The Star of David's Seven Planets of Astrology

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Seven Planets
of classical astrology correspond to the six points of the
Hexagram and its center.
- The Hexagram,

The Hexagram is a powerful symbol representing the operation of the
Seven Planets
under the presidency of the Sephiroth.
The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course
, by Israel Regardie
As much as the pentagram represents the 'traditional' elements, the hexagram
represents the
seven traditional planets
used in magick.
You're A Star, Part 6, Standing at the Cente

The hexagram, like the pentagram, was and is used in practices of the occult and
ceremonial magic and is attributed to the
7 "old" planets
outlined in astrology.
There is an additional layer of symbolism of the Hexagram related to the
Ptolemaic planets
...the Hexagram represents the plane of the planets, centered in
the Sun.
Rituals of the Hexagram

Students of the Western Hermetic Tradition are no doubt familiar with the
association of the six points and center of the Hexagram with the
Seven Planets
known to the ancients. (The word planet originally had a broader meaning than it
is given today, and was used to refer to any celestial body observed to move in a
regular cycle through the sky. According to this early usage, both the moon and the
sun count as planets.
The Inner Hexagram,
by Simon Jester
The celestial Star of David is an astrological aspect that looks exactly like the
Jewish Star many would recognize. And it is historically linked to King David who
actually had a Star of David in his natal astrological chart formed by the planets.
This was amazing since there were only
7 known planets
at the time, 6 of which
had to be in the correct position.
Star of David interpretation, astrology
, Mary Fortier Shea

Planetary Geometry is the lines, shape, or pattern that is formed when lines are
drawn to connect the positions of the planets in the sky. The most famous example
of Planetary Geometry is that of the Star of David. The Hebrew Prophets believed
that when their great king David was born, the planets were aligned to form the
special symmetrical shape like the one in the above chart. To the Hebrew Prophets,
that alignment of planets was God's sign that something historically great was
about to happen and they believed that a great king was going to be born to the
Hebrews. That special symmetrical alignment of planets is now the symbol known

as the Star of David. (An indication that this symbol was astrologically derived is
the fact they still call it the "star" of David.) As you can easily see from the above
figure, the Star of David has two symmetrical triangles and can be formed in the sky
by six planets
, The Star Of David, Lunar Insight

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