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Nation of Islam

(Black Muslim Movement)

By: Amanda Alkazz

Background Information
The Nation of Islam was founded in Detroit,
Michigan on July 4, 1930.
The founder of this cult was Wallace D. Fard
Muhammed, and he disappeared in 1934.
The cult was then led by his close friend, Elijah
Elijah Muhammad stated that he and Fard
became inseparable between 1931 and 1934,
where he felt "jailed almost" due to the amount of
time that they spent together with Fard teaching
him day and night.
According to Wikipedia, the Nation of Islam was
founded upon the principles of self-reliance and

More Background Information!

According to the NOI, W. Fard Muhammed was knows ad the

Messiah of Judaism and the Mahdi of Islam.
Malcolm became the minister and national spokesperson
for the Black Muslim Movement. After being promoted by
Malcolm x, the Nation gained a membership of 30,000
In March 1964, however, Malcolm X was kicked out from
the Nation because he had many disagreements with Elijah
When Elijah Muhammad died in 1975, there were already
75 NOI centers across America! They choseWallace
Muhammad, on of Elijahs son as the new Supreme Minister.
Wallace shunned his father's theology and black pride
views, forging closer ties with mainstream Muslim
communities in an attempt to transition the Nation of Islam
into orthodoxy more similar toSunni Islam


The Nation of
Islams Mosque is
Chicago, Illinois
A picture of
African Americans that
were involved in the cult

The NOI teaches that the Moon was once a part of the Earth, and
that the Earth is over 76 trillion years old.The entire land mass
on the Earth was called Asia. They believed this was long
beforeAdam. Elijah Muhammad stated that Black People in
America are descendants of the Asian black nation and of the
tribe of Shabazz.
Wallace Fard Muhammad taught that the original peoples of the
world were black and thatwhite peoplewere a race of devils. He
also teaches thatblack peopleare the original people, and that
all other people come from them.
The NOI teaches its followers that society now is segmented into
three categories:
85% of the population are the "deaf, dumb and blind" masses of the people
who "are easily led in the wrong direction and hard to lead in the right
10% rich "slave-makers" are said to manipulate the 85% masses of the people
through ignorance, the skillful use of religious doctrine, and the mass media.
5% "poor righteous teachers" of the people of the world, who know the truth
of the manipulation of the 85% masses of the people by the 10%.

Some more crazy beliefs!

The Black Muslims make the consistent charge
that Christianity is "the white man's religion,
the fact that Jesus Christ was an Asiatic, a Semite,
descendant of Isaac, half-brother of the Arabs
through Ishmael.
Here is an interview of Malcolm X talking about
the nation of Islam :

The Black Ku Klux Klan

The cult had been misled by so many people, while many
people wanted to fight for their rights, others wanted
vengeance against white people.
For so long black people have been discriminated
against, and Wallace D Fard Muhammed took advantage
of that and created a cult that lured so many African
Americans and turn against white people.
Little did they know, they became the people that hated.
As some fought against racism, this cult was just as bad
as the Ku Klux Klan. They actually wanted to kill all white
people. Even Elijahs son disapproved this, though when
he was leader he tried turning the group to convert to
Sunni Muslim, which shunned his fathers beliefs.

Interesting Facts
Snoop Dog, Ice cube, and Kam were
apart of this cult. Snoop doglater
converted toRastafari, and Ice Cube
denies he was ever part of it.
The nation of Islam were also known
as the Black Ku Klux Klan


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