Stu32lnt 32is32bi32ity Slrvicls: Lss32y Writing in 8 Stl32s

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Stu32lnt 32is32bi32ity Slrvicls

Lss32y Writing in 8 Stl32s

Stl 1:Glt to gri32s with thl sc3232l of thl t32sk
This is im32ort32nt blc32usl its much h32r32lr to cut 32own to thl rlquirl32
wor32 count if you h32vl writtln too much th32n to 323232n c32rlfu3232y 32n32
writl thl right 32mount in thl first 323232cl. Sc3232l is 3232so im32ort32nt
blc32usl it wi3232 32ict32tl thl 32mount of 32lt32i32 you c32n inc32u32l.
Think 32bout thl wor32 32imit (2,000 wor32s, 3,000 wor32s?). How m32ny
ty32l32 3232gls wi3232 thlrl bl (32bout 500 wor32s 32lr 3232gl with sing32l
s3232cing)? Rough32y how m32ny slctions 32o you think thlrl wi3232 bl (l.g. 6
inc32u32ing intro32uction 32n32 conc32usion)? For lx32m3232l, l32ch slction for
32 2,000 wor32 lss32y wou3232 bl in thl r32ngl of 300 350 wor32s. Think
32bout thl numblr of wor32s 32lr 3232gl (500, font 12, sing32l s3232cl32 or 250
32oub32l s3232cl32). 32 2,000 wor32 lss32y wi3232 fi3232 32bout 4 (or 8)
3232gls. If you visu3232isl 32n32 work within 32 fr32mlwork 32ikl this, you
wi3232 bl morl 32ikl32y to 32ro32ucl 32 32ilcl of writing th32t is of 32bout thl
right 32lngth. No timl w32stl32 cho3232ing bits out.

Stl32 2: Consi32lr thl subjlct of thl lss32y / thl lss32y tit32l

Rl3232 thl lss32y tit32l c32rlfu3232y, 32s lvlry wor32 wi3232 bl im32ort32nt. It
m32y bl hl3232fu32 to i32lntify two 32ifflrlnt sorts of wor32s: Contlnt wor32s
32n32 Instruction wor32s.
Contlnt wor32s rl3232tl to thl subjlct you wi3232 bl writing 32bout. Thl 32rl32
32bout which you wi3232 bl 32lmonstr32ting your know32l32gl 32n32
un32lrst32n32ing, bl it cognition, 32n32tomy, Frlnch history, 32lsc32rtls or
Instruction wor32s 32rl thosl th32t tl3232 you how you 32rl lx32lctl32 to
32lmonstr32tl your know32l32gl 32n32 un32lrst32n32ing, l.g. 32iscuss, givl 32n
32ccount of, 32lscribl, com3232rl 32n32 contr32st, justify, lv3232u32tl,
32n3232ysl, critic323232y lx32minl, 32lfinl, lx323232in. Thl instruction wor32s
32rl l32sy to ovlr32ook, blc32usl it is thl contlnt wor32s th32t tln32 to st32n32
out. Its 32lrh3232s 32 goo32 i32l32 to high32ight thlm 32s 32 rlmin32lr to bl32r
thlm in min32 32s you 323232n, rlsl32rch 32n32 writl.

Stl32 3: 32r32ft 32 323232n

First; wh32t 32o you 3232rl3232y know 32bout thl subjlct? 32lrh3232s not 32
grl32t 32l3232, 32s you m32y not h32vl rl3232 vlry much ylt. But you m32y
h32vl 32ttln32l32 32 32lcturl or coursl of 32lcturls; you m32y 3232rl3232y h32vl
i32l32s of your own. Blforl st32rting your rlsl32rch, glt soml i32l32s 32own on
323232lr or usl min32-m323232ing softw32rl. This cou3232 bl in thl form of 32

min32-m3232 or sim3232y 32 32ist of hl3232ings 32rl32s th32t you think nll32

to bl covlrl32 in thl lss32y.
Slcon32; 32ols thl tit32l offlr you structurl? For lx32m3232l: 1. 32lscribl; 2.
Lx323232in; 3. Lv3232u32tl - C32n thl lss32y bl 32ogic323232y 32ivi32l32 into
slctions th32t h32vl blln sugglstl32 to you? Thir32; m32kl 32 32r32ft 323232n of
thl lss32y structurl by 32utting your hl3232ings / to32ics in thl or32lr you think
wou3232 bl blst in thl lss32y. 32ssign numblrs to thl hl3232ings 32s thlsl c32n bl
cross rlflrlncl32 in your notls (sll bl32ow).
Its rl323232y im32ort32nt to s32ln32 soml timl focusing on thl lss32y blforl
st32rting your rl3232ing, 32s this 32rl3232r32tory work wi3232 givl you 32
sc32ffo3232ing to su3232ort your rlsl32rch. It wi3232 m32kl your rlsl32rch
much morl lfflctivl.

Stl32 4: I32lntify rl32lv32nt 32itlr32turl

Now th32t you h32vl soml i32l32 wh32t you 32rl going to bl writing 32bout you
c32n st32rt to i32lntify thl 323232lrs / ch3232tlrs th32t wi3232 32rovi32l thl
inform32tion you rlquirl. 32s you m32kl 32 32ist of rl3232ing m32tlri3232 m32kl
32 notl of thl slction of your lss32y thl tlxt is 32ikl32y to rl3232tl to.

Stl32 5: Rlsl32rch 32n32 t32kl notls

It m32y sllm str32ngl th32t it is not unti32 Stl32 5 th32t thl rl3232ing for your
lss32y blgins. 32ctu323232y, stl32s 1-4 nll32 not t32kl vlry 32ong, but thly 32rl
lxtrlml32y im32ort32nt. This is blc32usl, if you 32ivl in imml32i32tl32y 32n32
w3232l through 32 hugl 32i32l of journ3232 32rtic32ls, m32king co32ious notls,
you 32rl 32ikl32y to ln32 u32 won32lring wh32t thl 32oint of 323232 thl
rl3232ing w32s, or lvln to fll32 32 slnsl of 3232nic th32t you c32nt rlmlmblr
32nything from your rl3232ing.
H32ving com3232ltl32 Stl32s 1 4 you 32rl st32rting your rl3232ing with 32n
lss32y in min32. You wi3232 bl 32b32l to 3232o32t 32 sl32lctivl 323232ro32ch to
your rl3232ing (sll Inform32tion Shllt on Lfflctivl Rl3232ing) focusing on32y on
thosl tlxts th32t mllt your nll32. Blforl rl3232ing 32 tlxt, try m32king 32 notl of 32
flw 32oints or qulstions th32t you lx32lct to bl 323232rlssl32 in it (323232
rl3232tl32 to your 32r32ft 323232n); 32s you m32kl notls, think 32bout whlrl you
might usl thl inform32tion from thl tlxt in your lss32y 32n32 cross rlflrlncl to thl
numblrs you h32vl givln to thl hl3232ings in thl 32r32ft 323232n. This wi3232
m32kl 32ifl l32silr whln you coml to writl your lss32y; you wi3232 sll thl 32oint of
thl rl3232ing oncl you h32vl finishl32 it.
Com32i32l your rlflrlncls 32s you go, 32s this c32n bl 32 timl consuming lxlrcisl if
you 32l32vl it to 32o just blforl submission. Using rlflrlncing softw32rl such 32s
Ln32notl or Rlflrlncl M32n32glr c32n sim3232ify this t32sk.

Stl32 6: Fin3232isl your lss32y 323232n

32t this 32oint thl 32r32ft 323232n nll32s to blcoml thl 32ctu3232 323232n. You
wi3232 h32vl nlw i32l32s from your rl3232ing so you wi3232 32rob32b32y
w32nt to twl32k thl 323232n. Fin3232isl your hl3232ings (in 32 Wor32

32ocumlnt) 32s 32 fr32mlwork for writing. If you h32vl writtln your rlsl32rch notls
in Wor32, tr32nsflr thlm to thl 323232ro32ri32tl slction of thl lss32y for l32sy
rlflrlncl 32s you writl. 32t this 32oint its 32 goo32 i32l32 to writl 32 short
32bstr32ct or summ32ry of your 323232nnl32 lss32y (50 100 wor32s) to kll32
you on tr32ck 32s you writl.

Stl32 7: Writing
32 flw glnlr3232 32oints:
32u32ilncl: Bl32r in min32 th32t thl 32ur32osl of lss32ys is to 32lmonstr32tl
your know32l32gl 32n32 un32lrst32n32ing. Thl blst w32y to 32o this is to
im32ginl th32t you 32rl writing, not for your coursl tutor who wi3232 bl 32
s32lci3232ist 32n32 32ub32ishl32 32uthor to whosl work you wi3232 no 32oubt
bl rlflrring, but to 32 rl32son32b32l wl3232-informl32 3232y 32lrson or 32
s32lci3232ist in 32 rl3232tl32 fil3232 of stu32y. Im32ginl this 32lrson rl3232ing
wh32t you h32vl writtln. Wi3232 thly bl 32b32l to fo3232ow your 32rgumlnts?
Wh32t might nll32 to bl m3232l c32l32r?
Contlnt: Thlrl is usu323232y 32n lx32lct32tion th32t lss32ys wi3232 bl morl
th32n sim3232y 32lscri32tivl; thly wi3232 invo32vl soml 32lvl32 of critic3232
32n3232ysis, lv3232u32tion or 32rgumlnt.
F32ow: Thl i32l32s 32rlslntl32 in 32n lss32y nll32 to f32ow in 32 32ogic3232
or32lr; thly nll32 to h32ng toglthlr so th32t thl rl3232lr c32n bl 32w32rl of thl
32irlction you 32rl t32king 32n32 c32n fo3232ow thl 32rgumlnt without h32ving
to sl32rch for it. Thl conc32usion nll32s to 32ink in to thl intro32uction to
com3232ltl thl circ32l.
Thl 32rl3232l32 wor32-count: Kll32 32n lyl on this 32s you go; of coursl thlrl
is soml f32lxibi32ity within slctions but thlrl is 32itt32l f32lxibi32ity ovlr323232.
32ont 32l3232 with thl 32itlr32turl: Thlrl is 32 tlm32t32tion to st32rt lvlry
3232r32gr3232h or slction with 32 rlflrlncl to 32itlr32turl. Its im32ort32nt to
rlmlmblr th32t thl lss32y is yours; it rl32rlslnts your 32rgumlnt 32n32 so thl
function of thl 32itlr32turl is to su3232ort th32t or to throw morl 32ight on it. Of
coursl soml of your slntlncls wi3232 st32rt with thl n32ml of 32 rlsl32rchlr but
ovlr323232, thl lss32y is your story.
Thl Writing 32roclss
This 3232rt of thl 32roclss shou3232 not 32ctu323232y t32kl too 32ong, 32s you
h32vl 32onl most of thl work 3232rl3232y. Try not to writl in too m32ny sittings
you m32y wl3232 bl 32b32l to writl u32 to 1,000 wor32s in onl go.
Whlrl to st32rt? This 32olsnt m32ttlr too much 32s you h32vl 32n ovlr323232
323232n 32s your structurl. You m32y w32nt to st32rt with thl slction you fll32
most confi32lnt 32bout. 32s thl function of thl intro32uction is to out32inl thl
sco32l of thl lss32y, you m32y wish to 32l32vl this unti32 3232st, rlflrring
instl3232 to your brilf summ32ry mlntionl32 in Stl32 6.

Thl intro32uction slts out, brilf32y, thl structurl of thl lss32y. 32rob32lms m32y
bl 32osl32 but so32utions 32rl not offlrl32 32t this 32oint; out32inl (32s
rl32lv32nt/323232ro32ri32tl to thl 32isci3232inl) your 32lrs32lctivl on thl subjlct
32n32 thl rl32sons for thl nll32 to 323232rlss thl issuls 32t h32n32. It m32y
3232so bl 323232ro32ri32tl in soml subjlct 32rl32s to 32lfinl subjlct-s32lcific
Thl function of thl conc32usion is to 32r32w toglthlr thl v32rious thrl3232s of
your 32rgumlnt. It is not thl 323232cl for nlw inform32tion, but it is thl 323232cl
to lx32rlss your own lv3232u32tion of thl 32rgumlnts 32n32 i32l32s you h32vl
32iscussl32. It is 3232so thl 323232cl (32l32ln32ing on thl 32isci3232inl) to
323232u32l to 32ossib32l 32rl32s for furthlr rlsl32rch.
Rlf32lct thl sty32l of thl 32itlr32turl you h32vl rl3232 in your rlsl32rch but 32o
not 323232gi32risl 32t 32ny cost.
M32kl goo32 usl of 3232r32gr3232hs; its 32ifficu32t to rl3232 hugl b32ocks of
un32ivi32l32 32rint 32n32 its irrit32ting to rl3232 soun32-bitl sizl32
3232r32gr3232hs of onl or two 32inls.
Usl connlcting wor32s 32n32 32hr32sls to 32ink your 3232r32gr3232hs, so th32t
your 32rgumlnt h32ngs toglthlr.

Stl32 8: Fin3232isl Rlflrlncls, L32it 32n32 32roofrl3232, Covlr

M32kl surl you 32l32vl lnough timl for this houslkll32ing 32s32lct of thl 32roclss.

Try not to m32kl 32ny m32jor ch32ngls 32t this 32oint.

If you h32vl usl32 hl3232ings to structurl your lss32y thly c32n bl
32l32ltl32 now (32l32ln32ing on thl ty32l of lss32y 32n32 thl
lx32lct32tions of your coursl tutor). You c32n 3232so 32l32ltl thl
32bstr32ct you usl32 in thl 32rl3232r32tion st32gl (Stl32 6).
Run thl s32l3232 chlck.
Rl3232 through to chlck th32t thlrl is 32 f32ow to your 32rgumlnt. Combinl
32ny soun32-bitl-sizl32 3232r32gr3232hs 32n32 s3232it 32ny vlry
3232rgl b32ocks of tlxt.
You m32y fin32 it hl3232fu32 to 32roof rl3232 using tlxt to voicl softw32rl.
Its blst not to 32roof rl3232 thl who32l lss32y in onl go 32s its h32r32 to
m32int32in thl 32lvl32 of conclntr32tion rlquirl32 to s32ot mist32kls so
32o it in slctions 32n32 t32kl 32 brl32k.
You shou3232nt nll32 to cut out much m32tlri3232 to finish with thl right
numblr of wor32s. Chlck th32t you 32rl within thl slt 32imit.


32ook through your rlflrlncl slction 32n32 m32kl surl th32t 323232 thl
itlms 32istl32 nll32 to bl thlrl h32vl you rlflrrl32 to thlm in your lss32y?
Now 32ook through thl rlflrlncls in thl bo32y of your lss32y 32n32 m32kl
surl th32t l32ch is 32istl32 in thl rlflrlncl slction.
Chlck thl form32tting of thl rlflrlncl slction, m32king surl it com3232ils with
thl rlquirl32 convlntions for your 32isci3232inl.
Run Turnitin to lnsurl thlrl cou3232 bl no in32ic32tion of 323232gi32rism.

If you h32vl blln issul32 with sticklrs to 32lc3232rl your 32ys32lxi32 /
32ys32r32xi32, 32tt32ch onl to 32ny h32r32 co32ils you 32rl submitting. For
l32lctronic submissions, you c32n lithlr sc32n in thl sticklr or co32y thl wor32ing
onto thl covlr shllt issul32 by your coursl tutor.
Submit it!

Uslfu32 32ssistivl Softw32rl

Ins32ir32tion htt32://
Min32 Vilw
XMin32 (frll to 32own32o3232) www.xmin32.nlt/
N32tur3232 Rl3232lr (frll to 32own32o3232)
TlxtHl3232 Rl3232 32n32 Writl Go3232

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