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Optic Nerve- Atrophy: Damage done to the optic nerve.

Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
Toxic Shock
Retinal: Damage done to the retina structure
Retinal Tear
Retinal detachment
Macula: Damage to part of a structure within the retina
Macular Degeneration
Macular Hole

Damages Continued

Vitreous: Damage to the structure around the eye, gel like fluid.
Dark spots or clusters
Iris: Damage done to the Iris structure, front of the eye.
Iris Coloboma
Eye Trauma/ Ruptured Iris
Cornea: Diagnoses of the Cornea.
Corneal Ulcers
Corneal Infections
Lens: Diagnoses of the Lens.

Damages Affect on
Nervous system
Autonomic nerves
The autonomic nervous system is the controller of
the iris and controls the size of the pupil.
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) causes pupillary
constriction and controls involuntary smooth muscle
action of circular muscles in the eye, including the
papillary sphincter muscle and the ciliary body, which
are attached to the iris. The papillary sphincter muscle
constricts the pupil by the PNS that less light is needed.


Facts About Macular Hole. (2012)

Hansson EE, Beckman A, Hkansson A (December 2010). "Effect of vision,
proprioception, and the position of the vestibular organ on postural sway". Acta
Otolaryngol. 130 (12): 135863.

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