Frank Russian in Ones Palm

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Ilya Frank

Russian in Ones Palm

English traslation by Olga Tyuleneva

120 mini-dialogues

Foreword to the book Russian in Ones Palm

Anyone who wants to study a foreign language faces a question: How to

remember all this? Or: How is it better to learn?
For example, you can make your own vocabulary and write down all new words
with the translation. But, in practice, it is difficult to memorize words without
context. With such a method of memorizing you will most probably, when
meeting the word again, only remember that, yes, you've studied this word. But,
unfortunately, it is not always possible to remember its meaning. Not to mention
the fact that the knowledge of individual words does not help: you need to know
how exactly Russian speakers speak, how they connect these words in this or that
particular case.
In this book I combine the necessary amount of basic vocabulary in a series of
mini-dialogues, five sentences each.
The dialogues are designed according to my method of reading (Ilya Franks
Ilya Franks Reading Method

Reading Method, visit ): a dialogue with inserted

literal Russian translation and brief lexical comments comes first; then the same
dialogue follows, untranslated.
It takes less than five minutes to memorize a dialogue.
The text is small but very rich in terms of utility and it just fits in ones palm.
Such texts you take like pills, its up to you to take them once a day, twice a day
or more often.
Another plus is that by doing so you feed the language: even if one day you do
not study properly, but only take one mini-dialogue, you are practicing
nevertheless. It's not just these five sentences and a few new words, but the fact
that the area of your brain responsible for languages, particularly for the Russian
language, is worked. If you deal for a while with Russian, you implicitly activate
words and expressions that are not in your specific, daily text. You will easily
notice it yourself (if you pay attention): you study some words and phrases, and
all of a sudden other words and phrases pop up.
As you absorb new dialogues dont forget to periodically revise or just listen to
the old ones.
This handbook does not, of course, eliminate the necessity of using other
textbooks, not to mention speaking practice. It will just help you to master the
basic material.
Why does every dialogue consist of five sentences? The optimal number of
phrases for a mini-dialogue was established empirically. On the one hand, this is
still a dialogue, on the other hand, it can be learnt in one sitting.
Moreover, this is kind of a game: the author of the dialogues must meet the
conditional pattern, keep the genre, and the reader can appreciate his art and enjoy
the success (or sigh in case of failure, and, perhaps, forgive the author).

An example of how to work with each new dialogue:

1) Read the text with the translation.

Ilya Franks Reading Method

2) Listen to the entire text.

3) Listen to the text, repeating each phrase during the pause.
4) Read the text (expressively!) by the look-up method: that is, look at the
phrase, then look away, and pronounce it quite loudly. Then, in the same
mode, read the next sentence.

Good luck to you in mastering the Russian language!

Send your comments and remarks to
I will take them into account in the new publications of the following issues and
other books in this series.

A: ` (whats your name: how do they call you; . =
= Imperfective Aspect)?
: ` ` ` (my names Ivan Kuznetsov: they call me;
the surname is the most common surname in Russia; it stems from the
word ` /black/smith).
A: ` (fancy that: astonishingly; ` to astonish;
marvel, wonder)! ` , (I /am/ also Ivan, and also
` ` (nice to meet you: glad with you to meet; verbs
ending in - usually indicate that the subject is doing the action to/towards
himself or herself, or reciprocally, these verbs are called reflexive)!
: ` (me too: mutually; mutual).
A: ?
: .
Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: ! , !
: .

A: ` ` ` (whats your phone number: what /is/ your
number of the phone; `)?
: , `, , , `, (oh/zero, one, two, three, four, five)
A: , , `, ` (six, seven, eight, nine)?
: ` ` (how do you know: where /do/ you this know from;
A: ` ` (it makes perfect sense: it /is/ after all logical: logically;
intensifying particle)!
A: ?
: , , , , ,
A: , , , ?
: ?
A: !

A: ` ` ` (the Russian language is rather difficult).
: ` (I /do/ not think so; ).
` (Russian /is/ very easy).
Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: ` (whats your nationality = what is your ethnic

nationality: who /are/ you by nationality; `)?
: (I /am/ Russian; the present tense of the verb to be does not exist in
the Russian language, it is understood from context; /.. =
masculine gender/; /.. = feminine gender/).
A: .
: .
A: ?
: .

A: `, ` ` (I have heard: I heard you're flying to
Beijing; /./; ` /./ unidirectional verb of motion)?
` ` (are you going on: in a business trip; `
/./ to go; to ride; to drive /about movement in a specific direction, often on
a specific occasion/ unidirectional verb of motion)?
: , ` ` ` (no, I'm going to see the city;
/./, /./ to talk about an action in general or a repeated
action imperfective is used, but if we want to focus on one specific occasion or on
the result perfective is used).
A: ` -` (do you speak Chinese; ` /./;
: , ` ` ` -` (why: and what, dont the
Chinese speak Russian; ` Chinese /man/, ` Chinese
Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: , ?
: , .
A: -?
: , -?

A: ` (whats your name: how do they call you)?
: `, ` (sorry, I have forgotten: I forgot; ` /./;
` fault; blame; guilt; /./)
A: ` (/are/ you laughing at me; ` /./; `
= preposition at; over; above)?
` (it /is/ impossible; ` possible)!
A: `, ` `, ` (Im sorry, would you
mind repeating your question: forgive /me/, repeat your question, please;
/imperative mood/ ` /./; /imperative
mood/ ` /./; the second)
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
A: , ,

Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: ` (what /are/ you doing; there are two forms of the pronoun
you /Singular/ in the Russian language: /informal you/ is used to address
friends, family members, children, etc. and / /formal you/ is used to
address adults you meet for the first time, a superior, an older person /to show
respect/; in addition is the plural you and is used when addressing two or
more people irrespective of their age or status)?
: ` ` (I /am/ painting the fence; ` /./).
A: ` (/is/ it interesting: interestingly)?
: ` ` (/do/ you want to try; ` /./)?
A: , `, ` (no, thank you, another time; =
/ God save you).

A: ?
: .
A: ?
: ?
A: , , .

A: ` ` ` (what fine/lovely weather)!
` ` (the sun is shining; ` /./; light).
` ` ` (I would like to go for a walk into the park;
/./; /./; ` /./ to have/take a walk /for some
time, a bit/; /./ to have/take a walk)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method

: ` ` (/do/ not talk nonsense; `; ` `

/do/ not talk nonsense; ` /do/ not talk /a piece/ of /this/
` ` (we are continuing to work; /./;
` long)!
A: !
: !

A: `, `, ` ` (could you please tell
me the way to the hospital; ` /./ to pass, to walk; `;
` sick, ill; ` /./ to be ill; to hurt, to ache)?
` ` ` (I feel bad: I feel myself badly; ` oneself;
` /./; ` /the, a/ feeling).
: ` ` `, ` ` (go straight all the time, in
this direction; `; ` /./ to direct; `
A: ` (/is/ it far)?
: ` ` (about seven kilometers;
` approximately, roughly, about, ` /./ to
bring nearer; ` near; `, /.. =
plural/ `).

Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: , , ?
: , !
A: ?
: .

A: ` , (good afternoon, has the boss come yet;
` /./)?
: , ` ` (no, he is not here yet; of him; there is no,
there are no, there is/are none).
A: ` ` (really: in real case/matter; ` business; matter;
oneself; itself)?
` ` (what will we do)?
: ` ` (how about a game of chess; `:
check + checkmate, mate; checkmate)?
A: , ?
: , .
A: ?
: ?


Ilya Franks Reading Method

A: ` (are you Russian)?

: , ` (no, I am Chinese).
A: ` (it cant be true/are you for real: it cant be)!
` -` ` (you speak Russian without /any/ accent)!
: , ` ` ` (oh, dont say that/far from it: what
/are/ you /saying/, I am only learning the Russian language; ` /./)!
A: ?
: , .
A: !
- !
: , !

A: ` (what is your profession/what do you do: who /are/
you by profession; `)?
: ` ` ` (I am a detective inspector: inspector of
criminal police; ; a criminal; `).
A: ` , ` (and what are you doing here in Hong
: ` ` ` (I am looking for the Chinese mafia; `
/./; ` `).
A: , ` ` (well, /I/ wish you good luck; an expression used
to preface a remark, gain time, etc.; ` /./; ` good luck;
` bad luck)!
A: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: .
A: , ?
: .
A: , !

: ` -` (what does it stand for in Russian: how to say it
in Russian)?
: - ` ` ` (in Russian this word will be a
: ` (then you are a crook)!
: ` ` (why are you saying so; ` /./)?
: ` ` ` ` ` ` (just to better learn:
remember the new word; ` memory).
: -?
: - .
: !
: ?
: .

A: ` (do you have children; child; kid; ` /Pl./)?
: , ` ` ` (yes, I have many children: of children, of them).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (how many children do you have)?

: ` (I dont remember; ` /./).
A: ` ` (it is too/very bad; very)!
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: .
A: !

A: ` (do you work)?
: , `, ` (no, I do not work yet, I am a student;
` /../; /../).
A: ` ` ` (what subject do you study; `
: `, ` ` (I have forgotten: I forgot how exactly
it is called; ` /./; ` /./ to be called).
`, ` ` ` (/just/ a minute, Ill have a look
in the notebook; ` /diminutive of /; ` /diminutive of
; ` notebook; ` /./ to write down,
to record; ` /./ to write; ` /./ to look, to have a
A: ?
: , , .
A: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , .
, .

A: ` ` (do you still have classes; ` occupation;
lesson; ` - /./ to be busy/occupied with smth.)?
: , ` (no, everything has already finished: finished;
` /./; ` an/the end, finish).
` , ` ` (the thing is: the matter is in it, that, I am
serving time in prison: I am sitting in prison; ` business; matter;
A: ` (I see: everything /is/ clear; ` understandable,
intelligible; clear; ` /./ to understand).
` ` ` ` (have a good time: pleasantly to you to spend
time = /I wish/ you to spend time pleasantly; `)!
A: ?
: , .
, .
A: .


Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (where are you going from; ` /./; `

/./; from where)?
: - (from somewhere).
A: ` (where are you going to)?
: `- (to somewhere).
A: `, ` ` ` (all right/well, /if you/ do not want
to say dont: you do not need to; ` /./; it is necessary /to
+ inf./; that ... should)!
A: ?
: -.
A: ?
: -.
A: , !

A: ` ` (do you have many friends; // literally
means with you is there; /../ friend; ` /../ female
friend; ` friends)?
: ` ` ` , ` (I just have one friend, the only
A: ` ` (do you meet often; /./; `
meeting, encounter)?
: ` ` (we're always together).
` (my best friend /it/ is I myself;
comparative and superlative of `).

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: .

: ` ` (you need to pay a fine; = `
: `, ` (sorry, I do not understand: I didnt understand
you; ` /./ to excuse, to pardon; ` /./ to understand).
`, `, ` (speak slower, please; ` slowly;
` to linger; to be slow)!
: ` ` ` (/one/ cannot park here: put the car here;
` /./ to place /vertically/, to set up, to make stand; to put, to
place; to set)!
: , ` `, (no, /I/ do not understand anything: no,
nothing do not understand, sorry; double negation /or multiple negation/
intensifies the negation in the Russian language; ` /./ to
: !
: , .
, , !
: !
: , , .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: `, `, ` ` ` ` (please,
tell /me/ which bus goes to the main train station; ` `)?
: `, ` (sorry, I dont know; ` /./).
A: `, ` (do you
happen to know: you do not know which bus stops at the main train station;
/./; ` /./; ` stop; stopping; halt;
arrest; station)?
: ` ` (I have no idea; ` idea, notion, conception)!
A: `, ` ` ` `
(can you tell me: wont you prompt me on which bus I can get to the
main train station; ` /./ to prompt; to give a hint/tip)?
A: , , ?
: , .
A: , ?
: !
A: ,

A: ` (is this your mobile/cell phone; /. =
` colloquial/ = ` `)?
: , (yes, mine).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: `, ` ` ` (look, now I am taking the

mobile from you; ` /./ to take away).
`, ` , (/you/ see, now it is not yours: your, but
: ` ` (I will complain)!
A: ?
: , .
A: , .
, , .
: !

A: ` ` `, ` ` ` ` (my
name is Leo Tolstoy, I booked a room for one person; /./;
` /./; number; room /in a hotel/; ` human
/being/; person).
: `, ` (just a minute, please; minute;
a little minute)!
`, ` ` ` ` (I'm sorry, but this room is already
occupied/taken; ` /./ to regret; to deplore; ` /./ to
` ` (a Leo Tolstoy is already staying/living
A: ` ` (it's just incredible: simply incredibly;
`; ` probable, likely; ` belief, faith)!

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: , .
: , !
, .
A: !

A: ` (do you have /any/ more questions)?
: , ` (yes, where are the rest rooms: where is the toilet;
A: ` , ` ` (I meant: had in view, the
questions on my report; `)!
A: ` (but I need /to go/ to the toilet)!
` ` ` (it is very important for me)!
A: ?
: , ?
A: , !
A: !

A: ` 13 (`) (you /have/ a room number 13/your
room number is 13).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: ` ` (what's the date today; day)?

A: ` (today is Friday).
: ` ` ` (can you give me another room;
` `)?
A: `, ` ` ` (/I/ can, but all the others are much
more expensive; ` much, far; by far; ` dear; expensive;
` more expensive).
A: 13 ().
: ?
A: .
: ?
A: , .

A: ` (the lift/elevator is here, on the left).
` (but it does not work/is out of order; ` /./ to
` ` (the staircase is over there on the right;
over there).
: ` ` ` (but my room is on the tenth floor;
A: ` (bad luck; ` /./ to drive: ` `
` on Monday I'll drive you to town; to have luck; ` I
had luck)!
A: .
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: !
A: !

A: ` ` (where's Pushkin Square)?
: ` ` (difficult to say: /I/ find difficulty in saying /replying;
` / -/ /./ to have/find difficulty /in smth./; `
difficult; work, labour).
A: ` ` (but you work as a guide; after all, but
/expresses contrast, opposition/; )?!
: (so what)? ` ` (it's my first working day:
first day of work; `).
` ` (the main /thing/ is to start/begin)!
A: ?
: .
A: ?!
: ? .


Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` ` (at what time do you start /your/

work; ` /./)?
: ` ` ` (we usually start at half past five: half
of sixth).
A: ` ` (and when do you finish; ` /./)?
: ` ` 11 (`) ` ` (we finish
work at eleven oclock in the evening).
A: ` ` ` ` ` (and what do you
usually do in your free/spare/leisure time)?
A: ?
: .
A: ?
: 11 () .
A: ?

A: ` ` ` (I always: all the time win in the casino;
` /./; ` play; ` to play)!
: ` (you are lucky/lucky you; ` /./ to carry; to drive; to
transport; to cart; ` he is lucky)!
A: `, ` ` ` (but I do not know what
to do with that: these money; ` /Pl./)!
: ` (give it: give them to me; ` /./ to give back, to
A: , ` (here, take /it/; take it; here; here you are; ` take it,
/./ to take)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: !
: !
A: , !
: !
A: , !

A: ` ` ` ` ` (how much is this room per night;
` twenty-four hours; day; ` /./)?
: ` ` ` (this room costs four thousand
rubles; ).
A: ` (is there an air-conditioner)?
: , , `, ` (yes, but, unfortunately, it is broken;
` regret, sorrow; ` /./ to regret; ` /./
to break).
` ` ` (it broke down as far back as the Soviet
times/era; ` /./ to break down; ` time).
A: ?
: .
A: ?
: , , , .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: (where do you live)?
: ` , ` (I live here under the bridge; ).
A: ` (do you like living: to live here; `
: , ` ` (no, it's too cold here; `).
` ` `- ` ` (I would like to move to
some other place; ` /./ to cross, to get across/over; to move /to a
new place/).
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: , .
- .

A: ` ` (where did you come from; ` /./)?
: ` (I'm from Siberia; the part of Russia/the Russian
Federation that stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific).
A: ` ` (how do you like it here)?
: ` (it is warm here: here warm; both and mean
warm, but is an adjective and agrees with the noun /
warm weather/, whereas is used without the noun /`
` it is warm today/)!
` (I like it very much: it is very pleasing to me).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ?
: .
A: ?
: !

A: ` ` (how many rooms do you have; preposition is
used to say that somebody has something whether followed by a pronoun or by a
: , ` ` (three, and it's not enough: too few).
` `: ` ` ` ` `
` (imagine: yourself: four adults and seven children in a three-room
apartment; /./)!
`, ` ` ` (you know, it cant last long)!
` ` ` (we are looking for a four-room
apartment; ` /./).
A: ?
: , .
, !

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (do you drink beer; /./)?
: , ` (no, I do not drink at all).
A: ` (do you smoke; ` /./)?
: , ` (no, I'm a non-smoker).
A: ` ` (what grade are you in after all; intensifying
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: , .
A: ?

A: ` (are you free; `)?
: , ` (no, I am not free).
A: ` (are you sure; `; ` faith, belief; ` /./
to make believe)?
: ` ` (of course I am sure: of it).
` (cant you see this chain; ` /./)?
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: .

A: ` (I have a son and a daughter).
`, ` ` ` (my daughter lives
in Vladivostok with my first wife; Vladivostok a city and port in the Far East of
`, ` (my son lives in Kiev with my
second wife; Kiev the capital of Ukraine).
` (do you want to become my wife = to marry me;
: ` `, (thank you for the proposal, but
I'd better not; ` /./ to propose)!
A: .
, .
, .
: , !

A: ` ` (how long more will you stay here =
how long are you planning to stay here; ` /./)?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: `, ` (I think, a week).
` (I havent decided yet; ` /./).
A: (that/so long; )?
` ` (you are going to live with us
another week: still whole/entire week)?
A: ?
: , .
A: ?

A: ` ` (get into the car; ` /./ to sit down;
` ` (where shall we go/drive; ` /./)?
: ` (I do not care: to me it is all alike).
`, ` ` ` (the main thing is that we are not
stopped by the police: the police do not stop us).
A: ` ` (well now, get out: come out of the car)!
A: !
: .
, .
A: !

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (I want to eat = I am hungry)!
` , `, ` ` (bring me /some/ fat fly, please;
` /./).
` (I want to drink = I'm thirsty)!
` , , ` ` ` ` (get me, please,
some water from this puddle; ` /./; `).
: ` `, ` ` (it will be done, Mrs. Frog; `
/./; lady; madam; mistress; ` mister)!
A: !
, , .
, , .
: , !

A: ` ` (do you have a vacant room)?
: , ` ` (no, we do not have a vacant room).
A: ` , ` ` ` (perhaps you
can spare a few rubles for me; ` /./ to be found)?
(I have not eaten for six days; /./)!
: ` (/get/ out of here)!

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ?
: , .
A: , ?
: !

A: ` ` ` (what are we doing tomorrow: what shall we
do tomorrow)?
` ` ` (I suggest going shopping).
` ` ` ` (I need a new summer dress; `
: `, ` (we have no money, honey: dear).
A: `, ` ` (honey: dear, I do not believe you; `
A: ?
: , .
A: , !

A: `, ` (sorry, I'm late: was late)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: ` (never mind/not to worry: not a trouble).

` (we have not started yet; ` /./).
A: ` ` (when do you start; ` /./)?
: `, ` (we'll start as soon as you leave;
` /./ to go away, to leave).
A: , !
: .
A: ?
: , .

A: `, ` ` ` ` (on
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I drink with my friends; /./).
`, ` ` ` ` (on Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, I have a rest/take a break from it).
: ` ` ` (and what do you usually do
on Sunday; /./)?
A: ` ` `-` (on Sundays I go to the fitness
center; ` /./ multidirectional verb).
` ` `, ` (it is necessary to take
care of your health, isnt it; ` healthy; sound; ` truth)?
A: , .
, .
: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: -.
, ?

A: ` `, ` ` (come here, embrace me; /./)!
` (kiss me; ` /./)!
: ` ` (in such weather)?
` ` ` ` (beastly: dogs cold and terrible wind;
` dog)!
` ` ` ` (let's better jump and run about;
` /./; ` /./)!
A: , !
: ?

A: `, `, ` ` ` -`
(could you tell me, please, when the train to St. Petersburg leaves: say, please,
when leaves the train to St.Petersburg; ` /./; `

Ilya Franks Reading Method


: ` ` ` ` (at ten oclock thirty minutes = at tenthirty; is used with numbers from five onwards; from two to four it is
, but one oclock is ).
A: `, ` ` (can/could you tell me what time it
is; ` /./ to give a hint)?
: ` ` (twenty-five minutes past ten: twentyfive minutes of the eleventh /hour is understood/).
, `, ` ` ` (hey, wait, you are running in the
opposite direction; ` /./; ` /./; ` side;
A: , , -?
: .
A: , ?
: .
, , !

A: ` ` ` ` (can you meet me at the station)?
: ` ` `, ` (it goes without saying, I will meet
you; to understand; to mean; mind; wit, intellect).
` ` ` (when does your train arrive in
A: ` ` ` (I am arriving in Moscow at five
o'clock in the morning.).
: (that is how)! ` ` ` ` (then you'd better take
a taxi; /./).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ?
: , .
A: .
: ! .

A: ` ` (it is very noisy here; noise)!
` ` (I cant stand noise: I badly endure noise;
` /./).
` ` (let's go somewhere else: to another place)?
: ` ` (not worth the trouble; /./ to cost; to be
worth /smth./; labour; work).
` ` ` ` ` ` (with our five children
everywhere will be the same; children).
A: !
: .


Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (what are you doing in my garage)?

: ` `, (nothing special, I am sleeping here;
A: ` ` (but it's my own garage)!
: ` , `, ` (leave me, please, alone/in peace;
` /./)!
` ` ` (I do not want to talk to you).
A: ?
: , .
A: !
: , , !

A: ` ` (I would like to have a good sleep; I
didn't have enough sleep)!
` (stop/put an end to the noise; ` /co./)!
` ` ` (otherwise, I'll call the police; /./)!
: ` ` ` ` (there is no longer any: no
police in our country)!
` ` ` (long live the great revolution;
modal particle; ` /./ be well; prosper, thrive; `
A: !
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: !

A: ` ` (you are very talented; `)!
: , ` (yes, it's true: truth).
A: , ` , ` ` (but, at the same time, you're a
terrible loafer)!
: , (no, it is not so)!
` ` ` (with this I cant agree)!
A: !
: , .
A: , , !
: , !

A: ` ` ` (I want to emigrate to Switzerland).
: ` ` ` (what will you do in Switzerland)?
` ` ` ` (all /people/ go to bed at nine
o'clock in the evening there; ` /./)!

Ilya Franks Reading Method


`, ` (a self-satisfied, boring life; ` satisfied, replete;

A: `, ` (never mind/do not worry, I will stand it/Ill be patient;
` /./ to be patient, to keep one's patience).
A: .
: ?
, !
A: , .

A: ` ` (what day is it today)?
: `, ` ` (today is Wednesday, the first of April).
A: `, ` ` (well, do you know the news; thus, so,
well; /../, /../)?
` ` ` ` (the aliens have come
down: came down Nevsky avenue; ` alien, extraterrestrial;
different; other; planet; Nevsky avenue the main street in
the city of St. Petersburg, Russia)!
: ` (I do not believe you; ` /./)!
A: ?
: , .
A: , ?
: !
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: , ` (well, what's new; ` /../)?
: ` ` (I'm getting married the day after tomorrow;
` - to marry, to get married to smb. /only about a man/).
A: ` ` ` (what good news; /Sing./, /Pl./)!
` (are you happy; `)?
: `, (perhaps/very likely, /I am/ happy; `
happiness; /good/ luck)
A: , ?
: .
A: !
: ,

A: ` ` (I'm in a mighty hurry/ am in a big rush; ` /./)!
: ` ` (where to are you in such a hurry; `
/./ to hurry, to be in a hurry, to hasten; to rush)?
A: ` ` (to my wedding)!
: ` ` ` (do you really need to be there)?
A: (yes, indeed/you bet: and how indeed)!

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: !
: ?
A: !
: ?
A: !

A: ` ` ` (why are you going: flying to Japan;
/./; `)?
` ` (are you going on holiday)?
: , ` ` (no, I'm going to marry/get married; compare: a
man would say ` ` / wife/, a woman would say
` ` / husband/; a man would say `: I am
bewifed, or and a woman would say `: I am
behind a man, or /I am married or I am not married/)!
A: ` (to a Japanese /woman/; `; `)?
(you're crazy: you have gone mad; ` /./ to come down /from
somewhere/; to go mad: to come down from the mind)!
: ` (not a bit/not at all)! ` ` ` `
` (Japanese women are very beautiful and smart)!

A: ?
: , !
A: ? !
: ! !
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (I'm dying; ` /./)
: ` ` (and I'm already dead/I have already died; ` /./).
` (I am a ghost).
` (I will accompany you; ` /./).
A: `, ` ` ` ` ` (thank you, that's very
kind/polite of you)!
: .
A: , !

A: ` ` ` (why do you study Chinese; `)?
: (why not)?
` ` (it gives me pleasure = I enjoy it).
` `, ` ` ` (moreover, China is our future).
A: ` ` (how smart/cute you are)!
A: ?
: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


, .
A: !

A: ` ` ` (do you want to find a job)?
: , ` ` ` (no, I want to live merrily; ).
A: ` ` (dont you need money)?
: ` (damn it; devil; deuce; ` = /./ to
` ` (I havent thought about it)!
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: !

A: ` (take off /your clothes/; ` /./ to take off one's
clothes; to take off one's coat; to undress/strip)!
: `, (Im cold, I am feeling cold; ;
/./ to freeze; to feel cold; frost)!
A: ` ` (then get dressed; ` /./)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: `, ` (I'm hot, I'm sweating; `; sweat)!

A: `, ` (you: yourself do not know what you
A: !
: , !
A: !
: , !
A: , !

A: `, ` (do not cry/shout, please; ` /./)!
` ` (dont worry that much)!
: ` ` (I am not crying/shouting at all)!!!
A: `, ` ` (take it easy: calm down, everything will be
fine/everything's going to be all right; ` /./ to calm down;
` rest; peace; quiet; calm)!
: ` ` (I am absolutely calm; ` perfectly;
absolutely, utterly; ` calm)!!!
A: , !
: !!!
A: , !
: !!!

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: , ` (sit down, please; /./)!
: ` (but I'm already sitting; ` /./)!
A: ` ` ` (but you're still taller than me; `
: ` ` (it cant be helped/there's no help for it)!
A: ` (do bend down; ` /./)!
A: , !
: !
A: !
: !
A: !

A: ` ` ` ` (breakfast is from seven to ten oclock).
: ` (is it obligatory)?
` ` (I cant eat that long)!
A: ` (as you like/wish; ` /./).
` ` ` (but /they/ give food here only once in
three days; `; ` /./).
A: .
: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: .

A: ` ` ` ` (can you
recommend a good restaurant to me)?
: , ` ` (yes, there is a good
Russian restaurant near here).
` ` (it is called Petrushka; ;
Punch; ` parsley).
` ` ` ` ` (they play the balalaika and
sing very well there; ` /./; /./).
` , `, ` (they cook badly there, though; `
/./; ` ready, prepared).
A: ?
: , .
, , .

A: ` ` (I would like to kick you: give you a kick;
`; ` to kick).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


` (is this possible)?

: , `-, (in general, that: it is possible).
` ` ` (but it will cost you ten thousand
rubles; ` /./).
A: ` ` (it's too expensive)!
A: .
: , -, .
A: !

A: ` ` (I want to eat very much = I am very hungry)!
` ` ` (can you bring me /some/ cockroaches;
: ` (we dont have them any more).
` ` ` (we are now a civilized country).
` ` ` (would you like roast spiders; ` roast
/meat/; ` to roast; `)?
A: !
: .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` (what do you usually have: eat for
breakfast; /./)?
: ` ` (I eat a sandwich and drink coffee;
` ` ` ` ` (however, on weekdays I
like to drink /some/ cognac/brandy; ` ; ` /./).
A: ` (everything is clear)!
` ` ` (have a drink: had a drink in the
morning and youre free all day)!
A: ?
: .
A: !

A: ` (whats the matter with you: what with you)?
: ` ` (I am tired to death/dead tired; mortally,
lethally: ` ` mortally/lethally wounded; terribly, awfully;
` ` ` (and I have a stomach ache: by/at me the stomach
aches; ` /./).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (dont worry; ` /./; ` wave)!

` ` ` (it always happens before death; `
/./ to take place; to occur, to happen)!
A: ?
: .
A: !

A: `, `, ` ` (I'm sorry, honey, but I'm stuck in a
traffic jam; ` /./ to stick; ` cork, stopper; plug; /traffic/
: ` (thats bad: badly)!
A: , (well, not that bad).
` ` ` ` (I've met a
beautiful girl on a motorcycle; ` /./ - to make the
acquaintance of smb., to meet smb.; known, familiar, acquainted;
to know).
` (we are talking; ` /./ to converse, to talk;
` conversation, discussion).
A: , , .
: !
A: , .
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` (I would like to buy that bike
` ` (how much does it cost = how much is it)?
: ` ` ` (this bike costs nothing: does not cost
` (everything is free /of charge/ here; ` free /of
charge/, gratuitous; ` paid; pay; ` /./ to
, `, ` ` (we, at last, have built ommunism;
` /./; ` end)!
A: .
: .
, , !

A: ` ` (I am going to the sea)!
` ` ` (I am going to sunbathe and swim).
` ` ` ` (I have long been dreaming about it)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , ` ` ` (no, we'll go to the

mountains and do some rock climbing/mountaineering; ` /./ -
to set to smth., to busy oneself with smth.; to take up smth.)!
A: ` ` (what a nightmare)!
A: !
: , !
A: !

A: ` ` (that's not enough)!
: `, ` ` ` ` (well, ok, I'll pour you another
wine glass).
` ` (is that much enough; ` /./ to grab, to
seize; to be enough; `! enough!)?
A: , ` ` (no, that's not enough for me)!
` ` ` (give me the bottle and go away/get out of
here; /./)!
A: !
: , .
A: , !

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` ` (my girlfriend has been
moody with me for three days already; /./ - to sulk at
smb., to pout at smb.; to blow)!
: ` (do not worry)!
` ` (lets go and have a nip; ` /./ to
let through; wine glass; a little wine glass)!
` ` ` , ` ` (Ill tell you one thing man
to man).
` ` ` (women are always moody)!
A: !
: !
, .

A: ` (I'm disappointed; `// charmed; `
/./ to charm; ` sorcery, witchcraft; evil spell; /=
`/ charms)!
` ` (the food is unappetizing/tasteless; taste)!
` ` (you do not know how to cook: you cant cook)!
` ` (I will divorce you; ` /./)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: `, `, ` (honey, wake up, you're not at home;

nice, sweet; darling, dear; ` /./)!
A: !
: , , !

A: ` ` (is that your bag)?
: , , ` (not really: yes no, my bag is here, in
the /entrance/ hall; `; ` /./ to come, to arrive).
A: ` (then whose bag is this)?
: `, ` - ` (listen, there is something ticking
A: `, ` (I think it's dangerous; `; `
A: ?
: , , .
A: ?
: , -
A: , !

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (he is looking at me)!
: , `, ` (no, it seems to me, he is smiling at
A: `-, (look, he is getting up and coming
towards us; ` /./; ` /./)!
` ` (he is going to make a move on me;
` /./ to stick /to/; to adhere /to/; to bother; to importune; to
: ` ` ` (why in particular on you/why you in particular;
` namely; just, exactly)?
A: !
: , , !
A: -, !
: ?

A: ` `, ` `, `, ` `
(Mr. Burglar, tie me, please firmly to the chair; ` /./; )!
` ` ` (otherwise, the police will arrest me;
` /./).
: `, (OK, will this suit you; ` /./ to go; to suit)?
A: , `, ` ` (yes, thats great/perfectly, thank you very
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: ` (not at all: not for what)!

A: , , , !
: , ?
A: , , !
: !

A: ` ` (I used to live in this area: parts /of the
city/country/; edge; brink: ` ` on the very brink; land,
region, country).
` (when I was still alive; /./; ).
` ` ` ` ` (and now I often visit my
family/nearest and dearest; ` `).
: , ` ` ` ` (well, and how, are they happy to see
A: , (no, not very much).
A: .
: , ?
A: , .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (everything is all right)!
: ` (do you think/believe so)?
` ` ` (but where is your cool car;
wheelbarrow; /jargon/ car)?
A: -` (well, I'll be damned; fir-tree; ` stick; ! gee!, it's a nice how-do-you-do!; hell's bells!; the devil!; damn!,
` ` ` (my car has been stolen; ` /./)!
A: !
: ?
A: -!

A: ` (I'm absolutely sober; `)!
: ` ` ` ` (why then are you lying
here on the bench; ` /./)?
A: ` ` ` ` (I'm just a little tired and lay
down to rest; ` /./ to get tired; ` /./ to lie down for a
while; /./ to lie down).
: ` ` ` (and how will you explain these
empty bottles; ` /./; ` clear)?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` ` ` ` (there is always a lot of

litter/trash in this park)!
A: !
: ?
A: .
: ?
A: !

A: ` (what is your profession)?
: ` (guess; ` /./)!
A: , , (you have a cheerful look, you're an
actor, arent you)?
: , ` (no, you're wrong/mistaken; ` /./ to
be mistaken/wrong, to make mistakes; ` mistake).
` ` ` (I am an accountant at the undertaker's
office/funeral parlour).
A: ?
: !
A: , , ?
: , .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` (in the morning you will do cleaning;
` ` (and in the day-time you will run to the shop;
` /./ to run /to a place and get back/; to run /for/, to go and get
smth., smb./: ` ` run for a doctor).
: ` ` (and what will you do)?
A: ` ` ` ` (Ill go for walk for a while
with my friends; ` /./ to take a walk, to stroll; to promenade).
: ` (its not fair/unfair; ` fair; honour)!
A: .
: ?
A: .
: !

A: ` ` (I have finished the work; /./; `
end; finish).
: ` (excellent; ` to distinguish)!
` ` ` (now I will give you a new task;
A: `- (wait /a minute/)!
` ` ` -` (first, I need to relax/rest for a
day or two: /one/ day /or one day and/ other).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: .
: !
A: -!

A: ` ` (keep it short; /./ to be; `)!
: ` `, , `, ` (in short: shortly speeking, I
came, /I/ saw, /I/ conquered = veni, vidi, vici).
A: ` ` ` (and what are you going to do now)?
: `, ` ` `-` ` ` (I'll go, will
see something again and will conquer again; ` /./ to gain/win /a
victory/; ` victory; conquest).
A: ` ` ` , ` ` ` (doesnt
your family life suffer from such a way of life; ` family; ` image;
shape; manner)?
A: !
: , , , .
A: ?
: , - .
A: , ?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (I forbid it to you)!
: ` (that's not fair/unfair)!
` ` (I am an adult already)!
A: , `, ` ` ` (no, my boy, I cant
allow this to you)!
` ` ` ` ` (for burglary you
still do not have enough experience; ` theft; larceny; to steal;
break-in, breaking; ` enough; ).
A: !
: !
A: , , !

A: ` ` ` ` (this model is too expensive for
me; `).
` ` ` (can you show me another /one/; `)?
- ` (something cheaper: more cheap; )?
: , ` , ` (no, this is the only
model that we have).
` ` ` (and there are no other shops nearby;
` nearness, closeness, proximity; ` near, close /to/; `
/small/ shop; ` `)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: .
- ?
: , , .

A: ` ` ` (happy birthday to you: I
congratulate you with birthday; )!
` ` ` ` ` ` (I wish you a lot of leisuretime = entertainment and joy in /your/ life; `; `; glad;
` ` ` (and this is a little gift for you; `
/./ to give, to offer).
: ` ` ` (what shall I do with this elephant; )?
A: ` ` ` ` ` (you can feed it and
then remove/clean up the shit).
A: !
: ?
A: .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (do you have relatives in Ukraine;
`; kin, clan)?
: , `, ` `, ` `
` ` (yes, of course, my parents, my grandparents:
my grandmother with grandfather and all my relatives live just there; `)!
` , `, ` (I've got two
aunts, three uncles, four brothers and five sisters there; ; `; ;
`, /../ )!
A: ` ` ` (and why do you yourself live
abroad; /./; ` border)?
: ` ` ` ` (because they cant stand me;
` /./ to stand; to tolerate; to suffer)!
A: ?
: , , ,
, , !
A: ?
: !

A: `, ` ` (dear, Im expecting a baby; /./
to be)!
: ` (you dont say: what are you saying)!
` ` (what shall we do now)?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (lets get married; ` /./)!

: ` `, ` ` (I'm already married, to be honest/frankly
speaking: speaking according to truth; ` truth; ` /./).
A: , !
: !
A: !
: , .

A: ` ` (when do you have breakfast)?
: ` ` (we never have breakfast: we never dont have
A: ` ` ` (do you cook lunch: dinner at least)?
: ` ` (we dont have lunch at all).
` ` (we are evil spirits).
A: ?
: .
A: ?
: .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` (I'm so bored)!
` - ` (I want somehow to have fun)!
: ` ` ` ` (let's go/travel to the North Pole;
` /./; ` North)?
A: , ` ` (no, it's too cold there).
` , ` `, ` ` (it's better, then: in such
case, to /go to/ the South Pole; South)!
A: !
- !
: ?
A: , .
, , !

A: ` `: ` (let me introduce myself: I am
: ` ` (and Im a leather suit-case)!
A: ` ` (that would come in very handy; ` opportune;
` ` ` (I'm going to travel around the
whole of Europe).
` ` (lets go together)?
A: : !
: !
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: !

A: ` ` (do you watch TV)?
: , ` `- (no, I dont even have a TV set; -
particle, highlights the word with the meaning of just, precisely, exactly).
A: ` ` ` (do you watch new films)?
, ` ` ` ` ` (yes, from time to time I
download horror films; ` horror).
` ` ` (they relax me/they help me to relax; `
/./ to calm; to soothe; to reassure to set smb.'s mind at rest; `
calm, peace, rest).
A: ?
: , - .
A: ?
, .

A: ` ` ` ` (how well you have cleaned your
room; ` /./ to take away; to remove; to tidy)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


` ` ` ` (it is now completely empty)!

: ` ` ` ` (first, I gathered all my stuff: things;
` /./).
` ` ` (then I threw them out of the window: into the
window; /./).
A: ` ` ` (you are very orderly and smart/clever;
mind; wit, intellect)!
A: !
: .
A: !

A: ` (are you a believer/a man of faith; ` /./)?
: , ` ` ` (no, but I believe in Santa Claus/ Father
Frost; grandfather; old man; frost; `).
`, ` `, ` ` (although, I
have to say, last year he did not come/never came; ` )!
A: ` ` (how old are you, after all)?
: 25 (` ) , (Im 25 years /old/, but why)?
A: ?
: , .
, , !
A: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: 25 ( ) , ?

A: ` ` (how are you doing; ` case, business, affair)?
: `, ` (thank you, bad).
` ` (I have slipped and fallen; ` /./;
A: ` ` (does it hurt; painful; pain)?
: `, ` (not yet, I'm still flying; ` /./).
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: , .

A: ` (how old are you)?
: 99 (` `) (I'm 99: years).
A: ` ` `, ` ` 66 (`
) (but you look much younger, 66 at the most: at the most on 66;
` /./; `)!
: ` (its not surprising; ` surprising;
` to surprise; ` marvel, wonder).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


`, ` ` (you see, I'm standing on /my/ head;

` /./)!
A: ?
: 99 ( ) .
A: , 66 (
: .
, !

A: ` ` (how do you find the scenario; `
: ` (Im in a rave/Im thrilled; ` delight, rapture,
` ` ` (what role will I get/land in the movie;
` /./)?
A: ` `, ` (who told you that you would
get/land the role)?
: `, ` ` ` ` (oh, please, I'm ready
to play even the /role of the/ smell/odor of a corpse; ` I'm ready /a man
about himself/)!
A: ?
: !
A: , ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , !

A: ` ` (what sights will you
recommend; ` /./; ` advice, tip)?
: ` ` ` ` ` (I
advise you to see the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral; /./;
citadel; ` blessed; beatified; the Kremlin and St. Basil's
Cathedral well-known sights in the center of Moscow).
` ` ` ` ` ` (then you can visit
the Mausoleum on Red Square; in Old Russian the meaning of was
beautiful, fine; ` `).
A: `, `, (please tell /me/, is the dead
body/corpse still there)?
` ` ` (I have to/must see it by all means;
` /./ to oblige; ` duty, obligation)!
A: ?
: .
A: , , ?


Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` (you take a lot of pictures; `

` - ` (and every now and then you write
something down).
` (what is your profession)?
: ` (I am a spy).
A: ` (this is noticeable = it shows/ one can tell that; `;
` to notice; to remark; notch; mark).
A: .
- .
: .
A: .

A: ` ` ` ` (is there a
flight: plane to Moscow tomorrow afternoon)?
: `, ` ` ` ` `
(unfortunately, our company has no flights: does not fly to Moscow this week:
on this week).
A: ` `, ` ` (may I ask: may I know, on what
ground/for what reason; ` `)?
: ` ` (on political grounds/for political reasons;
` ` ` (a revolution has begun in Moscow;
` /./).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ?
: , .
A: , ?
: .

A: ` `-` (do you need anything else)?
: , ` ` (no, I dont need anything more: dont
need nothing more).
A: ` (do you already have everything)?
: , ` ` (no, but now Ive got a pistol)!
` ` ` (that is quite enough; quite, fully).
A: -?
: , .
A: ?
: , !

A: ` ` (do you eat meat)?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , ` (yes, I need it/it is necessary for me; ` to

walk/pass round).
` `, ` ` (I must be strong,
because I'm a policeman; ).
A: ` ` (do you drink beer during the day;
/./; flow; course; to flow)?
: , `, ` ` (yes, of course, otherwise I feel fear: I'm
afraid; ` /./).
A: ?
: , .
, .
A: ?
: , , .

A: ` `, ` (how are you: hows your health,
hows the mood; ` /./ to tune up; to dispose /to/)?
: ` ` (I'm ill and in depression; `).
A: ` ` (do you take care of your health;
` /./; ` care, concern)?
: , ` ` ` ` ` ` (yes, I go
jogging every morning in the center of Moscow; ).
` ` ` (and listen to the news at the same time: at this;
` /piece of/ news; novelty).
A: , ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: .
A: ?
: , .

A: `, ` ` (doctor, I'm very cowardly; coward)!
` ` ` (can you cure me; ` /./ to to cure,
to put right/straight; ` /./ to treat /medically/)?
: ` ` ` (take this pill; /./)!
` ` ` ` ` (in half an hour you will become:
be very brave; `)!
A: ` ` ` ` (isnt such drastic: 'radical
treatment dangerous)?
A: , !
: !
A: ?

A: ` (are you here for the first time)?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , `, ` (yes, and /for/ the last, I hope; `

A: ` ` (why are you displeased)?
` ` ` ` (our prison is the best in the country)!
: `, ` ` (that's true: truth, but it is pretty
boring here).
A: ?
: , , .
A: ?
: , .

A: ` ` ` (you're dressed very fashionably; ` fashion;
: , ` ` ` (yes, I like to dress beautifully/nicely;
A: ` `, ` (but it's not good for a spy, you
` ` ` (it strikes/catches the eye too much: it flings
itself into the eyes; , /../ `).
: , ` ` (um, it did not occur to my mind: did
not come into my head; `).
A: !
: , .
Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: , ?
: , .

A: ` (are you married)?
: , ` (no, Im divorced; ` /./ to divorce, to
separate /a couple/; ` /./ to divorce, to get divorced).
A: ` ` ` ` (would you like to get married again)?
: ` ` ` ` (are you offering me your
hand and heart/are you proposing marriage; ` offer; proposition;
proposal; ` /./ to offer, to propose; ; )?
A: ` , ` ` ` ` (indeed: what
/are/ you /saying/, Im just carrying out a /sociological/ survey/public opinion poll;
/./; ` sociology; ` questioning;
interrogation; poll, survey; ` /./ to question, to interrogate).
A: ?
: , .
A: ?
: ?
A: , .


Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` ` ` ` ` (the political
situation in our country is very bad; ` politics).
: , ` ` (yes, you're absolutely right).
A: ` (but I am an optimist).
` (it will all come right in the end/everything will be
settled in due course; ` /./ to get in /by shaking/; to be settled, be
worked/sorted out: to shake itself to a small/tidy mass; ` /./ to
shake; ` in due course; eventually: with time; ` time)!
: ` ` ` (that's it where you're quite wrong;
` strongly)!
A: .
: , .
A: .
: !

A: ` - (think of something; ` /./ to
think /of smth./; to devise, to invent)!
: , ` ` (no, nothing comes to my mind:
nothing does not come).
A: ` ` ` (then you no longer: no more work
for us)!
` (you are fired; ` /./; ` will; freedom, liberty)!
: `, `, ` ` (okay, listen, I have an idea)...

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: -!
: , .
A: !
: , , ...

A: ` ` ` (how do you treat this project = what
do you think of this project; ` /./; `)?
: ` ` ` (I am against this project)!
A: , ` (what, you are against it)?
` ` ` ` (then you will get a slap in the face/Ill
beat your face; ` /ugly/ face; muzzle)!
: ` `, (you've convinced me, I am for /it/; `
A: ?
: !
A: , ?
: , .

A: ` (am I not disturbing /you/)?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: `, `, ` ` (please, come in, Mr Galilei)!

` ` ` (we are always glad/happy to see you)!
`, ` ` ` (as
you can see, we have provided you with all the tools you need: we have prepared
for you all the necessary tools; ` /./; ` /./;
ready, prepared).
` ` ` : ` ` `
` (with hand on heart: laying the hand on heart, does the Earth rotate
around the sun or yet still vice versa; ` /./; `; `; `
turn, revolution)?
A: ?
: , , !
, .

A: ` ` (how much do I owe you)?
: ` ` (that'll be forty kopecks: from you forty kopecks;
`, /../ ).
A: ` ` ` ` (can I pay by credit card;
: , `, ` (unfortunately, it is impossible; `
regret /at smth./; ` /./ - to regret; to deplore; to be
sorry /about smth./).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


` ` (because we are in the sixteenth century;

A: ?
: .
A: ?
: , , .

A: ` ` (we have satisfied all the formalities;
/./; harmony, concord: ` to live in harmony;
; ` formal; ` form).
` ` ` (you can get in/get on board and take off;
`/./ to fly; ` takeoff; departure /of a plane/).
: ` (but I am afraid; ` /./ to be afraid)!
A: ` ` (there is nothing to be done: nothing cant be done;
` /., ./).
` ` ` (your husband has
already fully paid for your flight into space; ` /./).
A: .
: !
A: .

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: `, ` (how are you, how is /your/ trade going;
` to trade, to deal)?
: `, ` ` (thank you, more or less).
`, ` `, ` ` (but, frankly speaking, we
felt affected by the crisis: the crisis applied to/concerned us too; `
A: ` ` ` ` (what crisis do you mean;
- to mean smth.: to have smth. in view; view; sight;
to see)?
: , ` ` (have you fallen from the Moon = what, have you
been living in a cave; ; ` /./)?!
A: , ?
: , .
, , .
A: ?
: , ?!

A: ` `, ` (let me through, please; `
: ` ` (why are you pushing so; ` /./)?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


` ` (where are you trying to get/rushing; /./ to climb;

to get /into/; to push/thrust ones way)?
A: ` ` ` ` ` ` (I just wanted to
come a little closer to the president; ` near, close /to/)!
: , ` (why/dont say that, its forbidden/impossible with a
gun; it is not allowed, you should not)!
A: , .
: ?
A: !
: , !

A: ` `, ` ` (come here, get in bed; ` /./)!
: ` (its not the way to be done).
` ` ` ` (pour me a glass of wine first; `
/./; ).
` ` `- ` ` (and then
read some good poem to me)!
A: ` ` (why do you complicate all like this;
/./; ` compound; complex; complicated; `
to assemble, to put together)?
A: , !
: .
Ilya Franks Reading Method


- !
A: ?

A: ` ` ` (will you deliver the goods on time;
: ` ` (quite possible; `).
A: ` ` ` ` (will the quality of the goods be good;
` `)?
: ` (it is not ruled out/it may well be so; ` /./ to
exclude; to eliminate; to rule out).
A: `, ` ` ` (so, we can sign the contract;
` /./ to come to an agreement)!
A: ?
: .
A: ?
: .
A: , !

A: ` ` (you look bad; ` /./; `).
` (what has happened; ` /./)?
: , ` (hief, all is lost; ` /./)!
Ilya Franks Reading Method


`, ` ` ` (lets run, the police are already near)!

A: `, ` ` (wait: now, Ill finish the poem;
` /./; `: verse; line; ` /./ to
create; to do; to work; ` poetry; ` to write poetry)
A: .
: , !
, !
A: ,

A: ` ` ` (how should one use: treat this device;
` this device/appliance/apparatus)?
` ` (I cant understand how to use it/I cant sort it out:
in it; ` /./ to disassemble, to take apart, to take to pieces; to sort
out; to make out)!
: , ` ` ` (here, read the instruction
manual; ` to lead, to guide; to direct; hand; arm;
to lead)!
` ` ` (you /have to/ press the button
and all will explode)!
A: `, ` (/wait/ a minute, let me try; `
minute, a little minute; ` trial, test)
A: ?
Ilya Franks Reading Method


: , !
A: ,

A: ` ` ` (what do you think about your
homeland/motherland; `; ` to give birth; ` to be
: ` ` ` (I try to think less about it: her).
A: ` ` ` (what do you think of:
how do you treat your fellow countrymen/compatriots; ` /./
to have some attitude /towards/; to treat; to think /of/; ` /./ to
take /to/; to carry /to some place/; `; `
fatherland; ` father)?
: ` ` - ` (let's talk about something else)!
A: ` ` ` (how do you rate yourself; `
/./ to evaluate, to appraise, to assess, to value; ` price; cost)?
A: ?
: .
A: ?
: - !
A: ?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


A: ` ` `, `, ` (are you
interested in art or, for example, in history; /./; `
interest; `; `)?
: , ` ` (no, it does not interest me;
` ` (I am not that fool: not such a fool).
A: ` (what are you interested in /then/)?
: ` ` ` (I collect packages
from contraceptives/contraceptive agents; `; ` /./ to pack
/up/; ` against; ` conception; ` /./ to conceive;
` means; remedy; tool).
A: , , ?
: , .
A: ?
: .

A: ` ` `-`, ` (School of Flirtation
Lubow-Morkow/Lovey Dovey, hello; - its a kind of
mockery/jeering: the words rhyme perfectly; the meaning is half-humorous: dont
take life too seriously as it has both white and black stripes; love;
: , ` ` (hi, I would like to sign up;
` /./ to write; ` /./ to write down; to sign up /smb./).
Ilya Franks Reading Method


` ` ` ` ` (but may I first ask you a: one

question; ` /./ to give, to set)?
A: , `, ` (you are welcome: yes, please, ask).
: ` ` ` (do you provide a discount for
pensioners; `; ` pension; ` /./ to throw
down/off; to knock off)?
A: -, !
: , .
A: , , .
: ?

Ilya Franks Reading Method


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