Mestra - Agota.Pali - Eva.8.probanyelvvizsga - Angol.nyelvbol - Hun.Eng - PDF-TELC - ECL.szobeli - Kicsi1030 PDF

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Peds Va layras eI nyelvbol = Bz) © A piece of artwork you like (history, the artist, location, description etc.) OR © A traditional Hungarian dish (history, ingredients, recipe etc.) In an official recent survey, doctors found 16.6 per cent of boys and 16.7 per cent of girl aged under ten are obese. Three in ten boys and four in ten girls aged two to 15 are not doing the amount of physical activity recommended by the chief medical officer, On current trends, 22 per cent of girls and 19 per cent of boys between the ages of two and 15 wil be obese by 2020. aay 49520 fabictsisusos— 13bq_ Itseems fewer and fewer young people are interested in playing sport or getting involved in ‘other physical activities — and there’s a battery of excuses for avoiding it. It’s true the thought ‘of exercise doesn’t make everyone jump for joy, but no one was born with a ’rubbish-at-sport’ gene so, however hopeless you think you are, there’s an activity out there to suit you. The government recommends that children and young people get one hour of physical activity a day. This activity should be of at least moderate intensity — in other words, you should work up a bit of a sweat and get slightly out of breath. But if you can manage something a bit ‘more strenuous, then that’s even better. At least twice a week you should include activities to improve bone health, muscle strength and flexibility. Activities that are ‘weight bearing’ help build strong bones. By 2012, the government hopes to have 85 per cent of young people aged five to 16 spend- ing at least two hours a week on high-quality PE and school sport, both during the school day ‘and aftcrwards. It says by 2015 it aims to have all schoolchildren doing twice that much. Buta report by medical experts, published in medical magazine, The Lancet, last year, says even an hour's activity a day, which most young people don’t achieve, isn’t enough. if you want to avoid heart disease and obesity, you need to do 90 minutes exercise a day, experts say. http:/ How long and how often you can stay with Mark and his daughter * What housework should be done How to share the housework How to look after the 2-year-old daughter Who else you can ask to help When to visit the mother in the hospital First decide what you should do and why. ‘Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that you and Mark would all be itisfied with, convince each other. TELC Test 2 Ee) Selah fs Maras) nyelybol= Bz) TELC Test 2 : ® A sporting event you have attanded (which sport, where, people involved, result, etc.) OR ® The language(s) spoken in your country Lach of us is surrounded by advertising campaigns and TV commercials that urge us consume. And these days even the government is encouraging us to go out and spen more. ap S40 ust Er sorule= ake The simple fact is that ’retail therapy’ has become such an integral part of our lives that some of us even feel a bit guilty if we don’t consistently go out and spend money. Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer’s mood or disposition. "Often seen in people during periods of depression or transition, it is normally a short-lived habit. Items purchased during periods of retail therapy are sometimes referred to as “comfort buys.” We often find ourselves doing this even when we truly don’t need and can’t really afford hat we buy. But why do we really go on a spending spree when you know you have no real eed and perhaps cannot really afford it? Why do we feel a compulsion to spend? Well, the simple answer is “distraction’. When we’re feeling bad, when we’re anxious, sad, bored, lonely or depressed, then hopping appears to offer a distraction from those difficult feelings and emotions. When our self-image and self-esteem is low then adding something external to ouridentity— such as another dress or suit or a costly item of clothing — can become very attractive. Ttseems to hold an instant remedy for the blues, a pick-me-up for feeling down. Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with this — in moderation. But for the com- ulsive shopper, moderation isn’t really an option. And it’s this compulsive aspect, with its ddictive cyclical elements that needs addressing. Itis the emotions and the feelings that drive a person to compulsively shop that feed the haviour itself. It is feelings and emotions that create and sustain the shopaholic. Once the emotional reasons for the shopping have been uncovered and dealt with in a itive manner, the individual can resume normal life. The person becomes free to shop hen they really want to — not in some short-lived attempt to feel better. ‘Sutp:/ for-compulsive-shopping-disorder-917304.html Why is it important to have a career day When and where to have it Who to invite How to send out invitations How to share the tasks of organization Who else you can ask to help irst decide what you should do and why. your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that you both would be satisfied ith, convince each other. Ca ey 2 es oi pest a 7 Eye ahayras: fs) nyelvbol —B2 ® A film that you have seen (topic and plot, actors, your opinion, etc.) OR ® Atrip you have made (where, when, the local people and area, sights, etc.) ae Why do drivers speed? Is it the height of arrogance — they think they know better than th experts? Are they just selfish, irresponsible and self-important? Or is there something muc more subtle and important going on? If questioned about “speeding”, drivers often rep with excuses including: I didn’t know what the speed limit was, I was just keeping up wi the traffic, the speed limit is outdated, vehicles are safe at higher speeds these days, I was i a hurry or the speed limit is too low. Szopelifeladatsorok— TEL Every year the Department for Transport publishes a report called “Vehicle Speeds in Great Britain”. A new version has recently been released and carries speed survey data from 2009. Here are some of the headlines: ®» 57% of cars were exceeding the 70mph motorway speed limit * 9% of cars were exceeding the 60mph single catriageway national speed limit on rural roads * 58% of cars were exceeding the 30mph built up area speed limit * 27% of cars were exceeding the 40mph built up area speed limit _Itis also highly notable that this “speeding behaviour” is more or less unchanged from ear- lier years’ speed survey data. With a massive growth in speeding convictions by camera year ‘on year how on earth can this be? Are drivers mad? Don’t they care if they get caught? Or is there a very good reason for their behaviour? We undoubtedly have a minority of reckless individuals who speed dangerously as a result of disregard for the safety of themselves or others. These individuals are dangerous and well deserve the attention of the Police. Let’s hope they can be identified and dealt with. Safe speed deplores the misuse of speed. But I expect everyone will agree that we're talking bout considerably less than 10% of the population. So what about the rest of us? We have about 32 million drivers. Considering the risks of various accident types we can clude that despite exceeding the speed limit on almost every journey, the typical driver ill be able to go over 100,000 years before he causes a “speeding-related” fatal accident. he majority of drivers fulfil their duty to road safety by selecting a safe and appropriate speed according to the conditions. The message from the conditions is so clear for experienced rivers that choosing a slower or a faster speed than that dictated by immediate conditions ‘actually feels wrong. ‘So in most cases it is obvious that driver behaviour in terms of speed is actually driven by ie od behaviour. http://www html * Paying off your mortgage Travelling around the world Taking a year off work and relaxing Helping your relatives Giving it to a charity organization Redecorating the house decide what you should do and why. fell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that you would both be satisfied with. Convince each other. = Ey ee aurases) nyelvbol|= B2 TELC Test 4 E a perenne TELC Test 4 Part1 | /Presentation ® A book that you have read (topic or plot, author, style, your opinion, etc.) OR ® Something that you want to learn in the future led DES ‘There are many reasons for teens to under-perform at school, including a lack of motivation to do well, problems at home or with peers, poor work habits or study skills, emotional and behavior problems, learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, mental retardation or below average intelligence and other medical problems. including anxiety and depression. Children with sleep problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea, or inadequate sleep, can also have problems at school. S490 sii Eris ruler ake It is important to find the reason for the child’s poor performance, especially if she is failing, and come up with a treatment plan so that she can perform up to her full potential. Another reason to get the teenager help, is that doing poorly in school can easily lead to problems with low self-esteem, behavior problems and depression. It is sometimes difficult to figure out if problems at school are caused by other medical problems, such as depression, or if these other problems began because of their poor school performance. Teenagers who do poorly at school may be under a lot of stress, and will develop different ways to cope with this stress. Some may externalize their feelings, which can lead to acting out and behavior problems or becoming the class clown. Other teenagers will internalize their feelings, and will develop almost daily complaints of head- aches or stomach-aches. To help teenagers develop a positive attitude and motivation toward working hard at school the following steps are necessary: ® Giving the teenagers praise and rewards for doing something well or working hard to solve a difficult or challenging problem. Avoiding frequent criticism is also very important. * Communication with the teenager about school and asking her about her day to show interest. * Helping her to find something that she has a skill or special interest in, such as music, sports, reading, etc. ® Helping the teenager understand that success has a lot to do with how much time and effort she puts into a task, and is not just about how smart or strong she is. Teenagers who believe this are more likely to take on new challenges and work harder on difficult tasks, http://www.redrock ® Rebuilding, enlargement ® New classrooms and laboratories '® New canteen, healthy food ® New school equipment ® Sports facilities * Extra lessons and study circles * Anything else? First decide what you should do and why. ‘Tell your partner your ideas and try to agree on something that you and Mark would all be Satisfied with, convince each other. me 8 probanyelyvizsga nyelvbol=B2 Possible questions to answer: * What are the most typical features of each season? How has the weather changed in your area recently? ® Have there been any outstanding events related to weather (floods, drought etc.) ae | SN ue cunyaiauras) nyelvbol—B2 ECL Test 2 Possible questions to answer: ® What are the most typical foods in your country? ® Have eating habits changed recently? * Is the popularity of fast food still increasing? ® Do ads influence what people eat? ® Are people health-conscious as far as their food is concerned? etc. if aS Beds ysinutss:s nyelvbol=B2 ECL Test 3 PE E Possible questions to answer: ® Why are sports so popular? * Do people prefer to watch or do sports in your country? * What can sports teach people? * In what ways can sports be dangerous? ® Are extreme sports widespread in your country? etc. 8 probanyelvvizsga nyelvbol—B2 Besig aire - COTE ‘onl, i Possible questions to answer: * Do people tend to live in houses or in flats? ® Is there a change in tendencies? * In most parts of the developed world there is a strong tendency towards urbanisation. Is rural life losing its attraction in your country, as well? ete

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