tasks are identified and
Risk Analysis

Changing Requirements:

Risk: The Client may have different ideas about the system during the course of the
project. Depending on the situation, the changes that the Client wishes to have
implemented may require little or major changes to the website.
Solution: To reduce the possibility of this occurring, the Group will establish a clear plan
with the Client and check with them repeatedly to make sure we are on the right track.

Incomplete Requirements:

Risk: It is possible that important requirements may not be clear or misunderstood.

Solution: The Groups interpretation of the Clients requirements will be presented back
to the Client after every meeting to get a confirmation on whether the Group has
understood the Client.


Risk: As our group only has a few months to finish the website time is a concern.
Solution: The group will have as many meetings as possible to make sure that we get
everything done in a timely fashion and leave time left for error handling and any
problems that occur.

Technical Requirements:

Risk: The website may end up being too technical to edit.

Solution: To keep this from happening we will have training meetings with the clients
and a few people that will be editing the site and explain and correct any issues that
may arise before the end date for the project.

6. Visual Requirements:
Risk: The functionality may work, but the visual appearance of the website may be too
vanilla for our clients vision of the website.
Solution: To avoid this dilemma, have our members provide a proof of the expected final
version of the website to the client for their approval.

Based on the analysis of this feasibility study, the Group has collectively agreed that this
project IS FEASIBLE and the group IS WILLING to take on the mentioned project. The
benefits are significant enough to justify the development effort required. Currently, the
costs of the project will be the labor from our group and the annual fee for hosting the
website that the club will pay for. The preliminary deadline for the project will be set for
April 7. On this date a usable website will be up and able to be used by the film club.

Software Requirements

Product Perspective

Our product is unique in its existence, being the singular solution for our client's needs.
It is a self-contained twofold system with a website as the frontend and a database as
the backend.

Product Functions
Login system
Administrator account
update social media sites using website
Using the website as a check in check out system for inventory
Keeping a list of locations and site permissions
Keeping track of a list of props


User Classes and Characteristics

Three user classes:

Administrators - Who will be able to add new members, videos, images, delete
members, and have the ability to edit web pages through the Control management
Regular users - Be able to edit their social media links and information about
Viewers - Be able to visit the web pages should not be able to edit anything.

Operating Environment

The website will be accessible on any hardware with a minimum requirements of an

operating system and internet browser. This includes mobile devices. This includes all
versions of Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. Mobile platforms include Android, Apple,
Windows Phone, etc.
Design and Implementation Constraints
Since the website will constantly be adding data, new members, new locations, pictures,
etc, the website hosting is recommended to have at least 5 GB of storage so that
maintaining the website will require very little need of deleting data but will depend on
client choice of web hosting and what can be afforded. The website must be formatted
and follow the guidelines of MCAI concerning their logo. The website is limited to being

made within a semester. The website is restricted to PHP format. Website security
concerning encryption will be dealt by the web host.

User Documentation

A user how to guide will be made and delivered to the user. This will include step by
step instructions on how to do various editing and changes under the administrator
account, how to update and change passwords, what regular users will be able to do
and step by step instructions for them. Before project conclusion and development team
disbands, a training session will be held to showcase the website and database that the
team has compiled. The training session will conclude with any questions the film club
may have pertaining to their new website and database.

Assumptions and Dependencies
The use of Twitter, Facebook and other social media will be used on the homepage or a
social media page to show direct updates from their Twitter page and/or Facebook
page. The various social media outlets will inform fans and curious visitors of updates
completed of films that a work in progress. The admin will be able to post to twitter and
facebook from the control panel. Integrating other third party applications may provide a
challenge due to various API requirements and configurations.
For the video it is assumed that video streaming will come from embedded YouTube
videos. YouTube currently offers 4k ultra high definition streaming and reliable
bandwidth allocation that the user current wants. Many websites use embedded
YouTube video without much problem and YouTube has become a staple of video
streaming over the years.
External Interface Requirements
User Interfaces
Ease of use and functionality are two critically important aspects of designing the
software for the user. The control panel, which allows the admin to add, edit, or delete
content, will have clear instructions and descriptions on what modification is taking
place. The user will be presented with error checking via javascript (or similar) alerts
explaining the error to the user.
The GUI is designed for an aesthetic pleasing experience that is hopefully reflective of
the clients craft of filmmaking. Any requirements of specifications and standards will be
adhered to in accordance to the client. The GUI will be kept to a simple, but effective,
way of browsing and viewing the clients showcase and to be able to contact them.
The client will be allowed to have administrative rights which will be allowed to control
the content (but not the design) of the website. This control panel, as mentioned above,

will be the GUI that allows for content control. This panel will be an easy to easy
centralized way of content management. Everything about the design of the control
panel GUI and functionality is designed for the best user experience in relation to a user
Hardware Interfaces
Due to the nature of web-based software, there are no real hardware interfaces except
for the computer, phone, or tablet used to access or edit the website. An internet
connect must be established in order to access the website.
Software Interfaces
Our clients website will be an association of various software all performing tasks with
each other. The websites code will be written with notepad++. MySQL database will
and PHP installation will be handled via XAMPP. Creation and modification of the
database will be done through the localhost/phpmyadmin page in our local browser.
Twitter, Facebook, and others commercial website widgets will be integrated via html
and PHP API integration.

Communications Interfaces
The website will be able to accessed via internet browsers. The website will be hosted
on a domain which will include an email and a domain name server. The domain host
will be reviewed in relation to security performance as well as speed and reliability.
Encryption will be handled by both the domain host and the designers. Passwords will
use encryption that is compatible with MySQL, HTML, and PHP.

System Features
This section lists the systems that will be in place for the website and further developed
as milestone projections are met. The main system features are: Database and a
control management system.
<This template illustrates organizing the functional requirements for the product by
system features, the major services provided by the product. You may prefer to organize
this section by use case, mode of operation, user class, object class, functional
hierarchy, or combinations of these, whatever makes the most logical sense for your

The database that is being worked with now is a local MySQL server. The database will
contain various attributes such as members, movies, image and video links, etc. The
client will be able to use dialog boxes via forms within HTML and PHP code to access
the database and store, retrieve, and delete content within the database. Error control
will be handled by PHP code to handle errors before database execution is performed.
Control Management System
There will be two accounts that have control over the websites information. One is the
administrator account this will be able to perform CRUD operations on most aspects of
the database. The other account will be the regular users they will only be able to edit
their personal picture for that webpage and the information pertaining to an about me
section. The control management system will allow these operations to be performed
without any technical knowledge by showing the information through an easily
processed Graphical user interface.
Other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
Website must accommodate users that will be using mobile devices as well as desktop
computers. The website must be refreshed constantly concerning certain databases
that deal with check in and check out of props and tools that the movie club will use.
Functionality of the website must operate smoothly across all web browsers.
Safety Requirements
There must be a backup of data in case data is lost or deleted on accident within the
website. Having a hard copy of the website will allow the client to backup the database
as well as any other of the files on the website.
Security Requirements
This website will contain the combined work of the GSU film club. Security will be a
large branch of our focus as development continues. Only approved members are
allowed to modify information that pertains to the website to ensure that non-authorized
personnel get access to modify any items on the website or database.
Software Quality Attributes
It is very important that the website/database be easily maintained and used by the film
club. This is difficult to quantify and test, so the only real option is to let our clients test
the website and receive any feedback they may have. Also, security is of the utmost
importance as information critical to the success of our client is stored within the
Business Rules
Only those with administrative access can edit the website and database beyond just
personal biographies and pictures. The administrative member has access to creating
new member pages, as well as access to modify the database. Also, MCAI branding is
required, and it must adhere to their standards and guidelines. All content that is posted

on the GSU film clubs website is property of GSU film club. All rights are reserved for
them to edit or remove any and all content that is posted on the website.

Use Cases, Scenarios, Prototypes

Use Case 1

Home Page

Actor - User that is not associated with Film Club

Primary Actor - User navigates to home page
Preconditions - The site is currently functional
Triggers - User hits enter after typing in the URL
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Homepage pulls all website data from database and
displays it correctly on the webpage
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - The website could not pull the information from
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - The URL does not work
Use Case 2
Administrator Log In
Actor - The administrator of the Film Club
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to make changes and navigates to control panel
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, the administrator has admin rights
Triggers - After typing in the username and password for admin account and pressing Login
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Login successful, and control panel appears with
access to edit the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - Admin types in correct information and login fails
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Control panel shows no edit tabs or not as many as
many as there are supposed to be
Use Case 3
Non-Administrator Log In
Actor - Member of Film Club
Primary Actor - Member wishes to login in to their Film Club account
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, the user has an account
Triggers - After typing in the username and password and clicking Login
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Login successful, Goes to to a non administrator
control panel
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - Member types in correct information and login fails
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Control panel shows no edit tabs or not as many as
many as there are supposed to be
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 3] - Goes to admin control panel

Use Case 4
Blog List
Actor - Film Club Member, User not affiliated with Film Club
Primary Actor - User wishes to access the blog list
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, Blog database is populated
Triggers - User clicks on blog tab on home page
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Website accesses blog data correctly and displays it
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is pulled from database
Use Case 5
Single Blog
Actor - Film Club Member, User not affiliated with Film Club
Primary Actor - User wishes to read a blog
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, Blog database is populated
Triggers - User clicks on blog link they wish to read
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Website accesses blog data correctly and displays it
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is pulled from database
Use Case 6
Film List
Actor - Film Club Member, User not affiliated with Film Club
Primary Actor - User wishes to access the film list
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, film database is populated
Triggers - User clicks on film tab on home page
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Website accesses film data correctly and displays it
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is pulled from database
Use Case 7
Single Film
Actor - Film Club Member, User not affiliated with Film Club
Primary Actor - User wishes to view film
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, film database is populated
Triggers - User clicks on the film link they wish to view
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Website accesses film data correctly and displays it
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is pulled from database
Use Case 8
Edit Homepage
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit homepage
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly

Use Case 9
Edit Blog
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit a blog
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly
Use Case 10
Edit Film
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit a film
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly
Use Case 11
Edit Member Award
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit an award
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly
Use Case 12
Edit Film Award
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit a film award
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly

Use Case 13
Administrator Edit Member
Actor - Film Club Administrator
Primary Actor - Administrator wishes to edit a members information
Preconditions - The site is currently functional, They are logged in as an administrator
Triggers - User enters new information and clicks submit button
Main Success Scenario [Basic Flow] - Information is updated in the database and the new
information is displayed correctly on the website
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 1] - No data is updated in the database
Alternative Paths [Alternative Flow 2] - Information is displayed incorrectly

Project Schedule
Milestone 1 (February 26, 2016) Requirements Analysis (draft). A draft that contains
all the functionality for the website that includes a detailed description of each aspect of the
website. This is our first draft that will be presented to the client.
Milestone 2 (March 4, 2016) Requirements Analysis (final). Revision of the draft to
include any and all ideas that the client specifies to our group. This Milestone 2 will allow our
group to start designing and building a skeleton for the clients website.
Milestone 3 (March 18, 2016) Software Architecture and Design (draft). An initial draft
of the software architecture that shows the skeleton and the early-implementation of the
functionality for the website. Milestone 3 will be conducted with a meeting with the client to
provide a report of our progress so far.
Milestone 4 (March 25, 2016) Software Architecture and Design (final). A final draft of
the software architecture and should be done for Milestone 4. A meeting will be scheduled to
showcase basic website functionality and progress of the desired webpage.
Milestone 5 (April 1, 2016) Database. The database for the website should be close
to finished. This provides the member access, as well as their login for the website. This
Milestone 5 is crucial for the main projects progress.
Milestone 6 (April 8, 2006) Final version (draft). The websites functionality should be
nearly complete. A meeting will be conducted with the client to showcase progress on the
website, and any additional gripes or improvements towards the clients vision of the final
version. Milestone 6 must be completed at this time.
Milestone 7 (April 15, 2016) Final version (draft 2). Milestone 7 will include 80%
completion of the website and its functionality. Will be missing some graphical user interface
visuals and functionality. A meeting with the client will be scheduled.
VIII. Milestone 8 (April 22, 2016) Testing and Final Debugging. Milestone 8 is strictly for last
minute improvements to the source code and visuals for the website. All functionality should be
present as well as testing and debugging.
Milestone 9 (April 28, 2016) Final version (complete). Completion of the clients
website. Source code and GUI should be finished and given to the client. A presentation will be
scheduled to show off functionality and how to use the website.

SQA Plan
1. Features
a. Program Breakdown
Does the home page along with the other pages load correctly
Do control panels for administrators and non administrators function correctly
Can administrator make changes to the website
b. User Functions
Can the user login
Can administrator edit award section
Can administrator edit homepage
Can administrator edit film section
Can administrator edit blog section
Can administrator add members
Can administrator add films
Can administrator add blogs
Can non administrator film club members edit their bio, and social media
Can administrator edit current work section


Test Report
This document describes the test plan for the Film Club Website to test the
functionality of each webpage.

What will be tested?

Film Club member and administrator login
Adding/editing/deleting of blogs
Adding/editing/deleting of films
Adding/editing/deleting of awards
Adding/editing/deleting of members
Editing homepage

Features to be tested
The system shall allow the administrator account to edit all aspects of the website
After the administrator logs in, the control panel allows them access to everything
Once they have access to the control panel, they have the ability to edit the website
The system will allow non administrator members to login
After they login they can edit their own individual information

Project Manager: Stephen Daniel
Jared Baker: Unit Testing
Gaby Bennett: Unit Testing
Albert Hong: System Testing
Kevin Horne: System Testing
Matt Lammers: Integration Testing
Corey Prater: Integration Testing
Gaby Bennett
Corey Prater
Albert Hong

Post Mortem
This Post Mortem report will cover the Film Club Website. Throughout this report
the overall goals of the website will be covered. Everything that went well with the
project along with issues that were encountered with the software will be included as

well as the key functionality of the website, and what the team learned while working on
this project.

Report Goals

The goals of the post mortem is as follows:

Review the success and failures of the project
Cover how each problem was solved
The lessons the team of the project were able to learn
Provide a summary/description of the project

Project Parameters
Project Name: Georgia Southern University Film Club Website
Department: Computer Science
Project Sponsor: Georgia Southern University Film Club
Project Manager: Stephen Daniel

Project Overview:
The purpose for the Film Club Website is to create a website that the film club
will be able to use to present their accomplishments, as well as present their individual
members. This website allows for non film club members to be able to see what film
club is all about, as well as letting them connect via social media. The objectives we
wanted to complete for the system is a login/logout system, individual user pages, social
media connections, and a way for the administrators to edit the whole website.


Key Accomplishments:
The login/logout function was successfully implemented
Individual member pages where they can edit their information
A control panel that allows administrators to edit the whole website
Able to successfully implement pagination

Key Problem Areas

Pulling data from database
Incorrect information displayed

Key Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned
The major problem the team had at the beginning for this project is that none of
us was too experienced with web development, since this project was all web
development this caused a slight delay in actually beginning the project. Even with lack

of experience in web development the team was able to learn the basics which allowed
us to begin development, as we progress through the project we was able to learn more
making this project progress come along quite nicely.

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