Native American Myth

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Griffin Dynes

Mrs. Kirschner
English II- Native American Myth
The Creation of the Wyakin
Since the beginning of creation there were humans. As these humans began to grow, they
became more and more sinful in their daily lives. All around the world, people lived, committing
crimes and breaking laws. Some were murdering their neighbors, others were stealing from each
other. Earth was ashamed at what these humans were doing. Their seemed to be no hope in the
world for good until a child named Tac. This boy grew up rejecting sin and doing what was
right. He pushed away many corrupt acts for years. One day while walking on a road to the top
of a mountain, he was attacked, beaten, and left dying on the side of the path. Later he was found
by a man passing by who brought Tac to his house until he was healed. As Tac went out he
began to think why he has been good all his life. He decided to let sin take him over and one
night Tac went to a local village, found the man that beat him, and slaughtered the man, his
family, and burned his house. The gods saw that Tac was becoming evil so they called upon a
guardian called Wyakin. They sent down this spirit to watch over Tac and lead him down the
right path again.
As Tac was walking down this same path again, he was approached by Wyakin. Wyakin
said to Tac not to be afraid, he was there to guide Tac down the path of the righteous. Out of
fear, Tac pulled a knife on Wyakin and tried to stab him but was easily overpowered. After
struggling for a while, Tac decided to give in and allow Wyakin to help him. They headed back
Wyakin 1

up the mountain where a house was prepared. Inside the shack, candles were lit and incense was
burning. In order for Tac to become purified from evil, he would need to become one with the
earth. For months Wyakin helped Tac to become righteous and good. On the tenth month
Wyakin decided that Tac was ready to go into the world and help others become upright and
noble. Tac left the shack and began to head down the mountain when he noticed the evil that had
grown stronger. At first he began to turn back up the mountain, but Wyakin explained to him that
this was what he was trained for. Tac turned around and with his head held high began to go out
and cleanse people from sin. He sent early teenagers to the mountain where Wyakin would be
to teach them to live a clean and good life.
As time passed the news of Wyakin had spread across many nations, and he had become
overcome by the responsibility of taking care of all the people. Wyakin asked the gods to send
more like him to teach children about living a righteous life so they sent more spiritual guardians
to help with Wyakins teachings. They were placed on top of mountains where they would await
the coming of young Nez Perce boys. When a child, mainly a boy, would reach the age of the
beginning of puberty (12-15), they would be sent alone up a mountain where they would
meditate and wait for the appearance of their wyakin, or spiritual guardian. This would guide the
boy through their life and lead them to live a clean life.

Wyakin- spiritual guardian

Tac- the boy (means good in Nez Perce)

Wyakin 2

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