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Designing Assessment Teaching Plan
Module Topic: Dementia across settings
Date: May 2016
Ideas for your educational context
How could you implement this idea?
What outcomes would you be hoping for (student/teachers)?
How could you evaluate the outcomes?
Dementia in Australia and Values and Beliefs of Dementia Care
1. workshop activities to develop new clinical skills and influence attitudes about working with people with dementia and
their carers.
2. Discussion forum
3. Tutorial to discuss the case
understanding of way in which persons living with dementia and their supporters (including carer partners) may (need to)
transform because of the effects of the dementia process
Response and check the discussion forum
Review on 16/05/2016
Add 10 % mark on contribute to online discuss forum. Student submitted the document to show their contribute to online
discuss forum, at least posting 3 discussion to the online forum with at least three feedbacks from other learners (use screen
shoot to show the evidence)
Environment and Dementia
1. workshop activities to develop new clinical skills and influence attitudes about working with people with dementia and
their carers.
2. Discussion forum
3. Tutorial to discuss the case
Critically reflect on how environments and the broader social world can impact on persons
with dementia
Assessment 1: Evaluation of an Environmental Modification
1. develop a rationale for making and evaluating an environmental modification based on one (1) of these attributes: noise, light or
2. devise an action plan for the one (1) modification you wish to make, using the supplied template;
3. evaluate the one (1) modification;

Learning, Teaching & Curriculum

4. share the findings or outcomes with others you work with;

5. write a summary of your evaluation and key learning.

Person-centred Care and Malignant Social Psychology

1. workshop activities to develop new clinical skills and influence attitudes about working with people with dementia and
their carers.
2. Discussion forum
3. Tutorial case study
Clarify the principles underpinning person-centred care for persons with dementia and reflect
on what this means for you and health care practice
Response and check the discussion forum
Review on 16/05/2016
Add 10 % mark on contribute to online discuss forum
Student submitted the document to show their contribute to online discuss forum, at least posting 3 discussion to the online
forum with at least three feedbacks from other learners (use screen shoot to show the evidence)
Principles of Good Design in Dementia Care
Communication in Dementia Care
Dialectics of Dementia
1. workshop activities to develop new clinical skills and influence attitudes about working with people with dementia and
their carers.
2. Discussion forum
3. Tutorial to discuss the case
Develop personal plans for effective person-centred partnership working in dementia care in
your care setting
Assessment 2: case study
The purpose of this assignment is to write a summary of your assessment of the person with dementia and
their health care needs.

Insert document title here

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