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2) Emergence of Herbivorous Creatures >) Job Insecurity ©) THIRST FOR DEATH @) Hazardous Encounters ©) Company Restructuring Hindered ®) Distressed Actress =) Dozens of Self-destructive Fanatics B) Celebrity to Swap Careers ® Victim to Back Investigation 5) Employee Dies for Merchandise & According to a report, actress Angelina Jolie intends to try out politics and is even interested in a run at the White House. Jolie is said to be an admirer of the current presi- dent but thinks that she could make a big difference with her job. The mother of six is reportedly bored with Hollywood and is now far passionate about ber humanitarian work for the UN. According to a friend, she sees politics as a way she "can make an even greater difference. “She's very determined and she is well respected for "ber humanitarian work and I’m sure she would make as many waves if she moved fully into the political world,” said the friend. Attp:// 79309 | 1Z Scuba divers off the Californian city of San Diego are being menaced by large sumbers of jumbo squid. The beaked Humboldt squid, which grow up to 5ft (1.5 metres) Jong, arrived off the city’s shores last week. Divers have reported unnerving meetings with the creatures, which are carnivorous and can be aggressive. One diver described how one of the rust-coloured creatures ripped the buoyancy aid and light from her chest, and grabbed her with its tentacles. “I just kicked like crazy,” diver Shanda Magill told the Associated Press news agency. Attp://news. huip:// id= 79510 8 probanyelvvizsga Yahi 50 |= 2 — "BD Spain: Police have arrested a man for allegedly hiring six Colombians to kill his boss because he feared he would be laid off in a company restructure. His sister, who allegedly acted as a go-between, and the Colombians, have been arrested. The murder of this employer marks the latest in a series of acts carried out by people fearful of losing their employment in the rapidly worsening depression. Other extreme reactions to the worsening conditions include a construction firm head who threatened to torch himself unless people who owed him money paid up, and a builder who held his bank manager at gunpoint. huip:/ According to Gary Taylor, head of, several Michael Jackson fans have committed suicide. He said, “I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12. I believe there may have been one Briton who has taken their life. This crazy news came to light when it was revealed that a Jackson lookalike in Russia cut his wrists after Michael's death was announced last week. The fan, Pavel Talaléyev, was found bleeding heavily at his home in Moscow. Luckily for him, an am- bulance crew found him in time and managed to save his life. One of the paramedics stated, “He was in a terrible state in the ambulance and kept on saying: "It’s all the same to me. I’m going to kill myself. It’s the worst tragedy of my life and I don’t want to live any more. I don’t know why you saved my life, I want to be with him’.” http://www. Jackos-fans-commit-suicide.himl "SY An employee of an Apple store in Arlington County was shot and wounded yester- day morning during an attempted armed robbery in a back storeroom as more than three dozen shoppers and other employees milled about the showroom. Arlington police said the suspect rang a doorbell at a back service entrance of the store. A 26-year-old female employee opened the door and was shot, said Detective Crystal Nosal, a police spokeswoman. ‘Nosal said it was unclear whether the employee and the shooter exchanged words or whether he was after commodity or money. Police said the employee suffered a wound to her right shoulder and was in a serious but stable condition at an area hospital. Her injuries are not considered life-threatening. She is sedated but working with police to find the suspect. Police have been using K-9 units and helicopters in the search. htip:/ 2009/07/03/AR2009070301277.heml Ba ie The battle over Wikipedia’s use of images from a British art gallery's website has intensified. The online encyclopaedia has accused the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) of betraying ‘is public service mission. But the gallery has said it needs to recoup the £1m cost of its Gigitisation programme and claims Wikipedia has misrepresented its position. The NPG is threatening legal action after 3,300 images from its website were uploaded to Wikipedia. The high-resolution images were uploaded by Wikipedia volunteer Derrick Coetzee. Erik Moeller, the deputy director of the Wikimedia Foundation which runs the online encyclopaedia said most observers would think the two sides should be “allies not adversaries” and that museums and other cultural institutions should not pursue extra sevenue at the expense of limiting public access to their material. “Itis hard to see a plausible argument that excluding public domain content from a free, non-profit encyclopaedia serves eny public interest whatsoever,” he wrote. He points out that two German photographic archives donated 350,000 copyrighted images for use on Wikipedia, and other institutions im the United States and the UK have seen benefits in making material available for use. Another Wikipedia volunteer David Gerard has blogged about the row, claiming that the National Portrait Gallery makes only £10-15,000 a year from web licensing, less than it makes “selling food in the cafe”. But the gallery insists that its case has been misrepresented, and has now released a statement denying many of the charges made by Wikipedia. It denies claims that it has Been “locking up and limiting access to educational materials”, saying that it has been a pioneer in making its material available. It has worked for the last five years toward the target of getting half of its collection online by 2009. “We will be able to achieve this,” said the gallcry’s statement, “as a result of our own income.” The gallery says that while it ‘only makes a limited revenue from web licensing, it earns far more from the reproduction of its images in books and magazines — £339,000 in the last year. But it says the present Situation jeopardises its ability to fund its digitisation process from its own resources. The gallery has claimed that Wikipedia’s actions have violated English copyright laws, which protect copies of original works even when they themselves are out of copyright. A spokeswoman also said that the two German archives mentioned in Erik Moeller’s biog had in fact supplied medium resolution images to Wikipedia, and insisted that the National Portrait Gallery had been willing to offer similar material to Wikipedia. The gallery also explained how Derrick Coetzee was able to obtain the high resolution files from its site. They were made available to visitors using a “Zoomify” feature, which works by allowing several high resolution files to be seen all together. It claims Mr Coetzee used special software to “de-scramble” the high-resolution tiles, allowing the whole portrait to be seen in high resolution. But the Wikipedia volunteer David Gerard accuses the gallery of bureaucratic empire building. “They honestly think the paintings belong to them rather than to us,” he wrote. http://news. (@) Erik Moeller accuses the National Portrait Gallery of a) violating public interest. b) being an ally of Wikipedia. c) renouncing extra revenue. “% According to David Gerard, the NPG catering a) makes only £10-15,000 a year. b) benefits from making material available for public use. c) is more profitable than web licensing. “B)_ NPG says it is working on uploading its collection from a) web licensing fines. b) self-generated income. c) donations from different German and English institutions. “9. The NPG insists that a) Wikipedia has breached English copyright laws. b) original works out of copyright are not protected by copyright laws. c) web licensing is more remunerative than the reproduction of its images in books and magazines. WO) A spokeswoman for the NPG says that in order to allow the whole portrait to be seen in high resolution, Mr Coetzee used special software to a) jumble the high-resolution tiles. b) assemble the high resolution tiles. c) combine medium and high resolution tiles. You are looking for a cheap holiday, you are willing to join strangers. “W2, You need advice how to live a more environment-friendly life. ‘You want to buy a pram for your newborn babies. You need some biking accessories but you don’t trust paying online. ‘You are looking for a job, you don’t have managerial skills but you are willing to study. You want to reduce your overhead costs. You want to withdraw £25,000 from your bank account immediately. You are interested in a tailored active holiday. You are eager to do extreme sports on the Maldives at a reasonable price. You are concerned about the money you keep at home. Ordering from Tall Tree While Tall Tree doesn’t have a shopping basket sys- tem set up (yet), we are happy to ship any of our bi- cycles, parts, accessories or clothing to you. Please send us an email with the item(s) you are interested in, along with your shipping address and we will provide you with a shipping quote. shipping@tall- ‘We only accept payments through the secure Paypal system for purchases made outside the shop. Don't worry, you can still use your credit card, bank ac- count, ete. to make the payment. Comfort, performance, and safety are all important factors when choosing cycling equipment. Landry’s has an extensive selection of cycling accessories from which to choose. From cold ‘weather gear to protective eyewear, riding gloves to riding shoes, rain jackets to cycling com- puters, road wheels to mountain pedals and more, Landry's staff will help you find what's right for you. We invite you to visit Landty’s lucal store (o purchase a bike or other products from us. Because of the personal service involved in fitting bicycling equipment to our customers, we do not sell products over the Internet or via mail order. Seo Ne Vaba vias) byssus) 4 EMall welcomes its prospective customers. Shop- ping here is safe, easy, and green. You'll lessen your carbon footprint at my EMalll as you save mon- ey ona variety of brand name top quality items. We are confident you'll find exactly what you want eas- ily and at great prices. You'll even find things you didn’t know you wanted! Just look for our inexpen- sive chimney plug that can save heat and money from going up the chimney. Just a damper alone isn't enough. You will find it along with some feng shui energy chimneys near our energy saving light bulbs. This golden find can be the perfect present for your dear triend at a price she wouldn't belleve if you ever did tell her. Enjoy shopping here!! nance & Corporate Services Manager Wanted £60,000 plus exceptional benefits This post oversees a £300 million budget. Al- though an accountancy qualification such as CIMA or CIPFA would be desirable, what will really count is financial and budgetary expertise and a proven track record of business leadership in large, complex and diverse organisations. If you have the charisma to lead and inspire a large team (circa 40), plus the confidence and credibility to stand up to public scrutiny, here's your chance to make a significant impact and leave a lasting legacy. For more information and to apply, please visit Directline Holidays offer a wide range of bargain holidays forall tastes, including all inclusive holidays and package holidays. Search and com- pare last minute holidays, offers and late deals all in one place. If you are looking for @ holiday to Spain, or an all inclusive holiday to Goa we can help. We have hundreds of summer holidays, late deals on package holidays and luxury holidays around the world MeO R CTL elo) Ce) ee) Go ft De Enjoy golf breaks worldwide with GolfPlanet Holidays Our golf holiday brochure shows you what we're ‘about. Established nearly 30 years ago, we've or- zanised great-value golf breaks, holidays, week- ‘ends and tours in France and destinations around ‘the planet — every one on a tailor made basis and ery one a perfect golf experience. Your golf holiday is very important to us — Tell us what you want we listen to what you need ‘and come up with an all-inclusive package of- ‘fering travel, the most suitable accommodation ‘and guaranteed enjoyment on the finest courses; all wrapped up with our multi-award winning service. Py drove yah auras) Sho) = © Peseta ‘An American veteran who said he parachuted into Normandy as part of the D-Day landings in June 1944 has been 21. to be a liar. Howard Manoian, 84, claimed he had landed in Sainte-Mere-Eglise in France — the setting of a fierce battle immortalised in the John Wayne film The Longest Day. But his military records (22. he spent the war behind the front line. He said he with the famous 82" Airborne Division, and would tell exciting tales of his parachute mission. “Even in the aeroplane I was wondering (24. it was going to be like. They are going to start firing at us when we get near the land,” he said. “One planeload jumped and landed in the square the church and of course the Germans were already up and they were firing as they came down. Half of them 26, or wounded immediately. That was the first time I saw a person dead face to face.” Mr Manoian claimed he had been hit 27. German. machine gun bullets in the left hand and both legs during a fire fight on 17 June 1944, and then again by a Nazi plane that targeted the hospital '28. he was recovering. 29. . his only war injuries were a broken middle finger while on standby in England and then heavy bruising to another hand. The lies came 30. when military records were obtained by the Boston Herald. hutp:// {J a) said 122) a) revealing (23) a) has served | b) told b) reveal b) is serving c) saying c) reveals c) had served 24. a) which a) nearby "26. a) were died b) how b) by b) were killed c) what ¢) besides c) dead 27. a)at 28. a) in where 29. a) In fact b) with b) which b) All in all c) by c) where c) Moreover ft 2s | a) to light b) true sogle is developing an operating system (OS) for |3 challenge to market leader Microsoft and its Windows system. oogle Chrome OS will be aimed initially at small, low-cost netbooks, but will eventually on PCs as well. Google said netbooks with Chrome OS could be on by the middle of 2010. “Speed, simplicity and 33, are the key aspects Google Chrome OS,” the firm said in its official blog. he news comes just months before Microsoft launches the latest 'B40 of its ‘operating system, called Windows 7. “We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, » start up and get you on to the web in a few seconds,” said the blog post written by ‘Sundar Pichai, vice-president of product management. oogle already has an operating system for mobile phones called Android which can ‘on netbooks. Google Chrome OS will be aimed not st at laptops but also at desktops for those who spend a lot of time on the web. The ennouncement could 36. change the market for operating systems, especially Microsoft, the biggest player with around 90% (37! This i is the first time we have had a truly competitive OS on the market i in years. This is ptentially disruptive and is the first real attempt by anyone to go after Microsoft. st year Google (38) the Chrome browser, which it said was designed for people who live on the web — searching for information, checking e-mail, '39. the news, shopping or just staying in touch with friends”. commentators said Google’s motivation in all this was pretty clear. One of Google’s major goals is to take Microsoft out, to systematically destroy their hold a the market,” said Mr Enderle. oogle wants to “40. Microsoft and it’s a unique battle. The strategy is ‘good. The big question is, will it work?” computers, in a 8 probanyelvvizsga wy Yahy so) = 3 oe si Microsoft — which claims that 96% of netbooks run Windows to date — releases Windows 7 later this year to replace Windows Vista and Windows XP, which is eight years old. Attp:/inews. 11.stm A eliminate B personal C used D using E system F launched G catching up H browser I share J network K dramatically Ln M security N version O click foe ac ened a) Precious Find b) Death Put off c) Devastating Disaster d) Precipitation Problems e) Fatal Collision f) Monkey Obesity CD1-Track 4,5 “46. Some people think graffiti dates back to 30,000 A.D. (47, tris highly debated whether prehistoric cave paintings were created to enhance spiritual rituals. Some people don’t consider prehistoric carvings and paintings graffiti because they were not illegal. *Kilroy was here’ is a military slogan. Modern graffiti first appeared on New York public transport vehicles. “TAK 183” made a foot messenger the first recognized graffiti writer. The same importance has always been allocated to quantity and quality. Writers also began to add design elements to their names not to be caught. The NYC Metro Transit Authorities tried to remove graffiti from trains. Graffiti art didn’t remain a local phenomenon. foe earl. dare According to the announcement when the risk of severe weather conditions within the next few days is 65%, the BBC will issue a) an initial warning. b) an early warning. c) a weather warning. If you need medical care in Derby, you are advised to go to a) The Osmaston Road Medical Centre. b) The Open Access Centre. c) Wilkinson and Staples. If you visit the Radio and TV Career Expo, you can a) become a TV announcer. b) talk to media experts. c) get promotion in your career. Passengers travelling to Ramsgate must a) stay on the train. b) go to platform 1. c) remain on platform 4. | 4 Ey deo e uy Vi uulassse) yale |= 2 — (60! You want to listen to information on traffic conditions on the M2 Motorway. The op- tion to choose on your phone keypad is a) 1. b)2. c)3. You saw the following advertisement in a magazine. You enrolled in EC London Language school to attend a 3-week advanced course to im- prove your language skills but left the course after the first week. Write a letter to the school to explain your decision. Your letter should contain at least two of the following points and one other aspect: ap ation about your language skills it made you leave ng for compensation starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the three points should be ded as well as an appropriate introduction and closing. Include your address and the ress of the school, also the date, reference line, salutation and closing formula. ‘have 30 minutes in which to write the letter. se write 150-200 words. have found the following advertisement. have decided to work as a volunteer this summer, Write to AFS for more details. Your er should contain at least two of the following points and one other aspect: ntion the reason for writing Explain where you are willing to do voluntary work Give details of the type of work you are willing to do Ask for more information fe starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the three points should be cluded as well as an appropriate introduction and closing. Include your address and the ess of the school, also the date, reference line, salutation and closing formula. a have 30 minutes in which to write the letter. Miease write 150-200 words. fy} 8 provanyelvvizsga TELC Test 2 7) a Reading Comprehension a) Multiple Faults Prove Fatal b) Prolonged Economic Crisis c) Positive Outlook on the Real Estate Market d) Electric Shock Surviver e) Questioned Mediation f) Disadvantageous Glut g) Extremists’ Call for Ransom h) Hostages in Death-trap i) Arbitrator Accepted j) Record Amounts of Mineral Water Sold 1. A second French hostage has been handed over to the hard-line Somali Islamis' group, al-Shabab, government sources have told the BBC. The two security advisers, who were training government troops, were seized from a Mogadishu hotel on Tuesday. BBC East Africa correspondent Will Ross says that, unlike other insurgent groups in Somalia, al-Shabab is unlikely to be holding the men for ransom. In its eyes, the pair would be enemies, he says. “They could kill them, saying they are Christian, not Islami and they could manipulate the situation for their own political demands, including thei call for African Union troops to leave,” the presidential source told the BBC. He said the government was not able to negotiate directly with al-Shabab but had been talking to people claiming to be linked to the group holding the two French men. hitp://news. 155633. 2.) The United States Commerce Department has released data that shows the sale of new single-family homes rose by 11% in the month of June. The unexpected rise ha given hope that the economic crisis really is coming to an end. One analyst said: “The data will reinforce the developing thinking that the housing market has bottomed and that the economy has stabilized and will grow in the third quarter. In the cocktail of the market, it will be viewed positively...” tise in sales correlates perhaps more unsurprisingly with a 5% drop in prices compared the month before. Attp:/ Unprofitable vineyards in Australia as a result of over-intensive wine production is ing prices so low that in some cases, bottled water is now more expensive. Across siralia, 31 vineyards have been sold by Foster’s, the largest winemaker in the country. art Gregor, a wine industry critic, said: “We’ve seen growers who didn’t bother picking grapes this year.” Winemakers say a 20% drop in vines over 3 years is necessary in er to correct the oversupply. =r-optimism during the last decade due to strong sales abroad has run head-on into ‘sumber of factors, including competition overseas, the global financial crisis, and an ersupply of cheap wine. hitp:/ wine-glut-overproduction-tanks-australias-grape-crop/ A 33-year-old mother of two was electrocuted in a newly rented home in Cornwall. ) srictly determines the amount orthorexics can eat. ¢) means an obsession with the distinguishing attribute of the food consumed. Ednos is an abbreviation for all kinds of eating disorders, such as anorexia and orthorexia. 5) fixation on righteous eating. ©) certain eating disorders. ‘Orthorexics can end up malnourished because they ‘may stop eating entire food groups. refuse to eat any foods that have come into contact with pesticides. “¢)are mainly middle-class, well educated people. Orthorexics’ stressful eating habits can evoke rigid rules about avoiding certain foods. challenge their private and social life. =) lead to being concerned about their virtuous behaviour. ing to Deanne Jade, founder of the National Centre for Eating Disorders, the ition is on the increase s)because orthorexics’ anxieties around food are generally confirmed and encour- >) due to the proliferation of nutritionists, dieticians and naturopaths. ‘because orthorexics are convinced health problems can be cured through entirely natural methods. 8 probanyelyvizsga AW You are looking for new career options. 92 You need special match-making services. 13. Irrigation problems at home may interfere with your 3-week holiday abroad. F4.You are worried about operating your cell phone during your adventure trip. 45. You and your bargain-hunter partner would need recreation. 16. You are looking for a special designer belt to match the outfit you want to wear the Elvis Presley Festival. Free time isn’t free. It’s precious. That’s why, here at, we wake up every day thinking of better ways to make your free time go even further. Fancy escaping to the Maldives? Jetting off to Marrakech? Or maybe a great night out in the UK? As the internet's leading travel & lifestyle website, has it all. Travel the globe like a jetsetter, sightseer or sea- farer. Or, career down a mountain-side on skis, a snowboard, or in a perspex ball (yes, a perspex ball — it’s known as Zorbing). And when you're all bumed out, head straight for one of our spa days, sumptuous restaurants or tea (and cham- pagne if you are feeling extra naughty) for two at the Ritz ‘You want to see nocturnal animals but you hate zoos. You are concemed about the reliability of your car. You are eager to break an addiction of yours. ‘You want to join the fight against illiteracy in the world. Yeates | 2 eb Initially introduced as a menswear collection in 1994, Al Saints is acclaimed for its unique brand of sharp edge, ro n roll inspired clothing, ‘The name refers in part to 60's TV icon Simon Templar, aka The Saint — and in part to All Saints Road, in Nott Hill, notorious for its artistic and musical associations, espe cially its links with the Clash. It is from this inspiration and these associations that All Saints developed a now, long standing history of collabor ing with the creme of the British music scene. From the Steroephonics, Robbie Williams and U2 to Kooks, The Rakes and Babyshambles, musical heritage pla an integral part to the design signature and culture of the cor pany. AllSaints is now firmly established both nationally and ternationally as one of the most successful and enticing Brit ish Brands. Today AllSaints has a portfolio of over 23 stores and 33 concessions globally and houses a comprehensi collection of menswear, womenswear and accessories. 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Aug 15 ~ Stargazing for Everyone — Look through telescopes and enjoy a slide presentation under the stars. Bring lawn chairs for your own comfort. No pets. Starts at 7:30 p.m. Aug 21 - Animal Hide & Seek Flashlight Night Walk. Help a ranger find animals that are active at night as you take in a night walk in the desert. Starts at 7:30 p.m. Aug 29 ~ Super Scorpion Search. A ranger will lead you on a search for these elusive desert dwellers that glow in the dark under a black light, No pets. Starts at 7:30 p.m. a ooking for a partner who panders to the planet, Freeloader Pro is a powerful solar charger that stainability seriously and would love a date at will charge virtually all portable electrical devic- me restaurant? Then look no further. Nigel’s Eco | | es including higher voltage, power hungry DVD ‘for intelligent, thinking people that like to go’ players, camcorders and, for the first time, digital fun and who care a bit more about the planet. cameras, SLRs and video cameras. is brought to you in association with Nigel’s Made from tough aluminium and finished in — — the UK’s award win- a stylish piano black, Freeloader Pro is perfect shopping site! Finding love, or even adate,can | | for adventure travellers, journalists, explorers, project. It’s hard enough, but when you're expeditions, the armed forces and anyone who for chemistry, physical attraction, love... and demands the best! It uses its high power solar ‘with shared ethical and environmental values, | | panels to quickly charge its internal battery (7-9 ‘Be a tall order. Sharing concern about climate hours in sunny conditions) Once fully charged aad environmental issues means looking for a |_| Freeloader Pro is capable of delivering enough carbon footprint reducer who'll take sus- | | power to give a mobile phone 70 hours of stand- seriously. So if you're searching for a partner by time, 5,000 page turns on an eBook or a 100% and composts everything but toenails, or |_| full charge to a digital camera battery. -d:cam house isa solar powered pad lit by energy Size: 150 x 63 x 20mm Tightbulbs, then join now for free! Weight: 174g 8 probanyelivizsga my Valyee | 2 Does it make sense that taking in MORE nic otine will have a positive effect on your abil to give up smoking? You certainly would not give an alcoholic copious amounts of liquor to get them to stop drinking. What makes yor think more nicotine would help a smoker? So where is the logic in putting MORE nicotine in your body when it is the very same nicotine they are attempting to break the addiction of to quit smoking?To quit smoking you must even: tually eliminate nicotine consumption. With: drawal from this addictive drug is extremely challenging to say the least. That is what makes SmokeRx so unique and) such an extraordinary tool for smokers. The concept is a formulation to blend the all-nat- ural healing properties of historically effective herbal and aromatherapy ingredients with the goal of helping your body in eliminating its need for nicotine. WE Whether you're young or young at heart, male or female, you can join a KFA class and discover how to enjoy safe, effective exercise and make a new circle of friends. We have always prided ourselves on being more than an exercise regime. When the class is over, there are lots of opportunities to meet up so that you'll feel you belong to the KFA family. Find your nearest class and come along Ieisbeli fake orok— sabe fitting clothes, bring a towel or exercise ‘mat for the floor exercises, some water and a smile, You'll be pleasantly surprised how welcoming a KFA class is. You may want to consider becoming a teacher. Our Teacher Training Courses are run by highly qualified trainers. You'll gain a nationally recognised professional qualifi- cation which will open up new job opportu- nities for you. for a trial session. It’s best to wear loose- Reuse First for Students is a free, easy, and fun service project and fundraiser desizned for students and organizations at the college level. The program has already raised millions of dollars for education and diverted millions of books from landfills. The rest of the story is still being written, Join a growing movement of students on over 1800 campuses, coming together to support literacy around the world. Now you can do well by doing good. Just sign up to run a book drive, advertise with our free supplies, collect books and let us do the rest. You and the nonprofit you select will earn money for the books you collect, The only thing limiting the amount you make is how many books you can get, so go get “em! As of July 2009, Better World Books has contributed more than $1.45 million to campus organizations that have run book drives. Here’s how the program works: 1. Books travel to our collection centre. 2. Students and booksellers save up to 90% on used textbooks at Better 3. Some books are shipped to schools in Africa. 4, A portion of the books goes to our non-profit literacy partners. 5. The funding we provide builds schools, ships books, gets families reading and more. 8 probanyelywizsga Yshysel— — Milan has banned the consumption and sale of alcohol to young teenagers in a attempt to curb disorder and a growing number of social problems. Parents of childre under the age of 16 (2) drinking wine or spirits will be liable to hea fines of up to 500 Euros ($700;£450). A third of 11-year-olds in the city have alcohol problems. In a country where for centuries wine has been part of loca culture — and (23) would be unthinkable — the ban has come as a shock But the authorities are deeply concerned about the increase in consumption of alcohe by children as young as 11 in the country’s industrial and financial capital. So as a experiment, supplying alcohol — either wine or spirits — to youths under the age of I in bars, restaurants, pizza shops and liquor stores . Heavy fines will b e on the parents of offending children and on shopkeepers or bar ownet who |26. them. A national law banning the sale of alcohol to under-16s is onl loosely enforced, as Italian families giving young children a teaspoor of wine as a family party treat. In past centuries, Italian children would sometimes ever be given wine to drink in to water which was often polluted. There has been a storm of protest by bar owners who refuse as alcohol polic for young people. But changing social customs mean that old easy-going attitude: § consumption of alcohol in Italy will have to change. htip://news. 2. a) catch | a) related 123) a) prohibition b) caught b) concerning b) prohibiting c) catching c) considering c) prohibit "24. a) are banned a) put "26, a) produce b) banned b) imposed b) consume c) will be banned ©) designated c) serve 27. a) are used to '28) a) preference (29) a) acting b) used to b) prefer b) act c) get used to c) comparison c) to act 30. a) into b) towards c) hence as desynchronosis, is an unpleasant aspect of traveling but hich is ultimately unavoidable. Considering the number of time zones worldwide, is a good chance that travellers will cross one time zone during fight. Jetlag has been known to cause insomnia, anxiety and nausea, but the most on symptoms are feelings of disorientation, grogginess and fatigue. Jetlag can last duration of the trip, or for several days after you have returned. Although jetlag millions of (33), worldwide, there are techniques which can mini- ‘its impact. The first step is to understand why the body is affected by jetlag. is 34. by travelers because the body cannot properly adapt to a ent time zone. Some individuals have more pronounced symptoms of jetlag than As a result of a long flight across multiple time zones, the confusion the body ex- jetlag stems from two main differences: one, differences in ules of bodily functions such as appetite, rest and thirst, and two, differences to light and darkness. 2 interferes with normal circadian rhythms. This is a fancy way of referring to your clock that wants to be awake when it is light out and sleep when it is ut. Any adjustment to your circadian rhythm will need an adjustment period. Get- in the sunlight can help you to reset your circadian rhythms. Your body takes its fom the cycles of light and dark so give it the ay imepere cues. The sooner your is exposed to the new light and dark schedule, it will adjust to y time zone. also occurs due to an imbalance in the hypothalamus. Ordinarily, the hypothalamus ins a balance of glucose and hormonal levels, ‘39. body temperature pressure. The hypothalamus can be thrown off balance by drastic changes and darkness brought on by a sudden ~ in time zones. As the do not receive an anticipated amount of light, the brain transmits a signal to the alamus that is off schedule with its normal functions. ‘Betp:/ jet- lag-601955.html B atlast C dueto E_ because F external ero ea hayr4s | wyalysel— yd — G as wellas HH the sooner I experienced J the soonest K_ internal L_ individuals M referred to N_ access O atleast ening Comprehension CD 1 - Track 20, 21 Upcoming Collapse b) Celebrity Interrogated ©) Accident doesn’t Hinder Filming @) Fatal Car Chase e) Habitual Criminal Obscure Reasons ORE cey aye ‘46. Cari Goldsmith has wanted to be a model all her life. ‘G7 From the beginning of the show she was convinced she had a chance to win. “48. During the show she could feel the support of the audience. ASPEN ElAdAtsOrOK— TEL The models show each dress once in the final runway show. She didn’t really get on well with Melrose because she wasn’t as good as Cari. During the show she accidentally tore the train of a wedding dress. She thinks her true personality didn’t come through in the show. Cari thinks image is not everything in modeling. Directors trick the viewers to keep them guessing till the end of the show. She is looking forward to going to Australia. CD 1 - Track 24, 25 If you want to go to Southampton Airport, you must __ a) change at Southampton Parkway. __ 5) travel in the front 5 coaches. ¢) change at Southampton. In July we can expect 2) heavy thunderstorms, which will trigger some localised flooding. b) above-average amounts of sunshine. c) mainly unsettled conditions. Ifyou want to see a piece of the museum’s Greek collection, a) you can do it in August the earliest. ‘b) you must check if it is on view. ‘¢) you can do so in July. To have information about a phone suitable for your mother who is hard of hearing, you must press a)1. b)2. <)3. 8 probanyelyvizsga nyelvbol— Bz) — If you buy your ticket to the British Ski and Board show for Sunday in advance, yo have to pay a) £5 b) £11 c) less than £11 ‘You have read the following advertisement on the Internet. http: / [eisbali fabs curok— sake were an exchange student at Putney High School from September to June. You have st returned home and decide to write a letter to the headmaster of the school Your letter ald contain at least two of the following points and one other aspect: for the opportunity ibe how your English improved in what other ways you benefited from your stay ention something you were dissatisfied with starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the three points should be ded as well as an appropriate introduction and closing. Include your address and the ress of the school, also the date, reference line, salutation and closing formula. have 30 minutes in which to write the letter. write 150-200 words. saw the following advertisement in a local paper. http:/vww hotel-receptionist-jobs/ recently took the seasonal job which was advertised in a travel magazine. After a few ks, you realized there are some problems with the job. a letter to the manager of the hotel. Your letter should contain at least two of the ing points and one other aspect: 8 probanyelvvizsga Yahi) 32 ® Explain why you took the job ® Describe the problems that you experienced ® Suggest what could be done about them ® Say what you will do if the situation does not change soon Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the three points should be included as well as an appropriate introduction and closing. Include your address and the address of the hotel, also the date, reference line, salutation and closing formula. You have 30 minutes in which to write the letter. Please write 150-200 words.

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