Great Depression and Dust Bowl PBL Task and Rubric Edited

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Great Depression Relief PBL

Performance Task
Throughout this problem we have examined the theme, main idea, purpose, and impact of different media messages
during the 1930s. We discussed different conclusions or inferences that we can make based on the explicit and implicit
information provided. We considered the bias and viewpoint of each media messages source, and we analyzed the
impact each message might have based on the audience as conveyed through the mood, figurative language, word
choice, style, and literary platform.
The Problem and Your Task
The era of the Dust Bowl and Great Depression are tragic and trying times for many people. You are part of a non-profit
that has to decide how to disburse $200,000 dollars worth of public aid. You must provide solutions to the public that
they can take if they are not the recipients of financial aid. That is, what solutions can the public implement to better
their lives taking into account their precarious situation? You must also decide what would be the best media or literary
form to disseminate the information.
You will work with a group based on the solution or media platform that you choose to create for your final product. You
will then briefly present the final media message in groups explaining why you chose the solution you did and why you
chose the media or literary form of presentation that you did. Literary form examples can include: a poem, a song, an
interview, an essay, a short story, a radio program, a poster, and many more. The media platform that you choose
should take into account the media that was accessible to the public during the 1930s.
Everything should be submitted through Google Classroom unless a hard copy is necessary to the product. The media
message should have the names of group members, but the explanation and problem log should be done individually.
Media Message Group
a. Did you select an appropriate literary platform? Did you provide solutions to the problem with which
you were tasked? Did you use appropriate color and imagery? Did you appeal to the audience and
consider mood and word choice to evoke emotion? Did you incorporate prior historical knowledge to
convey a specific viewpoint? Will the audience be able to make specific conclusions and inferences
based on the information you present? Did you convey a coherent theme or main idea?
Explanation and Analysis Individual
a. You should write no more than one double-spaced page with paragraphs explaining and analyzing your
b. Concepts to Address:
i. Analyze how the media messages style is affected by the literary platform selected.
ii. Describe how the historical and cultural influences impacted decisions on solutions and media
platforms. Use your knowledge of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl.
iii. Describe the impact of several specific literary elements (word choice, imagery, poetic devices,
sensory or figurative language, etc.) and how they convey the viewpoint.
Problem Log Individual
a. You should have an entry for each day that we work on the PBL. There should be a minimum of five
entries. It can simply be a paragraph, but each entry should answer a different question.
b. Problem Log Questions:
i. How do your own personal biases affect your problem solving?
ii. Is it ever possible that the least supported idea is the right idea?
iii. What happens when we close off our options too early or too late?
iv. What does it mean to have intellectual courage? Why would that be important while solving a
v. What ethical problems does this present for you?

Great Depression Relief PBL - Rubric


Media Content
E 7.6.1 Activate background knowledge.
E 7.6.7 Make inferences and draw conclusions.

Quality Contributes to Informational Purpose

E 7.1.11 Demonstrate responsibility for individual and group
learning activities.
Gifted Benchmarks
* Gifted students will capitalize on strengths and compensate
for weaknesses in their learning processes. * Gifted students
will exhibit scholarly skills and behaviors.

E 7.5.14 Analyze how the author's style is affected by the
literary form (i.e., poem, short story, or essay).
E 7.5.15 Describe the connections between historical and
cultural influences and literary selections.
E 7.5.16; E 7.6.11 Describe the impact of, and how, specific
word choices, imagery, poetic devices, and sensory or figurative
language convey an authors viewpoint. (SOL 7.5; SOL 7.6)

Reflection (Problem Log)

E 7.8.14 Use reflection as a tool to demonstrate growth as a
writer and to self-evaluate the writing process and product.





Media message focuses on a

specific and compelling solutions.
The mood evokes feeling or
emotions from the audience that
allows them to make inferences
and draw conclusions. The media
messages theme or main idea is
revealed through use of vivid
imagery, diction, point-of-view,
structural tools, and figurative
language. It activates advanced
knowledge of historical context.
All parts of the task demonstrate
attention to detail: precise word
choice, varied and sophisticated
sentence structure, and effective
organization with clear
transitions. Writing is generally
free of errors in grammar, usage,
and mechanics.

Media message focuses on a

solution. It evokes feeling or
emotions from the audience.
The media message effectively
utilizes imagery, diction,
point-of-view, structural tools,
and figurative language. It
activates knowledge of
historical context.

Media message addresses a

solution but may wander
randomly. It has little connection
to the audience. Some figurative
language, imagery, and/or
structural tools are in place but
may seem unrelated to the theme
or purpose of the media message.
Knowledge of historical context is

Media messages subject and

theme are unclear. Media
message lacks a solution to
the problem. There is no
regard for the audience. Little
to no figurative language,
imagery, and/or structural
tools are in place. Knowledge
of historical context is
inaccurate or non-existent.

All parts of the task

demonstrate care for the
finished product: appropriate
word choice, varied sentence
structure, and reasonable
organization. Writing has
some errors in grammar,
usage, and mechanics, but
they do not distract the
The explanation analyzes how
the media messages style is
affected by the literary
platform selected. It describes
how historical and cultural
influences impacted decisions
on solutions and media
platforms. It describes the
impact of specific literary
elements and how they
convey their viewpoint.

The task demonstrates

inconsistent control of the writing
domains: word choice may be
bland or imprecise in places,
sentence structure may be
repetitive, and organization may
be ineffective. Errors in grammar,
usage, and mechanics repeatedly
distract the reader.

The task demonstrates poor

control of the writing
domains: inappropriate word
choice, monotonous sentence
structure, and lacks
organization. Errors in
grammar, usage, and
mechanics make the
composition difficult to view,
listen, read, or understand.
The explanation is lacking
much analysis or is
unintelligible. The historical
and cultural influences are
inaccurate, unrelated, or
absent. Literary elements are
mentioned without

Complete work demonstrates

metacognitive awareness by:

applying generalizations
gleaned from literary
experiences and prior
knowledge, and

justifying self-evaluations
with evidence or
Problem log is complete.

Work demonstrates inconsistent

metacognitive awareness by:

not applying literary

experiences and prior
knowledge, and

writing a self-evaluation that

is detailed but perhaps not
justified with evidence.
Problem log is mostly complete.

The explanation masterfully

analyzes how the media
messages style is affected by the
literary platform selected. It
eloquently describes how
historical and cultural influences
impacted decisions on solutions
and media platforms. It
articulately describes the impact
of specific literary elements and
how they convey their viewpoint.

Complete, innovative, reflective

work demonstrates metacognitive
awareness by:

effectively and selectively

applying generalizations
gleaned from literary
experiences and prior
knowledge, and

justifying sincere selfevaluations with evidence

and reasoning.
Problem log is complete and goes
into depth on the questions.

The explanation vaguely analyzes

the media messages style and
literary platform. It touches on
historical and cultural influences,
but does not go into depth. It
mentions specific literary
elements, but does not go into
much depth on the impact.

Incomplete work fails to

demonstrate metacognitive
awareness because:

it is not connected to
literary experiences or
prior knowledge in any
way, and

reflections are only

considered superficially
without evidence or
reasoning, if at all.
Problem log is largely

E 7.1.1 Work cooperatively in conversations and groups to solve
problems, make decisions, achieve consensus, develop
strategies, and create products.
E 7.1.12 Exhibit sensitivity to different ideas and opinions
among people.

Students Comments and Reflection:

Teachers Comments:

Student demonstrates advanced

cooperative learning skills by
speaking respectfully at all times,
mediating conflicts that arise to
find solutions, and contributing
equitably to the project. Student
takes the opinions and ideas of all
team members into account.

Student demonstrates
cooperative learning skills by
speaking respectfully, working
to find solutions to conflicts,
and contributing to the
project. Student takes others
opinions and ideas into

Student occasionally
demonstrates cooperative
learning skills. Sometimes
engagement is not respectful or
hinders finding solutions to
problems. Contributions to the
product are not equitable.
Student occasionally takes others
ideas into account.

Student rarely demonstrates

cooperative learning skills.
Interactions are often
disrespectful or non-existent.
Contributions to the product
are rare. Student does not
consider the opinions or ideas
of others.

Students Self-Assessed Grade:

Actual Grade:

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