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PREFACE TO THE 29 ically, bodyworkers, For hegnning students 9 long-practicing physical cherapists and yolas chiropractors, fed thar the information in the first edition has benefited then, ener hy transforming their worl and mating them he:ter practitioners. My great mals sl satisfaction comes nol from demonstrating, specilie strokes o¢ routines, but src from the broad paradigm: shifts that some therapists repoxt when they grasp ow anod jective and tun che work can he, Just shis weel: [ have received three letters th haw they are becoming ase expressing haw happy th cetive with deep work and developing a problen practiiianers are solving mentality "My practice was rw2ad (by this book, and what 1 leaner orenna ares” Teva “[Decp Tissue Massage] has really charged the say 1 go aboaee ney ir alse 2. It's bean absolutely farttastic. Ibis is bow | want to practice ost ve heen uncurling bent shoulders, rolluig sons people joy first ribs, ane bit and they've reported veal difres 1 the sealenes. Peo neve in the cacy feelin their bovties.” “As soon as E begin wworking wid anest folks th 1 do thongs aiffereatly it has helped me grow a ral sisi snccessful puaciice in what I.vould eansidera shore tone, .. Ihave ice ect currently working with 2070 32 people ach week ccmsstently ork of ¢ three to foser montss and T eave only officially bo — tii du: Meine for eleven marae ition, Vhese therapists don’t mention learmng faney strokes or tricks, but say mk thar they have altered the way they approach masiage with diferent touch nay be snd incentinn, | feel very stronaly that most massage therapists sell them sat bie shor in their potential to efgect important change in their cheats, because they ro any are unaware of hawa few simpie changes in techmique, vision, ane attention transform their work ring if they can afford so focus on she instead be developing expertise in to goals savher than stioki Jodav's practtioners may be wonde: hasies of effretive rouch when shey mial 1 specialiwation, However there use few if way bodywork panscess, and hay- in excellent touch and 2 oroad panoply of skills can often help pra ial, paners bring more henefit roa wider range of clients, As T mention in Ch. most Fou “Ifyou vive s man a hainricr Cae whale world becomes a nail.” Tis srapit impossant te sanembet that in speciolizing, it is necessary to exclude, and that nge of prsetisioners who wane te see lots of clieats with various needs may need to have

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