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DUTP TIESUT MASSAGT: A VISI'AT. GETDE TO TRCHNTQUES Tconsider them to be a major component of deep tissue massage. Basically, any rechmgue that releases fascial k cial release, The important distin: viding patterns could be eslleal mynfas- ion herween this term and move general massage is chav the praccitioner usually works swore slowly and actually grabs and stesches short fascia rataer than sliding over it. If you grasp the princi- ples ia this boak and the sccompanying viden ser, then you can with good conscience ssy that you precrice deep essce work, and tha: is one of the rurmerous components of your deep tissue skill. When my publisher asked mic to ed and intimidated by the tlood of potential changes. I beyur: a list uf new or expanded materia’ ta inclede and added ro it daily until | realized that 1 volascial release ongder 2 revisee edition, T was bath was creating the War and Peace of massege books, With time, hewever, Teal ized that althongh this book emphasizes the hasies of effective touch, it alse offers plenty of spevife techniques and stinctural sheory. Tan for the most part content with the goals [ set out to aczomplish fe years avo: making deep tissue snassage ard myotascial release available to a wide range of bodyworkers, rather char attempcing -o make an inti-n'daring and very specific recipe that some therapises might feel con‘licts with cheir existing practice. 1 wondeefol array af other Twoald not feel this conterament if not for 1 derailed and specialized books available to th 1 whe want te expand ther sels. Acthe risk af leaving out ary number of great wrlceis and educa- tors, | would like to specifically mention the incredibly inforrvative work ot Erie Dalton, Whimey Lowe, Michael Stanboraugh, Paul St, Jobns, Stuart tows, and Ben Henyamnins, as well 93 the innovative understanding of anatomy given co all of us by Drew Bie. with his rei! Guide so che Body: In addition, Tom Myess, with his Anatomy Trains, has made the field ot Structuzal Inte- gration accessible ta awe range of trerapi practiced in a vtricly structucal setting, its beilliance Les in she fact that his

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