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SOLUTIONS TG PROBLEMS to accompany F, Reif's by R. F. Knacke University of California, Berkeley McGraw-Hill Boole Company New York + St. Louis + San Francisco * Toronto * London * Sydney 8 i atti ~ nik less Kis. LUN® ) ¢ a = Solutions Menual for SUNDAMENTALS|OF STATISTICAL AND THERMAL PHYSICS apyihe @ 1883'by Mecham, Ine, AI Right Revere. Plein the United Ste of America. ‘The e@htents, br parts thereof, may be reproduced for use sith FUNDAMENTALS. OF STATISTICAL AND THERMAL PHYSICS, by F. Reif, provided such reproductions bear 1 tahiea prapose without OOOOH OOOHOHHHOHOHHHHHOHHHHSHHHHOHHHHHHOHHHOHOHOOOES | | { be %y = ihe prefaces + cmasven 2 quasnsn 2: CHAETER 3: cowrren b CHAPTER 5: querEn 6: cuMrEER 71 cRArTEn 8: CURPEER 9: CULETER 20: CATER 2: ameren 27) CHAPTER 13: COUPTER 3h: CRAFTER 25: Statistical Deseription of systems of Particles... . + statistical Thermolynmsice 6 ee ee tee Macroseopie Paranetere and their Measurement + + 5 + Staple Applications of Hacroscopie Thermodynamics. « Basle Hethods end Results of Stetisticel Mechanics... Ginple Applications of Stet Dquilibriun botrecn Facet anf Chenteal Species. . + « of Ideal cae Gquantim Statistic: etiesl Mechanics «6 + syetone of Interacting Particled oe eee eee Magnetism and Low vemperstures se eee eee ee eee Tlasentary Thaory of Transport Processes see ee ee ‘Transport Theory using the RelaxationTine Approxination ienr-Evact Formulation of Trenspert Theory 6. ee + Inreveraible Processes and Fluctuation PREPACE ‘nis Rema contsins sclutions to the problens 1a Andanentals of Stattstient ant gheresl ARRSTELG OF Statistical ond Thermal Biagise, by Fs Rett. The protons have bean solvad using only the sdase explicitly presented in thie text and in che wey a student encountering this material for the first time vould vy ha a probably exproech then, Certein topics whtch have Smplicetioné far beyand those called for ta wey the ssatasont of the problems are not developed further here, The reader can refer to the merous trestronts of these subjects. Except vhen nov cyabole are defined, the notation conforas to tht of the text. > Te #9 @ pleasure to thank Dr. Ralf for the help ant encouragement he freely gave es thts ME) tot he has not read oll of this untertal end fa tn no vay secponsitie for jeere thanks axe due te Miss Beverly West for petientiy typing & T would creatly epprectate your calling errors or omissions to my attention, Tih Lena (Fiona) ub tudusttp yelbeiby debe adiat a a a 3 2 me, ; COUCT-0~ err scrccceccccee cee cnesooeneoee @0200ece SPCHHHSHSHHSHSHSHSHSHSHHHHSHHHHHSSHHHHHSHSHHHSHSHSHHHHHHSHOOES Satan aerate eanneee Intreduction Lb BS iitbia ire 646-6 « 216 ways to roll three'diee, The throve giving « mu lees than or equal to — es a [Fuser pat [eae [ees [eat [pee [223 [eee] a To. oF T j i A Permutations 1 | 3 3 3 3 | 6 i | + gince there are & total of 20 permutations, the probability us 32; = 3; 4 f 5 5 ie ee : = (o) Probvebiitty of obtaining one ace = (probability of an ace for ons of the dice) x (prota # : 5 A dey tant toe oener dice do not ohoy an sce) x (aumber of ftemutetiong) = (3)(2 - 3) S&S 2 =) = soe. ev - | LP mtr ot natn ot et te tse are obo hats | Pi ae a us a! {e) By the come rentoning es 4 (a) vo have 26h 1 as 3 j @@ gar We gs 2 al LB \y \ % 3 rhe provabLitty of e particular anquence of digits ouch that five are erester than 5 ant five es 345 an aece tnan 5 ta (3) (2). Toon multipiying by the munber of permutations gives the probabilit 3 2 irrespective of order. 6 (a) to return to the origin, the drunk must take the same musder of etepe to the Lert as to rignt. ‘Thus the probability is ny where H fe evens (b) Te aru cannot return to the asp post fn en odd punber of steps. hel ©) @ ep trtetiecieey or-sting chet on thew trtet) = (protsbtltty of eurvtving ed tpdats) x Tel (provatitity of shooting oneseit on the 1® trea) = (2) (2). (e) 6 = 0 since these are of moments. oe a uctng| a = (@ 8) tore)” oot we (ni) ah? - a a? Be Gan iba - 32m taba? ae - Oven? ‘toh ae = vo find m= HW epd w= ar? - on, The probability cf euceesses out of fi trisie is given by the cum 22 2 Wo) ED. EB uy wey, tek jan" men 29 7°" with the reotriction that the sur is taken only over terms involving v 2 times. UU Fd UU a 2. 3 2 Eo, Eyes Ew reve om over alt t ss. m, each mum contributes el * gar 7 ae = aa) = Gr +)" m an wa) = Z by the binontal thooren « Fos) BW htelng the rescicvton that oj ee coeur n tines ve ave = 3 ; Moa @ ¥0) + argenyr Yr dy G2 We conetder the relative notion of thy tro drunksy vith cach stmltannous stop) they hove © 29 protabtiity of 1/4 of decreasing thetr separation, I/k of Ancreasing tt,axd 1/2 of meinteining 2 4 by tebing reas i the sane Ciraction, Lat the minber of tines each cose occurt be ny ayy ‘yond nyy respectively. Then the probability of a particular conbination ia N steps te 3 ae, BP ot 2 — a Wy 325)» ter GG) |G)” ith aiagin, on 2 O:0.0: 00 COOOOCOOOOOOLOOOOOSOOOCOOEEOOOOOCOOOS® Po Men a0 muodafean, Hi bad, = ee deals sot $0 Se tgs en 306 chalets tiny ‘they meet artes N steps sxrespective of he misber OF Steps ny vRLch leave thet separation unchanged te Poe: vii q PoE 1300 3 erenetor 2 ad, y aS Sag vinere we hove inserted a 5, Neh-cancels 4° tease We then pert ‘the unrestricted nvLich x cancels. By ¢) the binena expenston ° a on = - GM? 5 t/t) y! * am ey Le Gah)" pects Jeryuan OO ‘. peeasion yiside Phe GQ) OE sR ogtley” oy way : ¥ 2 FE Hines = suse cancel vo choose the tems where ne tea ov n et SS P= tae ¥ (a)? (2). da apa en) sea g thus (2-p)"2 np 0 a= mt) Geant) a gt suey ) wlaj w itt (aap) 5B oo gk Ps arr oa Bo) vig the thas catered & into sea tntervee ot ve tnve apes the Mania ettsttin PAB coro endl nw « fot dbsate a (a) = Seay ee) é Tay 1% gunn mille 0, via) +25 ¢ as su protien 1.9 whores wE], toe mone mater of dlatstegr- +f Se aeee eee oe ienteare "HY sons da the Antoeval of & gwictet = le Lebel ee sy ey ay a a Wey [pars [ ore | oad | 20H | a [ase aos | Ost [eae ae “Bo atvsde the plate into anid of size 2. cinco v® de mich less tina the ares of the plata, 3 the probebility of on atom hitting a porticular eloment is much lees than one. Clearly n << 1 4 go ve may use the Potsson ététritution WaT stoi | 085 ea) ul Wo use the Gauesien approximation to the bincriel distribution, ae OF - epee wa) 2 ROT 6 03 Longin I tas - Nt a8 a ot or) a Sig TH PIOMEDLLLYY Hint a ne G4 dn use ot ony dnetant 14 1/50+ We vast H Lines auch thet the “A provebtiity that +L or more Lines are occupied is Jess than .Ol when there are 2000 triels a — during the Row. = BP ae wanes 48% & wot vag tun wa lo ene hw BR 4 tes Pe , Mover aishibuacae (puso a [ear = 8.02 & o= ANP SSCSCCHCHOHOSSOSHSOSHHHHHSHSHHSHHHHHHHOHHHHCOHSHOHHOCOOCEOS SPCOOSHOSSHSOSHOHSSSHHOHOHOSHHOHOHHSHHOHOHHOHHHHHOHHHOHOCECEOHOOOS DOe Tae a waka tule ‘wa Ai bs te als wetbuch thuib Dea didlos ala 5. su 1 Shan’) ee eee [+(n)?/ae?} an “Ff A, oP? ay aster a change of integration vertabie rhe lover Lintt my U2 Fepinced ty — with negligible enor and the integral found raz the tebles of error functions. We fina N = 66.67 + (2.33)(0.02) - .5 ~ 85 as (a) The Probability for N molecules in V ic given by the bincalel distribution Bt gat y MMe Hoel va) = agar GENO ‘tree ‘mae ) a * @) om very, @) wry, Lay atase oe! atae 0 Fevipe omen Ftes(r-plhip) 2 3? (c) Te antennas add in phase s0 that ‘the total auplitute ts ‘te ME, ent since te intonstey 7's arorornteset to 5,2, x, « fr, & od ewer intensity, Ne must calculate the meen equere auplitude, +A my be added vectertally 3 = Since mmplitudes ‘the second tert onthe right 13 9 C3 eat ORF aad gt Hi at ‘expressions ve find re 10% i tiem GR) + Ape oe z BB ae 2S ee ce Te -t-t<0 4 JE, ve note thot the probebility thet the step length ts betreen Gan, BPO 7 = baeby act ) i ~~ ie? ain 0 88 gy ‘i Wey oo Cages eg ‘ ey < (a) we find the probability thet the proton te in 9 ond @ + 40 end this the probabliity for the seavlting field. ein @ de ata ea \ From problem 1.2 we) 9 = since b = By (3 cos70-2) we have sna . u(e}am = ar(e)ac = beasts sree eer vdbdbldaddddu COOH HOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOE wee eu ewy ‘* 3 =. 4 4 =} : ¢ =» ag) ,28 B i 3, female, ame a ~~ o EMP ae rl ¥ ay Then if either ortentat fe is posible, wo add the prpbabilities end renormalizo sm + ary bo evaluated by contour integration. For k>0, the integral 1s ovalusted on the path -e {te \ sete to) srk <0 i ee nreetaus (-18) ak) = 2 an PFTSOSSSSSCOOOOOCOHHHHHHOHEHEHHHOHHOO OO OH00000800088 € 0000 HOOOHHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHHOOOOOOOOO © Bee the monente oF diverge. Frae equation (1.10.6) and.(1.20.9) we sec that! Poe [ae ou) @) vhere te) [ie y.(0) Vo expand Q(t), 3 (2) ws ae a OK) wom th Be thes trea (2), Pex) = x x [au sole Raye - BE eas me Antegral moy be evalusted by the methods of PGs) x vere wake £ 1.28 ‘De Prebenisy that the total displacement ites ‘ae range z to x + dy after H ateye ta Pt) Pee LS. f vey wey He way) ) vbere the integral 1s evaluated with the restrict: renove the resteietiad on the lintts by introiueing © dete function = Hap) 2)%s] &e, For Suapactonts of tutte tang Yt of renin aireeion Wg) © EB, in epertet cocrdinstes.W(2) te a propiriy nomulized probabtiity density eines a JIE ot tn co op BED wtf He te tind the Pourter trentibrn elk). ae) «fff erdteue - Fess 0 cots op MED gts owe Idee, iro ca [fT ungan ates Froa ales ff eee ae nave, for N= 3 Geeks (OC Sn rite cos @ sinet ot) hs iG * in 0 ak a9 a9 as Toe angular integrations ere trivial and 3 sinikt ota be (2) = sme sto ke Ta eveluste the integral, ve use the identitios 3, storie st Be 2 stn ke tn i ¥ e 20 s3eHitcerar oe the sas po est tout § vo & on making Us Mamata Beil) may = Ber, ese shag ref! pin? * |e. otn?y if det sad LP deat BE 6B (Ieetl - let) ‘re (hted and fourth tomas may be evwlusted in the came way. : i coe it) seon HOES) ay 0 (feat -leestl) Conbining these results, ve have - 2 as o 3 | pe ofS es “e * os ii fetched areas axe accessible to the particle. = a = | Aj ae 2 % 4 2 fen 5 j since 2,2 + 7,2 = at, the métus in 2, 7) a te 4 = QA rman fe. ee Z, ae x an = Fee v3, amy By evads expression at x eymes/e? ant 1083, oe = 30, For the adiabatic process, 2 a8 any a of sev 9/5 ay w o36 : 3500 Joules + -Hnse energy 4¢ 8 state tumction, tte 4a ts onoray change fer alt, paths. = es wage f AV = 22,400 Joutes ‘ 1 ' G+ a8 $v « -3600 + 22,400 « Atco souten + 0) pex-2 (v2) ‘ rad sd wf [2-3 (vay Fs 23,550 suites @ = 11,550 - 3600 = 7,950 joules — te) @ wef Q) av © 700 geutes : @ = 700 ~ 3600 = ~2900 joules e e e e e e e e e e@ e e e e e e @ @ e e qe fe e e e e e e He e e a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e SOCHHSHHSHHSHSHSHHSHHSHHHSHHHSHSHHHHHHHOHHHHHOHHHHOHOSEHES th, Medea te cmeren 3 1 temocynastee 43a “L(a) MoquiLtbriim, the denssties on Yoth cldoe of the box ere the en x volume, tho moan nunber of ile molecules ts 750 ond the moon nuubor of 4 1000 109g () e-@ do - 0 a 4 32 * prom probien 2.h (b) = &) an af ey ave neglected the sual ma inh, vere ve have neglected the snatt tera in ME concequentty sett tom ra (e) 7<0 tf E>0 (e) Me m(oy-n,) © w(ény-M) were 8, 4s the ousber of pins eLLigned samlial to I probio 245 fa), a =m a Hath tons (2) for eysten Ay ve beve tome : 2 E a = Bs als) «- Ee a Ee ~ tm equittbris, enor ence (») Since energy is conserved, Bet. me + wut Fetes + ow oe rink ate @ . pene te) Ge Be ar = ECO? tae saa te] ei + ae ~ Substituting tre 6 Pal wiv De hal a bYUu es iy (2) at(2,-5) shore 3, Ae the Gotet enesary ¥, = out + y 2 A; G9 ret) He) «02 [oe] oo fe] ‘us woression my» rewritten tn forms of Be kort protwble energy Z, egeticn (2). HE)aE » ¢ ow fezF) a a 2 uae whe ee ran The constant © 45 detensined by the nowmaLtzation requirsnant flee [-2B ens a? Hor om [- 22] ax, vere 19 given eboves a ao J te (ray oo? wey 2ePage 6) wT at “ (t) Prom equation (3), ots a UW e- 1Coloum s buts) yy Woo ae + aH ence 3h Ts ontony cage oF the rat recervotr tn 05! + + Braud for tho eatreyy chaser of the cetire cyeten, 69 405" w 05 = 8,2 04) by the ancond ter ace ark 3s {a) In section 2.5 4¢ te ahewm that a(n)= v"x(z), vhere ¥ de the volume end x (=) ts sndepondent of vase, Then Zor to nonentaractiog epecee vith total coer By A(z) = 0.n,(2) 0,(8-8) » oF? x,(e) ¥,(2) o) + 2a (E) = (nH) 49 V+ In C+ In x, (6) x,(5) 3 Banat) 3am) 9 oF BY» (nyse 36 2 ersnophereae cmweran & a Yneroscopic Paramcters ond their Neneurenent wa 373 an z 0) og, cme [oF = tt te BE + no Joutes/*e () 7 mF a Joutee/* since Ren ye ms of - B Gara-o73) = “2120 Joutse/“r BS po * Sy + ASpqg * 190 Joutea/"k Ge) Tee teat given off by either renarvetr te @ = me(50) = 2-09 x 20% jeutes. Eines the et (o) act ke (o) re cs copy ehonge of the water de the came ae in (a) ve Bove ead oD see sate ae. 2.08.30 «00 jones mere vit be no entropy change if the cysten ts brousht to ito as = 1310 - fhpel tenperatere by Sater ton vith o succession of heat recervotre differing infiaitertanlly ts temperaters, the finel temperature te found by relating the heats, Q, excbanged in ths oyster, The Heat Siece for the other ecspor alzed for aaiting the ice de 2,2 vhore 2, fe the mes of the {0 1s of the cysten, Q = moi, vere m is uaos ond c 40 the cpocifie heat, ve Love i * Seated seo) * *ostsinat ve b+ mgylty 21D) + mS —299) #9,0, 8 {30)(338) + (50) (4.28) (q-273)+(200) K-28) (e253) 750) (438) (1g°#93) © 0 Pd Te ) ene change in extrony ven the ce meite ta it, ror the otter componente bi 2 28: Bence as « phy aye tn BE + mje an BE + a0, 20 EB = 206 souteo/“s fe] shenereserirod $9 tha mum of\ Sant dt: vost ta to veto tie voter te ate tome Po mysy CeO) * 2.0, (2-21) = [ersor¢ceaay + (220)(t.26)](ass-205) = 12,750 Jou 43 TAs et+ Fay ty the rivet any cease since ay = op 4, Y, fe t Ba ase eRe fim 2 s ¢ 5 ‘: a4 ceangi+ning® sstapentent of process $ 1, 28 uy ‘Te opine became readonly orteated is the Liatt of high tenperetures, eutinble otates, for opts Stree each ente tag 2 2 v0 have S(t =) bina e king €2)-s(0) » [7 200) ay wteine 4 - it etnse steve) a fe at ve have 1E -) Be tana) 2) wMere ve have eet 5(0) = O by the thind love Fred (2) ond (2) meta 2 = (aan 2) ta Pe etme us : : 2 Soro Seri ty ering) =) = [7 BD undiluted and dilutes i Inbeling the systoas by u and dy xe have . 5,0) = 8,00) « ee a@ boa) Soca 2) 8e(0) = 8,(0) wy se thtet tare Ste ae in the other, ve mst have 54(R.) = 47 Qy(t,)- tenes i Soe me . 4 we tT Gana) » on a 2 19 e e e e ye ie ne qe e ie e ie ne e e ie ie ie ie ie je ige 1e e e je e e@ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e @ e e@ e cmpren 5 eroceonte Thommodvanatns ations of fan adiabatic quaeictatic préceas. Substituting pv oy ner ve hve 4 Py. wayyy Fay, M4, Ys] sO i ‘toe onttopy ebange of an {dont gas in © process taking it tram 'Ty,V, te Ty,l’, vas found to , ‘ Se an gf + nant vy Ba % o-tor ad‘AMiatatte quuststatie proce, nena ste Meee baie)" ee ME) fe . fe R/ay = yrey/oy = 7-ty and eince In L = 0, i follow that er Y, ; ¢ =m CE) ie ce stn fp Or nom kas wy corre = uh foes : at a9} sioce the snerey of an ideal gus 42 only o function of the tempereture and ciace pV = KI, \ af ance . Fly - ABecpareg Rie - . 2 3 (6-2) x10? ones = 60 Joules 3 (9) G+ 02 +8 vhere O£ Se caloulsted tn (b) otnce the encrey change 4: ‘the vork Ls the eres under the curve. x60» [leo «BR ] us soos “Heth E ey Bees wa [par eve ster see «30 jee Bo sina toe neat, ve Fizst tint the energy change tn golag fren A to Ce Take, of 1 independ of the paths aba spt af nt) «2. (%q - yng) » 1500 sonan 2 +f BEE os wi 20h nen. yume +3 4 (a) tee totah aysten, fee., water and gascsy dood not emhange eorgy with the eurizement, to te euerey Tomine the eepe after tho expansion. Since the water ennct do monk, its energy cnange 4 btn by the bone it absorbe, GE = @ = GA, vere G, tn the heat enpecity. ‘The song of tie ee Slee ences ‘2, of course, dependant oaly on terpesetice, iE « oan viere ¢ te * cue neat capastty. 1 ‘| (ater) * ne) * ay °° FF Gltete) + Sylteet,) + Oyltet) = 0 gre Ty «Hi, vo temperature change. ~ (0) tat tbe the Atetance orem the Left and y the aumber of uolen, Ronee, in equilibrium 3(80-L), 4 = 60 cx, Ce} stace mere te po tpertice shige, the entrony change ts wan gE. ( AS+ GATE o@ is Z 23 = 05, + 05,5 =F 55 20 & ta B+ nan B = 3,24 Jouses, “ te) The temperature decreases, ‘The gus dose work at the expense of ite internal encrey. ~ fs) me anerey of the gre tnorensee cinee tho process £2 deveveratble. (e) toe syeten to teoteteg, ¢ = 0) end fren the cisct daw aban BE (eH) Fos Anterat ener of fe gee fe only 0 function of temperate, AB = vey(%—-0)) veylye) EO) -e) SPOCHHSHHSHSSHSHHSHSHSHSHSHHSHSHHHHSTHHHSHHSHHHHSHHHHHHHOHHHOCES elem eng - Sines the process is opproxinately adiabatic PT wemstnt a (sy Ye = pihey eo Seo, eas Me @, na Moa @ The dtoplacenente trom the equi thetu retin 5 7 ss nina ow: sn sation ha 7 tat ey “2 ase ee li fo ae Net cay th fret ent seo tran an subetitie ate (2) i : i a Bye (9, + 35) Ar a : ° x bts Le the eque: a ‘te equstion for baronte motion aod the frequency may bo Aetststoed iy inapection, TB gtence 2 3 co my 4 “ee = [PGI ae & een, lee? arr = _ Seeeecieces aeeensasinuan cilia Varner oon SEINE is a ga # gr” volume element of atzoephere shown mist bo in Ben “Ge goetttertin eater tho roves (sreaeure) x (eree) and 2 ue ; a Then if 2 de the mumber of sorticles per wtt etek q : 7 # the mess per partele, end g the acceleration ererity, P(ztiz)acp(=)A = -a(Ads)ag ae fe met, i Ponte * cemetors oubkttecting v2 8E, ve oata qa) a) wy. 1b yd Unda ed constant nan TUT ans (17) 2 pT ape pa . = : 2S 2) J 4, Frea (2) and (2) #-Gay, a $F «9.8 acgrece/iticnstar. ge (4) -Integroting (2) vith constant T ve bave 2 oP bugs/ec) Fue Consider the cleneut chown. Ae te tte inttiad width ‘onove 2 distance ¢ ond the right a distonse tant, and denesty, ‘Tho vave ataturbance causes the Iert mace Ist F, and p be the ecuiiiiriis proccure ant Pm PoP, ds the departure fren the equiltbrin pressure. | peek 5 : ere < 3 B % ‘ = es “e signe se Save neglected the preseure dic #86 Ap ccros the mlnbs Tha dinplacimany £8 Four 42Boq tna equation of motion. 2 a Tho m= (een) ae am Bow apm ax ant a ep ite Bun “ eB. - - f > ” Bea GY B+ -« : (@a-- (igt otsce the onder of attterentintion 1s imatertaly ged be hgh 8 oy, ee o vert, sutezendant of 2 I LY Od: hiahlatants uw 358 motere/ 20, ting the gtvon values inte the oqustion £ be ba yyd nba aay (xed) (y+ty) (ats) go quent onder way = v4 yous + adr + ye yor the edlobatte, quoeistotte process 29 2s s-@ #+@,e-° 3), * Si), teiee (QD) = Pant the towers sation (BS) = (3) 5 ve ame , @,-& we «3G, Fe hte wey spss 00S 000000 COCO COO OO OOOO OS COCOOOCOCEOCEDEETEOOCO®E 5 ae the frst lav cy « Pr the £4 yet 5 a), D, @,-7@,@,-7@,@, . 2 powtitalae the oom relation (2) = 32 sition ae 2(2) ve neve settle she yen sate (8) = (@) ant te enn ©, Sheet tae ete bib’ bb 2 @,-*@,o-87-48 23 3 IS w aE - Fa ®) 13 (®) ran (1) ve muy read off the tawelt relation 2 ) (8 3 @,°-@, ® =P Stace ‘ Fe st(L-t,) (3) 3 1S 5 2 -2at (-1,) a 2 _, aiyjeF aL s £ G) abaya) - atts) «fo pant fren = ote) i ‘o 2 : eee 2) 3 3 a pe a 3(t2) = Sty) & £@, a ones aut oan(cet,)? oe S(t) = 8(t,)2,) + .° + enttt,)? 2) ta the quactetatic ~~ : Se \ * " El > wt rel a) = 8, 7 ae + ttt) + MET) atyltee)® a 3S uence ati \ (ge Tht Af Lp by ie have T, > yy foes the temperature increases, db Pots fe) rea the StPet ior 4 = 2 . 3 C2," @,@,+@,@, = lg, Substituting (2) and (3) ve find di @, + 2a (St) o 2 7, Pa, teace — epttos) = ott) +f ‘, @ sw - on(t-t,) ot 4 (2) Str) 8p) S ee 2a To(L'-L,) ab! : = Oe ee ee * sta) = stn.) fa 7 an 2 = or-7,) -e(bt,)? (2-2,) re stn) = s(gat,) + 02-7) - ar(t-r,)* woe Arba fosle nhao Mone ao arent a-ak ae, @) %q (0) Prem (2) a+ Z- Be EY 2S sence @,«+@,«-1@, «3G, 2: F= 2B sxuting coersetestey ve beve 2 4 : ®, . -%), + 20b te 3 a | fii pe (1p Ye eA Tend Off the SuweLt relation ag = ae ster © = ©, Sy 3 a a ly ©), «aa ate, - er «ate Fe Af the C410 48 strotehod et edostant tenpomture BCH) = 50) w ate, x Ws) + fe ane [cob ant « -aote by ohe etset daw coe, HYe ay ire dd di va th ast noes @,-+@,« Equoting couPtietente, ve have @,-2 S.-Y 3 From (1), we ey reed off the Hamel relation ; ©, -+@9, aioe ©, C8, -=7 Yount eee a 48 wasn oY ae SHE err : aa equation (5.8.12) = @.-"@,> cy Mbetthting pon EP [+ 2L(2) a) ve sind : @y-7 0B poste so : a el oe aoa e =)» e Sa ear = ) Frou the first liv, aF © 785 - pay. ence G+ @,-8 ) For a ven der Yeats gas e BF: e E . e 3 3 2 i & 3 2 3) + Fiy- Seo Sete Em ee, * ZB) sebetieoting « end bs (1) yields tan Es, e ce e = e Bri eo. 4 @ - . a, prom we on Gar Yass equesion M4 (. Bh, -28) ay a + BE (- Ja chee m eliainating v and putting the equation in terme of the dimensionless variables of probler 5.29) 48 feblove shat mJ piagea (yi - yt) a i ~ a8 lose 2 (3.3) 3/ 7 ona Lie) - ® -£F@, : = antes =i BY) Bye a2). 6d 5 8 : c@gee8, gO Bas i i »-@,8 208 Substituting these exprenstons Ato (3) ve tind on $8 a @r #2) @) e e e e e e e e e je ie e e e a le e e le fe e e e e je ° ® @ e e e * fe « ie ile e e @ 3 e e © ° * fone (2) my the second tae y & ss2 - Bro or masdisl bias, the equaltty holds and eluce gy # qj-¥y St follove that Wn ggg = 060-14) + o(t5-t,) = (R40 = 2) BO) > ts wine am, yew yy ¥ dein ass of vate #8 Dj hh 8 mst D6 moved fen th Joes tte = BE. me heat rejected to the = of heat caparity ¢ stg itr ey «0 vo. By the re increase and thie minima probebtiity that the eysten oseupies « etate with energy E is pronertionel to the munber of aunts ot toot enszey, 0(z). By the generel definition of entrom, S © k 20 n(E), we heve for ¢ pens Pn a(s) = a yo alse the weight a Inight x, 1 amount of energy, noxy in the form of heat, a, cust te given eer yy She vnters ‘The tenperutice change dn Cound fee nora 6,42 the entropy ct height x = 0. Thus (2) becomes P(z) = he * here we hove sbecrbed the tormenta the constant A vhtch fa found to be Ki/ng Wy the ton condition. Then the probability thet the vaight ic raieed to a height 1 or = 1, Pe f" reayaxe fe z 2 Substituting £ + 2 on and the given veluoe yields * eww OC OCOCOCOOOOOEOOOEOOOOOOOEOHOOO0000000000000800CC® 00S OHOOHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOCHHHOOES NMOL BD De Dh ut wey won Cs) 3a the proceoms e-+6 ond © ~d no heat to abecrbed , ao by the first tery = af, af = Gx, whore © 44 the tect capsetiy, vo nave foe * EAB)» ay (O,-1,) = Yea * 18-5) 90, (yt) Bovever, 12 on adtabitte expansion qy?-b yond since “ieee const. Hence Mowe ey 35 (eas) = 5,35 (2 Waaa* Fe GE) = 655 Ce 18 Doe co no wosk 4 pextomed. ‘Tha volume t¢ constant ia proces: ‘Tous 6a, io ine state with onexgy B Le proportions? & (a) me provabitity that the system to the Bolten ratte of th = tastor «72 he greet LLG er neta fi Bie dent enced etate ba ta atk bei dow ge cg hea une fo) ay the definition of mean vette Fao fe HT ute g we 2 ro ee wre ad ‘The meen energy per particle te 62 “e MHEG 63 (o) Me wrotobLltty tot @ epin 4s yareltel to, the Leld Se eae 2 Pe ea AT a 2 valeh yields ** EPP @ tor P © «75 and B = 30,C00 geuss, te 3.66% fo) Fron (2), with = 262 x 10% expe/gouse, T= 5.57 x 1073 x Ga she poser abworbed 18 proportional ta the titterence An the mmber of seciel in the to levels. rae sty : nee zee MON OE aS” VE, ae 2 uere Ae the eoted set wielel. cince 4 3, ve nay expand the exponent ast bees only the £6 ‘Thue the absorbed povér fs preparttenal co a7, 65 . pletds)a ‘The volte eloxent of atmosphere sho must bs in ata cqéitistim under the forces of the preseure and gravity, Then 4f = ie the mace par particle, A the area, end g the acceleration of gravity, ve bw plettz) a = p(z)a = SBas Ae = mlz) A ase Subetdtuting the cuation of etate, = td Leeds to «Bt mms nfs) = afoot 00S OGOOHOOSHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSEHHHOOEE Did ld Sud 8 ied ‘tae ln G Cds Wal ala iad bd eae! id ah a ‘ad he 7 approaches O the eystom tends to the lov eneroy state, nante when €,7t) = He ‘yoceme equnily probabl ‘the energy goes from the (v) the epectfie heat te) Cy = &, 4 fees, the eiope of Ee 1-40, Fate, al ie “, z stg ea TM Fan (2) po find the tenpersture ot which E ebanger ron tye Ine to the high temperature Limit, ve [ al Pr 2 veluete 7 vbare gg al S%2 2 Sane +B(@2-6) - | 2 ee 1 i 7% ee were sing et or (e,-¢)) # / ( ° vatle in the Litt of ttlgh teapers- ‘Law to the high tenpereture re nent capacity 45 eget) lesre,) a eel wi 20 a8 PHO, Tae. 67 fo) The moan ecersy per nole ts ~ of ay, ne 2th Geen ewe Ae Avonedro's munbers where fe find the molar antropy fren the partition function 2. Clearly, Z= $4 yoere te Le © , the su botng over states of a stnele cucleus, pene ert, eer mse aie Lips VE 08 Si (in z+ 8) = nk a (2 + 20! 1 hee (c) ks T +10, the sweet go to ths ground ctate, and by the genernl definition of entropy Semgkiea Ne nL 90 ne T+, 21 states decane equslly probable, 0 +3 and S ene In3 Tr Is easity jed thst expression (2) epsronches the: (2) Pron (1) we hove ye 68 ‘ ‘oo polarisation, ?, 1s detined as 1 ef where to the mater of negartié ‘Lons per watt vole, @ te the electronic charges and Z te the vector from the negetive to the positive tone Then the OOOOH OHOOHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHOE x component of Pie ccagsfeer dtl FTE + me IL Ere te ns a8 6 eS... hd pooltive ton “un in © tio lattice sites for each energy ve have eee =r apie fend to foubd from Gause'o Theorem [bebe e te : gif the enclosed charge aot f 4s tue vactor normal to tho eurteee, 0+ ° onebry, Boe Bane be bm 5 fa? ae BE ares th at) - Be netrte potential ts given by we)» fe Me) 2 at r= Ry ve cox evaluate g. e Stoce the probability of being at y £2 propeetion ~ atostey . eve ae) = o(0) om [- sey ater) ts ~ e@bceregeh torve mfr picks the potantion ecerey - 22", cance the protebisity thet = 1s 4 et © Se proportioasl to the Suliman fector, the deastty fo 2) = (0) exp fa®s* arr] @ ostituting y= N,3, the molecular veight, into (1) and evaluating this expression at 5 Cae ee a = aye oly) us in a) tay ee Oey | 4 - pn nenn seporstion, X, ie found frome ths probability ithst the Seperation ic betveen x and xtdx ued P(xjaxee 2 ax! ote) 9 i, [= 28 Hthe minim of the potentidl ts ot x =e, siece departures fron tht may cxpand U(x) about © te obtain 364, 252 y, Gs) © Uy + 2 Gea) eo x0)3 a « ae vonre ve have Kept only the izst three tems, rt coldeve thot 25.U, (Be)? 252 u, (xe)? Fa ae ‘We have sbsorbed the irralevent constant tera, 0° Yo/t, P(x)&x © 0 xp into the normaltesties Ths constant 1s evaiusted fren the ueuel sequirczent Sf rove [7 29 Tee tnt cater ta tse top fi (ea * expaled in @ Teylor'e cories a2 dn Appendix Au Fasthermony, 3» HE region of integration can be teiented to = stnen the exponcatial ts nogligneiy secld except near as o - 36 U,(2-2)? 252 wa reef? oo [-=HE) 6.8 - a Voie ‘ere ve neglect all tut the first tio tems, tho first interral £0 evalusted tn Appendix A.’ Walle the second 4s 0 ofnce the intogrant ie an odd funetton. uN 6 (2s Then é G =) wr deration, %= [7 76) as and to tho sean opriaimtion te tn (2) we hve 2 3 3 ee fe (8s 38.0, 0 hat, , 22 Yolo SAGE) oe b10-S). fh si, toon deste Uehegeal uw petit nee acelin extn & (a) 48 Just a. The second e e e e e e a e@ ie je e ie ie ie e ie ie ie e e ie ie ie ie ie ie e ie @ e je e ie e ie e e e@ e @ e e 1e ie re e e shak ens second integral is O since the integrand te on ofd function, and evaluating the ines U, >> ke Br Ja) Lot tbe dimensions of the box be x, y, . ‘than the volume and erce are vase : Awwy tae tee a Bininsting x, ve have oye A Vey: Ano n SE oe the conditions cor an extreme, a Mo, ib rottove that (a-Ry2) (yas) - @ye (yee) y (a-gyt) © 0 (A-ty2) (rt2e) = aye (yi2e) -22 (Andyz) = 0 iberacting these caustions yields y = 22, ghen substitdhion an (2) gives y = ae i he crm (0) we stot xo : 7 « a Froa equation (1), vo have i fe tetas ty eee ©) * we equation of constza! Bi a elon) wry a aye sted hw | i a Ms w Alysia) r+ n(x) ay + ABE + ay) ae «0 6) ™ Adeing (3) ene (4) and noting that the differentials ere independent, ve have 7 ahead 20 5 xe + Awaz) #0 © ai w+ sexe) «0 Ff Af nstny was ee eeucntsn Wy ap Mn eaat vp ¥p ana sasc8¥e wy ma, x Bye + ACzay + le + Ue) «0 , pfpoecstsrtngalt) stole eee - a . x ak sing % tuto equations (6) gtveo 25 £-Basmyoo Y-B Gsm) oo 2+ Bee zy) =0 thet x = y and te thts yields x A. then mises ton t2 the a ye" de snd second equations cives xe Al, y BG gyre Ee Oe al era Oe 20 = Ly we may write an 2,8) «BE 2, Ce 9 ©) “§ = HEE 22,2 fn 2, an 24] £ el : = HEE ep ig p Op THEDY, ey, ctoce 70) pl.» Gah Fron the Safinttion, ve hove » 8 +s0 ete One Oar 2M 2 ay ststutiog 2) Ee ane 22) or Py ia (1) we beve Steg s hE Ey in, EL a, wn) =m EEs, an 72) 2, @ For the total systen, the entropy to ae SeKDDR a, co) Then from (2) ane (3) 5-(5,45,) « KEE, inv, + EE 2, in p(y (2) Fe rem ae + HEDR, tn ® (2) Silico ln x PX 1 OF Ike ve tayo aa op (2) (1), (2) ~ 8+(545) KEE ag Fe Pe -) 5 Fe = 2 nee ED 2,5 (2) 63) 46 corte tine ' a S695.) «REZ ee Ca oo ‘ pnt Se EE Os 9), ve nove : Sort bene On 2a Nae 2] 0) = “NET V0 have odded ant aubtracted the tent 1 Zein e[), ve enow that the oun of the last, Zi two tome is (2) 2 sere, 7, Py, wal Since Adding, we obtesn bus (2) decease 5-5, -kE [een O]ete an F 2 ,(o) F * 9) Since ts = Lyoquatton (2) yterze sens, BE diag fOr] oo “raaventiy: augntentiy-s cuter 7 Simple Applic Of Statistical Nechantes Heine 28 i ne wt that 5) an Tefer to tho jt po ils Potties et mente out nto an za rete te tn 4 seteews St fom Sf Wied eustiie of qevted ss Sa ‘lassie porittion untion fer tte aes ts wl} cs By * ne F Tee Integrations ovee p yintd the voLun, % whtte the p integrate axe sdenticet. Stace ae ‘ ere Wty. -M, integrations, ve have ae git “fe 2 y y+.) he term tn brackets is independent of volens, vise Ee wets Oye 5.1 jeusrecee} a taytesoyy By BY = yea den (eytecoty) i a) ~ 0) For the 2" soe, bey» yee, nance wy (2) ER te (0) ty the equipart: vi ‘tion theoren the average value of t the Kinetic enerey of a parttcie 1 (\) Te average potentish energy ts : = net BS ‘Then Fe-Ba om Pas. 2 : Buf fee = Spas © cormying out the aitterentiation, ve fing Tein + a “a et Fis {a} sorora vee paPtHRSon te resoved, vo I on Uno Lt, WY © VIE. After reson the reseure 0 tei Bie BB, a (0) Te snttiol and inet entropies of tvs eytton for eistorent gases ure sis oot ee dae o] a dure] a fia SBE deve] soe fa Be « a re] rere raed 4 yore one udde she entropion af the gages 4n the deft end right consertneste : * se entropy of bio eittarent ga w fen : a BG] «nn GF mal gases, S, {5 ognin the sum of the ontropizs of the left ant or S, vaste 8, te Sn volume (19)Ve ‘men 65 pw a fain A (c) tn the case of sa: A compartments. S- te the entropy of gy molec in e volute (1+8)Vs 7 4 fing +dure] oe fei ezae ee] 2 js + fy OOM +2 aae ee e pe age * Fo Phos fa, GAY - an Th “(a) the eyston As Aaotetad uo see 4s constant, ond since the eucray of on ideal ges (epeods only on tecperatice, we Reve 4 G,(Dp-2,) + O/(B_2,) = 0 ae ay bp? ‘me tote volume Ae feud tron the equation of state wR Y, yea, he fs : me ous the finel pressure 49 pe (eyteg) Fp (yt) ce vee ede Re + tut 4£ 0 ccqnent Se oriented posalteh to tne vercical Se contetoutes enarey Wa and 12 antiparallel it contritctes -Ha to the totale neRY of the mibber ad (Thus 1 the rubber bar ‘TULIY extended, the total energy vould We -jiin). 5 espnante ore non-intarseting, 08 ile an us ete me eh. FF 16 Sines the tote energy to additive, a? 1(P_) # Ulegeetg) « BE + ulQ,.009,) ‘nore U As the eneray of interaction, the equiparsttion theoren sted applies end ze tie the ens ts Adoni, tts mann enercy per perticle te ce oF t.ho ‘od the nean endzay For sole becasce Ethier Sites = alba 8 cx For claseteeh barmonte motion the moan onerey La LD ay z es 2 EeE+im? 2 ny coumilleBh, nen or ene tne content 3 —— ier. : wutheg Sots closgntion is found by equating the gravitational and restoring forces ae ws Fe : Me, th = wo) By the equiperestion theorem $a (ni? . Lip * a. oe 2 8 > oy. ; Ge = iF ‘be “Os Then the meen enersy of if particles {3 Een Gaeta) Fen Geredi) ene «Bie 2 the toring force ta hat tyias wt CKO VOPR REECE ELE St as x one ead Fob fl eM Ba fen gy aeye we nove mada the cubstitution, y= = ‘ ou Re pio em [eh ay eebee ae 6 hk ORD shed leew _ Fiafiedl ahd Sp udejhiew fog nn see, nase w Kavi aa com ' on a cinee the protebtlity ef exteltation ts proportionsi toe vhere nts an integer, tt is etear that the tve parallel components ere negligibly excited at 300° whore ty, >> 300 k. rie perpenaewlar conponent S¢ excited eince tal, << 300 By tnd since 330° 4s tn the elassicat es equi; hue qaz {0) Consider s euko cf cide e. The foreo newsouty to decrease the length ef a site ty 6a cee tnd therefore the pressure ts op » x 60/s®, The change tn volume fe AV = -"Aa. 3 ms = 1@ --b¢B)-§ taped since w =f JE where m ts nase, ve have trea (1) HE EE ® The Length w t= found by considering thet the volun per atom to y/pll, where 4 4 the q (0) The Einstein tenperatere t0[6, eight, p the donoity, ond 1) 48 Avogadro's number, 3/3 va * 8 Bye (Se) a3 x 08 os a (waar? 7 23*¥ Substhtution of m= wily and the given vniuee yledde : = 350% ° a ie » pe et I. a ru ‘ e eave Hy = AGE Hy 3 Byln)s By equotion 7.0.24, 9 (4) for = 2 recome we senha. gosh ‘es 72 Ceotn n +3 ootn B) = 2 Sota . seek fa fa) + tn(a/2) _ socks (9/2 saan Tap» SE sion Saan Ta7ay— * SSSR {MA} = tant (w/e) Ty Uy Ugh ‘hus Hy = EME tan SOE Be ek = us con 6 “s hero @ is She snate tatwom the rognetic sonent and tho Atrection of the tela or s-oxls. Then ~lgithe probebiiity thot the magnetic manent dies in tho range @ to 0 + &@ is proportional to the team factor and the volta angle an cin 0 das sera P(o)a0 = eMC ain g ag vd aPall 20 405 9 aot con 4) Ro iy = Se : [Tote ae 7" oe : = % putt con Mea aq ofak. otal te THe ats co «TR ay Ea Bal 5 2 nism No 2 te ES «a are Ba [lesen eat onda aut ] i 4 R= tye [ooth our - “pes _ Be nave Hom eu, oat) a 4 NB iS Ao eee SCHOHHHHHSHHHHHHHHTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEHHHHHOOOO 2) ata) = 3[ (2 4B) comm + Bia - Foot 3 ond J 952. tm ouch a vay that dq 9> 2, Dy(9) become see Sow 3 for onal x Y lot wid # dn = JeugHG where u = gut Se by (768-2) the elussiend mognotic eanents then (1) vert peng Gen na] ~ 16 Mu) cm enor of & maanetic momont ine field de B= y+ For entn Fete lS % ye € b - ) 2 | egY/alty) > 2 street > me @ (s) If um ce tr ve have { i” 2) | ByAze | b reps 2+ Be Gem) aia alt) (+ wits + 3 n?e,%5%) + (2 ~ pats + 3 un 25%) mq - Fy By, 2,8) oy (i+ ump + 5 hay 7e*) + G+ ways + 5 Pn, 28°) } 2+ 110 2 \ | 2 lw ' 243) G2 - 2,2) tat | Te tind the tection, {, of molecules vith x canponont of velocity betsreen Fant %, ve aust - integrate the distribution between these linits, i.e.) = z J e 4 . Stan tron tebe § = 25 $ ras Yun protien 5.9 ve toil tat the velocity of ates a v= By 3 = Ke ve B cnre pu O/t, aod Se the wtemte veight. Since 8 ve have : z = @) ; aa v x. 5 ; Yor belie, 7 ~ 1.66 48 that u = .91 % and the fraction of moleciies vith epecds leas than u is | 2 9% suas. 2, Be ye = be ig) eo av ‘a Fv) J ae) a yy tiling the change of vartatte x © (a/cr)t y, vo have 2 of Tete {ntesral may bo evaluated by noticing that Integration by parts of a oP? ay yseuae eg 2yp(* pe 2 f FR get hl af Perey ° lo “Jo Since the Sntegral on the right 19 the required one, wo hava, - Lee <2 poe . 2 to inet (ay ip PB 2 tL oy wer hay” 2 L PEE TP oy» sul8 crofton 2)°A ‘he Sntogral on the Fight my be evaluated from tables of error functions. Thus ve fiod ; © «3h GH Lt. er ow) * fs) Hace the enerer to © = Sv, we ave x? = 2e/m and a « te/ JER, selutions ints the speed 44 ution Fly) dv, *{e)ae = 2m. (ue) at The nost probable enerty 40 given by the eondteten ‘Thus The most probable epeed to tence rae (a) (2) the oes srequeney shice As gtven ty o - Peck bs Sine T= O and v.” « ia/ by = ve have ae PHS) SO a - FF: Fue + Om substituting those © or from probles 7.200 since ¥, 2 0 #] + 3) (9° estan be reprtoa te Alcrion of tie = mony or _ ar ¥,? riers on [- HS ence, 4 mesataly

) For the uranium ‘seperation, ve have ° ; : " Vaan it 233 + 6) x Sele * ass BSED (agp) (400) | * Ver j

sine eh), = 2, we lave at t= 2 hour, : Dz (efi). OV Hing ) : Pel hye * 2 1 “ wa)G (©) the rete of cange of the'munter of particles in the left eite of the tax te amCe) Gz * (a0. entering/sec) (no.escaping/eee) 00 ts BaF, ve have Ae freon] «fF franc] ‘he totel munber of porticles, Fron the equation of state, M(t) = 94(0) ane 1 ROTO y @ ant) ag a--§ fo +63] - (+) 3 Besmtngee en A(t) « ma) a Gee 93 (0) me intttes entropy se “3 “2 e400 Co tay Bane 2)» no Gale rdns+s) eh eclttbrtimy my = 1 oH a Serie in $+ 2ine +o.) 2 Eien a5 « 6-8, and using (3), ve tina 2 7200) + 9500) : a “3 x 20,(0) ©) + OO) me 2 “2 = ony 4 se “2 a3 SOCHHSSHSHSHHSHSHSHSHSHSHSHSSHHSHHSHSHHHHSHSHHHHHHHHHHHOEHOOOSES sno container F, = 0 ty aymatry: (a) sake ‘s(g)) of the molacules which have effused isto the vocuun te (uy Trigger ebetetotony ei) Ox = He) +, Ox A et ore f(y) Ae the Newell distribution. «| oe FT | we [en fa, #0) Y, 3 Jaret ted o de Re We sue 7 + = ~ Sats dite | gye second equality foLlovs bucause the integrations over , end ¥, ore identical in the manra- ee monimtnr nt therefore cqncels The faegrals over ¥, sre tetlated tm arwutis Ash, 4 3 : \ * fr Ay iE “iy =! wel Gs) se tine de, molooulos wit veloetiy emmanent v, vitch ane dn = eplinder of Retent v, 245 ith nann et tie aperture can excape fron the gontainer, Molecules of higher epecd can cocaze on “ior aerger cplinir Un en wists of over eon, amd 8 sroportonei tees shore of Scho sort mouetor eftune. thus the men yinwite energy of pasteles the tees 48 grsier wth tn the contatners Ln? Be es Ji By Zov? oe @) a z, fe ow) - since O(y) = £(y) v cos @ and ay = yar sin 6 de dz, we have 2 . aE | [PTL 8 ae on 0 a0 cod» ‘ [LTP on etn 0 40 an) oF v om 6 + “5% 2 ; pe foe ar ™* si my — g “7, “ as [re rat, ‘ = Where tho integrals over ¥ are evaluated Uy appendix * 7 ® 3 4 —— se + Pia, 2 reomsove that @, we ” 1 “A ven e polecule ie scattered, <¢ comuter momentum Op, © aay, to the disk. ‘The force 4s SpGigs Be totes core, vo mrt multepty ap,/eb by the minder of molanuios vite Pe i, the venge (y, év]-WRlch strike the disk dn thoe at and thee tir, a te velocities. Clessly only molecules in the cone of half-angla 0, + etn” 3 ame. r-fer[e w a] % of PoP Mote etn 0 40 49)(h t(e) v eon 0 ay(BEL £82 0) * n/t wid strike the = [Fem (eny¢- ¥ ove ve f(var She integred con be expressed in tems of the net square speed inside the conteinor,, Jrtewer i ae i i au Fedmv a («F coste) of a [2 - cont (om? 8 By eRuEpartities we have $nw? sae cinerEn 6 Soullietua between Paces and Chentsal Ssoctes goa 3D ay equation (8.3.8), ve have the proportionality i 4 = Pew) av eo « wp [-2, (0y0IAa,] av ae i ‘Svnere ¥ ont T are the volume end texyerstire of the portion oF substance of mags Ny and 7 : ‘Zito texperature of the surrounding mediu. Expanding the gitbe Pree Enerey G,(¥s2) about the i gatnima et =U, and 7 = F yterde a _-_. 6Uwy& ee i, 2 atta) « 0,03)» GP) 28) + GI) +3 EB) a? 2 Fo, oak - @) . & gee) + Sree) WAR 4 il # oe derivatives are sreluntos et 2 = F dit v » 7, Sines ve are expanding about 1 stain, «lect dertvatives 40 (2) are Ov Dy (8.4, a 1 mapa e, *Q- Pe, (2) oN tare this 42 Oat T + F, ve have F (25/er)y"S2 the heat capaetty, Oy 2 an °) Te - Aa, =: iz = A 4 -2 “ re (2) ve also cid the ined dorivative ui ze, a : 2 GG, - 0-2 20 ren >» My Ey ® ° co oD: ” ihe wpsnten sents (0.4.23) ] -F+y, 2 =) 7 Hi, ae ten yee + Sebstitution of these results into (1) ytelae PCO) = 0,2) + BE (ran? +a cat tad since ¥ = 1Yp, and c, Mey where cy ie the specirie best per gran, Plvs2)av er exp [Be ew (ray? - - sae (= W725) av eo ‘hers ve have absorbed the constant tem oG, 4b follows thee 4%) into the normalization factor, Performing the sowal nomelizetion, we fina Oo) aw Ee () to feat aby ga e (0) For the souayin pw 23, ee 108 = 5754/2 and for tH Lsgud 18 p w 29, the presnuren of the colt end aqui are oquad, age ce Ed 2303 = S75l/fe BHB.A5 ~ 3055/n a % a 49 - 3063/0. at the Pipl point, sae Wt 3° “een adelaide i ie heme T = 693/3.5h © 195% - “par + constant where £40 the Intent hect, ve have . 4, ubdination * 3754 M = 31,220 Joutes/mote Yyeperication” 3063 B 25,480 Joules/note cubtisation ” Yympoti cation 314220 + 25,489 = S7l0 Jaules/sole, 5 : seAgigt Jotent heot of eubiination to equal to the sum of the event heate of melting and vapert- | postion, toes tent, +t. Since d= nav: (@p/en), the cimuesus-Clapeyzon equation, here ¥ e iE yolime Per mole, it follows that = ® 15) se BOS SBOE wt U0 es 20 wy th thie im $8 soto tt Bao ae ga, 3 87) vt wait) ‘Vo mlas/ese oraporate sot. tsa avept cit ty the pomp. ‘Then ty the equation of state i ay” Neve neglected viscgg Sines the voluse por mole of the gae-ie mich ereater then that 2H Ms Meet. men seine vay, 5 2 Fl/p we tint a [reek Lp er e rae 2 i t 2 ; 3s i < da a = . nee S- — + - xin ¥ ; N= ae ad SSCOSCHHSOHHHSSHHSHHHHOHHHHHSHHHHDOHHHHHHHHHHOHHOOOD eet oe Atdddeee bb Sr, speanettys Tp t8 elven ty a : fon mw et dhipgrorentéating vith -eepect to neni and dividing by Iwo have é Lelia a 4 tesa R a sien p48 the poe pifirure, hw clartin-Clapersen equation yates é/t, Seah = ‘gas ~ “idqusa! ‘oon tating dato (3) ent uring vygg = RO tres 4.32 ree BT - ervstieting the sollir Latent nent yields - g. &e +@ 5 ay > tw Le t(so-s,) vonre (65-6,) te the molar entropy atfterence between the pherees t Be, 2s, 2 Ot i, ] Mi s/t « ryan Pr/2)g) & Marvell relation, end since the cocttietent af expension {a GeV (afin), 4 toons thas Fo Abe ead ° Detforentioting at constant p giver ®, =@, Osa), is the specific heat et consta: ®, z @) Subetteuting (2) and (3) into (2) yietas & Be sees an Bo Go 9) ‘Since oD L ai Say at 2, ere ~ are ee oq ° %,) +8 omy, a - fw) ‘he ber mover becguse the higher pressure underneath it Lovers the malting point. ‘The veter te thea faysed up along the sides to the top of the bar and retrace ‘under the Lower pressure. ees wi oe ‘i qo selt omnes dm of Sec, hoot Lin mas = j pleat leash oath, = a where GF 4a the tonperatury drop across the var ant x 12 the chemal conductivity. Letting « be A “a, tre position tn the vertical atrection, ve have am = qy(be €x), and equating the rote st vhtes bbe conducted through the tor. The heat presing through fot {8 conducted to the rate ££ {8 abrorted in the wolting proens ve have c =< we (0) Fa tng (vo B) @) RE ss anew wn aan canoe mpti = gee . | Cater vnere ¥4s the velube per gram or 3/o. then otnco Ap « 2 me/bey = ; wt ky : oe a 2 2. 7 aa substt@liton tn (1) ytelts an ‘ ne =, : MZ, “Bb daa da eam ah) eae tp, PL Ae Bo Pe 2 Pres the Clausius-Clapeyron relation, ép/ar = t/aay we Sind [8-[te 35. ve knoe 1(9) and Av(9), end ve enn find dp/ap tren the curve of vapor 3 = ‘e arte) AP) aot 32" dress " J Ter) ap) Wi ee ATI Ae the tecperature of the reserants junstion of the thammoceles @ . = on cram axl, [ae Bo | 2B. 0 bt BE ve exes te ewetance nto exalt vole etaantss me totel entropy ts Just the ut of be sstroplet of each of these, or 5 Bas, (5m) _waere Syrend-Mty demotethe emtey ani number of FEFtfelos fa the t'™ volima. If ve consider SOOHOHOHOHOHOHSHHOHOHHHHHHHHDBHEHHHKEHHHHOHHHHHHOHOOOEE ~ ay a2 ~~ 2 a 2 3B * 8 ¥ = = a a 4s an snteretirge of energy between the 2 ond Jt volumes, ve have a, since the entropy is stations 0+ sg ae + a %; BB PE cp einee Cy = Ay ve have a, es, _ = 7 tntlanigy Af ve Anterenange perticles Sy si ts, a wee oe bay, +o mat my + oa) my a, By, z pues sea or hy Hy aan + We consider a emit voli elenent at height = over vhich the potential energy may be considered const: mete leer tht the addition of a constent tom to the encray does not change the entrory ef the snbgtinee in the smi2 volume clenmnt. Explicitly, the pertition tinction vill be the five & i, prllGie function Umea the toctor eS", See indie tree antegy 40, letting 1 be the mbar of particles a Ar *e ree-o5 & + Hm + omg + ne fis + Zane + mt wea fresnce - ia fin Pogues a] wo have put AV/t = Kt/p. () Since w is independent of 2, xt g or @ has B-m+2B-0 = - Be Inteeration ytelde 7 (2) = 20) © = baz ‘The relative concentration romaine the sane. The dissociation is described by a RR, Genemily, chon the mumbor of particles {8 conserved, equilitriu ie independant of 1 : ag The intensity of the T atone in the bese since BUDE BE 2. sccoreins to a ropertionel to thet concentration a, in the oven. rer We nove og, =k) x, (0) 3 Pry, * Er cele which elves #4) a i Lod W te enmtion of state, the toled pressure 10 p = py + Bp, Which yields on eubetisitton : Ps into (2) Pompe k oe i ae Pye (a NT FTP en, : ! sa co Ah ee AS Wile’ dial ems, unmeree a ‘ Se tele | to fT - °° Cle ” vie aep z | 2B stace x, ee square roots $0 obtain i = i : 2 F 2 F a KC) Stee a, = ,/KP 4¢ follave that aot, 9 x, (0) = (a) 3 By the first tev 22» ez +p av. ratting (pv) = V ep 4p €¥ ue have 5 Waar + aey)-r ep 3 5, = a(S + 3¥) - vep k 3 =a va “Devore the last fotlove from the detinttion of enthalpy, E= E+ pV. Thon 4f p to constant 2 : 4 dane a ‘fron @ conshant-presscre-Procets, the heat eboorbal' te Squal to the chnago in eathaloy. 2 He chentest seaction,® = AF = E bh, nse enti ns de nn amtanetes mnantes A 0 0000000000600000000OOO8OOSOOCOCOCOOOOOCCCOOOCO® SPHCHHHHSSHSSHSHSSHSSHHHSHHSHSHHHTHSHHOHHSHHHHHHHHHHHOHOHCOOCES tion praceding (8.20.25) Eoin gjt Ed saa, a) ston of ny = By/i nto (1) yletds Ee tee, Eo 8 +, 22 10) =) vere te (2) = B (by an 8 + 2 dae) 2, Sei GO) «2 (by, Sas ty +f) % where ¢, 40 the meen aaeray Der uolecute, thon eultipiving ME here hy de the enthalpy per mole. Bat Me lot ¢ be the fraction of #0 molecules which are dissociated. tortious’ to the muber of molecules, ve have Stee the pressure 4s pro- a 7 vs WUT Ny = 3 a ee @ Foy Figo Nye? TE ‘Te tote pressure do the cwm of the partic! prendizcs. @ tote be uting (2) and (2) snto seul : : ve ee Sees an @ ALIS I III uu uvvcsdbbbididddder ee hbbodddddda: chee’ ws 8.18 tn probles 0.16 it was chow that i 2 aw a? Fae (2) telng H(t) fron probles 8.17 would Give Ait for the dissociation of 2 moles of 10 cince the sesetion 2 ZI,0 12, +0, Ilenee for the @lacociation of 1 mole cea ecs age Suk) where K(1) 46 gives ty equation (3) An £.27+ Since ¢ << 2, we hove 3 ah Se 3 (uet)® (ame) tonee ane & eB dm? Sang sting 18 | ve, temperature using tue given values and mensurine the elope a sine $5 te 5 + CoB, thus ab 700% Say aan = 2 (2.99)(a700)"(.cosb) = 56,000 cxt/ote td 5a a Va (a) the partition function ts 2« {> where ¢ 1s the partition function for a single molecule, tthe nelacule de free to rove seteraction 2 12a Tass ret fee dare ai, wa oq Bt Pb Adolodaer rr eedRARh add TY (08 /oa)4on PU Ply PPR Ly oO tena, se ake eA a agli! Be tere wit meh eg et Li ta t My 2, Bence ashe bes] me @ (b) For an ideal ges, the partition fimetion 4s ; ware” % 1 stelrlotoinididitiihe EADY mp ‘The Holmbols free enerey i s Fyn AT ing, sa ( it*- 2) een ae +b Pate | pre! whut! eee SPHCHHHOSHSHSHSHSHHHSHHSHHHHHSHHHHSHSHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHOOOCO coarse fave used Sterling's shprosination ta Nyt mH, ta Ny = 3 a, oe Ng tas ot Gin y= an ag) (9 9m oe Reetay met) « : f aie : Bao ote (on [ig oP v.65] ~ a0! ot (ty ans! + my on +m) a serefore Mn aes At Gin yg 6 + en 4) (3), Men the Linuté te te ecititbetun vith the vapor, wee the chenteet potentiate are aguel or Can Vy! — tam) = oer (an vg! 4 on 4 4) Wt since p/et = @) (e} We caleuints the notar entropy @istereace tron the Clausiue-Clapeyron relation, 2.ele a F i & sere 4a the second equality ve hove aanned that the molar velime of the 2iquié te much teue ‘an Uae of the gas. since pre = RE ve lave 4 21 32-2 #7 \2 teen uatng (2) tn thie relation ve find wis 2 8 ae = R (1 + 5) es ‘he molar heat of evaporation io Lema em (2+ Bh) 6) Beaty at que “Th L SHO se 0) writk- TY ig AS Os tocnstem of (2), ve tint . 28 . bean Ry @ 2 vhen ¥, and v, are evaluated at 7 stows ht % 0) 320) oe a 8b 6 4h vn yor polatinetend of tha volons por molecule since va Hoste the exter of militate ot 2/, ‘ Pie wit oo Me ZH (5 x 10°F) °C6 x 1928) waged Ltter/nolo, 10 uw te ests Wo Int vm 22.4 Jiters/aote en og2. (4). “ > 7 ? *e ‘ seloulnted | expertuontan ste terete | a apes 7 wa _|_ G08 terofhete |“ 5i_sauersfaaia) 73 eave To cele : = | atssegen Toa 6h oT [6 ‘ = fia = 2 oz senate are romney Good tn viny of the Wry simple theory conseered how, : curren 9 | i 2 Suave stetsotses of Tot gases ‘Suantin stettottes of teat guoes (9) Mya B+ oP 4 GBS 288, gn8e8 2. -hes CP) tay Bt oFO yg Sed, gre, 08, ches fe) typ eo 4 SEB, yokes Por an FD gas, we heve ee nteci+E nase ad ff -—__ z tt hh Sette testes leezas ase yee x 8 6h i vine rmbos pmev < é € « « € « « € ‘ ~ ao aie seen peat presence) Ge | a rae ade sr “ pe - pe Spe ~4pe i MB tie RE 4 ae 4a@ ‘ i a =pfzle -hawe = 2S -prero) plore) peer) | . : ra be se 4 és ee 2 : - 6 3 j 2 igeechig Cte = < * ve) m4 “ptove) — -plore) PIS ¢ a4, Pea nie re ae e 7 tea Se nae tas oNs Dia lire eee wtp ia = 2 ” ; 7 aeslne, 7 Ne Ze : 5. k (mae pe) - ga be [wa D, baste #8 ae ‘ sek Ux Lies Fictine Dd. pL ier] e o r gt etigsd 2. afer ge kL Deeapedier Ziel € erg kL ZX a foe edt Me) ee 7 : re e e e e °° e e e e e e stance WER ont BADR ¢, ve tind | = fe Flor oe} Daa (a+ sy @ = mon Rls gh te conteve tnat i. e Per 2 Hate, San GR) = an 2 “al @) TS intteting (2) wn (3) sn (1) we sind , » S+e/Da (oad) -19%) «Dan (1s 2 [F5. (ona) - m8) 2000+] a a < seE a, + 8) an aay] “ mG) Rett eae + 6, e inGear-Ein Gee") nd Fe at z We quote the reeut, 8 See2 Rank - GW) om ag) 6) = (2) rem (4) end (5) ve cow that tn te eleseicel Lintt vere Rez 3 ook a for Woth FD asd BE stattetdess 93 Te mortitton function és 2/1 vhere 2 . $+ 2 ow [- BF 2 y0,2)] a as He om Ss over elt positive neayes when we Uee the oti ~ De Aesesty of state 45 non greater than £1 the HOvELing vave case, and by (9.9.25) 5 Big’, ody Se nS ee Tr ve-nenume that cuccessive terms tn { altfor ttle tray op: sh other, we can approximate Q) with tntegrals, ee @eeeeee SOCHCHOHSHSHSSHSHSHSSHOHSHSHSSHHSHHOHSSHHSSHOHHSHHHHHEHHOCOO e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e @ e e e e e e e e e e e@ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e whieh Ss tdentical to (9.10.7). | = ts “2 = B (5) The chonteat potentia? Hetnbolts mee onary, Fw st in g, . 2 r oi raion de 8 Pe Seer es One gone pe prere ve hove used stocks 2 Bele Sesion, a6 3 6 fe ah hing +5 team? ethen f @) BY = Bh (me ay) 7? eer a . a Mepeteh GSH ta va, wi witha nen, a : Lo De Ty aii Load «) @) = as (2) 3 (e) the ewan pressure te 5 BD Hy, vhore H_ is the neon muster of particies tn state r ‘tus (2) ‘eo expression for F 43 Nelid for a cysten in vhich the enercy of © quantun state de gives ty GQ). For phovens, , 26, «, is tee Be GOES emt 5 (2) The moan force on the maid t= fount ty multépiyieg the charge of mensatun fumber of particlét which en)lide vith the collision, =, wy wall por unit tina, £ nh. pence tbe prossurs is : Be E (anv) (3 ota)» Fv? touting Fw 9? ve neve sea stmt ie ne na iad 2 — a Ae) subettiuting 5 «Hany wo ena 4 eo)” A 7 et) 2: Ear) & Bo Ty Tete thes ceate of anczey ¢ 49 occupied da proportional to the noltunann factor nef ¥ pg.” Since the viSrotionst levels hove e apieing lenge compared te XIgp vo soe tas * smi aad va my neglect this contribution to the spectsie heat, on the other pant, » + SMF Siactng between rotational levels t# sali so that those states are appreciably excited. + FoF s dunbbott molecule the rotscional, energy should be We have neglected retstion about | euse the monent of inertia te onal. At room teaperature, ye Bay use the egutze som eases y ‘ating tne er Of the trenetationet sotion gives for the tata. eneray @. +r = Zip Mg = 5 tye En 49.8 : The Fenetlon roms seeontng to and the lav of mass action becomes 1 fh (a) a “= Sdaflerty, ” ‘S 2 28 Samay : 2) vero R, the equittortin Sistanee betveen miclet, depends primartty on Slectrosngnetic forces. Ta! Wheto than apprasinitaty the "ane for the three cpesies, and we have - 2 2 ; 2. wei 2 (ony = ‘y ", tn” - OE 7h RE 3) - ta 'D He MPRA Teepe ay eta dn se Rt) ¢ : “EZ + AeHin)m mat 0 the sa forthe thre asecueey aga a » a » + : s ) \ an) eid fe ty GD = Bp", : J Sibeteturoas ee gfe sate 4) td wotre the results (2), (3), ant (4) suetae ot)? , ete ¥ “Hitt Be ¢ > reer oun te t # @eee0000008 SOCHOSHSSHOHOHOHSSHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHHOHEOEO eceoeoeoee Oe eee . 4 a 4 i < “Gy shad ' 3 a et) i 4 SB dep ; ee lade Te | > + i oe - ee ae (yah) ae Cw? [ a ¢ (oes) p | hey | Th ine chematty Aeotasad quactstatte process, there is no OncFoRY changes tence by the fet tae, | bed Teo. Ssta 1 pet Subetttuting Hw vilend F «3 T vnere ln) 4s the enersy density, ve have ! Tavevarsdt { Ontaevd site ey A 3 ace Tet, Integrating, ve find - eOekinat i I tale) 2% the fundamental themodynamie relation = Tes-s5 av Sten suvetituttng Fw VE and 5 FS, ve tvs -Gervatedia a Te sTersyatseiiay 4 i Gp snd te cette ene aeval “nut sines T 42 ony @ sun! nett, Gs “a also heva id a END, ‘ult uty ). Ath Spal bh a eB dd abel sq fh kbd 3 Ap e-Sé tai +e unere cts the constant of integration. rinily «a, Pan se ence of the binck body reaietion in the eicLactrte te c — — Beiter Sy 5 (orn) wnere ¢! Le the velocity of Light in the material. ¢! fe rented to the velocity of Light ds vacum ty c! = c/agyn, being the index of refractions oa a ie ee 5, MEE * "Sia mare ¢ is the Stefan Doltmem conctant, o = wk"/60 ot. won? we * Ge fenes (2) cives the Best copeeity por moles a's The substituting v, the vetume por cinastcit tates none eapeetey Sn. he ratio of thooe two quantitien 4 oe For an order of magnitude enieulstion, ve can let v= 10 ex/aole and n, = 2.5. At 300%, ve Find ey'/ay ~ 103, saz : {e) The totel rate of slectromgnotic rnéistion or pover fo B= Pla 2) = tate “a 4 = Cha) (a0?) (5.10009) (308) « 7.2K? erga/oee = Ta x so atts (>) Since the total energy/cee croasing the urea of a sphere of radius r! = lim must be the sane a5 that croseing the phere of radius x = 10 ex, we have er =") Ohi 2°) = tout x 39°F) (205) SOCHHHHSHSHSHSHSSHSHHHSHSHSHHHSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHCHHOHHHHOOEOD eccvcccoccced Coeceeeeceecenseces eeoccccecoeceecce +O "5.7 x 10 oreo /ace ae 37 x 10% watts /en? (2) me pover spectran tno 6 eiimm ap fp me . é om iy 903 TB? (*) Me rover siven ott ty the aun ty cy [reo Gra | te] IBS SR SSSHS GUtthee Sesezeep IEEE Toe Sto em G8 acy Sine, Hence the poser thas the earth absorbs i¢ Ee ay cicigeg bg age elle sor Ninn 9 TSC) (aE) 2/2 (3500) [axe useagh| * 270% . Gd en eatin US enpon fie Preswurs >), (7.46.13), ene HR oF solacadas tnetdeat oa thy augue 45 [ers , cod ete met ateo is tu | D rartietes osenps : SP em ction eae tg ee 8 20 te esceptag ste ot gan ican, ? i * mS 21 38 nt the vaper pressure p(2), the clux of molecules of ‘he vapor dnctdent on the vine te by (ras), 9 = 2/ferE Re. When the metal t= in equlltbrivn with tt2 vapor, Sq 49+ Ten when the temperature se 2, caitted free the wire per untt teacth in tine tie the exttted rue att equal the anetaent ciue, ‘the number of partictes yw 2itlows ; Vea a BAN * Ve wore its 00 ease ant per wast Length and m te the mass per mlemte, B= # ny J ayo ddd vhere Ye have wed ue natty an Te 9.8 2 % + Ow mmetey, i Pay dertnstton, ¥, 2 a 2 MAAN ents tht ae tldten rem. 11 Bs Toi pdtea 0 lin tie Goteidution Fy) te Just > 2 constant and cancels tn (2). The maxtmm speed is at Fat oa * P ‘xt (2) becomes on PPh, . id “P a or fT a : elt a fy a MET 0 olt weaned cere tthnae tm iS te-msetey gs tcbe 2 ‘He wonn hunter Of particles per staty 10 Juct 2 and vo have =o pe a B= [eo (e) aa +B (9.8.19) v tome # , oleae » 2.05 LE 2 ag * vbere Se factor @ 1s sntrodvead wince electrons have tvo spin states, ' eeceeeoe SPOCHHHSHOHHSSHSHHHHSHSHHHHSHSHHHHOHSHHHHHHHHOHOOOOE -2e Follows that ie E-3m @) (©) Sibetttuttng the expression Cor w th (2) ae 342 3 " (2) Me Tartielas ere. nddod, cash nev partile ean go only nto an intial loved Of higher energy Hence the enersy 4s not proportional to as ie atéed to the enme level. ian the one bacere. Would be 47 particles vere i (=) Dittorestisting F tn 9.27 (c) gives z ay (®) Agate trom 9.27 (¢) ue sina STA A saat i i : as ‘Substituting into (2) where m ts the mass of ‘this enemeus preesura show ren gas, @ strong contétning vols ume tuch ag the lattice of a solid ig required even at OK, Mths electron, we find Fm 107 atoa, ayes ‘that to confine @ degenerate WO = car, vo have that 42 the heat pacity {2 proporti ‘the tonperature,¢ « 28 “fBioes the mato of the s1sed and tnitiat entropies ta 2 Se too 32 ae aU UES the witha Bo adal dill 4 bli ‘dak fe sinadbabis Bin indatia a4 fa) At T= 0, the total mmber of states within « sphere of radius kp must equal the totet masber of particles 1. ‘ro a) ‘he munber of particles per ca, H/Y, 4s Kyo/t where H, $8 Avogadro's sumber, p = .95 gx/en’, cad w= 23. From (1) ve find the Pemt tempersture T= w/t = 36,00%. (2) Te cook 209 23 or 8.13 motes of tis trex °K to .3%k, en qnount of heat q must be roves. fae , i-f". - 8 re 4,v.2e ee where ¢y 42 giver by (ABW), oy ER FE he eeaandme? i ar = -s00e2 Joules ones .0020/.8 = .O027 ex? of te? dre evaporated. ote Ubat a large ancunt of substance te cooled by © very onal ancunt of heli. 9.22 (s) rf electrons obeyad Ia statistice, the cusceptibiitty vould be Hs = Mige/it where y, i the magnetic maent. In the actuel case, most electrons cannot change their spin orientation tu oxternak field ts applicd because the parallel states are elready cccupied. only ons heer the top of the distribution oan turn over end thus contribute to x. We expect thon, thot the correct expression for x io Xj. vith replaced ty the munber of electrons in ‘hts FeBtons Nope where Tp 1s the Fermi temperaturs | (2) stoce ©) Ss on the onder GF IG" oF ID), (A) yields wk per aole on the order of 20°. rr lactrone obeyed 1B etatisties, x vould be changed by the factor 6 snus i on thgvender of 109 et rom temperatures. em cacy gate srned on, the energy levels hen the Meld Tt of the parallel spins chéft by ~iyifvhile the tevels of the antiparailel epins ahift by tigi tthe electrons £111 up these etates to the Ferm Density of eversy u a2 shovn in the figure, ib mognotis meoest tx otemined by the mater $f electrons nich optll over srom antiyeroliel states to < perailel states to mintnlce the onargy. This ts (u,tt)e(u) where o(u,) 12 the density of states consequentiy ti nognesiastion se inet ot) we \) ove? 8 ag the Forel onerey uy, trons in the mata, the yartiticn function pr date fae falls x rs, a) ee ‘the chenteal potentiel y, i jp tind fren the Telaholts free enerer. Pe c@ ings de (Wing + tin N+ Tt) 3 nie ve Bena fe arias (omit 1) and! in equilibrium the chestest SPHOHOHHSHOOOOASEHOSOH OSS SSSSCOBRHAHEOSEOS OS SCOOC CEE ae (et lft 2 apa wits +25 nme nee the mean nunber of electrans’per wait volume outside the metal is te 3 25 rare ot « gah qestéer e situation te which the metel te n equtiGbriim vith ax electron gos, ‘Than the enitted sux 46 related to the incident flux by = ez) ® tbe electron gee cutelde the metal any be treated es classics] idecl ges from which it follove eo J 2 nets tf emt | [s where we baved woe (1) of probloe 9.23. The enttted flux se shen given ty (1). Est since the that the dnesdent flue ts cxttted stu ennaot dupand on the conditions cutside the metal, thte 42 cleo the flux viere cquiltteiue does not prevail. This the current density te gat, = Memeli) ay? ett Ff weere © Se the electronic charges 9.35 mere are (27)? aly etates per wilt volima in the range (erik) and with © partiouler direction weg eletnes ‘ame il i tae wy sata a pan 3A OM vbere © = 1x?/ea, ve obtate a, Se bate = SS Ge" Fey Gn? If ve take the + atrection to be the direction of entecton, the number of clectrone with wave vector 4n the renge (kids) ond of either opin direction votes strike unit ares of the surface of the actal per unit tine 4s tn) ne = ars) ¥, ®) shes the total current density emitted te given ty suming (2) over all values of x vbéch wiat! sstov the electrons to escape, That day the part of the Hinetic energy resulttas fron action ta the 2 trection must te greater tian v,, or H%x,?/an >'v,, where wo uoc the notatien oF problem 4 4 > 5.25. tn edeition, we esoume that a tion r of electrons of all cuergies are reflected. 3 rma te etestron urrent danatty te 4 petit fa Po a see, an, |” a8, te 2 (en) SeJt Semin 2 + oan [BEE C0, Po, 240,") | ge chs teoicie. MSE, ns eee = 2, ¢ we Poe de et: [a [SS gee 5 ase 3 pence oe AEP ae fT ae, an A + orp [Etuev,) 08 (uF, 71/23] noe BEE [Ta oy Come Bergen l stace Y, > endy tn generat, [8 (i-¥,)| 20 2, wo con use tn (L¢x)= x te exyand the Logaritie Bane ovata - . aly, 2,2 2,2 ge faery Me) pe oane,2/on peat ay” /oe + oe 2G e af" 2 a, 3 (en): ® if ed ¥ cf Each of these intagmis 18 (am/on”) * wy nppondix Al, new 2 s a 222) (ny? “A/T = 98 (a) Since the integrand in (9.17.9) 4s even, one eon write a) er ft ee ee SS alla oat i 2 @ 5 3 (p) mas exprossion can bs evalusted by series expansion. Since e”* <1 one can write > ox Bg SOE woe [1 ~ oe eH.) o HL ie * + - = E cay Ot cas z wo +2 pence (1) becomes ] i ee eee ee ; we Eten mee 8 eae eee spe integeed 12, Uy appendix Act, equal to unity. chus OE CSP ah bek ke] sis (2 i neo (nei)® _@ i afe = _— Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Pig. 3 One enn use the contour ¢ of Mig. (1) to write tesco EG § Got ware pte er ~ nat ! ifaa"™* ‘i Nene the Antegrand «0 for 2 ves ‘The cum dn (2) is unchanged tf 5 +n. Hence ene could ea vel write the symmtrie expression ‘ fob eas (3) gf Panwe yalong the coutour Ct of Pig. (1). Adding (3) and (1k) one gete chen a ae hoe @ oir “rut here the contour cam be completed slong the infinite seni-rizcles a shom in Fig. @ since ste Sntegrand vanishes ue |z[ore, Encept for z= 0, there ts no other eiagulertty to the ~elesed ores 29 thet the contour ean to ohiwnk down round an infinttecined eirele 0, currcuns “aing £ + O46 chova tn Fig. (3). For 2 = 0, 2 2, — . eine lm - Eo] oe 5 a) 2.9 1 3 sue last integral te Juct Jk). Tint fom (3) v0 ave aay oe ae Sates” (a) ye erate the 4stegrit around the salt clssie Ct, ve put = «rt + ¢ ind exene the sntesrane te terms of f =o Poca) ot 6) were we hove used <7 « Lent... and tho residue theoren, than coukintng (J) and (5) ve rina 2% ay em" es 6 Fein BSS + mts » (e) Bepandine (5), w: @ 4 5 3 *> 3 eg Then comparing coctricwents with the wi ‘tes tn (2) ve con road off the 3's, ve rine zo n/3, 9.28 *e squstion (6.9.0), the protability of state © of the aysten ts 8 att, Ree Then the monn mnber of pnrticlos tn the ctate s io a Ea, ow [ale + ne + Dow [-(ae, + nye, + without restriction, — Where the sur 49 over etl ny yngy __ letting B Lew tine, + Rytgteee)= (a tngtss-)] a) F (2) Thue od (®) Using the sone Seement which leeds to 2:20) vith the nmction Z We obtain WHere Sania te dttrerentsation ig Performed where + thus (ea,)* the -oonssess #27 £0 (9.8.28) 36 steeny SHOVING: that or ety he SON RNber Of Sartcetes 45 Sttteds the dlspereton te sreater SR AE St motte fy acer emetiy, For FD stetisttes, the sera in (2) become 1 pa ve cen renave the restrictions on the su over stctes by inserting the lroneeLer § fusettor asyatzteo)) Bye a r B= Lew [-4(y, 1 L fi o ‘1 = Dexp [-3(nyeyenzesa...)] dbo exp [(0-E nl)(eria')] ae! : Bem [-8tnyeyengey fg [To tet 9 0")1 eat} where fhe ci Ab over a5 = Opler. for gash 2. Lothian = alin! and interchanging the fe and integral yields ek [Se ti a ~ where EG) = Eew (-larey)o, - (@iBe,)ngse) “TP um toasty evansntas od 40 wertion pb at wok) Sar (a 7) m * ~ 70 eypresinate (1) ve expand the iogarttha of the inteceand about a! + Ovhere 44 contctbutes “appreciably to the integral, dn BE (@) «ots an Zig) + Coane + anBle) + 5G") Patan? sa, =o + InE(o) + s(t Jot - 2a at? s.., store _ apa -fafa a sy wenee rd Z@- Ze PE" Pak @) 4 in section 6.8, we optintze the epproximation by sotting er i n+2tZle 9 “) a 12 “54 (2) tocomes EG) « B60) gH Sstttutton nto (2) yields yy Pa = SRC} oa 2 fe eo ©) Bob wetts t2Z(a) wat =D an (ane ry = weve have weed (2). the valse @ de determined by (3) LL AES veya takes oD "s mhie exprusaton con be put in tems of the function D(z) by integration ty parts. 42 : ye R eke) n-th Qe *) «0 wich gives E gi +n a Pag amrreat 29 | 10.2 ie ~ since ou) due eFax and for spin waves ae ax? , te folders thet 7 yoy Pit | eines bs | ‘then by {20.1.20) fy Ba = she wn Ne! } of Ee (ores? ot a \ | © (btto, i (Pha) Sebstituting the Ainsnstondess varistie/¥s pte fw obsain og bP ae: ¥ ap Le ay dus a 22. do ‘Tha Antogral 42 Just « constent not {nvolving 6. lence CPE ry , wn bed oy 20? « we | Cate dune a a.2 (2) 3 (9.1.18) onare e5(a) = But cine V = Gren e > We find "D i seam = [Mn oe) oP io i, ee an PSE (7a (10) Pax 4 SF a PW Ore eee ee wwe were wee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee 90000 OOHOOHHHHHHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHHOHEHHEOEEESD o vo z= 5 a 8 oe a, i [= (27) £| au f 3M An (2-8) + my) aman (re) 4 ans (ay) Q) where Key = fy. (2) The mean enecey is e $00 00000000 00000000000000000 000000 COOOL COOCC® Ee-S inte - my bine en + Boy) oo 2m © 3I et 25,0) (c) Te cntzory my be found from the relation § 24 pE). then trom (2) «1 Ne on S = Klan a ) ent (2 1 (2) end (2), ve S = Me (+3 an (1-07) + boly)) | t 70, emer «naan = “Fer y >> ly the upper Limtt in the met: “lon D(n) may be replaced by =, dy) 2, fsa BUD SS tategrel 1s shown to be nt/15 sn tables, & m0) By ye. For ¥ << 1, ve can oxpand o* w Its dn the doneninator PO) BSP waco a yeu ! v-mn the results of problen 10.2) vo fint for y 5 for y >> ty oF P< oy when Wo Use» Bly + oft aoe HD gated ie 3 39 8 a. x 4 a 5 2 . | 4 fory <2 (85> 4) we tind, wing Pay | : tease san aye ey | 2 a + se | sem tamafeom i I wot i Be Pivenunt Ge given dn tems of the partition notion ty the relation Fe 23 tncwmere wy | eqmston (1) of protien 10.2 - ana BB aan (ne ww (ay) | _ tus Fong Mie, G ai an RATT a | were { ous a F032 wey) oP | te tems ef 7 = -(v/2,)(as,/an), thts becomes Ban B+ BET oe) ! 1 Bande at rast ret a ves F. 1 “tor 3 > ay/8) 3 | For 7 >> Ay D(a) ai Bandas nee “10s | Senpering the exoreseton tor the enerey F, oquation (2) in Proties 10.2, with equstion (0) ts -stoblen 10.4, ve obtain » Gat i : a A] 6 li } % ‘ sms r 10.6 WZ {u)_ Frou electrostaticn, ae RS BRP (0) the niuced styote mamant tn teruo oF the pelesteabitity a te ae 3 — rarer nae - 2 PER (e) te eoerey of « dipole py tn a steid 2 is x Me pg R= 28 = 8 wot 4 equetion (10.3.8) and (10.3.16), the log of the partition function ie Pa ar-nb) swasyed fret te terms ary the ideal ¢: contribution of the int a2, Piaharera mata = (8) oa where ae KA, th the Jest te the he rection, Sinco the futeructicn ts reprasentad ty an additive tera in $f mot san be reeoateg Wy on eascte vite ts sta eater, 8 =x [in = 9 2 Tue the entropy per mole te S(2yn) » ¥,(040) + S4(249) vpere sn) «fb 10) -2 Ge xG)] +23 ft -e%2 el] end 1a) wn ace) wa [- Bee 2 @) Te stew that A(t) 46 negative, ve mst shar that the derivative 2/88 [2(6)/e) te positive, Yo have > ssnoe (1460) 42 Just the stret two tema in the expuacton of PS, mous the integral is posttsre Soy and AG) f0 negative, Bao Ata) = EF so) te | - = ig ~ ~ A 108 BP er the exguzente of section 1046 ve con vette aoun thy martition Sinetion for e tye dimenstonat z isu, tt, Spy = os wD 0, (x) a) Hore His the total number of gerttcles. the consistency condition ts 30) «gh x @ erature Lint: using Fig-(29.7.1) gop HPO the slope, MO/ea JS, cf the etmmight Line to amaLl and the inter = Se st large x where B(x) = 1. mime (2) bocones = peStin or x= 2838 ais ee Es re xr (228) (2) = -en ns? a a) | I I 3p this region kI/2n J8 2 large and tho intersection i¢ at eunli x. We cannot, hovever, spproxinate £,(x) by the Linear tom Hori)x (oq.10.7.42 ) ince this vould not cross the = | ll 2 . 2 CU nt tt em hg ee] ws 1,28 Bee, Ae (seve - Both Fo] yteiae fede +hobe - tod 4 oie a 3G) = F (one + (seedy S23 <= 7 ¥ (stt)e ~ (s?sid) So 3 Teor 4 “8 : ; SiG 1 the eserey (2) ve substitute Bis) to ete: BP x ist = el ait age f. wii] ory | a From (4) we see that 90 at kT okt = 3 nyS(S+1), ‘ : feos, the eneray boot 2 Lerper 7 gtves imaginary x tn tnt epproxination. 2 Bence Oat this point, E-o Toon, (6) 2 (t) ron exutions (3), (5)s and (6) ve nave aa(645e3) res, | cn. “a f 38a eas, cumpren 22 Mneretion ont tov Temoomturen 4 4 4 s 4% ate ay Per unit volume ts given by af @ 2 cE ‘ppt trod the fundenfntal themodyeante relation af = 129 - Flak, ve have the Haswell relation 2s Ho @,- G2, jeitFe S doe Hi, are dhe ontrory and magnetite wamnt por unit volume. since T= xt and fe ae fo + Wit-8) ve ovtafl b od from e = mas - b Fier - ty we ese thee 2 # ¥dad a Ls Yond Were the welar volume and magnotie monent. Since W = wf and x « A/t5-0,(1405)] z eae ; om he, att g@ .~—~e TM (reg, (2405) * 2 ee zB ' “2! af iw = = otras DF” "ie case | ae ‘ ae) Gea Sg Felation a = res — Say nage whore Bt = B= ?/0e ve obtitn } 26, i 3 i =¢ » 5 Bn Oy y ce tp the noraa} state, H+ Vurw O since x = 9, Tae (BSN) = 0. tn tne supereseducting ctate, cad Pa - pened. g ¢ 4 Ps ne-Tx TREE ts intestntens of ‘tespersture end CSAn) a eo im = E 3 Coe" Gtean Se 8 m 526/90) ve tare: tien (23.4.28) a "@ “) 5 J a 43 22 (0) Ho 2 on, the entten! stad se © thus YR an? we ety = pee (ay e ea" ie Copy 2 as #2 Freo (1) 4 protien 23,4 and p, te !-(/0,)") we obtata g ayn EE 2 oO ee © Mit ctuee cman + 003, ve save 2 = Va, SvE, a es (ete) wy (b+ —S, ) 93 a) . =a) é =) 2.79 eestety thm condition Sof? +0 06 7-40 ve must set the soettletent of 7 tn (2) ogual to 0, oy 8 mn 2/e 0,2, eeeeeee eoeee e0e0e0e08 @eeeeeoe SCOHOHOSHHHHOHCHHOHHHHCHOCE eee ee rents Telatet to thn ene camcity as = ett/t. The stnen a, Toy, sod 129 the snttthy oF ve Heat ond supersandueting stg te he stm we ive Lbs ee Ly » pranks cap S 5(7.)-5(0) = f° “f = : z or vate [ ca? ep Je 2 i “) Frou Witch it rettivs that a) 30) ice an ott toe ener ot 4, ant 9.0 ter ste Doma ond superconducting seaterte me Bolte) - #00) = f “ye ar « a . a on, “4 30t—) = #60) = fa? ap 2 See Sas ECT) © 8 (2,) and ty (2) a = aA? 2 n, thus 7(0) ~ nfo) «= Ze alL7 Mn ASS R= SVE ibe Btn atop tes ena nh cupereonducting states $,(7,) - §,(0) of “oem, 3 Sel) = ath «J ates At follows that e37/,2, é % } i { i i I i i | i cA My HD Be r Ty 4 6 ws al (a) % (o) 2% ® equation ef motion for an ion in a a Hence » Br (22.1.20), snd ) a Lf tee, Tous the Cractish of coses in vhien the fon travels & dctance ies then Z te NES ape ate oo rab he Mferentiel cross saction f¢ given ty o(f) = -tne _ Where dn ie the eldmant of solid angle ant = ts the “Anpact parsiigter" ee shown. ne Froa the sketch, “#« (e) + #5) sing i a a : GE (ay + %) 200 0 $8 : ince @ = 90-0/2'dhd dn an sin 6! €0", st fottovs tot aa, lextep) stave ane i (a,40,)? sin 0/2 cos 01/2 2 a a Hence ofel = ans 3 = Tene Z tase = B (0205) 5 ty arguannts similar to thoes ef cection 12.1, one has that the probebliity thet « molecule davela « Aintdtee x vithout cotltsten ts ft were 4 Ss the mean free path, Letting P + .9 and t= (fF no) yields Pee sin 9 dP noe x ofr ae setting x =20 ow ond T= 200% tyes pw Ball x x ‘ mm ie 26 SP RA A Ae The edetfictent of viscosity ts Bea ace ar Gesotwnds = 3 33 vere ve hove used = (Vn o,)", to determine the cross section, ve note thet the volume © yi ser molecule in A/igo vhere A = 39.9 gat, cho otentd weight, and o = 1:65 ou ex"3, ths donetty R i tn tho solid etete, ‘Thee the reéius of the sotecute de 4 ¥3 Year/Tors = 49 a x [Bp 1 ernie tee ay smn anf “gt ‘Pressure. 8 #. ear y Wo make the epproxination that the air at the outer cylinder is moving with Sty tees, at velocity o(Rt) wah, and the Gir et the inner cylinier te etettonasy. 2. a a7 t 3, arte Cone MR ne civen by nw ai/3V% 04. Since ate 42 mainly coapoced of nt 7, tie mae of @ nitrogen molecule, Putting 0, « 10% nex 107 gn sect o = 8 dyne es oy = PEN ned. Letting b= length, T = tine, and ii = mane, the Be Br ct mut 61 yt has einenetons jp@pheh 4g ¥ 9 bed oes 12 = uMeepmanges we a which gives xe(e4l)z = 2, xz 20, y +240, 0a tolving this cysten of equetions, ve fi we w/t n= lies; Pad (2) the wiscortty ts elven By 9 = Wi/3¥/E 9, ena here 9, « ‘the cquere root of the temperature, vo have qe ttatted £iVe(02) * gy “pa ee a0 (@) consider e ats of sactue and uiath ox * at the point x. here se « preceure aicerence Op meross the disk giving foree m“Op and a lato eterlag forse aoe a CET | pee sv cendttion tint the aisk moves without sectlerution te fsrogen, ve en” ond tT = 300%, hence the cross section o, 4s proportions ) + Since velocity depends on ©0000 OOOOHOOOOHOOHHOHHEHHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHECOEES : ang wn ce 0 pet cine ap =~ 212] as, wnere sin atman eign 2 intros! tena Wa) srw seoronaking Aunetlon of x) we Inve , 4 ‘ofen'y donc wcvee UWP Hh! ‘Aesuming thet tho Clot de contact vith the walleie nt rect, t¢ full x5 u(r) oo ft q oie BD Psa “J a weap) © Be BLD (88) . ve Te fore asco, $B 727. one mcs tving por ascon cerose ring ef mtn vt ant ietn “3 art ts pute! Jaretde' where p 4s the doueity, Then the total macs tlw fp ” 2 x “f auletemite! = EB (5, 2 a > "By lyr) p (0) Fr an sda anay the aenetsy os) = Ga/t)p(s) ure who the motoatnnvetghte The the mass flov ts > hat p(x) 32) £"0.12.2) vraee > i 2 air 90) SEED Pee ) etas > 4 “\since ii is independent of =, va obtain 4 syvintch yietes aerarry Ht NGrt) be the tenpernture at tine ¢ and bosttton 2, ie consider o stab of substance of Siisiness 43 and eres A. By conservation of anerey, (tho heat cheorted per uilt tine by the exab) entering the eleb per unit tine through the surface at a giving Per unit tie throuzh the suface at sédz), "As equal to (the heat =) ninue (the heat Since the heat absorbed por wit tine Le ae E/At © ok re Wat, vere © ie the specifte heat per unit mage ond o de the density, ve have the wire gives off heat 1°; Per UAL tine and engtt. in order thet the temperature be indepen (be dant of tine, a cylindrical shell between r and x +r must contuet a2 the incident 2p heat. Pa ‘rmae Bae on om E jovar actoss the space between the walls I Qs ree @) ‘The specific heat per molecule t= em (3/2)k while a, The wean velocity m/sec 40 F = (Giayimn)/®, crossing un intermediate temperature T = 206%, ve find Fa Lie x 109 fon of these valuse into (1) yields Q = La wotts/om. «| (8) Ths thermal conductivity rerains approcinately constant until the precoure 4c euch jut she mean froe.peth arpronches the dimensions of the container, b= .6 om, At lover pressures, ‘the conductivity is roughly proportionel 49 the mumber of molecules pes unit voline ne Thus ‘She hest influx is reduced by a factor of 10 when nat ~ 10" potecutos/ax) : wate, 7. roa ps ky ve Sind p= 3x 2079 om tie. e oT a SOHOHSHOHSSHHHOHSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH8HOHOE8 SPHCHHHHSSHSHSHSHPOSSSHHHSHHSHHSHSFEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSHCOEEE wah = (ry/tghigfitg) ¥? = agi yHe fe) Dy/y = Tata nat 3.0% 120 ca he ost xed ven the mean square of the dicplecenent 1 1b on the oner of the of the dimension of the container, Ue have, after N collteton, 7 ths riven temperature end prescure yields 2.16 molecule untergoss a mazentim change of aur, ine collision with te thy reduced macs. ‘Then the force is given ty the manentus change unter of noleewles vbleh otrike the cube per unit time, cummed ot gy? - 26.7 can ye a By ® lie nay approximate the exponent since F >> Vs Thus ceube wheze p= s/o, per eclliston tines the wor all velocities. 92 trot Auteen The resistive ts then ( Tendix Ack and 7.423. Stnee ve expect >> my uit, and the equation of motion becanes Mm Fue uZe ve cuapese 13 ‘Teunsport Theory using the Rolaxsttonvtine *pproximation “1) tar Ff eek cy intogral fs unchanged 2, or vj? 49 substituted tor v,%, gence sine ay? ov? , we obtain 2 ¢ a? anf [ee “tttes + and 2¢/8e ere Sumetions only of vs ‘us the substitution ay = vBav sin 6 de & Jin fon 00 f° Bo ove PB hae a 7 : | 13.2 ae function @ becomes the Htumelt velocity et: In terms of ¥ w (20/0) V2, eats a BS cage nal? eee 3 popiss ‘i 3 » he 2, 2 +3 (07+ 0? 40%), ve nave YoU ote o cose y, oy « veu ota 9 as a9 wo -ata ft =a U cos @ 1 wa Meoste oa ate on es [av 3S oh aQ) MA 38 : wea 8 ac" z from problen 13.2 where # = (2ist/n)'/ snto ceustion (2) of 13-3 yields = nke Hy a ( 38 "rea ct a apa os hen o, Be [oie ot F atten, we inte qe okt tend using ¥ = (Bct/mm)™/? gives Wy a facter of 1.18 then the mann free prth caleuletion (12. of the Figorses ealeulation (14.8.35) ty a factor of 2.20. Joced equilibria distritution 3/2 s © af)" exp (- om} @) fhe Venvaratufs puranster @ ond the local density n are functions of t. ‘Then in the notation of sectien 13.3, eel) gel) er aa % BEBE veers the inst folios face az(t,)/et, = v,. This expression 4s independent of t!. tue (23.365) becomes: ac [leh ae! o rove sa : @ Using (2) this expreceton beeones | 3 a + 3 3 3 mL e be -feeeel the f4ret integral is zero since the integrand ie en odd function of vy. 3, acfim (sr lvl . feo Gh FR oo were ve tave aso Andepeniont of ¥+ By ayumstey Ulin onwnbinn wee hodde te ¥2 An the Then since v we hove LEGIT DA HD substituting (2) and Sy » vay etn @ a2 do, and concaling comon fsctors. The integrsis p tebulated tn appendix Ab o) a setsure is independent of 2. men (3) and (s) give 3 corse 8-2 3 4 g & nce there are no externs2 forces and f is intepentent of Line, the Boltmann equation becomes Haha rin HM i 5 oe 3 eB oi #e local Homvell eietrtbution of the previous problen. Letting £ = ger(t) vce 1Olee g ve have : : a H- BE = A 5 te fron BES Pris 4s Adonttenl te equation (2) of 13.6. The rest of thie ealeulation proceeds a¢ in thet problcn. 13.8 Tho het flee in the sedizection ts given Wy: aon cy, Gary) «Bem (iy?) 3 : ow edt owtn fv coeaias 4 3/4 - ba? 2 oY) feck o Ppl a leit the symmetry of the integral ty replacing v2 se2 tho only angular * dependence oseurs in d?y Pa = BR ein dy = vay sim @ dg dp vhich yields Ivey when the int : on te Sotertion over este ae na 3/9 Tos PFEbO4bH «¢ --7 0%, a 7 4 = ; 2 2 pee wep ee / or * the moan free path argument hes: : wedmettcd 2 | since 4 = Vr and F = (Git/)/?, thos ene constant relixition ¢ opproximation yields @ SOOCHOSHSHOHHOHSHSHOHHOHSHHHOOHHSHOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHHOOEED SPHCHHSHSSHHSHSHSSHSSHSHSHSHSHHHHKEHHHHHHSHHHHHHSHHHHHHOHOES®S argument ty 2 5.0 BHU Id RRA 25,4 end 13,8 we find - Giavovnfds 5% Er aie ny ba A where o = (3/2), © Sper nolacule. The simple moon free path ergunant gives syperinent nove that the ratio (r/)(o/a)* Ades wetuzen 1.3 and 2.5 (see dtecuesion or acaay i-13)) #2 thet the constant rele ton tine epproinstion y4sde batter agrsomant with 2 does the moan free path argument. wan = th the absence of @ temperature gradt fe) ane = 6) «6» 25S ty the equilibria distribution of a Fer!-piras gas = lew a the given situstion, f 42 independant of time but vill depend on x becouse of the tenperature aarediont 87/s along ths = Aire in. This teupersture gradient alens vould cause the electrons ) sratum: grodiont eni reduse the maan drift yolosity ¥_ to rere. feutien s0 es $0 ect wD Fto dulft, but since no current con flow, there {se esd te counter the effect of the 1s the Bo 2 Somes (a) prt Le convenient t write this tn tems of the dinonsionless pareaster > x = Ble) © 03 mu) ) me E-BE-EeuB-pe 2 ‘Then fron (2) we find © Barsee] “ from the condition that # = 3/ ey fy, =O vhere £ te gis ‘the Antegrel over g ts 0 since the integrand is odd. Letting + & Leere BEB erce] <0 ak evi xB +o ed fev? Boo &) Tt romaine to tina & ra by (Ws = const. for electrons near "The second integral cen be exproszed in tems of a, tho total mmber Of clectrons per unit ‘ eco 00S OOOOHOOHOHOHOHOEHHHOOHEHOHHOHHHEOHHHHHHEHO8ES sng 32 vate Fg SE foseeding £9 the evelustion of the first integral tn (5 )y ve note that x end 2g/8x are functions ws can replace vj? ty 92/5, the eunetltution yw v a gration over angles is performed. ' [ects Bel ak tng = = oF mvp) the vecoms 5/2 pe Fy fo xtxto)3? a ‘yon the properties of the Femi distribution, vo know thot dg/Ox w O exsept vhere € = y oF ! ‘Te integrand contributes epprectably to tho integral aply in tht zeglon so vo can and the tactor x(xtpu)/? stout a X= 0 to approxtnate the integral. Also, the lover Lint 2, sy be replaced by = vith negligible error. | | xe)? (00)9? (os 3) , SOCHHHHSSSHHSHSHSHSHSHHHHSHHHHHEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOCESS vines WM via ay ad a ) i? { nacctele for [or wor. nn, HOY 2 julavatn pric 0 caper ¢ linear Min Campa nnn Re an che ope Tod, ooo hee cad sta 4 Brine Benge coda dhe ope 2 Sug + a Sep Hs 02, Sig 2 Sep 102) cu, Ef EEDA wor Fe GEC mys a4 e te somo) P| = Pye |<) rH Probluna d FAC aan, F. det nascar none ancl Ii : Fe Tyan un cokes fornmanlnl © elbite ¢ Fe lag Featedes Lrurtansoabe) hh ence (7) besenae alo ie =( rs nad Ly equntion (9.6.9), + Conbining the recuiés Sf (3)5 (6), ond (8), ve ovtatn ee RP Ale Dlg lla sod (4) becomes 2 "pe a 3 o , Waving found the at & 8 ty 3 mv) 2am (ve “ ok ha Tas Aotegral over g ‘2 sere ence the Antegrand ts ote 5 ewe Loi? feen2e] (ua) we vhene Hence ‘he caleutetion of these 4 # 48 simtine to the steps Leading 9 (8). laced by ¥°/3 and the integration over angles persoroed to yield bn, ‘The first dntegred tn pm I saimy97* B a 8 Pare what re Bee nere ve have cxpanéed az Yefore, The integral te y * (5/284) T, = Sn®/ésu, 3/2 3/2, -t/e see fee y 2? Be. ae ra a 2 second integral tm (10) 45 ; eeceeeeee SOCHOHSHSSSHHSSHSHSHSSHOSSHHTHSHHSSSHHSHSHSHHHHOHHOHCE SPOCHHOHOHSHSSHHSHSSHSHSHHSHSHSHHSHTEHHSHHHHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHSSERS vragen C4 te pe egy | a> | lie : punts J ere ve have oe BS BH Le ected the squared tem in the expansion since ‘¢ ts much less than 1, me 5 sntegrel 40 1, + (5/2 au) 1, = 14 fa 5/2 5/2, yas [abe v QE. - BE igh? (22) ; et ae mus uae Combining the results of the previous prosiex end (134e12), we fad + Ab 272K thts becomes e/éy) + 7.2 x 10° erg on"? doa" or An nore otendard untée = 6.68 x 19° vart om. eg Exyetimentel velues at 27: Roe rey 2 The moan rate of oaonts where vo sesute conte) forces * cester of nese coordinates. "thes aa! tt, Yo (¥,0")(ag) 8.30 | 6m mi less per unit volume due to collisions 4s, ty (14.22) QQ) We Sirct perfor the integration over angie ty changing to (62) = 2 (ei) SOOHOHHSSHSHSHSHSSHSHSHOHSHSSHHHHOHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEOOEE OO COOOCOSOOOCHHHHOHHOHOHSEHHHHHHHHHOHHHHOHHOHOHOEES B wecenss, sincs yee +H Yand yt ee sys fe) = uly-¥) eee fs being tne macs of the fone and My the cs9 of the heavy molecules, Since aie mran vain 5, ane Fare roro, £8 0 elaor that (694) » (Ay) = 0+ llence we are lef vith (op,) = a(v," = ¥,) ont KALA A BB dd de f,8 otr20.) : @ ¥ Ye S4 given £1 teem of Y end the ceasgering angles. Using tho coordinate ersten sLiustrated gy Pigs he vo see that: 5 Vg! = Vleos(e'sa) # ¥ coe (¥3) sa tinee V" = Vs Inepoctton of Pig, 1h.0.2 ghetds : ~ ¥ cos (¥'53) = Yfeos(yy2) cos olain eteos a sta(¥,2)] 7 L a =, 000 o°4 ¥ ein ot coe gt nin (use) ae w(W,'-V,) = ui, (oos @f-2)4¥ sin ore08 of sia WY “ 2 : ) ¥o obtain, atace [ton otee! = 0, = opm + 7 f HY, '-¥,Jo(¥,9¢}oin sraarap'eam, [ (eos et-t}o(v,e")stn etest mori ephares, © 42 constant ond L * : & "de ’ “inere ¢, {5 the totel cross saction, Zquation (1) then simplifies to * 2 tee) ey [vy oy Oe oF (3) = 24 > om fafa tose eet a B (vow Pav, ee ee? Fev? - ay Then gx gt and [yl = [y!l gives afew wa yee COETing out the product 4a (10) ve fina 2 pie vee feof "ain crestor (20) none] We otis ti a 23 shown in Fog. UN.8.2, except for constants, the si involves only a change of the index x toy tut vise the cout Conanaventiy, by (188.20), thase tame yield Fae Wh + aM) (a) wore oy is given by (2h.8.21). Te remains to rind per ae ef tet fein artors W005 24,2) 02) y (1h.8.28) ~ Npreos*orsar,y tn oteas o'dosp! @S)« vFetaPo! "(B-2)°. a a a a a 3 2 4 z (a3) GE + Gb? + &D? Fn 1-2)? fo, v7) = mv,2(2 ot tn®ot-2)ariein2o1 & eee g = (ar ¥,2 + w9?) tao ett deere 2) oo) ae (2) end (14) give 7 : (5) le now evaluate + In the center of mass eysten by (ah2.6) Paw [> 28 (e2)] ‘Tate omprecston is multiplied ty J in the éntegrand, 2), (0) Sand Vs Bene ve need haep ony eva! tems fn w,(1eav?a. refs By 22,8 oe ob to clearly on even Sanction tn Tile yields expliestiy aFaatey2H Be FAY (21,2 Fy 21 2,34) MEERA sg ote ge tA] ro) Ss 0 stmpie fom (16) ena ene tnegrte ene tho stntand nes encountered Ne tote the resus of intepsting over gs since of), (2) ‘Jn (18) the tems eppecr in the pry SPHCHHOHHSHSHHHSHSHSHHSHSHSHHHHHFHHSHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSEE®O BR, ARS wih eh a F dod diay alae atuhy ody ache) Walb el Sta da fe integrei mconn an supine «= oe/5, eee fee «,[F-Be -F+ BY] ae ed [tog Para [* (ft 18 venta 02) atx on “Bed aye ea ve tet oY vent 2 (30/2) 2s) J Bsr z) ies igs Fa (o> voere G42 stven tr (2.8.26). on tate (20) yee 2 2 . BOOB a7 “4 ani by (9) eve 2 "haz 5 r 5 ae 2 7 i Bl * zl ‘To find the eseffietent of themit conductivity, We evaluate the heet slut & 0, ur) ob fez aut bs [be ee ve? Rafer 80-24 “fa -3 (a) adimbdhab-fab-lighh tes wit oa BT LT bing boa ‘Therefore the coctfetent of themal conductivity t2 (6) By (248.32) e) Jy the cimpio mean free path argent gives BeSeas08 f+ $-1303 ence the Bolteaaan ea: on Gives @ value for x/q greater than the moon fee peth caloviation By s factor of 245° €) ak wa tateing £ = of on [ Fon’) 2 te have Sermes fees ay? Festomuing the snteeration over angles yeaa wom BN fv Pine cay ey] and by oppendix Ash thes ta SCO CHCOCHCOCHOCOCEE®S O00 OOOCOHOHOHLHHOOOSHOHOOSOOHOOCOOO empericon vith (9.10.20) ehavs that except for @ constant, thie te of vere § 48 the entrosy. PAF wilt volume of an ideal gas, ws (0) nesrerntiating she function eu on fdcems tants Bef os say w St/0t can be found trea tho Boltmenn equations We shalt assume that there cre no external ‘eres 0 thes the atetzcbution Auction shoulé depend only on the volostty anf time, then the Boltenann equation becamss FEL Jee, oa ve (eyter » n9) @ Subetteutton of (2) nto (1) yietde Bfffecey, eaNva(t,*21-£)2)(an £42) @) This integrands & ont Snder the interchange of v and vs fecouse g i invariant unter this 8g expression 4s added to (3) we ave interchange. then the result owutva ty slit tae fy 'e"-2,e)(an 2,43) Co) tis} and Tinel velocities ore Anterchenged beneute = olay et oy tus g ay ca! te (econ, 12") (an aytete) TMV wey (hn), eed «be dy Beaf[[ee dy a ve (ern 'e)(an £12" +2) 6) 3 (0) tetttie 4 wy ood f10 «x, ve ose that since (in 7 - Is (ra) > 0, ianee au/at £0 vhory i (6) t0 erseter es ARE fnveeran ‘the dotegrand Hon sere untese ¢,'f" «2 4 Sdenticetly vanichee. ‘the equality holds vhen 36 TALE con be vite ey sys bam? a en 1a the fone WE = Aer)? oan ot ‘Saneane Aly (G0 ashi ene constant vechor “1) contain the constants in (1), fore “Py, te Cheariy the ven vedectey ‘sich ean te cot aqua to cero without lose of generality, setemins AY ie oy To Uantie T= GAG Hod A «wear. ta ett OF ts ctty ten [Pee ats tive 3 (Greg) shoving that fis the Hemera Atstetbutton. reat ‘mp $e etnonatonas equation where t= Length, Pe ting, ond M » mace becomes yout tale ar? (eye) act lf ere MEMYES 2) tly yz © <2, Solution of this syaten "ofc. qustions yields xeyesel, and fe ney FPSOOOSHOSHSHOHSSHSHOSHSHSHOHHOHOSHSHOHHOHOHOHHOHHOSCHHOHOOOSOCED ” a. ‘2 4 3mac*) SID steiieiag 8 0.32 07 ee me? Oct Given values yields t= 7.0 x 30% mereeuien 2 mut ne . et ne as.5 PED (0) ue encray of an fon sn the field st point 2 se - ete, = rf (edz) 2B once a ee apedleg ® a e ng (0) The cue te given by ~*~ op Be. Dinewts) = nfedy 7 tye Be. ) 14 men tome (2) Jp on aed tte) Sy eave me te ‘ won e£+ mu 20 mus beg Die ask » ee L 5 ' Beek @ ) Swboettution oF v(t) « uCt}a"7® ito (2) gives . 432 ort oy y a ge?" rece) } eee ence = ufo) +a oT reerjaee : nee uo) = v(o) Lt fottovs thet y . *er(erjaee O) i ‘ ye k = : ‘ pn St Hm Semen 4 ay & summons choosy snc di, Me ve con reptace the” |, : a > TSierarstrar nate) si Ta Howse bb hb Ob dra 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 2 fa ce EE steal TE ore) 27 a rant) co ne le ta the Antesrol, 9 tue! 2a: roe compared to the correlation tios +" of the randan Coree we) vO) «oredr sd [rranact @ ‘The tine intervel t is divided into N emailer intervals euch that t = Wires ‘Thon tn the xt subdivision t! = ky ¢ sand at! = da. tience (1) becomes [7p toayre] ao a% aye or) Ne can find the veloctey ot & « ir ty on iterative procedure, Defining G, e¢ tn probien 15,6 ve nave nyo Gar) ¥, 0, tee Gen) +a = Ger) (ery, +9) +0) = (ern)? y, + (err) G+ Gy Gontinsing this vay ve soe that tye Core), ¢ (ere) a, © (Ler) : aa Since rt <1, 7M (TY we (3272)! ce sertove thot. na ; r SCOHHSHSSHSHSSHSHSHSSHSSHSHSHOHSSEHHSHSHSHHHOHHHSHSSCHOTOHOHOOOES bids rss Latte g gence a omer an t v0, F540, “58 rom 15.5 ve have wera ve have weed Br = be wpe eT yg gc7tllll) gg grrrtiia) cet y re a, +8 Oyeeet Oyey ¢ reoult agrece with 5.5, [fre ee «0 RL Rt etme) = «Da Eo) 9 0 "*" eo ye? =Fe0 Fave FOE REY nO KAS ‘The eux to Just the gometrte cohtes and may be easily evaluated. fie ort 1. Fle » St Colles mediately 7 the Sentral init theoren tbat (vow, ae Pratl) ‘fal’ > fF ma eae ae ee [sa lener(z-2 7) | arte U my sag Frog protien 25.5 we have % [ete CES REGRESS DR RRP Not “ees [7 cortemesyei ney) ae wire be hase com “ter varieble fram ¢ to $1 to coafom to the notation of the * O° 4# Lincpundent of k allowing the cheiee of EO An (1). Fk fee (Torry PHS), ae [ - we J, 7 me ntegrens 29 the Fiostiou of Flvndeh depends only on the tine aizrereace # = ¢ ma ~ Mbing tte chenes of variable, ve mave > e a rat hued prada 4 orn : Fae fo erceore Vy ee = Bp [ee fete : Te the Inst equndtty foLlas because Ger(erer(es)), = (FH(o}P*(8)), » Xs). Stace X depente > solv on sy the integration aver 4" can to poxtomned eaaily by Anterchenging the order of intes oration end sending off tho Lintte trea ite tiqute, 5 Feb [ fe feo a fhe . x s e gore | a “4% [r 48 Ce) (ree) 4 Pee xentres] | x es tw J » Since 15> x* and'K(e) 0 for «>> 9, w can be neglected compared i * tov and the tnite Feplaced ty +a, Eee eoret i . zs. a Thus oe fT wt) 00 , SCOSHOSSHSSHSSHSHSHOHSHSSOHHHSHSSHHOHHSHSHHHOHHHHHHHOHSEHOOHEOS Bu fa) Bearsden) . oF aaa al alata eat ata il ot ‘Wer the interval t. Nate BH oncrygr stme Teo Yer vg® = ar vr Tee j Since v 12 anal, ve con replace v Wy the intttat velocity ¥, tn the Flvet. Intagenh on tho righ aE obtase 7 3 av every eon ef ‘Pr(ee)ae 45g songrte Be Flies 4 s a “ = Fw rela @) eve vsod the revabt of 15.9 and kept only versa co riree onder tn 7. (e) Prem (1), keeping tems to lovest order tn 7 and noting thet oad acinunts of ¢ ers 0, ve find Ghee ey ooh * Stnee <1) GF choatd be preportionat #0 22.3 >t) Free (2), (Pa - er PPh <, ~ Fron eqs (2) of ash - crle}(e)) = (9%(0)) oT ke or fot a) = (0) oo? i S con f (07? (849) abt ~ Put since F(t") te Hite, ‘the second term on thr Hight ds 0. By equipartition ine “% ee é te (w?(o)) = ken ‘Tus (vo)v(t)) = EE err end stoce (r(o)v(-t)) © (wfo)v(e)), we have for alt + Geo)v(e)) = HE orl! sas ‘Squering equation (2) of 15.4 yie1as V(b) = v2e? 4 ay, Partenes vo "i werk pt oT ee endass «SE Mee Corde(erpace = a +o ceeem and v(4) = vi2eO7t Sef 7 pre nyzi(se)) aoe @ deo Pee PI naar mines «fea o7(2t 48), Le fo GRE) Dat L ae eft a 7th ete) 1 ormrintden function fn the tntogred te only « Auction of the +: vertsble yeas where x(a) ©

1%. consequent: Wy or m2 3S on,

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