Discourse 20community 20written 20response

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Written Response

Length 2-3 pages, approximately 1000 words
Times New Roman, 1 margins, 12 pt. font
Introductory paragraph, four body

paragraphs, and conclusion

Saved as a Word doc. NO Word pad
Punctuation and Grammar count

Outline of Format

4-5 sentences.
Academic Tone
Introduce the idea of discourse community (General
Thoughts, Ideas as it relates to our lives)
Briefly define
Introduce terms: Joining, Genres, Convention, and Topic
How these terms work to make up a discourse community
Use MH readings

Body Paragraph
7 -8 sentences
Introduce discourse community.
Explicate and demonstrate how one becomes a part of the

discourse community, the genres of communication in

that community, the conventions (style, tone, language)
of that communication, and the topics discussed.
A sentence or possibly two for each.
Use examples where needed. Ex. The tone at our band
practice is usually a very informal one in which some light
teasing is done, nicknames (often terms of endearment)
are used, and jokes about a fellow band members attire
are made in; nice sweater Freddy Krueger.

3-4 sentences
General thoughts integrated with the

examples from out own lives that we have just

Some thoughts about why an understanding
of discourse communities might be important
How do they help us achieve our
communicative goals?

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