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Final Major Project; Corrupt Society

Ramisa Mahmud, 3D Design

At this moment you could be anywhere; doing anything. Instead you sit
alone before a screen so whats stopping us from doing what we want,
being where we want to be? Each day we wake up in the same room
and follow the same path to live the same day as yesterday. We sit and
regurgitate what we are told. Tested and graded, like subjects in a lab.
We work until a day comes when we are too old. It is here we are left
to die. Our children take our place in the game. Together we are
nothing but fuel for the elite the hides behind the logo's and
I have been researching into corrupt society and how we are
manipulated in an everyday life. I want to be spontaneous with this
project so I cant fully decide what I am doing each week but I do have
a brief plan however my experiments and research determine my
journey. I have been inspired by all the videos I have been watching on
YouTube videos and movies such as the Divergent series and many
others. The media has created such chaos with society that we have
become the mere tool. The media creates conciseness and is the
instrument of change. When they want chaos they brainwash us. They
have poisoned our minds but we are too blind to see this because we
dont think outside the box. Those who do think outside the box are
ridiculed or ignored due to all the injustice in this world.
Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything
becomes... Chaos.
I want to create a sculpture that people would just immediately look at
once they walk into a room; I want to create something that simply
speaks to people. I want people to think twice about believing the
media. I was thinking of making puppets representing manipulations
but thats the obviously idea and isnt really think outside the box so I
will come up with more and further develop it.
I intend to carry out lots of research along the lines of my theme and
also thinking outside the box. I want to make something different that
really portrays the manipulation we are under. As a starting point I
decided to look in artists and designers such as Jamie Hewlett, Carsten
Holler, Olafur Eliasson and Tino Sehgal.
I want my research to vary, for example I want to look into no identity
and people wearing masks to hide their identity. We are mindless
machines under the media or even cattle in a farm. They put in this box
where if you think outside it you are considered a threat almost like the
movie divergent. Movies and video games are pretty much a
representation of our future.

Another section I want to look at is how media gives us an image of

what we should look like when these images are photo shopped and
unreal so this leads to insecurity and depression so could in some
cases lead to suicide. The media is killing us softly. We are mindless
cattle, who are followers and must all think the same. Could this create
sociopaths and psychopaths and even maybe serial killers? Maybe
because they are not socially accepted creates them. Does normal
even exist?
There are many types of people in this world, corrupt people, people
who abduct others, people who kill without lifting a finger. They are not
socially accepted this may be this result of the media manipulation.
What makes a sociopath, psychopath?
My main goal is to give the audience an insight on the ignored. They
may not know or perhaps dont care if they are being manipulated or
have no interest in sociology and psychology and also corrupt society.


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