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PHYS-332 Fall 2014

Homework I
1. Suppose R radiative atoms are produced per second in a sample by neutron irradiation.
If each atom so produced decays with the probability per second, show that the
number N(t) of radiative atoms in th sample satisfies the differential equation
= R N(t)
while under neutron irradiation. Calculate N(t) if N(0) = 0.
2. A rain drop initially at rest falls down from a height h. If air resistance gives rise to a
retarding force v(t) proportional to the instantaneous velocity v(t), calculate the
speed of the raindrop (a) as a function of time and (b) when it hits the ground.
3. Determine if the functions in each of the following collections are linearly independent:
(a) eikx , eikx , sin kx;
(b) eikx , eikx , tan kx;
(c) x2 1, x2 + 1, x.
State any additional conditions under which your answer is valid.
4. Calculate the Wronskian of the following differential equations
(a) Associated Legendre equation

(1 x )y 2xy + l(l + 1)
1 x2

(b) Bessel equation

x2 y + xy + (x2 m2 )y = 0
(c) Spherical Bessel equation
x2 y + 2xy + [x2 l(l + 1)]y = 0
(d) Confluent hypergeometric equation
xy + (c x)y ay = 0
5. A frictionless simple harmonic oscillator driven by a force F (t) satisfies the inhomogeneous LDE

+ 02 x(t) = F (t)
If the driving force is F (t) = A cos t with real A, show that a particular solution is
xp (t) = A cos t/(02 2 ). Describe the motion of this driven harmonic oscillator
when the initial conditions at t = 0 are x(0) = 1, x(0)

= 0 /2.

6. Consider the differential equation

x2 y + (1 2a)xy + a2 y = xb ,

a 6= b

(a) Show that one solution of the homogeneous equation is y1 (x) = xa .

(b) Obtain the linearly independent second solution of the homogeneous equation.
(c) Obtain the solution of the inhomogeneous equation satisfying the boundary conditions y(1) = c, y (1) = d.
7. Calculate the Green function for the differential equation

2 y(x) = e|x| ,
where , > 0 and 6= , in the interval (, ) with the boundary conditions
y() = y() = 0. Obtain a particular solution.
8. Calculate the Green function for the differential equation

2 d
l(l + 1)
y(x) = R(x)

x dx
in the interval (0, ) satisfying the boundary conditions y(0) = y() = 0. Express
the particular solution in terms of integrals of R(x).

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