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THE FALL OF THE House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe Som cour tw at pend Sie qui le owed ont. ‘De Bécanger Daring dhe whole ofa dul dat, and soundles day i the autums ofthe _yeaswhen dhe clouds hung oppreively low inch heavens had bezn pasing alone, on boseback, though singularly dreary rac of coun a length fund myall sd shade ofthe evening drew om with view ofthe melancholy House of Uther know not how is wart, with the fe glimpse ofthe bulling, sense of insufemble gloom pervaded sya. ey inet, Gr the ing was unelived by any ofthat ‘alEpleaurable, because por, seniment with which the mind usually receives even che ernest natn images ofthe delat or rer. Tocked 1 upon the verne before me—apan the mate house and he simple landseape fexures of the domain—pon the bleak vall—upan te vacant, eye ike wisdowe—upon afew ink edges—and upon a Sow white tanks of Aleyed roar—wih an ute depeton of tl which Ian compare to no earthly sensation more properly chan co the air dream ofthe revellr aa i sear cna ane ton spoon nese seeecree Ss oa compotion tat 1 ek mig orsonn ey ees ay Sa a pon opinm—the biter apa into enapayWb—the dems dopping ‘oF of seve There wat a cine anki,» sckening ofthe hea—an unredeemed drearnes of houghe which no goading of the imaginacion ‘ould eoreure io mght ofthe sublime, What ws >I pated to dink — ‘what wast dha a> unneed nein the omtemplton ofthe Hise of 1» Liker Iewara mystery all innisble norco I giple with the sadeny farce that coded upon me as I pondered, Iwas Soc vo fll bac spon the unsrsfutey conclusion, that whi, beyond doub, there ae ‘Cbinatons of wry ape marae jets wich hve he pore oF ds icing uy sil the anaius ofthis pomer lie mang considesins beyond ‘aur depth Tr was pole, 1 elected, that a mere difirent arrangement of the parculae ofthe cen, of he det ofthe pierre, woul! be waFBcient so mdi os pecan oe copay Far ser enpresion de acting upon thse, icine my bene othe preps dake 2-2 papi. -tatoy USackend fort vr that ny nena lone by he doing, and ped Sofoenal okie 2° dowee=but wih x dadder even more thiling han beore—spon the Soesrawmnn ne ‘etme ad vee images ofthe ey ee, aod the hay rt, al therncan and eyolte windows. 0 unny oF evser ‘Newtek inthis maton of loom Tn propo to ey ead menos: Deesbe sojourn ofseme wes, ls proprietor Rodrick Usher, had been one of Sain ee toys compen in dct wey ye duper sce ooe ‘Seeger core Ie ening A ete howeves ba nel sec ina ciaept of ‘he country eter Fom him—hich in i wildy moportanate naar had almited ef rher then pena ply The MS. ave evidence of 3 adanthar sero gio. The wits poke of ait bly Mae—of «net researc sorseion 0 dicde wich pptemel hioand of nce dese tse esi ee tesa indole only personal cad, with view f temp, by the cecal fy soci some allnation of bis malay (ews the —_allesbon i6VES8161) ‘annct in which all is and much mre, was sakd—ie was the apparent Ira wnt whi ethic lowe ea rove a besos sea sccrlngly obeyed aes what ol erie vey englar ‘bought boys, we had ben ven atiate ais, ly beeline of ny ied Hise been aay ence nd abil {was avr, hovee,harhis very ancient fay had been ned ime +» out of mind, fra pecs esky of temperament, dupaying lh ‘heh ong agen in eny werk fei a al st fe, in repre dole of munian ee unobersie charg aswel ina 5 mein pant rua devon to thence, pre eve te thant the seen yearn crhodor and aly cognizable beustis, of musical since [had lees, too; the very remaable fit thatthe stem ofthe Usher ae all ime- howe si wa, bad pus eth, tno period any enduring branch i cher wor, ha the ene Ely ay in the direct ine of descent, and had slays, with very cing and very temporary variations ain. [was this 406 ence ss anenscan nancies eciongy, I considered, le rmning over in tooght che pest ling 0 ofthe character of the promis withthe screed ehurcrr oF he pene and while speculating upen the pase influence which the oe, in the long apie of cen, might have ecu upon the oer—ie was tit deteiengy perhaps, ofcllatral ue andthe consequent undevisng ‘eisiation, fom sero san, oF the paimony wath he name, which Ra at Leng, 2 ented thet ast megs dhe orginal le ofthe eae inthe ‘qnt and eqiroca applica ofthe “Howse of Usher'—anappeltion ‘hich eemed to inca nthe minds ofthe peuaney whovted i ook the family and the faily manson.) Thawed that he ole tof ny srnehat chit experinent—that 10 of loking down within thetare—hal bem vo despen the nt singular impresion.Therean keno dou ha he coneources of th pid incre ny supettion or why should Ino 0 wn 12rd nly to teow the ince et Sach, lve long known, she por oF ‘ll eciments having terror at abs, And it nigh hae been fr this eton cay shat when Tague plified my ejes tthe hous ill, Bom is image [the pool, them growin my mind sitange nays nay 9 ec, indeed, that Ibut mention it toshow the wid fre of the sesations which preted ee. 1 had 0 worked upon ny inagiation a ely eo belie that ‘Nowe he we mansion and demaia ere lngen semeaphese pecoler 0 to thems and eirmod vciiy~—an atmoaphere which had oo Mfg with the ar of heaen, but which had eked up foe the decayed ‘retard the gay wall and the lene rare pestient and myst vapor dll, shag ely dace andleten-huc. Shaking off fom my spse what muthave bece a dream, [scanned sore carom the el mpc of che building, I placipl ature secre tobe that ofan exave antiquity The discoloration of ages bad been (gest Minut fing! oveupeea she whole erie, hangingina Soe tangled trebewotk foe de caves all hi was apart oe any extraordinary (Glpidation, No portion ofthe matonry had Ells ad thee appeared to 0 bea wild inconsistency beeen ail pret adapation of pts, and the curling condition ofthe individ stones, Un this thee wa euch that teminded oc of the specious totality of old wood-week which as sted farlong years in sme negleced val, with ao darurbnce fom the breath ofthe external air Beyond this indication of ensive dee, howeres the fbi gave lite ten ofinsabilt Plahap the eye of sratiining obser might have discovered barely pecepuble fissure, which, extending ‘om the rot ofthe bling in Hone, mad ts ay dawn the wall ina sige diction, ant it hcame law i the sll wate ofthe ze. ‘Navcing thee thing, Irae vera short causeway to che house. A sos servant in waling took ny hoes, and J emered the Gothie ray ofthe fal A vale, ofteihy sep thence conducted me, in alee, cheough ‘many dark and inciae pasagesin my progress othe sudo of is master ghee voto a 0 commuex sewrenees Gawnnaeseta sangre see Tetum? sin eosin iti apiomie ae ‘ntocneth gle Saeag ee pt Sorectingtone nasser iznovse or vines 407 Mack tha encountered on the way conmibated, now not haw, 0 bight the vague sentimens of which Ihave lend spoken, While che jer around me—wle the carving ofthe cells, the sombre apesties ‘ofthe wal the chon blades ofthe Soon, and she phantaumageric| ovis opie which rated a ere, were but mater towhich, ofr suchas which, Id been ceustemed fine my infinp—le There norco acknowledge how failiar was a this—L sll wondered find bow tesla were the fancies which einay images mee eeing up. On ‘one othe sales, I mer the plyicio oF the Ray. His countenance, Tetonghe, wore a mingled expeesionoflow curming wad perplexing Ht accosted en with tepdation and pated an. The valet naw threw open a oe and bere ene throogh into te presence of his mater, "The room in which ound myself was very lange and Io The window ‘wezlong nat; and ponte, and at sovast a dtance from the black ‘ale Hoor aco be altogether inacenble fon within, Feeble gla of ‘nerimtoned light madethels way through the eoised panes and served to reader sullen ditinee the more prominent objects sounds the aye, say hrwoves rraggled inva reach the remater anges othe chamber. the ecenes ofthe vaulted and fete! cling, Datk drapetia hung upon the ‘ells The gener furniture was rose comforles, antique, and tattered. ‘Many books and muse nara lr eartered about, bot Bled vo pve any way vo the scene 1 fe dhat I breathed an atmoapher of xsow. An dir of stern, dep, and lsedeemabl gloom bung oer and pervaded all Upon my entrance, Usher aos rs «sf on which he had been ng atl length, and preted ee with 2 vivacious watznth which had euch i i, Lat So thought, ofan overdone cvdialiaf the consid fire ‘Fhe emnpe man ofthe weed. A glance, however 3 is countenance 135 convinced me of his pee snceine We sa downs: and for some moments, ‘ile he spoke nr, I gazed upon hi wth afin ofall py bal oF ae Surely man had never befor so teiblyaterd, in sobviefa period, as had Redeick shee! wat with difcalty that [could bing enyself to adeit the entity ofthe wan being bei oe with the capasion of meaty baphood, Ye the character af is fice had bon tal tines erable A cadeverousess of complesion: a ee lage oui, and lminous beyond ‘cmap ips somewhat thin and very pall ut of surpsingly beutifal curve; ano of delicate crew model, but with a breadth of sore unusual in slr formations: «Boel ould chin, speaking, in is ie wan of prominence, of a wane of moral ene; hal of mows than webelike finest aed enuy, hee ature, with an jngedinata expansion above the region ofthe temple, made up alogesher 3 countenance nat caly tbe ergot. And now i the re exaggeration ofthe prevaling characte of shes atures and ofthe expression they ware want taney ly so much of change that doubed 10 whom I spoke The nw ghasy palo ofthe ‘hin, and the now eiaclous lsc of a ee, bone all hogs atte and 408 cose a anions aoanscas Ri rm epee eet aro Ino i coon sre eT lena ad ben fired grow ll ued Secon in wld gram ec red eer hen ll en te Temi noe even woth er, connetis Ares expresin With 2ny dete arta vo chumple one @ poeereneerrion Inthe marr cfny ee Ta nee rec with mn necheenee— Pete, an ncoseny nT soon fod tivo a fom aris of ele nd @ UNITY OF EFFECT El supple fo ene mba tepldancp—en cme merous ead es, Pot sgiation For rothing ofthis arr hed inderd bees pepe, eenageeatons srs ‘Stes by hse ther by eines of ein by ct nd seats aaen preva ty eondesin dobced Sem is el pied conformer td ‘row oi ecinguemtwar ‘Spent Histon was alcatel vraon sed wl, His woe eS ply cm ater deci fre th al pe eed Cony in sepa) ha specie of eee conlten—char roy, 1 don oy 1a wight waka snd hl soveding eonocaio-cat lene, instar TiSbutsce, and peely morale goal eeeance, which ny be ‘herein the lt drunk, or he ecamabl enter cepa, ding the pets ois won ines erent. Tuc chat he spl ofthc of wt, oF is rn deine tot me and ofthe lace he expected ne tobi, He eters tore engih in what he enc abe the eta of i lay I wa ie, scone and «fey vl nd oe fx which he dein toads renedy—a met nervous afin be mel ded wih rod sedated oon pao edgy infin aon of wma eastins, Some ofthe, she deal hem, inserted ad beled thigh pap he ea aed the gence manner of hl saan Hel ir eight He fied much ns mebid ato of the themes inp fod was alae endure he could wea nly garment Inn ai a ching cof crain texture: the odors of ll dowers were oppreive is aes were anon bane ‘ortre by even 2 int ight: and dhere were but peculiar sounds, and there uteeslonoyerin on stringed inteuments which dd ae ine him with hone. “To an anomalous speci of etvor I fund him 2 bounden alae. “call eh said he, Tapeh in his eploeale fll Thus, hus, and noe theresa Tbe log. deed she ovens of the fut, notin thersclvs, sae butin thet vue. Eshudder at the thought ofan even the mos tvia, COMPLEX SENTENCES ‘iden whith may opr upon iilcale aan ofouhane, > Sere econ st ‘bleed, no abhorenc of dangez, cept ins absolut efi toe fede na ofmid inne Inshsunncned in thls coin lace ped wil ‘Msandey ce Stoner re ave vieeT mut abndon i and ton pees nome rarest eens ‘ge i fe in pasa, FEAR secon Texted, mocover 2 interval ard thiough broken and equivocal ies, another singular care ofhis mental candtin. He was enchuned by cxvainsuperttons impression in gard tothe dwelling which he sezanced, and whence, fr many yeas, be hal never ventured foth—in 10 mgard 0 an influence whos suppesicious force was conveyed in tems t00 90 nppostomsirones nasser znovse or anes 409 shadowy here tobe soated—an influence which some pela in ‘he mene form and subotancs oF is Gly mansion hd by dint of ong suferance, he sid, obeaned oer his spnt—an eee which the plyrigue (Fhe gry wal and ures, and ofthe di rar ino wich they all ook wn, had, arlengsh, broogl about upon the monae of is existence, He admived, however although with hsnaton, that mach oF the eal glooe which ts lficsed hr coud be race to more natu fed far snore palpable igin—to the severe and longentrnuedilne— ident eo the evident approaching diohtion a sender beloved 220 saer—his le companion ong yente—tis ar and only rate on ‘ith, “Her decease he sd, wih a bitrnes which Lean never forge, "youl leave hi (him, the hopele and the al) he ln oF te nent race ofthe Usher," While he spoke, the lady Madeline For so she wa ale), passed though a emote portion ofthe sparement and, without having osced my proenes dasppeared epnied her wih an ter attanihment ‘ot unmingled with dread-and yet | found iiemposble to account or ach Gling. A veration of weupor oppressed nea ny eyes Fllowed ee rrcsingieps. When 3 door, lenges, cloud upon her my glance sought inuincvely and expt the countenance of the brather—but he had busied 0 bis ce in is hands and auld ony preive that a mote than eninary wannes had wresped the cuted Ginger hong which ited eam, pasonate es, “The disc ofthe lay Madeline had long bled the lof er physicians, A seed apathy «gradual wasting amy ofthe peso, and foquen though tanient fectons of pataly cataleptic character ‘wee theunutcal dagneni, Hither de had steady bore up agua the prwute af her malls anal had noe eraken here aly to beds but op the losing in ofthe evening of my ail at dhe hose she succumbed (at her bother told me night with increible xgsion tothe promting 12s power ofthe destroyer and eared tha the glinpe had obtained of her enon would thus probably be thls I should abtain—ehar the lady 22 esr whl living. would be ses by meno mee Foe seve days ensuing, her sare wat unmentioned by ether Usher or reysell and dung this psi Irs buied in ernst endeavors alleviate the melancholy of my Bend. We painted and sea coger, or Iistened, as Hina dream, tothe wild improviations of his peaking guita: And thus 8. cloterand ail clover inten atte ce more uareercy into ‘he ec of his pis the mare bated I preie theft af attmaptat cheng a ried fom which dalnet, sian inhesontposiive 250 quality poured forth pon athe abjecs of the moral and physi universe i one unceaig elation of gloom. @ Tell ver bear about me rnemey of che any solemn hous chat spear alone with the master ofthe House of Usher, Yel should fl in any srcempe to convey an ides ofthe exact chaniter ofthe studies, oof he $0. cases annscan ances hoe ehigueshar these apathy Be'ssnéin ack of ‘eng or ares perenne GB commiex sentences erasing 26-29, Paapase ise ekg egg wn teword at ‘etd heres ‘ompasons, in which he invalid me, oe me the wi Am eit ad high diermpered deli heew sphureas lee overall. Hi ong improvised dings wil ing freverin my ear, Among othe hing, I old pinfllyin mind 2 cea uingular person and amplification of he ‘ld sr of che lant ae of Von Weber Feom the painvings over which his 1 aborts fncy branded, and which grew, rush bp rouc, ina vagueness whic [ hdered the more heilingy best I shuddered knoning | rot why frm hen paintings (vid hei ienagen ao are before se) 1 ‘would in vin endestor 2 sce more than all poron which shold [ewothin the compass of merely writen wards. By the wer simpli by the nakadaen of hi designs, he ated and onerawed attention. I ever ‘mort painted an ideal, that moval ws Redeick Usher For mea est ithe craumcances then surtanding me-—there sore out othe pre -Docations which the hypochondeise cntived we throw upon his canvas intensity ofintlembleswe, no shadow ofwhich Rll eer yrin she 19 entempition ofthe cen glowing yet too concrete evere of Fas ‘One of the phantatmagoric conception of ty Gin, paraking nots fgily ofthe pire of abacion, may be dhadowed et, alehoogh ebls iz words A smal plete preented the imerior ofa immenely long and eetangularvauleo tanh, with low wall, sooth, white, and without EBeerprion ov device. Carin aconuery pent of the design served ell to coney the idea that this xavaton ly at an czeding dep blow the sasice ofthe eth, No outer was obsencd in any ption of es vast exest, snd-no torch or other arial wource of lighe wat dicenable; yer» Sood intense cay rolled throughout and bathed che whol ina ghastly and sso inappeopeiate splendor. have jst spoken a that msbid eandition ofthe auditory nerve which seeder ll music inolzable wo the suze, with the exception of extain (Fics Earned instromens, Ite, perhaps, the mao ints eo which be thas confined himself upon the guitar which gave bith in grat measure to the fnastc charter ofhis pefornanccs Bu the Evid fly of bis eprom cold act beso accounted fr They mu have been, and ‘wee inthe aoc, a well at inthe words of his wid ness Fr be nat taslequenly accompanied himself with hymed verbal improvisation). the aul ofthat intense mental ellectedocs utd concentration to which ‘oy Ihave previously aluded a observable only in puticlar mamens of the Lighes anf exitement. The words of an of these shaprdica Ihave cally eomembeed. [wan pehaps de nore Rrelyienpecied wit ia he (pci, because, in the under or mystie current ofits meaning, I cied that Tperciveds and fr the Seine, a fill consciousnen on the par oF Liber the toutrng ois laity ret upon her throne, The vec, which were toeided “The Haunted Palace" ran very nat fot accurately thus 412 Gyse ss anmnsoay aonanccas ‘eaiyguen gma ay rnc to (perth many aote wate mtheyare pies : athe penser ale, By god age ema, One and al alice adios plored eed 1a she moar Phongh dominion Taal ee Neer snaph pad pinion 25-2 ner aap Soret et Ewngerrtutioteuia, 0 ener yls lr, golden, (mmf el fe nd ase, (Thiel hima in be olden Tne long go) And iy gt that cad, tat dey Ang rps pared ond pale “A winged dr wet m nde in hat hap lly Through uo lane winds tne Spni moving veal Toa ae welled a, Round ant throne whe sing Peplyeend) 238 Pophpog o Ista big wel beeing, Sennen ng The rae of be eal a ee wv And ll with peal an rab lowing ‘Was the fer place deur ‘Tireagh wich cme foi, fing fig ‘And sparkling aernore, A oop of Eee whe et dy Was ba ing, ‘eve aferpaig boty The tend wide ofr Bing v ete thing in robe efron, ~ Asse the monarch ese (Ay lve mau, fr neser mare Sl dan upon bm, delat) And, ound abet is foe, lrg Ther bated and Soomed Ei but a die temenberd ry (Ofte old se entombed. uw And reel nawwishin het Throng the rl wna Wet forms tat move fatally ss Toa dicondne malay Wl ke arp ghey rin Trough he pale door A Bidens sng rac ut eter, “And lngh—but ole no mere Ill ember that soggetions wising or sis ballad led ws into atin ofthogght wherein thee bore manifest an opinion of Ue’ ‘which I mention not so much an account ofits novley (foe aes men have ‘hough ts) on aeasun ofthe pertinacity wth which he mainrained This opinion, in is gene fom, was that ofthe setince ofl vegetable 1 things. Burin his ioedered fay the ides had aumed « moee daring dhaacter and wespaied, under ceaincotons, upon the Kingdom of incrganzation, I ack words so expe the fllextent ofthe caren abandon of his penuasian. The belief however, was connected (aI have previously ted with the gry stones ofthe bore of is forehers, The conditions sf the sentence had been here, he imagined, fled isthe method of ‘allocation of theve stones—in the onde of her arangerent, swell as i tha ofthe many fing which ovupreal them, and ofthe decayed ccs ‘which stood aound—abowe al, inthe long undinasbed endurance of ‘his arangement ard ine ecdapliation in the al waters ofthe ae. Its 1p evidence the evidence of the sesienceas tobe sen, head (rd Thee ‘earl ashe spa) isthe gradual yer cena condensation of2n atmophere tf ther own about the waters and dhe wall. The resukwas discoverable, beaded in tht sen yo mportanat and ele inlaene which fr seovares had moulded the denis of hi amily and which made i what Tew saw hiso-vhat he wat Such opinions aéed no cnment, and Till snake eone, (Our books—she books which, fr yeas, hal formed no small portion of| the mental extras ofthe invalid-nee 2s might be supposed, in tie lesping with this character of pants, We pared together over such works 416 cose a annscan ances tnacty iinet, Sinbornness pessence eate tinge! 50 athe Vener ct Charen of Greer the Belphegor of Machiavelli he [Hessen and Hell of Swedenbor: the Subreranean Voyage of Niclas ‘Kim by Hoberg; the Chitomancy of Reber: Fld, of ean D'indaginé, snd of Dela Chambre the Jourey nt these Distance oF ieee snd the Cay ofthe Sun of Campansl, Our forte volume wat a sal acevo Sivon ofthe Dire Ingutzorium,bythe Dominican Fymerc de CGronne; and there were putas in Poros Mela about he old AFScan Sars ard Aegipins, over which Usher wuld se dreaming fe hor, His hier deligh, Rowever wat Sand inthe penal oF an exeedngly are ard ‘sons book in que Gacho—the murat! of a geten crete si Vigliae Morurane cundum Chore Eee Magunsine. “eau nor help thinking of he ld ral ofthe work, and oi probable infuence upon the hypochondrise, when, one evening, having {nformed mearuply shat the aly Madeline was no mote, he sated bis [srention of preeing her core fora frnigh (previo nl [breement, in one ofthe mareraut vals within the main walls othe budding The woddly satan, however asgned fe this singulr proceeding, swat one which Idi nor fe at lbery to dpe. The bother ha bee ed ‘his esoltin (40 he tld me) by consideration of the unusual chaicter cf the malady of the deceted, of cetaincbtsusie and cage inquitis on po the pam ofher medial men, ard of the remote and expend ston othe Lausal-gound ofthe fay wil not deny that when I cle to nnd the sister equntanancr ofthe penton whom I met upon the staicase on the (hy of my areal arche hoe, had no dese ro oppor what regudec aa bert but arta and by no meane an unatunl, preaution, [the requst of Usher | personaly aided him inthe srangemens for «he temporay entembment The hay haing been encofined, we te alone bore oi rs. The vat i which we placed end which had te 10 long wncpenet thet cur vores alfonehere in is oppreive szmosphere, gre tls opportunity fe invesigsion) was smal dara, ss: and entry without means of admision fr light ying, a gre depeh, [mesiatelyhenesth the portion a he bing in which wa yo sezpingsparment Ie had been used apparent in remote ada ines, fo the worst purpotes of donjanken, ands in later day, asx place of dept for poder or acme ther highly combuetble substance 0+ portion of is oe and the mhole interior of lng archway through which we reached 2 were eatlysheathed with eopper The daot of masive ir, had bee, sho, slay proven. Is immense weigh caused sn unusually sharp, ipting sound, st moved upon is hinges. Hering depeied ou eournal burden upon teste within thi sgion 22 of hota we parlly ured aside the ye unscrewed lid ofthe coin, tnd looked upon the feof the tenant. A lng slitude benween the bother and sister now first aesed my axenton: and Usher, divining, ‘perhaps; my choughs, murmured out some few words from which Ilearped ope @ unity oF erect erat ines 736. hy ght nu ssusor iznovie or vanes 415 thatthe decened and himaelhad bee tins, and that spate fa sexe ineligible mare had slays existed berneen ther. Ot ganes, Faweve, eed ot long upon the deai—for we could or regard her snawed. The ditene which had thos entombed the layin she mari fer youth, ad ea sulin all maladies of sie exept Chara the mockery of in bash upon he bosom snd the ie, rd «os that suspic Lingering sil upon the ip which so eile death, Wereplsced and screwed dn he id, ad, having secuted the door oF ion, rade oar way with al, ino the ere les gloomy sparmens oF the ‘oper portion of che howe. ‘And now, someday of biter gre having capscd, an obervable change cae over the sort ofthe mental dvorder of my end. His ordinary ‘manner had vanished, His odinry ocspatons were neglected forgoren. He rome fre charter chanber with usin wou aod been sep. The pallor of countenance had astimed if mile, amore sty hae—bot the lominausness fis ye had ute gave ut The 40 once occsinal huskinesofhis tone was head no mot: ad a remulous (qsves a of exeme rer, abil chartered his ternce Thee ‘ce times, nded, when Thought his uncessinghy agitated mind was [bosing wih seme oppreiesezet, ovale which he strug fo the ecenay enirage AT soe, gan, Ts cliged ro rae al no che mere ‘bespliable vagaries of males, fr Tbchel hie gating upon vacancy vey aedinatange en fr long hous, aan attude ofthe profoundes ateation ss fixeing to some imaginary sound was no wonder that his condition tered —ehat Binfeted me. {El ceping upon me, by alow pe etal dies, the wild Tnflucnces of his own ltt yr impreniesupestiions ‘25 | ewascspecly, upon ering tobed lei the night ofthe seventh cr cghth day afi the placing ofthe lay Maine within the Jowon, thar Texperenced che fll per of ich elings. Slerp came ot net my couche the hous waned and waned away. Latragglel toeavon of a ucts ‘he nerounei which had dominion ovr me endeavored eo bli hat such, nor all ofwhar 1, wa eto she bewildering influence ofthe oor aria ofthe room ofthe dak and tated apes, which feral into motion by the breath of ing tempest, swayed Gly to and fo upon the wal, and and uncaly about the decoration ofthe be ‘Bucy ea were Guides. An rprenbl moe gradually pervaded «ey Hames and, a lengh, thereat upon my vary heat a inabus of 120 atuonatigsa ‘Hedy cals alt Shing his OB with agp and astrgge, Tupi Sse stanatinne ‘spc up the plows and pecing xen within the nese dance fhe chamber bearkened—I know nt why excep that antici pict frompted met cruin bw and indefiaike ounde which ame, through the uses ofthe storm, at longer [new ot whence. Ovespoweced by a8 fbrense sentiment ofhora unaccountable et uneadurbl,[hew oo my @ COMPLEX SENTENCES clothes wih hae ef shat should seep no moreduing herp), SEINE 5 erly tnd cedzavore to arouse myself om the pale coniton ito which | sumer wn patel fad les by pacing apidy vo and fo through the apartment. €) Prose modi is be snes or iznovie or vines 417 440 Thad ken but a few tors inthis mney, when ight sep on an sSjningsesce ested my aetion I pce egret int hat of Usher In an iseaneafereard he apped with agente rou, at my door, sd entered, earings rp. His tenance wes, ap atl cadaver swan, moreover chess ws a species of ad hry ini epe>—an, (THlanly eotned byewisin his whole demensor Hissirappaled me— dumamor enna, tn any thing was petal othe sine which I had 9 long encared, comer snd Leven weloorned his presence a rel. "had you have nor sen" be id abropty, fer having stared about him for some moment glence—"you have nat then seen hue, ay 40 you shal" Tha speaking and having crflly shade his lamp, he hurd ooue of he comes, end tere eely open eo the storm, "The impernons fry ofthe enering ust ney Wed ws em our Bt. Ie was indod, a vermpettuos yet sternly beaut ight, and one wildly sieges init ter wad ts bom A-whited had epparenti calecred is Fre in our vc fr thee were aque and woken aeration in the ieetion ofthe wind: andthe exceeding deny f dhe lauds which Inn so loro topos upon the es Fhe hows) id not prevent our ererving the Lilie vlociy with which they Blew cxeeting fom all points 48 ringing stop pn saist cach ther, without pasing sway into thediance Tiay that ven sus this eceding density di nor proven or percehing thie—per we had no imps ofthe moon or tars aoe was there any daing or flighting. Bur the under surexs ofthe huge mass of ptt vapor at wel athe 546 age rts tenet cbjecs immediately ound of, were loving in the unnteunl shertichage tt noreg ght of intl luminous and distinc vile gascous exhalation hich cane hig about and erabrouded the mansion. “You must nope shall ot bold eis, shuddering, ro Usher, a el bs witha gene vclence, fom the window oa seat. Thee ppersnces which Bewider oar merely ectieal phenomens ot ‘tom moe —or fay be tha thy have thc ghastly gin nthe ak ‘60 miamacf the un. Les lose this cauemint—the ais chilling and 00 win wa ng ‘ange to your fume Here sone of your Evite romances. willed, aed you shal sean so we wl pas aay his ible nigh together” “The anige volume which had len up was the “Mad Ts” of Sie Launeloe Canning but Thad called ea voit of Ushers more ins jst ‘han in carn foe in eth thre ide ints uncouth and imaginative 6 uch. oy prog which could have had intrest the lofty and pial eliny ee CF ny Hind. Te was, howeves the only book immadily at hands and ‘mgs, indulge a vag hope tha the eitement which ew agate the hypochondsae, night Bnd (be the hisory of mena disorder i fll of ‘ slilar anomalies) cre in the exemencs ofthe fly which Taboul eal, anomaly torr, Could Ths judged, indecd bythe wld ovetaine sc of vac with Sepa the norma er which he hewtened, or apareely heahene, to dhe words of thee 1 ‘ight wel have cangratalated mya upon the succes of my desig, 418 csue ss anmnsoay ances Una arrived thar wl-lnoun portion of the tony wher Ethel, the hem ofthe Te, having sought in vain e peaceable admiion io the ‘vcling ofthe hermit, proseds to make goo an entrance by Fore. Hers, i wil be remember, she words ofthe martive nin tht "And Ethel, who was by aaate of dog hea, and who wat row mighty withal, on amount of the powerline ofthe wine whi he “bs al drunan, waited no longer to hol puley wih the hermit, whan sooth, wat of an obstinate and malic ren, hu, eng the aim pon hi shouldem, nd faring she sang ofthe tempest, splined ht mace ung, sn, ich blows, made quik room i ee plankings of he door for is |puemd hand: and now paling herewith wat he so cached, and pp, snl are all asunder thr the nese of the dey and hollowannding ‘wood aaramed andl merhertd sheoughous he fest” ‘the termination ofthis sentence [started and, foe moment, pases frie appeated tome (sithough Ia ance concluded sat my exits Fancy had deceived me) tapped to me the, fom some very emote portion su ofthe mansion, there came indisinely tomy ean, wh might hate bee, ini ence imlanty of charcrer the echo hae ated and dal ‘one certainly) of the very exacking and epping sound which Se Launclot bad so purely deeibd, Ie was, beyond doubs, she exinidence alone sshich Aad arse my atenion’ fr smd the enling fee anes ofthe fasemens, and th odinay commingled noise of she wl increasing or, Shes inl hd eohing sy which hol ave reed ‘Enel me Teoninud the ory "Bet he god carpin Ede, setting within the dow, wat sexe caged ud mel pine nigel of email ein sve inh vl he dag afl ond pidgin demeanor and of yen, which tn guard bles fold, with Boe ‘fre wd pon wll sce ng sl of cnng baw els ted cones Whe ena hein conqueror ha bins Who seer he dag, te sid be ball wins “And Fucked plied hs mace and stack upon the head ofthe ago, ‘nhl il before him, and gave up his psty bret, with aabvick so howd Zee harsh, and with so plesing, that Ethctred had fin vo dove his cars ‘wth is hands guns the decal aise of the ike whereof was never 9 befaeeaed.” Hae spun I paused abruply and now with a ing of wild amazement—for ther could be no doabe whatever tha this nstane=, 1d scaly hear (although fom what dzzaton ie proceeded I ound it impossible tos) alow and apparel disan, buchash, protracted, and sat uel seating or gating ousd—the exact counterpart of what $20 cyse ss anmnscan aonanscas Farmers gonctnd ny finy be conjure wp Sr the dengan mata shrew dsebed by the romances ‘Oppresed, 35 cerainly was, upon the occurence of this second and snot exracndinry cincence, by 1 thread cnlicsingsnantions, S90 which wonder andl erreme terror were predominant, il resin solicit presen of tid a ard ening, by any obcration, the ‘ert nernmnis of my companion. Twasby no meun oneal that he ad notin the sound in question; though, asaredly, 2 eange alteration ‘ac, daring the lat ee minute, sen pace i his demesne From postion Beating sy oma, he hed gray brought sown his chal, 0 1 to sit with his ce wo the dooe of the chamber nd thus Tcull but Filly persis Bis entre although Ir hu isp vealed as fhe fing nul His ead had dropped upon his easy 1 Unow that be wat aot alee, Bn the wide and gid opening of the eye a1 se uagh glance ofit in protle The motion his bad 0, wea twain sith this ideaforhe rocked fm sid to side witha pel yet content sd uniform sway Having apidly taken aotie ofall his enue the arative of Sit Lueson which hus preceded “And oe, the champion, having cape Bom the tebe fury of the eagoa, bethinking imac of the brace sid, and of he breaking up of ‘deenchmementwhich wes upon ie semoved the ess ors our othe ‘vay bef im, and approche valorosly ovr the ver pavement ofthe ‘atl to where the shield was upon the wal wich in sooth arsed wot for is all coming, but ll down at bis fee upon these oe, witha eighty sve gest and tbe singing sound." ‘No sooner had thee sable pated my ipa thar—as if ashi of brass tae indeed a the morment, Ellen hemly upon aor of iver=I bear aware ofa ditincs hollow metalic and dangorous, yt apparently mulled, smresbeatian. Completely unnened, I eaped to my Bet but dhe measured tocking movement of Uther wat unditarbed. Teuhod vo the che in which eat His cys were bene Sscly belbechim, sod ehaughout his whale countenance tase reigned a sony igi Bot, tT placed ny hand wpon is shales there cme sro shulder over his whale pron: sickly see quivered abou his ps: and Isa that he spoken a lov, hurried. and seo bbcring entrust if unconscious of ny presence. Bending clely over Wi, Tat lenge drank the hideous rapt of is words "Not her io—ye, Theat and heteheard i Long —lang—long—enany ‘eisai, many hows, many dys, hve beard tye dared tab, iy me: mierabe wre hae Lami—I dazed not dered no pea! We tase ter Lining in thet Sei not that oy sense were see? Lm tel you that head her Bee ecble ovement i the hallow cof. Tear thet—meany, many days ago—yet dared ct =I dered nese Aad ‘ow-—cornight—Ethelred—ha hale breaking of te erie door, and ‘hedeatvary ofthedragon and the dangor of th slay, aor the (© unity oF errect erat nse 3e What ‘Dincdenerepstee? season mig nocte or anes 421 ‘9o mnding fhe cain, and the pring ofthe iron hinges afer pon, ander fraggle within che coppered archey ofthe vue! OW' whither shall Ly? Willshe not be hee anon? Is se noc hurrying co upbraid me foe my haste? Hise Ino heard be esttep on he sa? De | nor irngush thr berry sna horse bering oFker hea? sanian!”—hre he sean Bios co [hee and shila oat is alle, at inthe efor fe were pring up his soul abst T12YOU THAT ste NOW sas WMOLT THE DOOR!” "As fin the superhuman enengy oFhiseterance there hed been found the potency of pall he ge antique panko which the spear pond theme slowly hice upon the insan, hee ponders and ony. swat the work ofthe rthing gous then without those door here di {rd the lofiy and enshrouded figure ofthe lady Madeline of Usher. There sss bloc upon her white robes, ad se evidence of some iter agg {pon every portion of her emaciated Gate, Fora moment she remained ‘ombling ted welng to and Go upon the hredold—then, wih low ‘onsing ery, ll heavily inward upon the peron ofr brother and in er violent and now Binal death-agonis, bore him to dhe Hooe serps, 2nd a ‘Het tothe ror he hd arpa Tro the chamber, and urn that manson, 1 ed aghast. The tor ‘ra all abead in all ta wrath a [found mya crting the old costes, ‘9 Sadenly thre shoe along he path «wd igh and Trane osx whence 2 gleam so unatual could have ised fr the vast house aed it shadows ‘wer alone behiad me. The radiance was that oF the fl eting and blood- {ed moon, which now shone vr dough that once barely discernible fissure, of which Thave befor spolzn s extending om the vol ofthe bling, in azigrg dreaio, so the bate, While gaed, the Bure epiy -widened-—there came a Bere breath ofthe whthind—he ete orb of the ‘stelle brat at once upon ny sght—ny bran eed Tew the eighty ‘alle rushing asundes—dhere wat long tumultuous shouting sound Like the Toi ofa thousand wateeand the dor and dank earn a ny et coved o> sullen and sendy oer dhe Hagments of the “HOUSE OF USHER” Cw 422 osse ss anscan aan (0 unm oF creer eas nesse-s7. seal She cecpton of hewau you Tessin sinsveny dee Sr aestptan lps op the ‘tuston ofthe toys cae! Gy cheats meeprctaon insane een? yor nat

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