Joint Stipulation of Facts

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‘STATE OFLOUISIANA S*JuvICIAL pisTaICT couRT PARISH OF RAPIDES ‘STATE EX REL. DARRELL J. ROBINSON : Prtloner : (CaseNo. 240588 versus : Divison “E DARREL VANNOY, Warden, . DEATH CASE Louisian Sate Penitentiary : ‘Angola, Louisa : NOW INTO COURT, though counsel, comer Darrel J. Rbiuos (ometines stoner" or “Rotimo"), the ptone inthe shove refereed mater, and the Sate of "iin, hough the energned Asis Disc Aony, and on join epeting othe Cours aows tri: ‘The wis of Peioneron charges offou (count offs dere mde was ld in “March 201, That til eued in coniton ool cout and the imposion ofthe desth ely. "encoun fr Rotnenst thaws), Michal Smal Soul” sal nel, "ed cmtel forthe Sn Loss ht i wat Michel W. Shaan "Shane. Robison edn Applicaton Pst Conviction Rei lepng train htc ‘tienes was ot provided to Sal and th! the nodose ft eidence consti Valin Brady = Malad, 372 US. 85,95. 194 10L.E24 25 (968, Abeaigischedledin his ater nobison's Applicaton for Post Conca Relic foray 0242016 FILED IN OPEN COURT. witcher s ‘The ettoner andthe Sut of Lousin joy plate thet he lowing fic sould be dered ited ax shouph competent sed unconradicederdece ofthe same had bees ddd athe hssingschedled orl 1621, 206 ts (© OnDecember 1, 2000, Latte Probation Ofer Sct]. Mlncon wee ‘esto Judge W. Ros Foto the Ninth Jud Dist Court and refered [Gonder probitionary eats sng om sere fony oes to wich (Goede pled uly in 197, noted that Goodspeed was rested on December 142000, for Peni o Fat Degree RoSbey, nd sated that he Taye | Disc empectlrecomends tat no con be tken a this time." The | (ice ofthe Rapides Dini Attorney wae copied on tat eter, (Bi 1.) Tie Jeter mas ot provided oS, (©) Onan 25,1998, Goosen wf, Becky Gondepeed, prided statement ‘oDetcie Steve Wilmore cfte Rapides Pts hei «Ofc (“RPSO"). (Bs » (© Thetnmsctipion of. Gootped'steentin te Rape Diet Aterey's ‘cots handweten mayinlntes, Te notes have ben sribed ou and ‘eal patil lei, but bey spearto ste a part “Try recone. ad ‘Mom D ep you... [sought out De.” (Ex. 2) Bef scopy ofthis ‘tsement ws provided tot coun! tonal siting was done witha bck "thr, which bowed the maga ats atly (Ex Sap. 2) Weledane wines, Shannon woul tei that itishis practice to make handwriteg nots on cout handevitign “eae bake ea ites statemens andor tse See thereat coun fi any defndane ew Ccewtoctors Dm amtae, WT. Prange, calcd 40 douhhy weclls (@ On December 14, 2000, Grdsped and a hn were arsed Sh ‘hag of Princip to First Dee Robey. (Ex. 4) (© 00 Feary 1,200, wich was fre Pttone’s wil, Godspeed eae? Proton ier Sty Mela fam the Laiyete Pusha (E,$) (© OnFebaryis, 2001, dug setn Peon sae Lay Ph Conetenl ene (LRC; Direct Spence Request Fom sate “DA, Som Rapides Pash cle Wate s telephone conference with the shove ‘omate." and “Telephone const complet to Ray Delcomyn (Ex 6) © On Febrary 5, 200, Rade Dist Aware’ nesta Rey Deeg, ‘ed Gondped at LPCC. (7) Heist at "Tine 0905; {sao "Tine Out for Mi Decomyas vse. (7) bere (©) Aleoon Febru 15,20, Lafitte AsisntDisict Atorney Lake Eads Sle he Fist Dee Rote Infrmation asin Goodspeed and deans yen Melo forthe Cracker are ster. (Be 8) (© OnFebrany 26,2001, Goispeed wa charged with ening Watt Checks (CTW inkateyete Pash by Asie Disc Aron Jane Sinan ele *9 Goodies pasng fig checkin 200. (Ex. 9) © Groped wetted sunt Peto on Mach 7,200 He ated tao the ‘eh of November 121997, Pedoer tld im ht be di the people ‘nd “thre it {the gu] off beige” (Bx 10885846587) He ab eid ‘hat ed recive saying arcu for hit etna, nor wt re any Promisor bene, (10st 5848, 588) © nape, 2001, Asian Dist Anore Jame Sinan wrote le ete to oodipest's atrney, ey Dagefic propsig five-year ples eal onthe ‘suing WotlnsChectcups (2.11) Consistent wih tivo an undated les reomaendtoninthe Se recommends noe offive yes bard boron the hares and ots th proline (B12) © OnApris, 2001, Gontpet's coded in the Ft Dere Retry ce ‘sme into plea arenes. (x18) He wis sentenced to seven year bard nor, wih ve yeu spend andtve years active spend pein son ise x18) () Thereof ayete as Dist Atri refethat on May, 2001, Shanon phone mesa for Le Edwards nd tte May 22,200, ‘Shannon alle gun and ea message fo Edwards. (Bx. 16) ® © 0 o © © ° May 32001, Goose's rei ite ped fe he rnp to Ft Dee Rotate, (Bx) Api con ote Lafyee Parish Disc eres Of rec ht ay, Stone pane mesg Edad ‘10am conceing Contd 14) (ne 2001, are fan page Gala coves) eed to Smee in coun wi he Fit Dee Retry ese. (16) The fx coven cnn the ct “Pe yorequs Ley Godspeed” (Ex: 16) The ther fg ented (a Jane 8,20, he St with Asta Dic Amey Edn pee, ‘raped contnuancin te Pic toFet Depee Rothery case.Tereuest espe (7) ‘oon Joe, 200, Gone motes oe his Die Sopvion lier ‘she LPOG, Way Hee ng, “Des Si Wolo ate check nd ce ‘thar als ores oni. neto count Aig "ee tne evedon #1011 hol go home ht ny. Jot mig sue ‘nothing stop's [sic] me a that time." (Bx, 18.) : (Oe Anes 200 th inal Fit Dee Rothery ce ws dined by ‘be Ste, ith Asin Di Arey Bam pa rst. (E19) owds fo the Layee Pash Dist Ames Ofer rel sh (ete 25, 20, ein Dist Arey Thomas ede ecient ‘tse “Tomy, Lae vase oa ois th Check che. ae te Me Gone aan eet inca mde” ¢.20) ‘Go Novmbe 6200, asian Dit Arey Fede ine «Maino Dima beTWCcte, 21) "Nett per ommend Shan sorte te ‘senting dif Goode Cher prvi Robie sia couse 25) ity ou pgs of erly ch ete we dap of psa eens ‘ated to the November 7, 1956 SerogyRepr by the Neth Lena nin abort °NLCL” werent conned in Sal fer et ‘ented inthe fot Dart Amore, andifed as wines Sal would ey tha tae ntes werent provided thi, Thee nts were obi by Psc

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