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Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

Mark: _____/63

Complete every question in Section A and B

For Section C, D, and E you have the choice of
I will mark the first questions you answer, dont do
them all.

Section A: Multiple Choice: (20)

1. A black box is:

A scientific model of why a box appears black

A device that can be viewed by its inputs and outputs
A pipe that has a few strings running in and out of it
An object that lets you see exactly whats inside it

2. A scientific model is:


Something that enables predictions

A way of linking theory with experiment
A simplified representation of reality
All of the above

3. Mr. Beck telling you that Diet Mountain Dew is the best soft-drink is an example of:

An evidential argument
A knowledge claim
His caffeine addiction

4. The fact that scientists used to view the atom as a billiard ball and now see it as an electron
probability cloud is an example of:

Scientists not knowing what theyre talking about

The billiard ball model being just a guess
That scientific theories evolve
The fact the atom is hard to study

5. Newtons Laws only make sense when things are neither really fast nor really small.
This is an example of:

Scientific laws only being applicable in a certain domain

Newton not having considered all the factors
The Theory of Universal Gravitation being wrong
The collective laws of physics completely breaking down

6. Which theory was based on the ability of the eye to touch objects.
a) Emission
b) Tactile
c) Corpuscular

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light
d) Electromagnetic Wave Theory
7. The particle theory of light is also known as the:

Emission Theory
Tactile Theory
Corpuscular Theory
Electromagnetic Wave Theory

8. Newton thought that light traveled:


So fast it didnt seem to curve

A and B
In wave fronts

9. Huygens thought the particle theory of light was wrong because:


When light particles collide they would interfere and cancel out
Light didnt reflect like particles did
The straight-line propagation of light wasnt adequately explained
Its explanation of the photoelectric effect was found lacking

10. Max Planck thought that light was transmitted in small bundles of energy called:

Alpha Particles

11. The currently accepted value for the speed of light is:
a) 2.30x108 m/s

b) 8.00x103 m/s

c) 2.99x10-3 m/s

d) 2.99x108 m/s

12. The phenomena of light where some light is transmitted and reflected through and off a
medium is:
a) Reflaction..
b) Partial Refraction/Diffraction
c) Partial Reflection/Refraction
d) Partial Absorption/Transmission
13. When light travels from a less dense to a more dense medium the light:
a) Total Internally Reflects
b) Refracts towards the normal
c) Refracts away from the normal
d) Increases velocity
14. For Total Internal Reflection to occur:
a) Light must travel from a less dense to a denser medium
b) Incident angle must be below the critical angle
c) Light must travel from a denser to a less dense medium

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light
d) The refracted angle must be above the critical angle
15. When you see black:
a) It is all the colors being reflected
b) It is all the colors being absorbed
c) Only white is being reflected
d) Only white is being absorbed
16. When you see white:
a) It is all the colors being absorbed
b) It is all the colors being reflected
c) Only black is being absorbed
d) Only black is being reflected
17. The visible light spectrum consists of:
a) Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
b) Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet
c) Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Black, Indigo, and Violet
d) Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow
18. The visible light spectrum has:
a) Big Wavelengths at large Frequencies
b) Small Wavelengths at small Frequencies
c) Big Wavelengths at small Frequencies
d) Small Wavelengths at large Frequencies
19. If Youngs Double Slit experiment were conducted in glass instead of air, with the same
experimental set up what would happen?.
a) There would be no interference pattern
b) The interference pattern projected onto the screen would narrow
c) The observed colour of the interference pattern would change
d) B and C
20. The idea of a critical experiment is:
a) Useful as it allows us to determine which theory is correct
b) The greatest type of evidence a theory can have.
c) Limited as another explanation could possibly exist.
d) The best critique of a theory.

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

Section B: Matching (12)

A. Plato
B. Sir Isaac Newton
C. Christian Huygens
D.James Clerk
E. Max Planck
F. Albert Einstein


H.Armand Fizeau
I. Jean Foucault
J. Niels Bohr
K. Albert Michelson
L. Olaus Roemer

Used lanterns, a hilltop, and a partner to try to

measure the speed of light.
Predicted the speed of light using the moons of

Suggested light was transmitted and absorbed as

small bundles of energy.
Supported the tactile theory of light.
Used a rapidly toothed wheel to measure the
speed of light within 5%.
Supported the wave theory of light.
Explained the photoelectric effect.
Improved on Fizeaus experiment and used
revolving mirrors.
Supported the particle theory of light.
Developed the theory of electromagnetism.
Used mirrors in an octagon shape which rotated
32000 times/minute to measure the speed of light.
Declared the Principle of Complementarity which

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light
To understand a specific experiment, one must
use either the wave or photon theory but not

Section C: Short Answer (12)

There are eight questions, pick four.
1. Describe the difference between a scientific law and
theory. [2]
Give examples. [1]

2. What are the three characteristics of a good scientific

theory? [3]

3. Describe the difference between a speculative and

robust theory. [2]
Give examples. [1]

4. Describe the reflection of light. [2]

Draw a diagram [1]

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

5. Describe Poissons Spot. [2]

Draw a diagram. [1]

6. Describe Youngs Experiment.[2]

Why was it important? [1]

7. Explain Dispersion.[1]
Draw and label a diagram of dispersion. [2]

8. Explain what it means for light to be an electromagnetic

wave. [3]

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

Section D: Long Answer (10)

There are five questions, pick two.
1. Explain refraction. [1]
Describe the particle model and wave model of
refraction. [2]
Draw diagrams for the particle and wave model of
refraction. [1]
Explain which model of light better describes refraction.

2. Explain diffraction. [1]

Describe the particle model and wave model of
diffraction. [2]
Draw diagrams for the particle and wave model of
diffraction. [1]
Explain which model of light better describes
diffraction. [1]

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

3. Describe and draw a diagram of the photoelectric

effect. [2]
Describe the particle model and wave model of the
photoelectric effect. [2]
Explain which model of light better describes the
photoelectric effect. [1]

4. Outline the currently accepted view of light. [5]

(Quantum Mechanical)

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

5. Explain how evidence, evidential arguments, and

knowledge claims interact.[3]
Give an example of how different knowledge claims can
come from the same evidence. [2]

Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

Section E: Math Questions (9)

There are four questions, pick three.
Please express wavelengths in nanometers and SHOW YOUR WORK!!!
1. A beam of light travels from air to another medium with an incident angle
of 50 degrees. You measure the refracted angle to be 35 degrees.
a) Which medium is denser? [1]
b) What is the relative index of refraction? [2]

2. You are trying to blind Ol One Eye with a laser and are aware that water is
a refractive medium. If you need to have the laser travel through the water
at an angle of 20 degrees from normal what angle must you shine the
laser into the water? [3]
Water has an index of refraction of 1.33.
Air has an index of refraction of 1.003.


Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

3. A student doing Youngs Experiment finds that the distance between the
two adjacent nodal lines is 20.0 mm. If the screen is located 5.50m from
the two slits, whose separation is 28cm.
A) What is the wavelength? [2]
B) What is the wavelength if we narrow the slit separation to 14 cm [1]

4. An interference pattern is formed using red light (730nm) passes through

a double slit. On a screen 250 cm away, the distance between the 2 nd
and 7th dark bands is 14.7cm.
What is the separation of the slits? [3]


Physics 30S Test

The Nature of Light

If you feel there is something you studied that wasnt on the test and
you would like to demonstrate your knowledge to me put it here.
I will overwrite the mark on your worst short-answer if your
demonstration is adequate.


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