Lesson 1

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Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Teacher Candidate
Date/Time of Scheduled
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Donald Kwan

Donald Kwan

Classroom Number: Room


Name of Lesson
What is a story?
area(s)/developmental Communication/Language
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the
Students are going to learn about characters in a story
This lesson is:
A new concept/activity A continuation of a previous lesson/activity
A review of a previous A conclusion of a concept
Student will be introduced a topic involving character and plot development. In
this first lesson, students are exploring a simple story which they have heard
before through shadow puppets so students can focus more on the characters
and their actions.
20 minute mini lesson
Objective(s) of the
Connections to

Students will identify the characters in the story

Students will identify the plot of the story

Domain 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2


PK.CKW.1. Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate.
PK.CKW.3. Demonstrates that he/she understand what they observe.
PK.CKW.4. Demonstrates his/her ability to express ideas using a variety of methods.


PK.CKW.1. With prompting and support, ask and answer about detail(s) in a text.
PK.CKW.2. With prompting and support, retell familiar stories.
PK.CKW.3With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about characters and major
events in a
PK.CKW.7 With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make
connections between self, illustrations, and the story.
Language Objectives

Through this activity, students practice their communication skills along with their creative
thinking literacy skills. Students are demanded to develop their language syntax through
creation of their story. Students are creating multiple sentences that are connecting to the

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

same topic. Through the activity, students will are asked to developed productive
language skill of speaking and for some students writing.

(Include any worksheets or
sources of evidence for
childrens learning you will
use during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if
Procedures (step by

Story Book: Three Little Pigs, Shadow puppets of The Three Little Pigs
with some scene, Story of Jack and the Beanstalk, drawing paper,
pencil, crayons

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) Ask students to retell the story the

"Three Little Pigs"
Instruction/Mini Lesson Have students discuss the story a little bit. Ask

questions about who was in the story, what did they do and how did it
end. Hold discussion for a few minutes making sure students have an
overall view of the story.
Ask students to question What are some things that make a story?
What are some different parts of a story? What do you need to make a
story? Write the different response on chart paper. Try gearing the
responses towards characters. Ask like, Who was in the story? Who
did this?

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Introduce the term character. Explain to students that every story must
have characters. Characters are people, animals or things the story is
about. Have students identify the characters from the three little pigs.
Offer example that characters from movie cars are Lightning Mcqueen
and Mater which are cars. In story Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red
Riding Hood is a character. Explain the characters are important
because without a character, there is no story.
Explain to the class that they will be identifying characters within
different stories that will be read in small groups. After reading the
story, they will be drawing one character within the story and draw one
thing that character does in the story.
Independent Practice (small group activity, working with partners, or
In small groups read the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Between certain parts of
the story, stop the story and have a short discussion about the character and
plot. Ask questions regarding how the story might continue to help with
cognitive development.
At the end of the story, have students talk about the different characters of the
story. They can talk about Jack, The giant, the harp, Jack's mom, or the
beanstalk itself. Have students talk about how they act or behave in the story.
Ask students how would they behave if they were that character and why.
Have students draw their favorite character of the story and have them draw a
scene where the character is interacting in the story. On completing the scene,
students will attempt to write a dictate to the teacher what is going in the scene.
Students will dictate at leas 3 sentences regarding what happens to the

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

character in the story.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
Students will be introduced to character development the following day as an
Method of assessing
understanding of
(Be sure to include any
tools, rubrics/checklists
and/or worksheets you will
use for assessment(s)

Plans for differentiated



Students will first be

assessed on their prior
knowledge through a
checklist interview
where students will be
asked about different
parts of a story.
Students will be asked
to describe what are
parts of a story and
how a story is formed.
Supporting children
with identified delays
or disabilities

(Physical delayed
Students will create
the character using a
range of pre cut out

Assessment of Student

Assessment of
Childrens Language

Student work will be

assess based on a rubric
where students will be
assessed on these 2

Students will be
assessed on
through the same
Students will be able
to use 3 sentences
to describe the
character's role in
the story.

Students will be able to

state one character in the
Student will use at least 3
sentences to describe the
character's role in the story.
Supporting English Language Learners

Students will create a story using one sentence

describing the action of their character.

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

shapes and glue them

together to make the
Follow up/Extension
Any additional
information that would
be helpful for the
observer to know

As a follow up activity, students will create their own characters for a story they

Prior to the lesson, the class has been learning about light. The
previous lesson, students were exploring how shadows is created. In
this lesson, students continue to explore how shadows work as an
indirect lesson. This will allow students to continue to explore shadows
but also introduce themselves to story development.

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects
of the learning activity

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

Story Element checklist Only focus on 3 elements of story creation.

Element checked
Displayed knowledge of characters within a story
Displays knowledge about plots in story (What)
Displays knowledge of setting in a story (Where)

Description of how knowledge was


Date knowledge was


Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2


expectations (1)

Meets expectations (2)

Exceeds Expectations (3)

Students will
from story
Jack and the
Students will
describe what
happens to the
character in
the story

Students unable to
identify a
character in story

Student able to identify 1 to 2

characters within a story

Student able to identify 3 or

more characters within a story

Student use 1 to 2
sentences with
about 3 words to
describe the
actions of the

Student use 3 to 4 sentences

to describe the actions of the
characters Uses short simple
sentence with about 3 to 4
words to more complex
sentences that may contain
sentences with more than 5
words in the sentences.

Student use 5 or more

sentences to describe the
actions of the characters Uses
short simple sentence with
about 3 to 4 words to more
complex sentences that may
contain sentences with more
than 5 words in the sentences.


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