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Henry Claude Cosmetics

Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting


November 10, 2015


Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Room 802


Andrea Gordon, Zafiro Ochoa, Juliana Rengel (Chairperson), Carlos Vite




1 Country

We agreed in doing the launch of the

product in 10 countries which 5 will
be of America and 5 will be of Europe
In America: Equator, Argentine,
Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia.


In Europa: Spain, France, Russia,

England and Portugal.

2 New name

We agreed changes to the name of

product. We chose a name more
original and sophisticate. The name is

AG and JR

3 Target age group

We decided to change the target age,

now the product is directed to persons


of 30 and 50-year-old.

4 Market positioned

We decided that the product must keep

the positioning that has and keep his
structure of price until 2017.

CV and AG

5 Container and new


We decide to change the container,

before the product tape-worm a
container of plastic and now we
change to glass container because we
think that the glass container is more

JR and AG

6 Price

We decided to support the level of

prices that we have had all this time,
since the product is very elegant and
sophisticated and is directed for
businessmen and millionaires.


7 Distribution

We decided that the product will be

distributed in exclusive shops of HCC,
in France and in all the countries
where the product is sold.

ZO and CV

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