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nes Exteriores OECENIODE LAS PERSONAS CON OISCAPACIDAD EN EL PERU” ‘180 DE LADNEREPIEAGON OF RE (oGMDsO) Nr 2-/2- Ay ‘ONUPER: invitacion a personal PN |PRODUCTIVA Y DEL FORTALECINIENTO DE LA EDUCACION” Lima, 23 MAR, 2015 BO fe, P para ‘ocupar puestos en las Naciones Unidas. Sefiora Abogada Laura Pilar Diaz Uges Secretaria General Ministerio del interior Ciudad.- Tet y acciones correspondiente (ONUPER), ha remitido Naciones Uridas, postulacién z debiendo remitirse la docu 4. Relacin de candidatos | 2, Electronica 3. Informacion adiciona puestos, se deberan adju formatos resvectivos. go el agrado de dirigirme a usted, a fin de informarle, para ls fines fs, que nuestra Representacion Permanente las Naciones Unidas Nota agjunta, mediante la cual la Division de Policia de las de personal de la Policia Nacional del Per, para la ‘ser asumidos en las diversas misiones de paz de la ONU. jmismo, se adjunta referencias de detalle del requerimiento, tacion del personal postulante, conforme al detalle siguiente: (Segin formatos de lista de candidatos) jcomision de Policia (EASP) nal, académica y de empleo (Opcional) presentarse la postulacion de un mismo candidato para varios los documentos 2 y 3 por cada puesto a nominar, se anexan los Dios guarde a usted, UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIO! |S ELECTRONIC MESSAGING SERVICE UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS. NEW YORK DATE: 2015/03/03 [11:12:27 TO: PERMANENT MISSION OF PERU TO THE U.N. NEW YORK PMPE, FAK Hs 1212972697! FROM: Electronic Messaging Unit DM/OICT Now York, N¥ 10017, USA 1212963631: 1212963487: SUBJECT: D1ose CUST REF: 0159 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE) + 10 Note: If transmission js not recoived in good order, call 1-212-963-6313. UnitedNations wis wah -2 A O53 Date: 02 Mareh 2015 TO: The Permanenl Miss United Nations ATTN: Military/Police Advi Gass relevant Officer: INKO: FAX NO: TEL NO: @ FACSIMILE NationsUnies Reference: PD/716 /15 FROM: Stefan FELLER// Police Adviser ald the Police Division, OROLSUDPKO New York FAX NO: (917) 367-2222 TEL NO: (212) 963-1293 SUBJECT: Skills required for po and amended nomi Tou! number of masmitted pages includ |. The Police Division prese: ‘Nations and wishes to ex} collaborative and sustai operations. lice officers seconded to United Nations field missions tion procedures its compliments to the Permanent Mission to the United its gratitude for the Permanent Mission’s dedicated, support in providing police officers for sexvive in UN peace Effective implementation integrated United Nations f the complex Security Council mandated police tasks of e operations requires skilled police officers upholding find attached a list of the police skill sets that will be ‘over the next six (6) months. To enhance your country’s offers the contributing country's expen Within the framework of je global efforts of the United Nations to increase participation of women in peacekeeping operations, the Police Division strongly cheourages PCCs to nomingie female police officers. Given the added benefits female officers bring to the field mission, preference will be given to equally qualified female ‘candidates curing the selection process. The Police Division reserves the right to reduce the strength of the ffeld police contingent if the PCC does aol nominate any female candidates; any roldased vacancies will be given to the qualified female nominees from other polict contribuling Member States. /. The Police Division wishes to remind that the Government has to ensure in writing that each candidate it nominate} has not been convicted of, oris not currently under investigation or being prosecuted for, any criminal or disciplinary offence, or any violations of international human rights law or imernacional humanitarian aw, In the cease of nominees wha havt been investigated for, charged with of prosecuted for any criminal offence, with the ¢xception of minor traffic violations (driving while intoxicated or dangerous of careless driving are not considered minor traftic violations for this purpose), but were|not convicted, the Government is requested to provide information regarding the {nvestigution(s) or prosecutions concerned. The Government 4s also requested to certify that itis not aware of any allegations against its nominated candidates that they have dommitted or been invelved, by act or omission, in the commission of any acts that may amovin (o violations of intemational human rights law or international humaxjitarian Jaw. Nominations without the above mentioned cextifiestion will not be act . Please note that the Police Division closely monitors that the assignment of new siorfs areas is done in accordance with the officers’ expertise, e identified during the selection process. 10. The Police Division offer the ficld missions, This qualified police personnel provi always, your continued support to United Nations pons epentionn’ is contr A/Chicfof SRS Room DC1-0776 Police Division, DPKO E-mail: UN-HQ, NY SKILL SETS AND EXPERTS’ PROFILES Management Updated in Merch 2015 1 a AEM i lero of paso eats UNIOGBIS, UNFICYP, MINUSCA, bees eer no ‘¢ Proect/program nanagement UNANID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, LUNISFA, UNSOM, UNSOM, * Insifutional building ‘+ Organizational planning UNAMID, MINUSMIA, UNMIL UNIOGBIS, UNNIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, UNISF: UNAMID, MINUSMA, UNOGEIS, MINUSGA, INUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOCL + Polos Reform and Resirucuirg ‘Other = Llaison functions in various areas + negotistion and nedition - >Re ge UNAMID, MiNUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNSOM, NANA, | MINUSMA, UNNIIK, UNFICYP, UNISFA, UNANID 4 > Polos infrastuclures administrator UNTOSBIS, UNNIL., MINUSCA, "UNAMID, UNNISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGEIS, MINUSTAH, UNSFA, UNOCI, UNSOM, Administration + Fiscal managerneni, budge! development payroll system management, financial auciting. WINUSNA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, ~ Procurement, logBtcs, asset management, fee! management, tenders and contracts UNAMID, MINUSMA, UNWIL, UNIOGEIS, '» Human resources management LUNIOGEIS, UNINC, UNFICY®,_MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOGI, UNSOW, ' Intemal affairs, discipine management UNAMID, WINUSMA, UNWIL UNTOGOS, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNAMA, = Aurivinssection of pole writs: UNAMID, UNMIS, MINUSWA, ONT, UNIOGBIS, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, 7 Legal supnon. dralting 0” police acts, policies and guidelines WINUSMA, UNUIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, UNISFA, UNOC!, UNSOM, SONSOL lated itera asiistatve prosscues MINUSMA, INUSMA, MINUSTAH, UNANID, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, = MINUSCA, UNSOM, 7 Plaming and running eFical polcelsecurty operatonsin regard tc | UNANID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, Sections, demonstrations, public events etc. LUNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNSOM, ~ Publ order (FPU-eiated) ‘UNANID, UNMSS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, ‘UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOC > ViP protection and security TUNANID, UNMIL, UNIOGEIS, NINUSCA, MINUSTAH, 7 Traffe management, including aii veticies related polieng sues | UNANID, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, NINUSTAH, UNISE. poles ~ Security of Arpors and otfer large srategeinrasiructures ‘UNANID, UNTASS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, 5 Oceana ywrogeis MNUSTAR UNEFA NGS} = « Border eecury, customs, Fversde police, immigration ats UNMIS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, rity wil ~ Transnatond crime operations, INTERPOL, lick Fafficking in drugs, ‘weapons. human begs: « Special polce (SWAT, rapa reaction unis, aniterorist undercover . operations) MINUSCA, MINUSTA}, UNOCI, Other (please cescrber =" FPUrPolioe Coordination COE Logistics and FPU Administraton. | UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNAIIL, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, Livestock protection UNAMID, UNISFA, = Nemadie migration UNAMID, UNMIL, UNISFA, = __Incident conirol and Search and Rescue O; UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, = Migraton/Refugee Managerrent management = Operatonsl madiation and negotiation protection experts experience working alongsice NGOs ‘conducted } ‘> Crime scene management = Fee Prevention and Fire Fighting, Civil Protection, Natural Disesters = Protection of eNians- chi, women and vuiereble people = Humanitarian assistance - internatonal humanitarian iaw, intemational human rights , assemble end access control with = Elections — investigation skils in e’scticn viclence and offences, ‘analysis and early waming capabiltios as well as acting as ccbsevers (fer auditing how tree & fair the elections have been TNICEIS, LUNANID, UNMISS, UNMIL, WINUSWIA MINUSTAH, UNAMID UNAMID, UNMIS, MINUSMA, UNAMID, UNIISS, MINUSMA, UNAMID, MINUSCA, UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNHIIL, » Suspectwitness htenview * Investigation of cies (serious crimes, fraud, horricide, burglary, 34 SGBV. etc.) = Criminal recorss/iata base maragemem ‘UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, MINUSCA, rorie oe FF UINUSTAR, UNISEA 4|| Managemen’ [7 Gime/da'a analysis, crime trend “ecogniion ‘UNAMID, UNNISS, MINISHIA, UNRATL, Crime UNIOSBIS, UNMIK, UNFIGYP. MINUSCA, revent Prevention MINUSTAH, UNISFA UNOCL ~ Criinalintetigence analysis ard management UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, UNMIK, UNFICYP, MINUSCA, MINUSTAK, counterisiting, ete ~ Foran, includirg crime esene and evidence preservation, fingerprints, tafisics,frearm exemhation, DNA, pathology, hardwriing anc faudulent documents identification, money UNAMID. UNMIS, MINDSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, NINUSTAH, UNISFA, Community polichg UNAMID, UNMIS, WINUSMA, ONWAL, UNIOGBIS, UNMIK UNFICYP, NINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOG!, UNSOM, UNAMA, = Traditional policing (paramount, “ribal, nomadfocused, ele) ‘UNANID, UNMISS, UNNIL, UNIOGEIS, UNISFA, Other (pleese descrbey ‘Community Poleing Policy Devetooent > Human Trafficking > Traring organization and management, UNAMID, UNMISS, UNMIL, UNISFA, UNMIS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, UNMIL, MINUSCA, WINUSCA, MINUSCA UNMIL, UNML, MINUSCA, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNFICYP, UNMIS, MINU: "UNAMID, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGEIS, MINUSCA, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOC', UNSOM, UNAMA, ~ Cunfcdlum and training plans éevalopmert. UNAMID, UNMISS, MINUSMA, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, UNFICYP, NINUSCA, MINUSTA, UNISEA, UNSOM, «+ General traning (incding in-servicelfeld training) deivery n the Training ‘raining, general policing, police legislation. ethics, human rights, ete -arvas- Taclical training SF defense, police formations, procedures such as arrest, search, detention, ete. UNAMID, UNWISS, UNWIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSGA, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNOC!, UNSOM, = Weapons handing training (non lethal and fre arms) UNAMID, MINUSMA, MINUSCA UNISFA, + Language vainirg: UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, UNISFA Giher Public Order management / Specalized Pelice Interventions’ Close protection senvces, FPUSTM. MINUSTAH, UNOCL UNMISS, MINUSHA, UNMIL, MINUSCA, fq | MINUS TAH, UNISFA, UNSOM, 7 Training need sesessmentanaiysis WINUSMIA, UNM, MINUSTAR, = Computer iteracy and basic driving sis UNAMID, UNMIL, = Dela base develooment. management and usage UNAMID, MINUSMA, LNIOGBIS, UNMIS, = Trafic management, VIP escortng, vehicle and drivers icensing 2 Train-he-raners MINUSTAH, MINUSMA, UNIOGBIS, ~ Diplomatic Protection > Community poicing ununss, = Hostage situation > Organized/7Tensnationai Crimes UNAMID, MINUSMA, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, © International hue iteian ‘aw. interational human fights UNMIS, MINUSCA, + BotiorManapeeet nd bmn Trang Cureun UNAMID, MINUSHA, UNIOGBIS, MINUSCA, i UNANIO UNIS, ini : feo "armory management and Aspecton, gunsmith, weapon | MINUSIAA, UNIMIL, UNOGBIS, MINUSTAH, safety and storage, shooling range construction, expiosives. > 11; database development and administration, system design, ‘UNAMID, UNWISS, MINUSMA, UNWIL, computer programming, network specialists, “9 MINUSTAH, UNSOM, + Conmuricaton: radio and data communication system establshmert | UNMISS, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MINUSTAH, ‘and management, police rado network instalation and maintenance. | UNOCI, ~ Poles Survellanca: equipment instalation, ranring operaions, use of | UNIIL, g | Technical ‘evidence. ‘Support '* Pubic information UNAMID, UNMIS, MINUSMA, UNMEL, MINUSTAH. UNIOGBIS, + Gil engineers conetrudion projects, bulding standards, UNMIL, UNIOGBIS, MNUSTAR, UNOCI, arohtecture, building plan developing > Medical cocters Ofer Grephic Design speciaista EEE EEE EEE NEES EEE APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR NON-CONTRACTED POSITIONS IN UNITED NATIONS POLICE COMPONENTS IN PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS OR SPECIAL POLITICAL MISSIONS REQUIRING OFFICIAL SECONDMENT FROM NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS OF UN MEMBER STATES ‘Outlined helow are the procedures to be followed by Permanent Missions forthe presentation of ‘candidates for assignment with peacekeeping operations or special political missions requitinsx ‘secondment from active Police fervice. In the interest of promoting an orderly process and to avoid dolay in the consideration of applications, Permanent Missions arc respectfully requested to adhere closely to these procedures. 1. ‘The above mentioned postelare reserved for candidates recommended by Member States through thoir Permanent Missions (@ tie United Nations, Candidates applying independently will not be considered. It is requested that applications be submitted as soon as possible but not lator than deadline specified in each Job Opening anayuneement, Applications recvived after the deadline will not be considered. 2. All applications must he submitted om a duly completed (typed) and signed United Nations lcetronie Application for ed Police (EASP). Applications using other formats will not be accepted, but additional infhrmation may be attached to the EASP. For the convenience of the BASP form is enclosed as « sample, The EASP form is to be used for dd non-contracted posts only. United Nations is made on a competitive basis. tis therefore jon forms are completed with a view fo presenting the candidates asthey relate to the required skillset/arca of expertise as sct out in All sections of the ASP, including the “DECLARATION OF {CE* (soetion 12), must be filled out with all necessary details of J. In the event a Permancat Mission wishes 10 recommend a qualifications and ex the relevant Job Descr DISCIPLINARY CLEAR applicant's carcer and bec ‘candidate for several po: ‘announeement, in accordarice with the deadline specified in the Job Description, or the rotation ‘schedule of its national polfee contingent in the specific mission, For the convenience of the Permarcnt Mission a table jsattached to be used and photocopied as needed for the listing of its i ‘without the duly filled table will not be accepted, 'S. Itis highly desirable that [Permanent Mission submits the Medical Forms (MS2) and passport copies of the candidates aldng with the electronic application forms (EASP) or atleast as soon as possible after the clearaned d}delivered by Permanent Mission to the Police Division Selection and op of Rule and aw and Security Institutions, Department of 1 UN Plax, 7 Moor, room DCL- in accordance with the ant Note Verbal fons, the Selections and Reoruitment Scction will acknowledge the king the delivery. is process will be maintained through the Permanent Mission only. tain personel queries from individval applicants. specific direstions in the 7. Upon delivery of the applic reseipt to the individual 8 Communication regarding, “The Secretariat will not August 2014 % Yq List of candidates for deployment Country: UN Mission: Type: Length of tour of duty: _12 months ‘No | Police rank | ‘First mame Family Name Gender | Date of birth ‘Date of joining ‘Date of | Area(s) of expertise as (diay) Polke SATISAAT | "mentioned in EASP : Génmyy) | (fom) _| _ filing Guidelines i 3 4 6 7 # g 4 10 i fz _ 5 14 15, 16 LC 7 18 19 20

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