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16 May 2016, Issue 30

What has been happening in our classrooms?

This Weeks Focus:

Last week the children enjoyed planting their first seeds. It

was a learning experience to scoop the soil, push a pinch of
seeds inside and water them in the end. They are waiting
eagerly to see them sprout. This week we will continue to
inquire into what the seeds we have planted are going to look
like. We will also learn about the familiar vegetables, their
name and how do they look.

Language: seed, plant, flower, ground,

food, soil, sunshine, grow, vegetables

We would like to thank all our parent volunteers who are

helping us with the swimming lessons. Also not to forget our
parent volunteers who have been helping us with MotherTongue Story Telling. Please remember that Friday, May 20
is our last session and so we would like to say again, Thank
you for all your support and participation.

Art craft: Vegetable printing

On Wednesday, May 18 we will have our Student-Led

Conferences and we are looking forward to seeing many of
you together with your child. This will be great experience for
our little people to show you about their daily life in school.

Gentle reminders: For swimming lesson - Please

bring the following:

Swim suits/ goggles / swim cap / towel / changing clothes

for swimming lessons.
Sunscreen / mosquito repellent / raincoat or umbrella as it
continues to rain.
Hat (for outdoor play).

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to

contact us.
K Red: Ms. Chitra <>
K Yellow: Ms. Naoko <>
K Green: Ms. Josie <>

Song of the week: Oh, Mr. Sun

Math: Number/shape recognition/
review opposites
P.E.: Swimming
Music: Shapes, Turtle song and game
Putonghua: Seed,

Plant, sprout,
grow, soil, flower, leaf, water,
sunshine , caterpillar, fast, slow,
hot, cold, big, small, noisy, quiet,
circle, triangle and rectangle in

Calendar of Upcoming Events and



May 16
May 17
May 19
May 18

KY 2nd swim lesson

KR 2nd swim lesson
KG 2nd swim lesson

May 20

Last MTST session


EY Annual

Pls check
notes sent
Info to be
sent soon

Class Representatives:
KR: Ms. Samantha River<>
KY: Ms. Nadine Schmitt<>
KG: Ms. Vicky Fung <>

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