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We got the whole world, in my hand.

We got the whole world, in my hand.
We got the whole world, in my hand.
E-A-R-T-H (individual)
a planet where we live in,
a place we call home.
Full of greeneries
With lots of animals.
Aww~~ cute!!
Birds chirping
Squirrels jumping from tree to tree
Deer running around
Calm and serenity! *glad*
Green, green!
Everywhere is green!
Trees, here and there!
Trees everywhere!
*inhaled deeply*
Ahh~~fresh air
Nothing like fresh air
To fill our lungs.
We love it!
It makes our body
Very light and fresh!
Look! A river!
Wow! The water is crystal clear!
I can see my reflection in it!
Like a mirror!
Look! Fish!
The water is very cool,
Eww!!! What is that smell?!

Phew!! It really stinks here!
Its choking us!
Oxygen! We need oxygen!
Where does it come from?
Look! Up in the sky!
Its a bird!
Its a plane!
Its black smoke!
It comes from that chimney over there!
Hey! Isnt that a factory?
A factory?
What do we need a factory for?
It does not make sense!
It only ruins the fresh air!
This is a modern world!
Yeah! A modern world!
We need factories to develop!
Yeah! Develop!
Progress first! Fresh air later!
Yeah! Later!
*shaking heads*

The air is no longer fresh

It is full of dust
The smell is bad.
We want our fresh air back!
Fresh air! Fresh air! Fresh air!
What happen to all the trees?
Where is the greenery?
Oh why, oh why
Do my trees have all gone?
Oh why, Oh why
Could this be?
It is called deforestation dear
We need to clear the woods
It is blocking our way
from building an
Five star hotel!
Shopping Mall!
That is very cool!
Ignore Pantai apartment!
Ignore Gardens Hotel!
Ignore Times Square!
Now we got a new
Apartment building!
New Five star hotel!
Why build new one?
Is it not enough with the current one?
Why do we need to destroy the green?
It looks very ugly now!
What will happened
To all of those cute and fury animals?
They will not have a home to live in!
Oh no!
The water! Its muddy!
My reflection!
My beautiful reflection!

1st :
No more cool water.
No more refreshing water.
So what? It is part of progress!
Haish! Dont be such an environmentalist!
What? cant hear you!
Its too loud!
What? Its stressing you out?
Yeah! Same here!
What? Stop shouting?
Sorry about that!
The noise! It is so irritating!
It is really a radiation
That help mutates us into monster!
Its driving us crazy!
What happen to calm and serenity?
We want our green nature back
We want our children to see what we see in the past
We must protect mother earth
We want to progress
We want to develop the country
We must be a head from everyone else

3rd :
Why must we destroy to be successful?
Why cant we all live along with nature?
Why? Why? Why?
Humans, never learn to appreciate things

We, the youths, want a world

full of green, live harmony with other habitants.
That is why there is
A hybrid car
Go green campaign.
Let us all work together
hand in hand to create a better tomorrow
One voice, one hope, one world
One Earth!

The Young and the Restless

Hey!! We're back! (all)
Wiser (4b) Tougher! (4b) but definitely cuter! (3b3g)
So.... sit back and relax!
The young and the restless, also (all)
Fearless! (3r) Hopeless! (2r)
and sometimes (all) clueless! (1r)
Most notorious trouble-makers ever (all)
Inquisitive! (1/2) and curious! (1/2)
Ladies and gentlemen! (all)
Brought to you live, and kicking! (all)
A topic close to our heart and soul (all)
The young and the restless! (all)
We, the teenagers! (all)
What? Power Rangers? (solo 1)
No! No! (b) Teenagers, silly! (g)
Ooohhh! (b)
Neither an adult, nor a bunch of kids! (all)
Neither a gem, nor a group of misfits! (all)
Life is never easy for us teens... (all)
Everyday we face problems (1r), challenges.. (2r)
Why? Oohh why? (3r)
First of all we are expected to..
Study! (1/4) Study! (1/4) Study! (1/4)
PMR! (3b) SPM! (3b) and be (all)
Busy! (1/4) Busy! (1/4) Busy! (1/4)
Aiyahhhh... so boring you know! (all)
But we try hard to do our best (all)

To make our parents proud! (all)

And not to hear them shout! (all)
What!! You got number two? (solo 2)
Our neighbour's son ahhh... got number one, you know! (solo 2)
But mummy.. I'm in the A class, he's in the Z class... (solo 3)
We are always second best.. Huhhh! (all)
Then we sit around Yakkiki Yak and be lazy
We talk about everything (all)
Politics? (3b) Naahhh (all)
Economics? (3b) Ohh please! (all)
Then what? (3b)
We talk about... boys (1/2) and girls (1/2)
Because, this is the age, we are interested in (all)
L-O-V-E (solo 4,5,6,7)!!... mmmm! (all)
Love and teenagers (all)
Not real love, some might say (all)
It's only 'puppy love' (puppy yelping) (b)
An infatuation (1/2) or a crush (1/2) mm! (all)
Just a short term obsession! (all)
Just loving the rush! (all)
Next on our favourite things to do (all)
Go online! (all) Yeahh!! (b)
You've got mail! (2r)
Welcome to the borderless world! (3r/1r)
From chatting to downloading MP3 (all)
Playing online games (all)
Only Streamyx for me (3r)
We worry about serious stuff too
Like how we look! What we wear!
Branded or imitation.. we take care!
Well, actually that's the least of our worries
We worry about Planet Earth too
We are the future generation
Are we to inherit devastation?
Oh woe is me!

Who can forget the recent tsunami?

The power of nature's fury.
It's really, really scary
The young and the restless (all)
Anything we touch, see or do (3r)
It's karma! (2r) it will all come back to you! (1r)
Fire! (1/2 3r/2r) Fire! (1/2 3r/2r)
Where? (1/2 1r) Where? (1/2 1r)
At school! (1/2 3r/2r) At school! (1/2 3r/2r)
Quick! Call the fire brigade! (all)
Who did this? (1/2) Who's the fool? (1/2)
Vandalism! (1/2) Gangsterism! (1/2)
Causing lots of criticism! (all)
But it's too late! (1r)
The school is gone (2r) all due to hate! (3r)
Teenage life! (all)
From childhood to adulthood! (3r)
A period of transition (2r)
Of raging hormones and confusion (all)
When we express our feelings (all)
We are outspoken (3r)
When we do things our way (all)
We are outrageous (2r)
But when we ask for opinions (all)
You don't have the time! (1r)
Dear, adults, (all)
Don't always find faults and point fingers at us (all)
We're teenagers! We're supposed to have fun! (all)
Enjoy! (3r) Seize the day! (2r/1r) Carpe diem! (all)
Whatever we do, wherever we go... (all)
No freedom! We're dying of boredom! (all)
We, the teenagers! (all)
Are not seeking attention (all)
We just want you to listen (all)
To our views and opinions (all)

Once in a while, let us out of your clutch (all)

Are we asking too much? (all)
Don't worry! (all)
We'll turn out nice (all)
It's just one of those years (all)
When we're sugar and spice! (all)

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