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PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. The boys are building

at the beach.

A. seashells
B. houses
C. boats
D. sandcastles
2. The fairy waved her

and a carriage appeared before the princess.

A. walking stick
B. magic wand
C. wings
D. fingers
3. Yesterday she sent an

to he parents using the Internet.

A. facsimile
B. airplane
C. letter
D. email
4. Lets go to the

to lodge a report about the robbery.

A. post office
B. police station
C. market
D. bus stop
Read the text and choose the best phrase based on the pictures given.
Puan Salmah is


for her neighbour. She


with the seller for a cheaper price. Her neighbour is


because she has such a helpful neighbour.

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

5. A. buying vegetables

7. A. very angry

B. very worried

B. buying fruits

C. buying meat

C. very sad

D. buying fish

D. very happy

6. A. is talking
B. is buying
C. is bargaining
D. is scolding
Based on the pictures given, choose the best answer.

A. Pak Ali is depositing some money at the bank.

B. Pak Lah is donating some money to the poor.
C. The man is counting his money.
D. The boy is keeping his money in his wallet.


A. Anita is washing the carpet.

B. Leela vacuums the carpet once in a week.
C. Linda rolls the carpet neatly.
D. Mei Cheng wipes the dust on the carpet.


A. The zebra - crossing is for motorcyclists.

B. Students should run on the zebra - crossing.
C. Students should use the zebra crossing to
cross the road.
D. Students are not allowed to use the zebra

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.


Hi, Richard. Please pass these to the class.

Good day, Richard. Yes, these are for you.
Good morning, Richard. Yes, thank you.
Hello, Richard. Are you busy?

Would you like some fried rice for dinner?
Im making some chapathi now.
You father is hungry too.
Is this a vegetarian dish?


I will see you tomorrow in school.

Im sorry, Im going to Katis house later.
Here are the racquets and shuttlecocks.
Im sorry, I cant. Ive a lot of homework.

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

Your daughter is a talented artist.
Did you daughter paint this wall?
Is she going for art classes?
May I speak to your daughter?

Sir, you may enter now.


Its next to the boutique.

Excuse me, where is the post office?
You are welcome.

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

16. I saw some beautiful

in the garden.

A. butter fly
B. butterflies
C. butterflys
D. butterflies
17. I forgot to bring my dictionary. May I borrow

A. ours
B. her
C. yours
D. theirs

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

18. Pn. Aisyah scolded the pupils because they forgot to hand in


A. their
B. theirs
C. our
D. ours
19. Raju is inviting all his classmates to visit his

durian orchard.

A. family
B. familys
C. familys
D. familys

is a better story book? Snow White or The Jungle Book ?

A. What
B. Whose
C. When
D. Which
21. Lim

did you go to Ipoh?

Farid : Last Monday.

A. What
B. Which
C. When
D. Whose
22. Last Sunday, Pravin and Kim Seng

in the river near to their house.

A. swim
B. swam
C. are swimming
D. swims
23. Nurul

an interesting story book last night.

A. reads
B. is reading
C. are reading
D. read

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

24. The men are

plastic bottles and aluminium cans for recycling.

A. collect
B. collects
C. collected
D. collecting
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
24. A. Our National Day is on 31st August every year.
B. Our national day is on 31st August every year.
C. Our national day is on 31st august every year.
D. Our National Day is on 31st august every year.
25. A. Where did you get the newspaper, asked Kim Seng.
B. Where did you get the newspaper? asked Kim Seng.
C. Where did you get the newspaper? asked kim seng.
D. Where did you get the newspaper, asked kim seng.
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

The Hawksbill turtle is a rare species. It is




a thorny shell. These turtles are

medium-sized marine turtle. It is brown


in Pulau Upeh, near

Malacca. The turtles love Pulau Upeh as it is a cool resting ground and is suitable


PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

laying eggs. The egg-laying season is from March to June.


tourists visit this island to

see the rare turtles.

26. A. a

B. an

C. the

D. -

27. A. had

B. have

C. has

D. having

28. A. discovered

B. seen

C. found

D. shown

29. A. of

B. on

C. in

D. for

30. A. A little

B. Many

C. Any

D. Much

Read the passage below and answer the following questions.

One fine evening, a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs to take a walk in a wood. When
she came to a cool spring of water with a lily in the middle of it, she sat down to rest for a while.
She had a golden ball in her hand, which was her favourite plaything. She was always tossing it
up into the air catching it again and again.
Suddenly, she threw it up so high that she missed catching it and it fell down into the spring. The
princess looked into the spring for her ball, but it was very deep. It was so deep that she could not see the
bottom of it. She began to cry.
While she was crying, a frog put its head out of the water and asked, Princess why do you weep
so bitterly? The princess replied, My golden ball has fallen into the spring. What can you do for me, you
nasty frog? The frog said, I dont want your pearls and jewels o fine clothes but let me live with you and
eat from you golden plate and sleep on your bed, I will bring you your golden ball.
The princess promised the frog because she was desperate to have he golden ball back.

31. What did the princess wear when she take a walk in the wood?
A. a golden ball
B. bonnet and clogs

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

C. pearls and jewels

D. fine clothes
32. The phrase favourite plaything refers to
A. the golden ball
B. the lily
C. the frog
D. the fine clothes
33. Why do you think the princess cried sadly?
A. She lost her pet
B. She lost her favourite toy
C. She lost her clothes
D. She met the frog
34. What did the frog demand from the princess?
A. fine clothes
B. jewels and pearls
C. to eat with other maids
D. to sleep on the princess bed
35. The underlined word, desperate means
A. urgently requiring
B. least bothered
C. interested
D. bored

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

Read the poster below and answer the following questions.

Clean-up Sea Campaign 2015

You are cordially invited for a clean-up beach campaign by World Ocean Club.
Venue : Tioman Island

: 9.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m.


: Sunday


: 8th June 2015

Be reminded; please bring along your equipment and be punctual. The

activities planned for the day are:

cleaning up the beach

clearing up the sea

Come and serve the community and create a wonderful sea.

36. The poster above is a / an

A. report
B. article
C. invitation
D. recipe
37. If you wish to take part in the campaign, you should go to
A. Pulau Redang
B. Pulau Langkawi
C. Pulau Tioman
D. Pulau Pinang
38. All the activities would be carried out on that day except
A. sweeping the leaves
B. burying rubbish
C. collecting empty cans
D. chopping down trees

PKSR 1 (English Year 4)

39. Which one of these equipments is not suitable for the campaign?
A. rake
B. wheelbarrow
C. pliers
D. hoe
40. All these statements are true except
A. Equipments are provided by the organiser.
B. The objective of the campaign is to promote cleanliness of the sea.
C. The clean-up campaign promotes unity.
D. The event will end at 4.00 p.m.


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