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Ethics of Death Penalty

Bill To
Montgomery College
Page numbers in in-text citations are only needed for direct quotes.
There are about 2 pages of duplicate text that needs to be removed. Make sure you page count is still 8- 10 after removal.
Amendments and Constitution should be capitalized
do not use you - find and fix all instances.
You have the pieces, but you have to show the ethical principle(s).

This is a good essay, but it is not an ethical argument. You need to use the correct terminology and keep showing relevance
to the ethical principles you are saying are broken. If I have to search for the information and make my own assumptions, then
a general reader may not see your actual argument but more of an informative paper.

Introduction - needs to introduce the ethical principle(s) you are using to prove your problem is unethical. The ethical principles
are vaguely mentioned in the introduction The thesis needs to state
the unethical principle(s) as well.
You still have not done this
Background - this is good
Ethical analysis - 2 to 3 paragraphs - Defines the problem in relation to the ethical principle(s) you noted in
the introduction and gives
evidence to prove the relationship good but doesn't not the ethical principle
Give a solution - 1 paragraph of possible solutions - if a solution is reasonable.good but doesn't not the ethical principle

This paper was prepared for ENGL102 32867 taught by Professor Storm.
Evidence of solution - 1 or 2 paragraphs to show solutions in relation to the ethical principles
- good but doesn't not the ethical principle


Not needed

Forms of the death penalty have existed since humans began to walk. Currently, lethal
injections are the primary method used to execute inmates. Numerous cases involving the death
penalty has shown the cruel nature. The cruelty involves the pain from certain chemical
injections involving the inmate. This is resulted from botched executions but are overlooked
anyway. Racism, and bias has also been proven with research. Mental retarded and minors have
been executed in the past in the United States also. Innocent people are put into trial and face
death or many years of prison. Doctors have shown dissent in practicing executions. Abolishing
the death penalty is one solution that can be used. In return, life imprisonment is replacing the
death penalty. The death penaltys support continuing diminishes and more inmates are
sentenced to life imprisonment.


Ethics of Death Penalty

They are injecting them with super powersactually just lethal chemicals. A form of
death penalty has existed for many centuries even in todays society. Although capital
punishment is an accepted method of execution, many people argue against the unethical
concepts and flaws. Death penalty advocates believe an eye for an eye is a justifiable reason for
murdering another individual but this is not justice. Not only that, several researches conducted
subj/verb agree

found out racism and bias has played a role in determining whether you face death row or not.
This is not a fair system and is rigged in favor of certain races. The current methods of execution
including electrocution and lethal injections are ruled as unconstitutional according to
abolitionist (Marquis, 2005, p.501). These punishments are considered to be tortuous and
inhumane. Lastly, the death penalty ignores human rights which is enough alone to be abolished.
Two wrongs does not make a right. The death penaltys ill practice of justice turns into the
what is/are the ethical/principals you will

barbarically inhumane torture and unfairness that violates human rights. be basing your analysis on? You have to
state them in the intro and thesis.

As many people know, the existence of mankind has been tainted with bloodshed in
every century we existed. In history, punishment always has been delivered for crimes they
performed. Whether in the Old Testament, Dark Ages, or Modern times people were executed
for capital crimes and was widely appreciated and cheered for. Before the invention of
guillotines, hangings were most deadly of them all. Hangings were performed in the streets


where the hanged dangled with enough room above the platform to gasp for air till they died. In
todays society, lethal injections are the preferred method to kill and rarely electrocutions, or
firing squads. Capital punishment or death penalty is a punishment performed by the government
on an individual who committed a capital crime. The US, Middle Eastern, Northern Africa, and
verb choice and tense

majority of Asian countries are the retentionist countries. Bath (1992) tells, Only Iran, Iraq,


too informal

Pakistan...United States[share the idea] of killing children in the name of justice (p.14). Now
juveniles are protected against this system. Mental retardation is also considered to be same
sentence structure - doesn't make sense.

concept and is banned in states. Compared to the rest of the world almost all European countries
abolished the system and over 100 countries. In the United States, there are currently 19 states
run-on and structure - lack of detail - too vague

that abolished the death penalty in their state. During the 1900s the fifth, eighth, and fourteen
amendments made people believe the constitution allowed capital punishment until the 1960s
what is it

the Fifth Amendment came into play. This questioned whether it is constitutional or not.
Continuous support in the abolitionist movement continues as countries throughout the world
bans death penalty. In the near future this system will be nearly abolished.
What is the
ethical principle

You need citations in this paragraph

for all the dates and facts you use.

subj/verb agree

Currently, 31 states still have death penalty installed but 37 has used lethal injections in

the past. Lethal injections are one of the many reasons the death penalty maybe considered as
are what?

unconstitutional but in general all the methods of execution are. As addressed before, the death
word agreement


penalty was interpreted as an approved system due to the fifth, eighth, and fourteen amendment.
sentence relevance?

Now continuing question is whether it is cruel and unusual. The five methods of execution are
what states?

firing squad, gas chamber, hanging, electrocution, and lethal injections. All of these states have
sentence structure - doesn't make sense

lethal injections as the primary method but others that approve of the method are used if lethal
injections are unavailable. Recently, the Utah government approved firing squads as the only
alternative when lethal injections are unavailable. Along with Oklahoma, the state is now
allowed to use nitrogen gas as a form of execution (DPIC, 2016). This gas chamber is like
making the inmate face a gas chamber from the Holocaust. These forms of execution are cruel
and murderous thus violating the constitution. No human being would like to be shot in pieces,
no slang

suffocated, electrocuted till their brains fry, or be woken up half dead. Additionally, murder and
subj/verb agree

the concept of the death penalty is wrong and unjustified. This system kills another person for


pro agree

sentence structure - awkward and confusing

their crime. Majority of death row inmates are murders and rapists. These inmates would kill and
be punished but is wrong and convicted. The government kills these people for killing another

person. This does not make sense and wrong. Who should kill the executioners for executing a
no slang

person? The government sends the message that it is ok for them to kill other people but it is not
no slang

what is it?

ok for others to kill another person. Not only that, it does not value human life and the right to
what is it?

live. These individuals may have taken someones life or many others but that does not make it
rightful to do the same. Every individual deserves the right to live. Even if they performed
murder they still deserve the worst second chance, life without parole. Every life precious and
should give life instead of taking.

What is the ethical principle? You need to state it in the topic sentence, the
paragraph, and the closing sentence to show relevance.
what is it?

Although the death penalty has many exclusions, it only applies when the Supreme Court
what is it?

rules it as unconstitutional to execute the individual. In the Death Penalty Information Center
research 371 death row inmates have been claimed as mentally retarded. Executions of
what is it?

repetitive sentences.

these people seem unfair as they may have done it unintentional. They suffered from coping in
verb tense

the real world and continuously struggle. These people suffer from coping in the real world as
they struggle to hold jobs, live without help, and be normal. The mentally retarded may have a
what is it? No contractions

higher risk of conviction and a death sentence as they are more influenced to confess. Its unfair
sentence structure

compared to people who purposefully commit the crimes compared to people like the mentally
retarded without intention. A lesser punishment should be placed instead of a death sentence.
These people should not be executed as they struggle with their disorders and become compelled

What is the ethical principle? You need to state it in the topic sentence, theparagraph, and the closing sen

to such actions.
subj/verb agree

In every system created there is always loopholes, flaws, and the death penalty is no
what is it?

exception. To reach a guilty verdict, it is an extensive, and exhausting time period that ranges for
sentence structure

many years. During this period in deduce the crime was committed numerous jury trials, and


hearings are assembled in order to solve this chance. Eventually after many years, these trials
need a transition - flow doesn't make sense

end with an execution. For innocent people who endure the long wait and suffering, they lose all
this valuable time for something did not commit. These people suffer psychologically and
emotionally while they knew they did not commit the crime but face countless trials. These
verb choice

innocent people have the chance to be executed. The chance should be enough to abolish this
who are they?

what is it?

system. Although they perform extensive research and information gathering, it kills the person's

life for taking so long in order to deduce the final verdict. There is no need to taint the blood.
(date) verb tense

Multiple cases in recent years have shown know flawed the death penalty is. The DPIC cites

multiple innocent cases one of which, Anthony Ray Hinton was exonerated after spending thirty
years on Alabama's death row. He was released on April 3, 2015...convicted of the 1985 murders
of two fast-food restaurant managers based upon the testimony of a state forensic examiner that
missing p. #

the bullets in the two murders came from a gun found in Hinton's house (DPIC, 2016). With an
inadequate lawyer and unknowledgeable firearms expert, Hinton was jailed and faced with a
death sentence. Evidence showed Hinton did not commit the crime due to the fact he was
working 15 miles away when the crime was committed and in 2002, experts concluded the
no slan

bullets did not match. With this much evidence his case was still postponed till 2014. In the end
after thirty years, Hinton was found innocent when new experts concluded the bullets were not
linked to Hintons guns. Multiple factors showed how flawed this system is and how credible
information does not convince others. How can a man live after facing thirty years in a prison
losing a third of his life?

do not close with a question - Questions open not close

What is the ethical principle? You need to state it in the topic sentence, theparagraph, and the

word form
Adding on, the death penalty has been known to contain bias and racism.
sentence structure

history this country has been known for racism and capital punishment is no exception. For
pro agree

Hintons case, the prosecutor with a racist history could smell and sense the evil from him


(DPIC, 2016). This certainly played a role in the trial during 1985 with evidence pointing away
verb tense.

from guilty. Additionally, Marquiss (2015) Myth of Innocence he states the African American
population makes up for about 10 percent of the population but is 40 percent of death row.
Research by law professor David Baldus and statistician George Woodworth proved minorities
missing p. #

p. # goes
the end of
are more prone to death row by four times if he defendant is black (DPIC, 2016). Lain (2007,
the sentence
before the period
4) also supports this theory as people who are on death row are more likely to be poor or black.(p. 4).
fragment and structure errors

Other cases have shown whites are less likely to be executed for murder a black person but is
agreement error

more likely for blacks to be executed for killing a white person. Numerous other research by
professors have all supported this theory as well. Some people believe this is because the amount
no abbreviations

of white district attorneys are overwhelmingly greater compared to black, Hispanic, etc. The
sheer amount of racism shown in the death penalty is another factor why this system needs to be
rid of.
In order to execute inmates with lethal injections, or any form of execution a doctor is
necessary for this procedure. According to Gibeaut (2008), these injections are usually a three
component drug composed of sodium pentothal that causes unconsciousness; pancurion bromide,
causing paralyze; and potassium chloride killing the heart. Problems with sodium pentothal
occurs when the chemical sometime runs out quickly, upon waking these individuals suffer a
tremendous amount of pain and are potentially not killed. Lethal injections in particular needs
sentence structure

the doctor to perform the task and is considered the executioner. In majority of the death penalty
states, they all use lethal injections as the primary method. These doctors are often paid in cash,
in quotation marks

and are protected by state authorities (Arie, 2011, p.1287). In Unwilling Executioners it states,
Dr Atul Gawande confirmed his practice had taken up an $18,000 contract... [providing] cardiac
monitoring and determination of death (Arie, 2011,p.1286). Doctors are a profession that is


verb form

verb form

Not sure what you mean with this sentence.

pro garee
pro agree

used to save people not kill others. The states protect their integrity and say they are practicing
medicine as an excuse. The doctors are stuck between their profession and their values towards
awkward phrasing

society. Many doctors who are offered this chance refuse due to religious and ranging to

politically. Which resorts to prison doctors or doctors who have connections towards the prison.
This is the path some doctors choose to take whether for wealth exchange for assistance of
murder or staying away.
While doctors are necessary to lethal injections, many executions have been considered
botched. Numerous cases of doctors and nurses struggling to insert IVs and sometimes violate
one what? (date) verb tense

medical code and insert the IV into wherever they can find one. DPIC describes the execution of
Brandon Jones, After spending 24 minutes unsuccessfully trying to insert an IV into Jones left
arm, the executioners spent 8 minutes trying to insert it in his right arm, and when that failed
they again attempted to insert it in his left arm. They then asked a physician to violate several
codes of medical ethics for assistance, and he or she spent 13 minutes inserting and stitching the
missing p. #


IV near Jones groin. Six minutes later, Jones eyes popped open (DPIC, 2016). Several botched
executions include, Joseph R. Wood who gasped for an hour and 40 minutes with a total of 640
gasps according to eye witness. These people are obviously suffering yet it is still considered
constitutional and practiced. These methods to execute inmates are obviously too excessive.
Numerous other cases such as these can be found on the internet showing how gruesome these
executions are. Eye witnesses, family, and others can describe how horrible this system is and
needs to be stopped.
In every system created there is always loopholes, flaws, and the death penalty is no
exception. To reach a guilty verdict, it is an extensive, and exhausting time period that ranges for
many years. During this period in deduce the crime was committed numerous jury trials, and

Duplicate text


duplicate page

hearings are assembled in order to solve this chance. Eventually after many years, these trials
end with an execution. For innocent people who endure the long wait and suffering, they lose all
this valuable time for something did not commit. These people suffer psychologically and
emotionally while they knew they did not commit the crime but face countless trials. These
innocent people have the chance to be executed. The chance should be enough to abolish this
system. Although they perform extensive research and information gathering, it kills the person's
life for taking so long in order to deduce the final verdict. There is no need to taint the blood.
Multiple cases in recent years have shown know flawed the death penalty is. The DPIC cites
multiple innocent cases one of which, Anthony Ray Hinton was exonerated after spending thirty
years on Alabama's death row. He was released on April 3, 2015...convicted of the 1985 murders
of two fast-food restaurant managers based upon the testimony of a state forensic examiner that
the bullets in the two murders came from a gun found in Hinton's house (DPIC, 2016). With an
inadequate lawyer and unknowledgeable firearms expert, Hinton was jailed and faced with a
death sentence. Evidence showed Hinton did not commit the crime due to the fact he was
working 15 miles away when the crime was committed and in 2002, experts concluded the
bullets did not match. With this much evidence his case was still postponed till 2014. In the end
after thirty years, Hinton was found innocent when new experts concluded the bullets were not
linked to Hintons guns. Multiple factors showed how flawed this system is and how credible
information does not convince others. How can a man live after facing thirty years in a prison
losing a third of his life?
Adding on, the death penalty has been known to contain bias and racism. American
history this country has been known for racism and capital punishment is no exception. For
Hintons case, the prosecutor with a racist history could smell and sense the evil from him


duplicate page

(DPIC, 2016). This certainly played a role in the trial during 1985 with evidence pointing away
from guilty. Additionally, Marquiss (2015) Myth of Innocence he states the African American
population makes up for about 10 percent of the population but is 40 percent of death row.
Research by law professor David Baldus and statistician George Woodworth proved minorities
are more prone to death row by four times if he defendant is black (DPIC,2016). Lain (2007, p.
4) also supports this theory as people who are on death row are more likely to be poor or black.
Other cases have shown whites are less likely to be executed for murder a black person but is
more likely for blacks to be executed for killing a white person. Numerous other research by
professors have all supported this theory as well. Some people believe this is because the amount
of white district attorneys are overwhelmingly greater compared to black, Hispanic, etc. The
sheer amount of racism shown in the death penalty is another factor why this system needs to be
rid of.
Although some people believe reforming this system is possible, is far from simple. In
order to reform this system, it needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt. New ideas would need to be
brought up in order to come to an ethical solution. The time taken to create a new system would
what is it?

halt all death row inmates or else it would be unfair to the ones who would be executed in the
do not start with bt

meantime. But the problem arises when murder is wrong and the death in death penalty can no
verb tense

longer be used. Dow (2015) describes a solution of having lawyer assist death row inmates in the
missing article

early process of death penalty in order to prevent executions. This option is not as effective as
too informa

there is more death row inmates than lawyers specialized in this field. Now, how would the death
word form

sentence structure - awkward phrasing

penalty be reformed without breaking the constitutional or have unfavorable executions to the
people? There is simply no possible way to reform the death penalty without it being inhumane.
This is why the death penalty should be abolished and replaced with life imprisonment.


Racism, innocent convictions, and unconstitutional torture have all pointed to abolishing
this system. People should not have to be killed and it is a human rights issue. The death penalty
wrong word

should not be justified for bring closure, justice or retribution any longer. These are not reasons
to kill another person. Simpler methods are more reliable and does not tear away your
humanity. The number of executions and death sentences continue to decrease as the years go
by. The death penalty has been implemented for over thirty years and has shown it is not a

reliable experiment. The US, Middle East, some African and Asian countries are only ones left to

abolish the death penalty completely. In 2008, Unnever, Cullen, and Johnson found, data from
Great Britain, France, Spain, and Japan show that animosity to racial or ethnic minorities
predicts support for capital punishment in these nations (p.45). With more inmates going into
life without parole, capital punishment is no longer needed. The abolishment of capital
punishment should be replaced with a life sentence with clear reason.
All life is precious and nobody should take another persons life. Life imprisonment
provides the perfect solution for both parties. The rate of executions have continued to decrease
over the years and more people are being put into prison instead of being put to death. For the
unwilling executioners, they are no longer needed and are spared from this instance. As for the
per what?

word choice

taxpayers that supply the death penalty, they would save roughly $90,000 according to the DPIC
(2016). Tax money can also be used to repair infrastructure, create programs, or increase savings.
subj/verb agree

Families wishes for closure and justice is closed with the individual stuck in jail for their rest of
their life. This is a more fitting for the individual as it is more tortuous compared to death
penalty. Compared to the person that would face death row would have a quick process
what is it?

compared to the many years it takes to move past the complex system. Instead of death, they
gain the value of life and continue to live. Life in prison without parole also has studies proving
studies such as


this method is more of a deterrence compared to capital punishment. This form of punishment
does not violate human rights, is humane and is fair across the board. Life without parole is the
best solution available and should replace the death penalty completely.

On the other hand, opponents in favor of the death penalty is diminishing on the years. no period hereonly after citation

Have to use the whole name

(Citizens, 2005). Belief of deterrence exist within the penalty has been researched and suggest
deterrence exist for capital punishment. Preventing murders and saving lives is a valid excuse for
instating the death penalty but not enough research has been concluded to support this. If
sentence structure - doesn't make sense

extensive and conclusive data supporting this it is a valid reason. Some people also believe this
what is it?

system is constitutional but it is unfair as some people have life sentences, X amount of years, or
what system?

death row. This belief is due to the fact 31 states currently have this system and if it is
what system

unconstitutional then it should be abolished. Even with this system installed the form of
punishment is weird as in, it is not something you see every day. As address before, evidence has
verb tense

shown the death penalty is botch many times. Adding on, retribution and justice can be brought
through life without parole and the penalty is not the correctly humane method to achieving this.
what is it?

Although these are valid reasons, it is not enough to justify the negativity of capital punishment.
Death Penalty has shown the unfairness while bringing inhumane practice invalidating
human life and should be brought to an end for justice. The death penalty over the years have
conducted gas chambers, electrocutions, firing squads, lethal injections, and hangings from the
start till today. This methods are cruel and unusual violating the Fifth Amendment. Innocent
sentence structure - if exonerated why are they facing execution?

sentence structure

people are exonerated every year and face the chance to be executed. Mentally retarded are faced
wrong word

with the death penalty and have be executed today and the past even with an unstable state.
word choice

Today there are 31 states that currently have capital punishment, each year these states wail
whether they should keep the system and inmates continue to die as the clock ticks.


Arie, S.. (2011). UNWILLING EXECUTIONERS?. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 342(7810),
12861287. Retrieved from
Bath, M.. (1992). US death penalty: THE ultimate HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. Socialist
Lawyer, (17), 1416. Retrieved from
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. (2005). Life Imprisonment Is Preferable to
the Death Penalty. Current Controversies. Capital Punishment. Retrieved from
Dow, R. D.. (2012, February). David R. Dow: Lessons from death row inmates [Video file].
Retrieved from
DPIC. (2016). Death Penalty Information Center. Death Penalty Information Center. Retrieved
Fish, M. J.. (2008). An Eye for an Eye: Proportionality as a Moral Principle of Punishment.
where is this
used in the essay

Journal of Legal Studies, 28(1), 5771. Retrieved from
Gibeaut, J.. (2008). Tinkering with Lethal Injection: An Eighth Amendment challenge comes
before the high court. ABA Journal, 94(1), 1819. Retrieved from
Lain, C. B.. (2007). Deciding Death. Duke Law Journal, 57(1), 183. Retrieved from
Marquis, J. (2005). THE MYTH OF INNOCENCE. Journal Of Criminal Law &
Criminology, 95(2), 501-521.


Unnever, J. D., Cullen, F. T., & Jonson, C. L.. (2008). Race, Racism, and Support for Capital
Punishment. Crime and Justice, 37(1), 4596.

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