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Follow-Up Friday: You may think organ donation only effects organ
recipients, but not in this case. The Hallsted family made the brave
decision to go with their 16-year-old son Austin's wish to save others
after his tragic death. Here's his story. The Hallsted Family

22-Nov F

Follow-Up Friday

23-Nov Sa
25-Nov Su
Misconception Monday: People think that if they are an organ donor
in an emergency room, their life won't be as important to save as
someone who isn't. False, because organ donation can only be
considered after a physician declares a patient brain dead.

24-Nov M

Misconception Post

25-Nov T
26-Nov W

Follow-Up Friday

Live on and donate. If you haven't already, register today!
Follow-Up Friday: One great treasure in life is to grow old with loved
ones and watch them have families of their own. Judy Robbins was
almost cut short of her opportunity. But, because of a registered
organ donor, she got her chance. This is her story. The Robbins

Misconception Post

Misconception Monday: People tend to think they are too young to

be an organ donor, but the truth is that anyone over 16 is eligible to
register and can save up to eight lives!

Nostalgia Post

27-Nov Th
29-Nov F
30-Nov Sa
1-Dec Su

2-Dec M
3-Dec T

Being a donor doesnt always end the same way. One womans story
ended in a fairytale after she donated one of her kidneys to a man
she barely knew. Heres their story.

4-Dec W

Nostalgia Post

5-Dec Th

6-Dec F

Follow-Up Friday

Follow-Up Friday: Due to a heart received by an organ donor, Scott

Stanley was able to see his sons grow and participate in all of their
activities. Here's his story. The Stanley Family

Misconception Post

Misconception Monday: A common misconception of being an organ

donor is that people think they're too old for their organs to benefit
someone in need of a transplant. But the truth is, medical criteria
determines the decision to use organs, not age.

Nostalgia Post

There are 119,000 people in the United States waiting for organ
transplants. As hard as it is, they and their families have to wait.
Though, in one case, Jimmie Swilling took matters into his own
hands. Here's his story.

7-Dec Sa
8-Dec Su

9-Dec M
10-Dec T

11-Dec W
12-Nov Th

13-Dec F

Follow-Up Friday

Follow-Up Friday: Shirley Kramer received a heart transplant over 20

years ago. Though, before her operation, she didn't think she had
long to live her eventful life. To this day, Kramer proudly carries her
donor's legacy within her heart. Here's her story. The Kramer Family

Misconception Post

Misconception Monday: People tend to let the fear of being charged

at the time of death for organ removal stop them from registering.
Well, they shouldn't. This is a misconception that several people
misinterpret because no donor's family is charged for organ
removal. Only the families of organ transplant recipients receive
these costs.

Nostalgia Post

Live on and donate. If you haven't already, register today!

Follow-Up Friday

Follow-Up Friday: Garret Schlictemeier was able to save six people's

lives with the gift of life. His gift continues to flourish and inspire
family and friends. Here's his story. The Schlictemeier Family

14-Dec Sa
15-Dec Su

16-Dec M
17-Dec T
18-Dec W
19-Dec Th

20-Dec F
21-Dec Sa

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