E-Portfolio Activities Profile

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School Related Activities


10 11 12

Student Government

Key Club

Environmental Impact Club

9-12- Varsity Letter

National English Honors Society

Feminism Club

Varsity Swim

12- Associated Student

Body Vice-President

Honors and Awards

National Honors Society

JV Softball

Positions Held

12- Club Historian

11- Feminism Club


10-11- Varsity Letter

10-11- Metro League AllStar Academic Award
12- 2nd place team in HOSA
Bowl (4-person quick fire
questions w/buzzers) at the
State HOSA Conference,
and was invited to attend
the National Conference in
TN, summer 2016.

Health Occupations Students of

America (HOSA)

Tide Crew

11-12- Tide Crew Leader


11-12- Powderpuf team

captain and organizer

Activities (Not Related to School):


Hillsboro HEAT Club Swim Team

Hillsboro Girls Softball Association

Outdoor School

10 11 12

Positions Held

Honors and Awards

10- Outdoor School

Scuba Diving

Religious Girls Camp

I enjoy rock-climbing, hiking,

surfing, reading, and drawing.

11-12- Certified Open

Water Scuba Diver

11- Girls Camp Cabin

Work and Volunteer Experience

Total Volunteer Hours (Not counting Student Govt./School required activities) = 228.5 Hours

Work & Volunteer

Veterans Escort


Veterans Hospital Book and

Movie Drive

10 11 12

Mr. Glencoe

National English Honors Society

Annual Poetry Slam

Hillsboro School District Canned

Food Drive

National English Honors Society

Book Drive
Fine Arts Week

Polar Plunge

BloodWorks Blood drive

Duties (+ total hours)

Accompanied veterans in our school assembly to honor
veterans, and stayed with them the entire day to make
sure they were well taken care of (26 hours)
Organized a book and movie drive (with a small group
of students from the student government) for the
Portland VA Hospital. We also organized letter-writing
to VA patients from elementary school students. Once
collecting was finished, we brought the donations to
the VA, and individually visited some patients and give
them letters (14 hours)
Co-led and organized Mr. Glencoe, a mock pageant for
boys and fundraiser for Doernbecher Children's
Hospital. Planned fundraising, coordinated contestants,
maintained contact with Doernbecher liaison, kept
track on money raised, wrote script, Co-Master of
Ceremonies (30 hours)
Organized and led Poetry Slam (with a small group of
NEHS members). Hand-painted the banner and
posters, baked cookies to sell at the event, set-up and
tear-down, Co-Master of Ceremonies (16 hours)
Collect canned food in neighborhoods, collect cans and
bottles from neighborhood and redeem for money to
go towards purchasing canned food, collect canned
food donations at Grocery Outlet, and help with school
awareness (55 hours)
Collect books from neighborhoods, help with school
and community awareness (posters, announcements,
etc.) (7 hours)
Organized a week to honor and showcase school and
community artists of all types (with a small group of
Student Government Students) (10 hours)
Fundraised for, and participated in the Portland Polar
Plunge, which is an event that fundraises for the
Special Olympics (8.5 hours)
Organized a blood drive for the HOSA Glencoe Chapter
through BloodWorks Northwest (with a small group of
HOSA members) (9 hours)
Set up/clean up, retrieve and direct donors, check

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