SG, Liar, LV

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Story Analysis
Summary of story: here a human falls in love with
a robot whereas in "True Love" the converse
Significance of title.
TN-3 = Tony (android robot).
Implications of the implementation of wide-scale
(and widespread) robotic labour: p.352 & p.356.
Sympathy and empathy: p.356-7; p.362.

Harm - OED
1. physical injury, especially that which is
deliberately inflicted.
2. material damage.
3. actual or potential ill effects or danger.

- (v) physically injure."

1. "physical injury or mental damage;
2. moral injury; evil; wrong.

- (v)

to do or cause harm to; to

injure; damage; hurt."

Injure (v)- OED

1. "to do physical harm or damage to someone
(suffer physical harm or damage [to a part
of someone's body]).
2. harm or impair (something).

- Injury (n)
3. instance of being injured.
4. damage to a person's feelings."

Injure (v)

1. "to do or cause harm of any kind
to; damage; hurt; impair.
2. to do wrong or injustice to.
3. to wound or offend: e.g. to injure a
friend's feelings."

"Liar!" (1941)

Story Analysis

RB-34= Herbie (telepathic robot)

Herbie lies - why? (p.345-347; p.348)

Representation of Dr Susan Calvin

"SG": "sitting stiffly in thin-lipped

abstraction. She had the cold,
faraway look of someone who has
worked with machines so long that a
little of the steel had entered her
blood." p.350
"SG": "flat, unemotional voice." p.351

Photo of light sculptures at the Centre Pompidou (Paris) by Jordana Shalhoub.

"Light Verse" (1973)

The Painting Fool

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