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Year Level: 2/3



Term: 4

Week: 9


Circle time:
- Start off with greetings to each other
- Students are to then walk around the class to
music and pair up/sit down with the student
closest to them once the music stops. Ask
question about their weekend, then listener retells
to the class.
- Allocate class jobs and send students off for
lunch orders/notices
- Read out todays time table and move off to first
- Introduce todays topic of looking at the joining of
- Model on the board the two different ways of
connecting es. Eg be and me
- First line is of capital and lowercase es
- Second is a line of joint es
- Third of bes
- Fourth of mes
After this students are to copy the sentence:
Everyone except me was able to experience the
excursion to the bee museum.
- After completing this students are to do a rally
coach with their shoulder partner to prove their
es are joint correctly.
- Pack up
Maths: money

Tune in:
- Explain todays goal of finishing out
narratives and editing. Write a list of what
is required in todays lesson on the board.
If they finish editing by themselves they
are to pair up with someone else who has
finished and go through it together. Once
all steps are completed students are to
move on to publishing their good copy.
- At the end of class Im going to collect
the finished/ edited narratives and
correct them at home.

Unit: Mix it up
Tune in:
Have students sit down as a group.
Explain what it is we are looking at today.
Possibly ask students to rally robin if they
have ever washed or had something
washed and the colours have run. What
happens when we drop a picture in water?
Or spill our drinks on our homework?
Todays focus is on what happens when
we add water to ink.
Students will need to write up their
science prac in their books. We need an
area from the question, their prediction,
observations and a spot where they can
glue their strip in (once dry)
- We are going to each take a piece
of coffee filter paper and cut this
into a strip
- One end of the strip is to be stuck
onto an icy-pole stick
- On the other we will draw a line
(in their chosen colour) of waterbased texta.
- Next we will fill the cups with
just enough water that it sits



Why is it important to learn about money? (Possible

timed pair share or rally robin?)
- Allow students to quickly answer the questions
- Continue on with introducing money on the
board. Ask students to list out coins/notes they
know of.
- Introduce the idea of ordering these from smallest
value to largest. Explain that just because the
coin is small (eg $2) does not mean that the
bigger coin is worth more (eg $1)
- Explain the worksheet and hand out. (Ordering
food items)
- Once finished ask a person from a table to
provide the answers. Come and sit on the floor.
- Introduce how we can add up money. (Try stick
to similar/like numbers) Do a couple examples on
the board and send them off to complete the next
worksheet. Count in 5s/10s/20s as a group.
- If finished early they can colour in the pictures in
their books.
- Correct the answers together and pack up.

below the coloured line

- After this we will watch what
happens to the texta once done!
- After this students are to write
down what they saw. Explain
how the colours split due to
different colours moving at
different speeds.
Books away and pack up.

Word Work:
Focus: Spelling/Editing.
Objective: To practise our list words and
work on editing sentences.


-Students are provided with a choice of

four different activities. They are to
complete two. These activities are:
- Write and Highlight
- Rainbow Write
- ABC order
- Write Three Times and Draw
Students have 20 minutes to do so. Once
completed they are to come and sit on the
floor and we are to edit a sentence

Focus: Money
Objective: to fin the totals of coins and notes.
Tune in:
Use the cards provided to discuss the different
values for each person. After this quickly get
small groups of five to order their cards (and
themselves) from smallest to largest.
After this ask the TG to move off to independent
work. Their worksheet involves making as many
different ways as they can to make certain totals.
The LG and MG are to stay with me on the floor
and look at adding similar amounts. After this
they can play a quick game of find someone

Focus: designing
Objective: to plan a design using a
planning brief.
Introduce students to todays
question/focus: Building a house for
one of the three little pigs using
resources in the classroom.
Talk about what might happen/what
we are expecting. Explain the process

together. They are then to complete the

others by themselves.
Sentences are:
james sarah kieran and i went to the beach
last sunday
i live in Melbourne victoria
sarahs favourite things to do hear are play
basketball football and go to the park
I dont like the way you are speaking to
me replied Sharon
We shouldnt go outside today a huge
storm is coming
Neils favourite colour is read

who and complete the second worksheet.

Correct the work within the two groups and run
through the answers as a class.
Focus: narratives
Objective: continue to edit and publish

and what is required in the design

After this explain that we will be
starting to work on
presentation/creating the house in
the next lesson.
Students are to pack up

Students are to continue on with their narratives.


After this we are to correct students work

around the class.
English Groups:
Focus: cause and effect
Objective: to understand cause and effect.
- start of with a game of pacman, use the
cards provided.
- after this recap quickly about what it is
cause and effect means.
- have a quick game of qqt using the cards,
model this first
-after this go through the first worksheet.
- then alloq 15mind to complete. Quickly
go through the asnwers and sit on the floor
ready for the next worksheet.
Complete the answers in a circle on the



Word Work:
Focus: Adverbs
Objective: to understand what adverbs are and
identify examples in text.
Tune in: have a quick game of QQT on their
spelling words and their definitions
- recap quickly what adverbs are, have a
quick rally robin with the person next to
them about what an adverb is. Come back
together as a group and go over what we
have learnt.
- After this introduce the first worksheet of
identifying whether the adverbs are
- Do one example on the board
- Send students ff to complete worksheet 1.
They have 10 minutes to do so. Correct
these at their tables.
- After this bring students down onto the
floor to go through the next worksheet.
- Quickly run through an example and send
them off to complete their sheet.
- we are to correct the worksheet as a class.
quickly run through the answers, stick in
their books and pack up.
Focus: money
Objection: to focus on the total of coins and notes.
Tune in: students are to guess whats in my purse.
I have five coins in my wallet, the total is $1.
They are all silver and round

Focus: Technology
Objective: To construct our houses so
that they can withstand the wolfs
Studnets are to come and sit on the
floor, we are to go through the process
we did the other day quickly.
After this they are to start constructing.
Explain that it is alright to make
mistakes or fail as this is the point of
our test. We want them to realise when
things dont work and try their best to

Objective: to write a quick creative
There is a story starter:
I woke up thinking it was all just a
strange dream
Students are to spend 15 minutes
expanding on this starter. After this
we are to share some with the class.

Use the hairdryer to try and blow over
the students houses. See which ones
withstand the breath and which ones
dont, discuss these problems and
differences and what students might be
able to do to help their house stand up.
Retest and record our results in our


example with $2 as well.

- after this split the class into the two separate
groups, TG is off to do some independent
work. while the bigger group stays on the
floor with me.
- on the floor we are looking at different
ways we can make totals. Use $1 as an
example, what 10 coins could make this.
Count in 10s.
- - Do another example of 50 cents, what five
coins make this?
- After this complete the first worksheet.
- After 10 minutes ask the students to come
and sit down on the floor. We are going to
quickly look at using a number line to add
amounts. Refer to worksheet 2.They are to
then complete this. Go through the answers
as they work.
- Once completed ask the students to come
and sit on the floor, we are going to order
ourselves from smallest to largest using the
money cards.
- After this students are to pack up and go to
their next classes.




Focus: Money
Objective: to work on using different
coin combinations to form totals.

Focus: narratives
Objective: continue to edit and publish

Tune in: start of with a QQT game

using the money cards available. Ask
one group of students to come and sit
on the floor quietly and provide them
with some food cards. Their job is to
create the amount (using coins) that
are written on the cards. I am the shop
keeper and will be coming around to
check their adding.

Students are to continue on with their narratives.

-halfway throughout the lesson (due to it being a
double) have a break, allow students to have their fruit
snack and have their class book read to them. Play a
quick game and then continue on with publishing our

The TG is to go off and do some

individual work. Their task is to add
different items together and work out
different totals.
Middle School Sport

Performing Arts

Focus: Letter writing
Objective: Students will be suing a
range of skills to create a Christmas
letter to their buddies.
-Students are to spend time
constructing and developing their
letters to their buddies. Students
already know how to type and change
fonts/colours of texts. Todays
challenge is to save and insert
different Christmas images into their



Middle School Assembly:

Book report presentation.

Focus: Money
Objective: students are to
demonstrate their knowledge on

English Groups:
Focus: Report riding
Objection: Students are to write a book report on one
of their favourite books in the classroom.

Tune in: start of with a quick QQT

Beginning: start off with a quick test
to assess students knowledge.
After this correct the tests for marking

Tune in: Start off the students with a word their job
is to make as many words as they can using the letters
in the big word.
- Ratatouille
- Serendipity
After 2 minutes we are to see who got the most
- introduce todays lesson, students are to write a
book report about one of the books in their bear
box. They are to include characters, setting,
beginning, middle and end (if they are up to
this) and a picture.
Middle: students are to work on their book reports.
End: we can quickly present these to their team.
Read to their shoulder partner and then face to face.


Middle: Set up the class shop with the

food cards. Class is to be split in half
and one half will be shop owners and
the other shoppers. The shoppers will
need a wallet and the shop owners
will have a till.
End: End with a game of round the
world. Assess their ability to add
Focus: Wordstudy
Objective: Post test
Students are to complete the post test
for the words they have been learning.
Once completed they can continue on
with their narratives. Most will get
these finished in the 20 minutes.


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