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Psyc 60 In-Class Worksheet Chapter 8 part 1

The Steps of Hypothesis Testing

Experiment 1: A researcher wants to test the effects of herbal supplements claiming
to be memory enhancers. She uses a standardized memory test, where the population
scores form a normal distribution with mean = 70 and standard deviation = 15. She
takes a sample of n=25 people and has each person take the herbal supplement once a day
for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, each person takes the standardized memory
test and the mean score for the sample is calculated to be M = 78.
Independent variable: Herbal supplement
Dependent variable: Score on memory test
Experiment 2: It has been found that there is a positive correlation between the
amount of ice cream sold and the amount of violent crime that occurs on a given day.
Since this is a correlation, we dont know if ice cream is really the cause of the
violent crime. Therefore, a researcher wants to test if eating ice cream leads to
aggression. He uses a standardized questionnaire designed to measure aggressive
tendencies; this test is known to have a normal distribution of scores, where the mean =
20, and the standard deviation = 4. He takes a sample of n = 16 people and has each
person eat a large bowl of ice cream. After they finish their ice cream, he then
administers the questionnaire to each subject. He finds that the mean score of aggressive
tendencies for his sample is equal to M = 21.5.

Step 1 State Hypothesis

For experiment 1:
First, write out in words what your null hypothesis is: The herbal supplement has
no effect on memory. (The independent variable does nothing to the dependent variable.)
Now, using symbols, state the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis:
H0: Mean after treatment = 70
H1: Mean after treatment does not = 70
For experiment 2:
First, write out in words what your null hypothesis is:

Now, using symbols, state the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis:

Step 2 Set Criteria

For experiment 1:
What is your alpha level? =.01
Given this alpha level, what z-scores form the boundary of your critical region?
Z = +/-2.58
What percentage of your distribution falls in the critical region?
For experiment 2:
What is your alpha level?
Given this alpha level, what z-scores form the boundary of your critical region?
What percentage of your distribution falls in the critical region?

Steps 3 & 4 Collect Data/Statistics and Make a Decision

For experiment 1:
What is your sample mean?

Sketch your DSM here


Calculate the z-score for your sample statistic.

SD = 15
SD mean = 15/ square root of 25 = 3
Z= M - mean/SDmean = 78-70/3=2.67

Is your sample located in the critical region? Yes

What decision should the researcher make about the null hypothesis?
Reject the null
What decision should the researcher make about the effect of the herbal

How would you report your findings in a scientific article?

For experiment 2:

Sketch your DSM here

What is your sample mean?

Calculate the z-score for your sample statistic.

Is your sample located in the critical region?

What decision should the researcher make about the null hypothesis?

What decision should the researcher make about the effect of ice cream on
aggressive tendencies?

How would you report your findings in a scientific article?

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