pbl1 Prep

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- Alpha motor neuron takes up the neuron pathway for cortical

spinal tract
- UMN vs LMN
o Upper has an inhibitory function
- Ventral spinalthalamic tract moves up the pathway via ventral
StT (very medial part of the spinal cord but still on the other
side, picture in the lecture only shows the lateral pathway
(pain and touch)
- Ascending tracts for dorsal column tract
o Sensory decussation cross over
o Gracile and cuneate is in the medulla (cross here) for
- The pain temperature light touch cross in the spinal cord
- Pain in spinal cord
o Radicular pain
o Nerve pain
o Vertebral pain
- C3,4,5 diaphargm thus can still breath (BELOW here)
between C5 and T1
- Concnern about bleeding - brain, spinal, lung, abdomen
- Coma score coma respiratory tube will injure their spine
- Spinal shock at the moment of spinal shock can get erection
(non ischaemic erection) Priapism
- Left little finger abduction

Brown sequard syndrome

Pain perfection can be a few levels lower than sensory to pain

and temperature at T2 level
Spinothalamic tract conveys message CONTRALATERAL,
crosses in the spinal cord
o Thus loss of pain sensation and light touch on the RIGHT
If dorsal column is affected impaired joint position sense in
the weak joint (conscious proprioception)
o Dorsal does proprioception and tactile
o Dorsal common does vibration ipsilateral
UMN symptoms lower from lesion
o Brisk reflex and extensor plantar response
o Arms
o At site of lesion (damage to the peripheral nerves
coming out thus wasting of triceps)

- extension in child 1.5year before

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