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How can use a Hypertext, Hypermedia and Multimedia for improving the

language skills, and write one example of each these resources.

Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references
(hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access, or where text can be
revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail. (Engelbart, Douglas C (1962)
We can make conversation, and practice with others in You can practice
with native English speakers using language exchange websites. You can also practice with
other English language learners.
Hypermedia refers to hyperlinked multimediathe linkage of text, audio, graphics, animation,
and/or video through hyperlinks. For example, a hypermedia study guide might offer
illustrated textbook content hyperlinked to web-based video and other content, glossary
entries, and comprehension questions. Other hypermedia applications for the classroom
include supported digital reading environments and lessons.( Bottge, B. (1999)
Computer simulations
Computer simulations are computer-generated versions of real-world objects (for example, a
brain) or processes (for example, an election). For example, simulated science experiments can
be used to facilitate mastery of science process skills.

Multimedia is in essence a presentation of information that incorporates multiple media such
as text, audio, graphics, and animation. The representations can be redundant, incorporating
the same content, or complementary, offering additional information. (Borgh, K., & Dickson,
W. P. (1992)
CD-ROM storybooks: CD-ROM storybook might offer the story text together with animations,
vocabulary definitions, and sound effects. Some story books incorporate an audio version. This
element permit that students develop the listening skill because before teacher do a questions
about story and students answer in base of the audio.

Borgh, K., & Dickson, W. P. (1992). The effects on children's writing of adding speech synthesis
to a word processor. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 24(4), 533-544.
Bottge, B. (1999). Effects of contextualized math instruction on problem solving of average and
below-average achieving students. Journal of Special Education, 33(2), 81-92.

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