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West Visayas State Univesity

Janiuay Campus
Janiuay , Iloilo


Lord teach me to number my days
And graph them according to your ways
Trusting you to base me in my plan
To complement your perfect diagram
Subtract the points you do not want from me
But add the values you have set at me
Divide the dividends I possess accordingly
So I can multiply them systematically.
Draw the lines I have to follow
Guide me properly with your arrow
Because sometimes I tend to be irrational
Yet all the while you want me to be rational.
Well I learn that life is like a slope
With its ascents and descents that I must cope
Going through such a wonderful formula
Is just like solving problem of the times
Life is indeed an infinite equation
Perfected by your eternal computation
And I, only a minuscule yet projection
Give thanks and praise your Almighty creation.

Raylen B. Naranja

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