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Iata cele mai folosite acronime de internauti
BRB: Be right back
FWIW: For what its worth
HTH: Hope that helps
IDK/IDEK: I dont know/I dont even know
IIRC: If I recall correctly
IMO/IMHO/JMHO: In my opinion/In my humble opinion/Just my humble opinion
KWYM/KWIM: Know what you mean/know what I mean
OTOH: On the other hand
TMI: Too much information
TIA: Thanks in advance
TTYL: Talk to you later
WTG: Way to go
GPOY: Gratuitous picture of yourself Im posting a picture of myself and feigning modesty, or,
This image hilariously represents my current state of being.
TL;DR: Too long; didnt read I have a short attention span, or, You are long-winded.
IRL: in real life That pesky time one has to spend away from the computer.
PM: Private message
QFT: Quoted for truth What you said is important and I dont want it to get lost in the ensuing
NSFW: Not safe for work probably porn. Be careful what you click.
FIFY: Fixed it for you Here, I changed your words into something sarcastic.
IANAL: I am not a lawyer And I didnt read this acronym out loud before using it.
LMAO: Laughing my ass off
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
BAMF: Badass mother fucker
FML: Fuck my life
GTFO: Get the fuck out
OMG/OMFG: Oh my (fucking) god
PITA: Pain in the ass
STFU: Shut the fuck up
WTF: What the fuck
PDQ: Pretty damn quick
FUBAR: Fucked/fouled up beyond all recognition/any repair/all reason
SNAFU: Situation normal, all fucked/fouled up
AWOL: Away without leave
HUMMER/HUMVEE: Highly mobile multipurpose wheeled vehicle
KISS: Keep it simple, stupid
MIA: Missing in action
LASER: Light amplification by simulated emission of radiation
RADAR: Radio detection and ranging
SCUBA: Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
BRAT diet: Cure for upset stomach bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast ??
DNR: Do not resuscitate ??
RICE: Cure for a sprained ankle rest, ice, compression, and elevation??
SBI: Something bad inside?
AHF: Acute hissy fit??
ATFO: Asked to fuck off??
CBT: Chronic biscuit toxicity the patient is greatly overweight
CTD: Circling the drain death is imminent?
CYA: Cover your ass an unnecessary procedure/prescription done to avoid lawsuits??
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DPS: Dumb parent syndrome
DPS: Damage per second
OOP: Out of power
RPG: Role playing game
RTFM: Read the fucking manual
WPA: Well played all
BCP: Birth control pills
BD: Baby dancing, aka sex, aka the first dumbest abbreviation on the internet ever
BFP/BFN: Big fat positive/negative (on a HPT)??
DTD: Do the deed ??
EDD: Estimated due date (of a pregnancy)??
HPT: Home pregnancy test
NAK: Nursing at keyboard??
OTL: Open to life, aka not TTC, aka the third stupidest acronym on the internet
SAHM/SAHD: Stay at home mom/dad
TTC: Trying to conceive?
DIY: Do it yourself
FART: Fabric acquisition road trip
KIP: Knitting in public
SNB: Stitch n bitch
OOAK: One of a kind
SWHW$#%&@: Something went horribly wrong
WOMBAT: Waste of money, brains, and time
ARC: Advanced reader copy
HEA: Happily ever after
NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month
SASE: Self-addressed stamped envelope
SNI: Shiny new idea
WIP: Work in progress
AU: Alternate universe
BNF: Big name fan
OOC: Out of character
PWP: Pornography without plot, or plot? What plot?
BFR: Big fucking rock
CBS: Cold butt syndrome
GORP: Good old raisins and peanuts or granola, oats, raisins, and peanuts
MUDS: Mindless ups and downs, as in a hiking trail
MYOG: Make your own gear
DNF: Did not finish
DQ: Disqualified
FTW: For the win

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