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Lesson Plan Template

NEPF + Components of an Effective Lesson Hybrid


Kristy Martinez

Grade Level


Subject Area


Main Topic

Reading Literature

CCSD Standard


**Be sure to include any strategies, resources, and/or technology that will be used to answer the question where
appropriate. You should have a technology tool integrated into each effective lesson component.**
Standard 1: Learning Purpose and Connections
What will the students be learning?
What are the big concepts for the lesson?
How will students know the objectives for the lesson? [Daily Objective]
How will students know the purpose and relevance of the lesson?
What resources/technology will help students make connections to previous learning? [Daily Review]
How will students receive feedback for their review?
How will students build their current knowledge?

How will the lesson be introduced? [Introduction]

How themes work in literature with both the story and characters
Daily objective copied from electronic whiteboard
Theme will be tied in with book students are currently reading
Students will take a quiz on Kahoot to see if they can connect past books to various themes
Students will receive feedback with a grade on their Kahoot quizzes
Students will build on knowledge by completing an outline for an essay on the theme of a book
Lesson will be introduced with a discussion about the book and its meanings

Standard 2: Learning Tasks and Cognitive Demands

How are students supported in achieving the learning goals?
What Depth of Knowledge levels will students experience in the learning tasks?
How will students be supported to experience deeper learning? Address any SPED, Gifted or ELL students [Concept and Skill
Development and Application]
How will students be challenged to advance their thinking and skills? [Concept and Skill Development and Application]

Students will experience Level 4 depth of knowledge through book and character analysis
Students will use Penzu to begin an outline of their theme analysis
They will be challenged by creating a storyboard on Paint to illustrate where their themes can be found in the story

Standard 3: Engagement Strategies and Discourse

How will students engage in interactive dialogue and/or discussions? [Guided/Independent/Group Practice]
How will students develop their skills in argumentation, explanation, and critique, using logic/evidence to support or refute a claim or
How will students use multiple representations of concepts in their thinking? (i.e., graphic organizers, visuals, drawings, concept maps, videos,
simulations, data formats)
What opportunities will students have to use their personal experiences and knowledge to connect to the new concepts and skills?

How will students collaborate with each other?



use TodaysMeet to argue and discuss their ideas for book themes
use Webspiration to design a concept map for their theme essays followed by their Penzu outlines
be able to connect themes that they may find in their own lives to themes present in the story
be able to collaborate on TodaysMeet in coming up with theme ideas together

Standard 4: Student Understanding of and Responsibility for Learning

How will students reflect on their learning progress through structured metacognitive activities?
How will students reflect on the learning goals, the performance criteria and purpose of the lesson?

How will students share their progress?

How will students be supported in revising their learning strategies based on their progress?

Students will reflect on their concept maps by using what they learned to create their outlines and show that they
understood the purpose of the lesson
Students will share their progress and understanding via a discussion on tablets through TodaysMeet which will be surveyed
by myself
Students will be supported in their in their revisions by receiving feedback through their emails about how they can
improve their outlines for their rough drafts

Standard 5: Assessment Integrated into Instruction

How will student progress be assessed?
How were student pre-assessments or work samples used to plan this lesson?
What evidence of student learning will be generated during the lesson? (i.e., writing, one-to-one conferencing, discussions with peers,
instructional tasks)
How will students receive formative feedback?
How are instructional adjustments made based on student formative assessment results?
What homework will be issued to support the lesson. [Homework]
How will the lesson be closed? [Closure]
How will the lesson be reviewed? [Long-term Review]

Pre-assessments on Kahoot were used to evaluate students familiarity with recognizing themes
Webspiration concept map and Penzu outline will be completed during this lesson
Students will receive formative feedback via email about their work on the days lesson
Instructional assessments will be made based on clarity and well supported argument of their chosen theme
Homework will be a rough draft for an essay on their chosen theme
Lesson will be closed with a Powerpoint Slideshow of examples of themes in various works
The lesson will be reviewed in the long term through Quizlet where they can use flashcards and take short quizzes to make
sure they remember what theme is and how it appears in future works that we will read

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