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Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet

PSY/335 Version 1

University of Phoenix Material

Descriptive Research Methods Worksheet
Please list 5 research methods that you have reviewed from the book or video in the chart below. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages a
researcher should consider when determining which methods to use.

Research Methods
1. Questionaire

2. Interviews
3. Naturalistic



Large amounts of data gathered quickly

The measurement is standardized
Very reliable method to gather data
Better picture of respondant views

Low response rate

Questions can be interpretied differently
Lack depth and validity
Lack or reliability
Hard to interpret data
Hard to quantify
Lack control of research process
Hard to replicate
Data collection open to interpritation
Hard to determine any one cause
Corralations can be accidental

4. Correlation

Give you basis for further research

Ecological Validity
Low demand on the subject
Allows for dots to be connected much easier

5. Experamentation

Allows control over almost all variables

Can be risky and expensive

1. From the video, discuss the purpose of correlational designs and the findings from the video regarding cell phone use.
The porpose of the correlational design was to see where people scored in lonliness and anxiety and if they preferred text or talking on the
phone. The found that people who preferred to text tended to be much more lonely and anxious.

2. Do you think it was appropriate for the researchers to use correlational design? Why or why not?
I do like it when researchers use correlative design. It gives me a good idea of what certain behaviors can be associated with. I tend to be anxious
and I prefer to text so it is nice to know there is a connection.

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