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Teacher: Miss Parker

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Subject Area: Weather and Seasons

Length of Lesson: 30 minutes

Desired Results
Indiana Academic Standard(s)
K.2.3 Describe in words and pictures the changes in weather from month to month and
season to season.
K.1.2 Identify and explain possible uses for an object based on its properties and
compare these uses with other students ideas.
K.W.3.2 Use words and pictures to develop a main idea and provide some information
about a topic.
Enduring Understandings

Essential Question(s)

The 4 seasons
Different types of weather
Analyzing a graph
What a graph is and what it can
tell us

Which season do our friends

like the most?
Which season do all the
teachers like?
What are the 4 seasons?
What weather is associated
with the season?

Knowledge and Skill Objectives

SWBAT understand everyone has a different opinion on what season they like the most.
SWBAT analyze and recognize the parts of a graph and what those parts (title, what is
being compared, etc.) mean.
Assessment Evidence
Once we graphed what our favorite season was, I asked the class different
questions which made them analyze the data we had gathered. Students needed
to answer questions like- What season does our class like the most? Which
season does our class like the least? How many people say winter is their
favorite season?
Learning Plan
Learning Activities
We gathered as a class and created a poster board that will help reinforce
our learning of the seasons and graphing. We all wrote on a sticky note our
name and then came up to the board and graphed which one was our
favorite season. We talked about what kind of weather each season had.
Once everyone had graphed their favorite, I asked them a series of
questions so they could analyze the data we just created on this graph!
Resources and Materials
Sticky notes, butcher paper, markers, pencils
Required Accommodations/Modifications
parker_______________ Date_______ Period____
Lesson Plan Evaluation & Teaching Reflection


Was the content worth knowing? Support your response.

This content was worth knowing because the students will have to be able to read a graph on the
NWA test at the end of the year.
Describe how the activity was developmentally appropriate.
This activity was developmentally appropriate because it involved a topic (season) that we had
just learned about, and with the weather changing we talked about the different seasons and what
each of those look like. We also reinforced our learning about graphs
Give an example of how you know the activity was interesting to the children.
When we were making the poster and talking about what to write, everyone wanted to come up
and put their sticky note on the graph at one time! I then had to call them by tables because they
were too excited to graph!
Describe how the activity included opportunities for the children to test their knowledge.
The children were called on to ask a question involving the graph, ie. What season does our class
like the most? Which season does our class like the least? How many people say winter is their
favorite season?
Describe a follow up activity that would build on concepts you have presented.
Another activity, building on graphing could be graphing about fairytales. Fairytales is our next unit
coming up, and in order to keep reinforcing the graphing concept I could do another activity with
them involving graphing!
What behavior(s) did you observe while presenting the activity? What do you think caused the
Some students wanted their favorite season to be the favorite in the class. This caused childrento
get excited and worked up. We had to talk about how it wasnt a contest and everyone has
different opinions.
How did you involve the children in the closure of the activity?
We hung the poster up and also added all the teachers favorite seasons!
Describe what changes you would make and what you would keep the same if you presented the
activity again.
I would come up with a different way to show the students the seasons other than just drawing a
picture. If it were to be done again, maybe I would possibly include using real leaves for the fall
season or something like that.

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